View Full Version : What Lies In The Darkness

Aurelianus Drak'shal
03-29-13, 05:57 PM
The panic in the streets was palpable.

Everywhere, people were scrambling to and from places, eyes locked on the ground, darting over their shoulders every few steps, making sure to avoid other people as much as was possible. It had been like this for weeks now; everyone terrified of their own shadow.


At first, the word had spread, and people had laughed. They had openly joked about the latest urban myth to spread around Alerar. In recent months, there had been the resurgence of the age-old "Skinner Queen" legend in Ettermire, and then it was "monsters eating people in the sewers". The right-minded citizens of Alerar had scoffed at these wild claims. Yes, strange things did happen, but not here, not in their city. They were a technologically advanced, cultured people, with no time for foolish rumours and hearsay..

But then the posters had sprung up everywhere. It was true! People were being murdered, by their own shadows!!

It took another two days after that juicy little morsel became public knowledge, before the scare really set in. There were five confirmed strangle-kills within the first day; seven the day after. And they showed no signs of stopping. There was no pattern to the brutal slayings, no rhyme or reason. It seemed to strike at random, not caring one jot for rank or social standing; nobles and peasants, carpenters, sailors, soldiers.. no-one was safe from the Shadows.

And as expected, as long as it didn't affect them personally, the Burgrafs and Grafs didn't care.

Then the first of their kind had turned up, necks snapped at hideous angles like any of the more common victims. Of course, there was a frenzy to find out what was happening, and how to stop it. New posters had popped up, these ones offering rewards for any information anyone had; and offering coin for anyone willing to risk trying to stop the problem at its root. Researchers, soldiers, mages.. mercenaries of all shapes and sizes had gathered, all looking for a piece of the pie to claim as their own.

This was the scene in every town and city all across Alerar, from Kachuk to Ettermire to the Mountains of Twilight- and everywhere else in between.



South of the Kachuk Mountains, and home of many a wise Elder and ingenious alchemist.

The town had taken on a reputation for being the research capital of the Dark Elf nation, so understandably, they had attacked the current problem with gusto, bringing in researchers from all over the country, and hiring as many able bodied warriors as they could to try and act as bodyguards. But in truth, they knew they couldn't be safe; not from their own shadows.

In the town hall, surrounded by as many town guards as the local Burgraf could spare, a meeting was taking place.

Cramped into the confined interior of the elegantly crafted building, huddling close to the many braziers, or sitting along the long rows of wooden pews, was a gathering, quite unlike any seen before in Nauplez.

Every race, every adventuring trade, every sort of altruist and opportunist.. all squeezed together, waiting for the Burgraf to speak. The noise was surprisingly soft, and subdued.. tense was the word. Everyone was glancing over their shoulders, everyone watching every single shadow that flickered up the walls, or crept along the floor.

A single, sharp clap broke the relative silence.

Standing up from the small throne, raised at the far end of the hall, an elderly Aleraran elf raised his hands for silence, despite how quiet the room was already.

All eyes turned to the white-haired elf, dwarfed by his huge robes, every inch of the black silk embroidered with jagged, broken patterns. His eyes, pools of murky black slid over the room's occupants, and a tiny sneer perked up the corner of his lip, invisible to all but those closest to him.

"Friends," he began, ignoring the various snickers and chuckles that term elicited, "we face a dire threat. I know not all of those here today are my countrymen, and I thank you all the more for your bravery. You are truly--"

"Get on with it already!" a voice rang out from the crowds, followed by cheers and shouts of agreement.

It was followed quickly by another, gruffer voice from an Orc near the front, with an axe as tall as himself slung casually over one shoulder. "Just tell us who we need to kill, old man."

The Burgraf, to his credit, didn't rise to the bait, continuing with a grace and poise well-practiced throughout his many years of office.

"Very well. You all know the troubles to which I refer. And, seeing as my hirsute friend here is so eager to take charge of proceedings, I will allow him to do so."

He turned to the Orc with a smile that could cut glass.

"Please, sir, tell us- how would you kill a shadow?"

The Orc fumed, realising he'd been beaten, and lowered his head, grumbling.

The Burgraf gestured to the crowds again. "We do not need people to kill, not yet. No. We need brave souls to travel out from here. Ettermire is calling for answers, and we have none to give. Whatever your reason for fighting, brothers, sisters, mercenaries.. we are in need. Please, I beseech thee, if anyone can discover the source of these horrific manifestations, there will be great reward and glory."

He looked over the assembled sell-swords, almost sadly. Never, in his many years of service to the Throne, had he been forced to sit by so powerlessly, and let the fate of his nation be decided by such vagabonds and ruffians.

"That will be all," he said quietly, vacating the hall through a small door behind the throne, leaving the groups of adventurers to decide on their own course of action.

03-29-13, 07:41 PM
(Let me know if this is okay, I know it's long but I wanted to get the ball rolling.)

Recalling the events that lead him to Alerar in the first place, Elthas Belthasar sighed. It's a losing war. First the Elves of Raiaera, and now, the Elves of Alerar do face their own calamity. Elthas wondered if the events revolving around the mad Necromancer, Xem'Zund, were related to the current events in Alerar. Very few things surprised Elthas. When Theo Terrentius first tapped the professional bounty hunter for the job, Elthas was eager to prove himself. He was a cut above the riff raff gathered in the chamber. His seasoned polishing would prove useful. He was just gathering information at the gathering area when the old man spoke. They don't know... Elthas was preparing himself to leave when a stupid Orc folk attempted to challenge the old man who was the speaker. Fucking moronic Orcs... Elthas thought to himself as the two exchanged a brief and pointed dialog. He admired people with fierce intellect and made it a point to speak to the old leader later.

Elthas had been in Alerar for roughly a month, on a Syndicate mission. That was his cover, but the investigations were too good an opportunity to pass up. So, under the guise of a mercenary, the Syndicate operative placed himself in league with the rest of the trash. Elthas realized that there was probably only a handful of Magi on hand who could even begin to ward the shadow folk that were attacking. The birthcry of a new race perhaps, or some trickery of Necromancy. Quite bored already, Elthas decided that he was needed elsewhere, and prepared to take his leave of the gathering hall. Even at that moment, investigations around Alerar were on going. Answers were more valuable than gold, and Elthas intended to put himself knee deep in the shit. As he left the great gathering hall, someone called to him.

"My lord, Belthasar, are you leaving?" Asked a gentleman warrior named Kriegen. Kriegen Chaff. The man was some sort of Human variety, likely the Salvarn stock. He was big and hardy, and had a thick beard. His hair was raven coloured. He wore a simple leather suit, carrying a large claymore at his back. The type of guy you would want watching your back in a scuffle. Elthas had encountered Kriegen several times during the investigation, and found that the fellow was agreeable.

"People are dying." Elthas said with an almost mocking tone. "I'd much rather be on the front lines."

"You have a plan then?" Kriegen asked.

"Of sorts." Elthas responded.

"I would very much like to hear it then, master Elf." Came a third voice belonging to the Orc that spoke earlier. "Does my lord possess such secrets of the arcane that he can battle his own shadow at will?" The Orc asked in a mocking tone.

Elthas frowned. What is it with these idiots, and their need to show off? Kriegen knew Elthas's skill level and backed away from the unfolding scene. Elthas turned to look at the massive Orc. "Look. We're all on the same side right? No need for you to start trouble here when there is plenty out there, waiting for us." Elthas reminded the Orc of the dire situation at hand. They were all tired, and tensions were running high. The local Guard Captain placed their city under martial law, and tensions were running high. Elthas pointed in the general direction of where outside was. Then he relaxed his stance. "How about I get you a nice flagon of mead or something? Isn't that what your kind likes?"

"How dare you!" The Orc felt some sting to whatever pride and honor he had left. The Orc drew his main weapon, a massive, double-headed battle axe. "I'll gut you like the filth you are!" The Orc threatened.

"Enough!" It was the voice of the man who had been addressing them earlier. "Elthas is correct. There is plenty of danger awaiting us out there to satiate even your appetite, Orc." The man said.

Elthas tipped his hat in the general direction of the Orc.

"With that, we should take this outside if you're hell bent on this ridiculously one sided affair." Elthas pointed out.

"That we shall." The Orc agreed, and kept his weapon at the ready, he lumbered towards the entrance of the great building they were all gathered in.

Then, Elthas struck. He didn't have the size and weight of the big Orc, but he was no slouch either. Elthas moved so that he'd placed one of his elegant daggers at the nape of the big Orc's neck. "One wrong move and you're dead...understand, Orc?" Elthas threatened. He was deadly serious as he placed the very tip of his weapon against the Orc. It was a public display, Elthas had balls. A few of the gathered had seen firsthand how Elthas Belthasar operates. "Yield, Orc and let's end this facade." Elthas said.

There was a momentary pause and a mad tension filled the air. "What do you say, Orc?" Elthas asked.

"I yield." The Orc slumped his shoulders and relaxed his near death grip on his massive weapon.

Elthas nodded. "I thought so." Then took the blade carefully away from his adversary's neck. He sheathed his weapon in his scabbard. "We're all being targeted." Elthas suddenly said. "We should all begin to prepare equally to face the Thayne that have created us. One by one, we will fall unless some of us come up with a decent plan. Or, you all will fear the shadows forever." Elthas frowned. Then he tipped his hat once more to gathered, and stepped outside of the building and into the streets of Nauplez. He couldn't believe he was in the lands of the Drow, helping them of all things. I am an Elf of Ruild, the Drow are not my enemy unless they make themselves such.

"Elthas." Someone called, it was Kriegen. "That was an impressive display back there. If you have a plan I'd like to hear it so that I can back you in battle."

"There's no need." Elthas said. "We're all doomed anyway, and the clock is ticking..." Elthas somberly walked away from Kriegen and moved to where he knew one of the investigations were currently and actively underway. We are being hunted, this is not skirmishing warfare like their government and leaders are used to. This is an enemy who uses tactics that we have never encountered before. The usual suspects won't fucking cut it anymore...I have to prepare to face my own shadow. And I got something for it... Elthas thought to himself as he walked towards the latest place where kills had occurred.

04-22-13, 04:07 AM
Talen shifted his weight to his other foot. A sense of annoyance shifted down the youth's spine, eventually pushed forwards into his stomach. The youth had come to the meeting in search of answers, but instead found them just as clueless as he was about the strange phenomena gripping the land. It was fair to say that the young warrior had a vested interest in all things shadows considering his very essence was comprised of the very same. It would not however be fair to say that the youth was afaraid, or that he had come to help those in need. It was purely for his own sake that he stood in the crowded room.

The youth, among other talents was a shift shifter. His form has been picked especially for the mission at hand. He was tall for a human, apprent age early twenties with long lean limbs hidden under a long dark cloak hanging open at the front. A small glint of metal from the long metal claws encasing his arms was visible under the cloak, the long cruel weapon was for close and personal evisceration, Talen's modus operandi. The youth favored one thing more than violence; secrecy. The youth's pale face was hidden behind a black mask, formed from hundreds of tiny squares in a black mosaic. Despite his nature; the youth took pride in creating his appearance.

Talen sneered slightly under his breath at the show of muscle from some of those gathered. The youth recognised one of the men instantly. It was the same man that Talen had fought once before in a Citadel battle. Talen had won, but only barely. The youth had been in a different body back then, he hoped that he could get through the encounter incognito. If he didn't have to, the young warrior wanted to find the answers he searched for without causing too much of a scene. Even though he could change his body, his abilities if used too freely could identify him. Talen had a habbit of only showing his full abilities to people once.

Despite his reservation the youth knew that his best bet to finding the answers he was looking for was to team up with the man called Elthas. Most others gathered were as clueless as the outspoken Orc. Talen walked through the gathering to the two men. The youth paused, his blue eyes looked through his mask at Elthas and the other.

"If there is room for another, I could help you with this quest of sorts." Talen paused, awkwardly trying to think of what to say, "I am Talen."

05-02-13, 02:28 AM
(Sorry for my delay in this post. I'm gonna go ahead and get this done as a request from Auru himself.)

There was something familiar about that "Talen" character.

Elthas stopped his movement to exit the gathering hall upon hearing Talen's name. He smelled something familiar about the lad, a familiar scent. Then, it hit him all at once. Could it be? Elthas turned to look at Talen directly, and, activated his heat sensing powers. Only one person, or thing, had the signature that Talen had. It was unique, a god amongst men. A flash of Elthas's recent history flared in his head. He quickly saw the images of his battle against that bastard kid, the psycho with the guns. Elthas had learned the kid's name indirectly after their battle. It was Father Lukan, a Monk of the Order, who had given him the info. Talen had never introduced himself direct in the battle, as far as Elthas recalled. He also recalled having developed an immediate disdain for the brat.

It has got to be him. How in the hell, does he end up in Alerar months after our battle? I know why I am here, but why is he here?! There were questions. He knew that Talen wasn't there out of some false sense of duty or prestige, or claim to honor. Talen and Elthas were both cut from the same cloth; they were professionals. Elthas pondered ending the brat for a brief second. But. He swallowed his pride instead, and decided that he would work with the brat for the greater desire of coin and reward. He is powerful, no doubt. I must use that to my advantage and perhaps, if my plan works, I will be able to profit from this bold move. Elthas lightened the expression on his face, and forced a smile. Though his eyes told all: he held nothing but pure rancor and hate for Talen.

However, he was not there for personal reasons. Elthas looked around the gathering hall for a few more moments. The gentleman who over seed the entire procedure was still present when Talen arrived. "All right." Elthas suddenly said. He looked at the man who had appointed himself as leader of this whole sordid story. "I have a plan." Elthas repeated. "It is nothing too extravagant. But, I have a possible method for defeating, or at least, containing one of the shadows alive." He made sure that all gathered could hear him. "It is a relic from my people. A stone of peculiar power." Elthas removed The Mute Stone from his packs, and showed the glowing enigma to the gathered crowd. "It is a suitable weapon for a dangerous situation that we are all in. Assuming the shadows we must face are arcane in property, my stone can be used to capture them, and ultimately, defeat them."

The leader looked at Elthas for a moment as he narrowed his eyes.

"I know what type of object that is. Do you think it has a shot of being a suitable weapon?" The leader asked.

"It's a slim hope. But I can use it to capture at least MY shadow." Elthas said carefully. "Keep in mind, I said MY shadow. I donot intend on being a bail out. However..." Elthas paused for a moment. "I offer you a deal."

"Name it." The leader proposed.

"IF my plan works, and I can capture one of them alive...you guys must develop the means to defeat them on a large scale on your own. I expect to be very well paid in exchange for bringing in a live sample." Elthas tapped his chin. "You." He said to Talen. "I will need your assistance in order to capture it alive. We have to greatly weaken it first. If my hunch is correct we're dealing with a purely arcane entity here. An elemental of sorts...I don't really much care what summoned it though. I just want to stop it." Elthas replaced the glowing Mute Stone back in his packs.

Slowly but surely, the type of people that were being summoned by Alerar's leaders would be called to arms. Slowly, their true intentions would be revealed and a new breed of Hero would rise. Would fortune favor the bold as it had in the past?