View Full Version : Stellyris Devere

04-02-13, 06:06 PM
Name: Stellyris Devere
Age: 19
Race: Human
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Light blue
Height: Slightly shorter than normal
Weight: Light
Language: Speak Tradespeak and is fluent in goblin, elfish and dwarfish. She is also good at understanding old texts.
Occupation: Former librarian and scribe. Quite her job and is now traveling around as an adventure looking for excitement and material to her book about Althanas

Personality: Very quiet and shy. She doesn’t like being in large groups of people and her favorite pastime when not on adventure or exploring is reading. Has trouble talking to strangers and get her ides across with makes her very bad at cooperating but she constantly tries because all the books she has read about adventuring says they do it in groups and only the villains have no friends.
Have always loved tales of adventure and this (along with her desire to explored new places and write about them) is her reason for going out on travel in the word. As such she has a tendency to act childish existed about most things and will always ask lots of question (when she has got over her nervousness) to the people around her about the places and things they see. Most of all she loves finding antic ruins, treasures and other historical things, especially books.
Started out as very idealistic about being a great adventurer but has since then learned that reality can be much harsher than the romanced fairy tales she read at home. She is still exited and cheerful whenever she travel and can be very absent minded and eccentric but has matured somewhat and works better in groups and is more carful than she was before. She has also become very pragmatic about such things as fighting; no longer believing in straight up clashes as a good tactic and often does her best to use guile and tricks to win a fight instead. Because of this she often finds people who rely on brute force tactics annoying.
She is very book smart about various subjects but can be difficult talking to as she will assume everyone knows as much as her and has just as good memory. She can also be really clueless about people and situations (such as not realize that someone is flirting with hear or accidentally insult somebody).
Appearance: Short and thin. Usually dressed in green or gray tunic and pants, a brown long coat and leather boots. Her hair is half long and completely snow white and she has sky blue eyes. Her skin used to be very pale as she spent much time indoors but after she started traveling she has gotten a light brown tan.

- Has knowledge of a wide variety of subjects, but they are often very specialized (such as knowing all the gem types found in Raiaera, the normal quality of them and how much of them are mined every year). She is however very good at researching, given the right books.
- Know how to use a short sword in battle but is not particularly strong or fast so she mainly relies on her creativity and cunning, which are both excellent thanks to experience and a lot of study, to win fights.
- Knows riding, both bareback and with saddle
- Can cook meals in the wild passable and knows about several edible plants but can have some trouble actually finding them because she learned most of it from reading books.
- Is not a very good tracer but has a lot of theoretical knowledge of forests from books
- Can draw very well and uses this to better document the places she has been to and the various interesting things she sees.

- Reflexes twice as good as normal humans
- She very easily pic up new thing, both theoretical and practical. Her skill with short sword was for example picked up in just a couple of months.
- Almost photographic memories of thing such as books and remembering details about a place. Is however somewhat forgetful and absent minded about day-to-day matters (such as remembering ne people’s names, or eating), especially if she has something attention-grabbing on her mind.

Equipment: Short sword made of steel. Normal traveling clothes. Light brown long coat. Several books. Writing kit with pens, ink, and paper. Her traveling journal. A pack of self-made smoke bombs to use as distractions. 5x sleeping potions that can knock out adult sized humans for at least twelve hours if drunken (they can be mixed with other liquors). If heated up to about 80 degrees Celsius it will turn to gas that will knock out everyone that breath it in for more than a minute, leaving them sleeping for around 1 hour. Can be resisted by drinking pure lemon juices or eating a lemon at least five hours before. One punch of magic detecting dust that will flash in different strong colors if thrown over an object or area with magic in (the colors varies depending on the magic). A dagger of steel.

History: Lived up until recently in a small town named Cinero were she worked as a librarian an occasional scribe when it was needed as not everyone in the town was literate. Loved tales of adventures and fairy tales books very much and decided to go out and explore the world and experience adventures herself when she was 16. After waiting two years, which was spent training and studying upon her parents insistent she set out. She has been traveling around for about a year now and is has gone fairly well. She has have some rouge experiences forcing her to change her idealistic picturing of adventuring some but has manager to do so well and without lasting harm.

04-03-13, 11:23 AM
I just need you to clarify some things and you'll be all set.

I need you to define her reflexes as a comparison to normal humans. Let's say that her reflexes are twice as fast as that of a normal human, ok?

I need to know the exact effects of the sleeping potions. Do they knock people out immediately, do they need to be ingested, how long do they last, can they be resisted, things like that.

That is all.

04-03-13, 11:33 AM
Okay then.
Reflexes are twice as good as normal human and the sleeping potions knock out adult sized humans for at least twelve hours if drunken(they can be mixed with other liquors). If heated up to about 80 degrees Celsius they turn to gas that will knock out everyone that breath it in for around 1 hour. Can be resisted by drinking pure lemon juices or eating a lemon at least five hours before.
Sounds good?

04-03-13, 11:42 AM
I'm fine with the potions knocking out people who drink it, but I would prefer if it takes continuous exposure to the gas to knock people out. Let's say that it takes a minute of continuous exposure to the gas to knock people out, and anything shorter than that just makes people drowsy.

Edit that and the bit about the reflexes into your initial post, and you're all set to go.

04-03-13, 11:50 AM
OK. Thanks a lot :D

04-03-13, 11:57 AM
You are approved. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome to Althanas.