View Full Version : The Blood Temple (Short Solo Mini Quest. Comments open)

04-10-13, 07:30 PM

05-23-13, 09:59 PM
As the barkeep ran out Kalxer ducked up through the back stairs and climbs to the roof. A dark spec in the distance glinting with evening light seemed to draw closer. It was a deep tone of red and seemed to be-

"KING, KING! Sire, there is s-s-some blood man at our gates. He demands to speak with you!" Right as the man spoke his last word a man strode in and held out his hand. Slowly, dreadfully slowly all of the guard's blood started to flow out of him from. Everything. Yet instead of pooling on the etched runes on the floor it floated. And moved towards the man in the doorway where it filled the vial he held out. The rest then dropped on to the floor, filling the runes. "King Val'Tenore" he said with a sneer to the king of the small nation outside Alerar. "Your futile attempts to delay that Day's passing are not working. Our master is coming to meet us, no matter how many times your builder erect a new keep. Kalxer must meet us sometime. You cannot stop that kind of power that pushes him forward." The king then shed his guise of an old man to take on a more young look with a goatee and bushy eyebrows, the only strange thing was that the man had hair the color of a setting sun. Krausus, now out of his guise and able to access all of his power, stood up and pointed his staff at the dying guard and muttered a hasty healing prayer, the soldier groaned at his wounds as they sealed up leaving behind scars only. "Yes , I know Mishraak, but the Undermagus grows in power and stability. My wards cannot keep him from starting the blood ritual again. I have slaked my thirst with other things, but he is outdone, he wanted to drink the Man who doesn't know his power yet. " The man apparently named Mishraak walked up closer and they both started chanting in unison as they be come transparent and shifted as if they were devouring rifts and then with a flash of fire and a splash of mud they were gone. The soldiers watched with awe as suddenly with another bang and flashes they returned, covered in some acidic sap. "And he arms the fortress with sap. Pathetic. At least he could have given us a challenge." Krausus turned to his brother "Mishraak i need the scepter again,