View Full Version : Maybe return from retirement?

05-01-13, 08:52 PM
Hey. It's me. I haven't been here since 2011, and I think I probably forgot how to write, but I figured I might poke my head in and see what I've missed. If you don't know me, it's ok, I ain't nobody special.

05-02-13, 04:32 AM
Nobody special? Please, you are the rock we built Althanas on!

Welcome back, and may your stay be a pleasant and productive one :D

05-02-13, 05:20 AM
A bit before my time, but welcome back nonetheless :)

05-02-13, 10:07 AM
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Welcome back!!!! I suddenly feel inspired to write! Just gotta finish judging this one thread first...Lol.

05-02-13, 10:46 AM
Welcome back. Always nice seeing a familiar face returning. Hope your stay is more permanent.

05-02-13, 02:49 PM
We'll see. I feel like if I were to write, as it stands currently, my story would be, "See Jane run. Run Jane run. The dragon eats Jane. Jane did not run fast enough. Poor Jane." I don't want to write like Ernest Hemingway guys. He sucks. But it is nice to see a couple familiar faces still around (well, unfamiliar but only because of the current character).

05-02-13, 07:52 PM
Hello, welcome back. I got on the summer of 2012, so I never met you. :) It's very nice to meet you though, I'm BlueGhostofSeaside :) :) :)
Happy writing! :D

05-02-13, 08:07 PM
Oh my you DO exist...

05-02-13, 11:05 PM
I don't think there was any question of my existence, just of my attendance... right?

05-03-13, 05:22 AM
Been so long I was wondering if you were just a dream.

05-03-13, 04:55 PM
I'm not nice enough to be a dream. Nightmare perhaps, but definitely not a dream.

Skie and Avery
05-03-13, 06:48 PM
No, no, you are a dream within a dream. :3 <3 Welcome back, beautiful!

05-03-13, 07:03 PM
Now that I've posted, finally, I can officially welcome you back. So, welcome back! :D

Rehtul Orlouge
05-05-13, 08:58 PM
Long time no see, Slave. MetalDrago reporting in to say Hi, Welcome Back, and stick around... Also don't eat the cookies