View Full Version : Hello Friends!

05-13-13, 12:22 PM
I would have introduced myself in the chat, but it doesn't open in Chrome on my computer, so I'll introduce myself here. I'm Hamlet, Ham for short, and I just registered here!

I found the place through RoleplayGateway's RPG directory, as I was looking for a good plot-based RP site after the last one I was in unexpectedly closed. Though this seems to have more of a stat basis than I normally would have liked, I think I'll have fun here. I honestly don't have a lot of experience in high fantasy RPing, so this should be a cool change of pace for me.

Outside of RPing, I do have other interests. I play bass guitar and sing, and will be starting a band this fall. My favorite bands right now are Rush, Dream Theater, Cynic, Yes, and Mastodon, but this is subject to change irregularly. I'm double majoring in English and History, and love to write, mostly prose, song lyrics, and scripts, both stage and screen. I would like to be a writer or a musician as a career. I also have done some acting, but I find it too time-consuming and excluding of my other passions (particularly music) to be pursued beyond the last production I was in (The Tempest, if you're curious).

I can't think of what I might have left out, so feel free to ask questions.


05-13-13, 12:25 PM
Welcome to Althanas! If the chat doesn't seem to be working, make sure you update Java on your computer. Java-based apps like our chat software are pretty twitchy/high-maintenance and require frequent updating.

I hope we'll see you in the chat, but either way, don't hesitate to ask questions about how the site works or the setting or anything else. Hope you like it here! : )

05-13-13, 12:25 PM
Welcome to Althanas! I'm Logan. Uh...about me...yeah, I dunno what to say. Lol.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
05-13-13, 12:28 PM
Welcome aboard, cutter.

Mastodon- Curl of The Burl
good song.

Apart from that, the Tempest is bad-ass. I was in Macbeth once (handy that I'm a Scot), and The Merchant of Venice once as well. In fact, speaking of The Tempest, I took the name Setebos for an upcoming solo that should hopefully be started soon enough.

But, enough about me.. although it is my favourite subject.

As Luned says, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. We're nice enough here, and we don't bite.. much.

05-13-13, 12:29 PM
Hello and welcome, Hamlet! I look forward to your contributions to the site, and as Luned said, feel free to ask away if you need help.

05-13-13, 01:14 PM
Welcome to Althanas! If the chat doesn't seem to be working, make sure you update Java on your computer. Java-based apps like our chat software are pretty twitchy/high-maintenance and require frequent updating.

I hope we'll see you in the chat, but either way, don't hesitate to ask questions about how the site works or the setting or anything else. Hope you like it here! : )

Unfortunately, it seems the latest version of Java just doesn't work with Chrome on Mac OS X. It is the most infuriatingly specific problem I've had with a computer, and I don't see a fix for it in the future.

Aurelianus, agreed on Curl of the Burl, though my favorite song from them might have to be The Czar.

05-13-13, 01:19 PM
Hey Hamlet.

Welcome to the maddening world of Althanas. You've already made an impression for liking Shakespeare, metal, and defying my expectation you were a bot coming to spam penis enlargement adds all over the place.

1 to Hamlet7768, 0 to Mordelain :cool:.

05-13-13, 01:20 PM
That's strange. I use Mac OS X and Chrome and the chat works for me (never in Firefox, though, for some reason; sometimes Safari works). Did you update by clicking on the apple icon in the top left and going to "Software Update..."? I've found you can't really update Java manually by going to the Java site, you have to do the full, general software update to get it.

05-13-13, 01:42 PM
Hey Hamlet.

defying my expectation you were a bot coming to spam penis enlargement adds all over the place.

Those still exist?

Luned, I'm trying the update now. They might have updated something since then, though I usually keep on top of updates. I'll fiddle around and get back to you. And also work on my character.

UPDATE: Looks like there's no compatibility. I'll get by. To character craft I go!

05-13-13, 03:52 PM

Welcome! And this is in the wrong subforum. :p

05-13-13, 04:00 PM
Well, maybe try Safari. And who knows, maybe the next software update will treat you nicer. Either way, looking forward to seeing your character!

05-13-13, 04:11 PM
I'm sure Safari will work, but I'll admit I'm mostly used to Chrome. Let's give Firefox a try; apparently that works just fine.

Letho...no. Just...please don't.

05-13-13, 04:46 PM
Us sensible Windows using Europeans know what's good for us :cool:.