View Full Version : (a polite cough is heard, distinct and insistent)

Relt PeltFelter
05-19-13, 05:26 AM
Oh man, here we go again. Dipping that ol' toe into the waters up in here, after more than a year's absence. New thread up in Corone! Drop me some form of communique if you're interested. Also, hello children; I've missed you all so dearly.

05-19-13, 06:11 AM
What is this month anyway, the great mass un-exodus of oldbies? Oh well, I'll take it.

You don't know me, but welcome back!

05-19-13, 06:19 AM
Jeez, I thought you'd died..
No, really...

Welcome back Relt, I missed your crazy china-girl-stonerisms! ;)

05-21-13, 07:04 PM
Welcome back
I came by last Summer, so I never got to meet you, it's nice to meet you :)