View Full Version : The Beginning (Open Intro)

08-30-06, 08:10 PM

Bar stared up at the tavern sign. It read The Peaceful Promenade. “Not my kind of tavern.” Bar muttered to himself. He turned back to the road, preparing to walk away. It was then when he noticed how tired he actually was. He had been on the road for about a week, and the walk was not an easy one. Bar shifted the bag on his back, trying to decide if it was worth it. “Eh. I could use some ale.” Bar turned towards the tavern, and walked through the door.

Bar walked inside, and quickly went over to the bar. “An Ale.” He said, slapping a coin down on the counter, not caring if the bartender heard him or not. Bar then turned his attention back to the room. It was filled with people, more crowded than other taverns he had visited. Someone was off singing in the corner, and a group of people were watching the performance. There were tables set across the room, and people sitting here and there. The place was clean for a change–more clean than the other bars he had come across in the past.

He turned back to the bar. The ale hadn’t come yet, and his coin was still sitting idle on the counter. “I’ll take an Ale.” Bar said, this time louder. He punctuated it by hitting the table. A few moments later, the bartender appeared with a mug in his hand, and a scowl on his face. He brought the mug down on the counter (non to gently), and picked up the coin. Bar grabbed the ale, and downed half of it in one gulp. He set it down, sat back, and began to reminisce about the last week.

It had been a boring week. He had walked, rested, and walked some more. The only action that he experienced had been in the forest. He was sleeping, and woke to a roar. It was a bear, it was close, and it was angry. Bar slowly stood up, and grabbed his axe. He could see the bear, about 10 yards in front of him, growling about something. Bar figured it was time to go–he knew trying to fight an angry bear on it’s own turf was not only dangerous–but foolish. Bar shouldered his bag, and slowly began to back up.

A thunderous applause shook Bar from his thoughts. The performer had finished in the corner, and the small audience wanted an encore. Bar finished his ale. “Another.” He said, as he slapped another coin on the table. The bartender brought another along soon enough, and set it down. Bar drank some, and retreated back to his thoughts.

Workout Wonder
09-03-06, 08:57 AM
Everything about the place was mediocre. The musical act, the ale, even the people in the crowd. Nothing in the bar really held Kedx’ interest, least of all the women. All of them were a bit too old for the vampire’s taste, and even the whores seemed particularly stuck up this evening. The vampire sighed. He lit himself a cigarette, even though he normally considered it uncouth to smoke, just to have something to do.

The musical act finished a song, and everyone in the tavern applauded. Kedx wasn’t sure why, the music was clearly mediocre. In his day, he would have put on a performance worth noting. Had it not been for the fact that he was expecting a special visitor, then the vampire might have walked out right then.

Immediately, Kedx’ thoughts turned to his stub of an arm. It had been severed recently by Damon Kaosi, and without it, the vampire could never play a musical instrument again. He had made all sorts of arrangements to get it replaced, but none of them had yet to come through. An experimental research lab in Shanleh had seemed his best hope, but even that didn’t seem to have the promise that Kedx would have hoped. Thus, it seemed that the vampire would have to resign himself to listening to poor quality music for the rest of his life.

Had he been a bit more drunken, he would have picked a fight with the musician right then and there. Even though he didn’t, Kedx still considered whether or not he might want to start a fight with the musician soon. Perhaps once the man departed out into the alleyway or moved somewhere else more discreet. It had been a frustrating day and Kedx just felt like killing someone.

To hold that desire in abeyance, the vampire headed over towards the bar. “Whatever,” he said, putting down a few coins on the table. “Just make it high quality and strong.”

09-03-06, 11:23 AM
Shivering, the young noble tucked a loose strand of hair behind his tipped ears and strapped the tether of his horse to the front post. His eyes rose from the frosty ground for only half a second, just long enough to see the worn sign of ‘The Peaceful Promenade’. It hung triumphantly against the spirited backdrop of the dusk sky, the worn reds faded and no comparison to the soft amethyst, orange, and cream sunset. The little town of Underwood was rather brusque in general.

“Come’n in chap,” one man said as he waved warningly towards the swinging door. His hand was covered by a pair of frayed gloves, the fingers missing. His head was covered by a small cap, pulled low and cramming what must appeared to be a mess of hair into an inadequate amount of space. His face was rough, un-shaven, rounded, and yet gave the young noble a sense of mirth. Beyond his woodland garb, the man was an image of the Salvarian nobles in all their rough glory. “It’s rather col’ for anyone to be ou’, ‘specially witha sun sinkin’ so soon.”

“It would be a pleasure dear friend,” the young man replied with a soft smile. His lips parted to form a tender smirk, accompanied by a full appraising glance over the man. The woodsman’s toned muscles were far from unnoticed. A shame he was not better kept, the young man thought as he side-stepped past him and towards the doors. “My name is Terriance Undast Calaelen, of Salvar.”

The Promenade offered a burst of warmth that immediately sank into the very bones of the young Terriance. His hands slowly slid from under his arms and he worked the cold fingers about to relieve the cold blood. The atmosphere of the tavern was casual, nothing like he was used to. People milled about at the tables, gruffly conversing with one another. Heavy mugs of ale rested on nearly every table, a picture that caused the young noble to grimace. “Quite the name you’ve got for yerself… supposin’ your nobility then?”

“Umm…” Terriance stumbled. His mind raced. He was not used to people asking about his birth and background, people just knew. In Salvar, on the estates at least, the people knew who belonged to the family and always gave the proper respects. He had been in Corone for no more than two nights, in those nights he had remained anonymous in both inns he had stayed in. “You could safely assume that, dear—?”

“Ah, the names Gerard”

“Well, Gerard, do you have any suggestions as to food at this estate? I have never been here before and I am unsure as to the culinary delights that they may serve.” As he spoke the noble moved towards one of the tables, stroking the worn surface and ‘tisking’ under his breath. It seemed that the sign was just foreshadowing the general wear of the lumber town. “This table looks fine, close enough to the bar to be serviced quickly and yet part of the general hub of the tavern.”

“I like you,” Gerard said with a heavy hand clapping rather roughly against the young noble’s shoulder. Terriance masked his grimace with a smirk that could have easily been mistaken for a smile in the dim lighting. “Two ales, a plate of bread, and a stack of whatever you’ve got yerselves cookin’ back there.”

Terriance grimaced and joined the clapping when the musicians ended. Silently he cursed his scattered thoughts for leaving his viol strapped to the horse.

((Been a bit, so we'll see how this works out. If I make a lot of mistakes please feel free to send me a PM and I will fix them... or suggestions.))

09-03-06, 01:32 PM
"Ahh~! Good ol' Peaceful Promenade. Oh, how I miss you so!"

Asuka giggled as she strode up the street in high spirit, eager to enter the one place she had long considered a home away from home. It had been so long since she had left her own homely estate in the Akashiman Capital city and about the only place she felt safe was this quaint tavern in the middle of Concordia. The lass had come by many times before and never was there a dull moment. To her, this place felt as if it was the gathering place for everyone across the planet - be they demonic, angelic or just plain mundane. And as with all well-known taverns on Althanas, a bar fight never seemed to be in short supply.

Wow, this place looks even better than the last time I was here. Asuka immediately noted the refurnished and well-oiled tables in place of the rugged oak ones that ended up in pieces the last time she was here. The dim, balmy glow of the oil lamps coupled with faint scent of mead tickled her nose. The lass found its usually repulsive stench more bearable the more times she visited, the faces also becoming more familiar as the days went by. Still, she kept well clear of the drunken lumberjacks and their "games of strength," quickly weaving through the crowd to the polished oak counter.

"Heya, Pappy. Business looks great as usual, no?" The ex-noble chirped happily, unaware of the Akashiman accent she had for so long kept in secret. The barkeep raised a curious eyebrow but spoke nothing, tending to a rather rude customer a good way down the table. Pappy, the main man of this jovial establishment, wandered over grumpily over to Asuka and leaned heavily against the counter in front of her.

"Well, missy. You're here again, I see." Asuka winced slightly at the stentch of ale tainted in his breath. Apparently, the lass still needed more time to finally get use to the smelly alcoholic breath. "What'll it be fer t'night, then?"

"Well, you know me! The same thing I always order." A smile of confidence flashed across her cheeky tan face as she ran her fingers through her fiery hair. She remembered quite distinctly the clear, flavoful wild mushroom soup served nice and warm in a wooden bowl, complete with a side of cold water. She could not think the barkeep would forget it anytime soon, considering he still owed her big time for working as a temporary waitress here.

Well, Pappy could not have disappointed her any less.

"Sorry, kiddo. Couldn't remember a thing what you orderd." He waved a hand and Blondie pranced across the creaky floorboards, standing at the ready to take orders. "Oh, and since the last time you were here, my place was trashed by that little fight of yours. The money you payed extra last time won't pay fer this meal."

"Wha- Wha~? Oh, C'mon, Pappy! Seriously, really?!"

"Sorry, missy. No can do." He restated his claim and idly scrubbed a well-worn mug. "Be thaknful I'm not charging more for the damage you and that froggy-man of yours did."

There was little point Asuka had to argue and sighed, placing an order of mushroom soup and water and palming 15 gold pieces to the blonde waitress. She swaggered away with the simple orders, leaving the adventurer girl to observe the scene around her.

The evening seemed like any other evening in the Peacful Promenade - men and creatures of all size and shapes filled the tradition-run tavern and its lights giving the place a homely feel. A few odd faces stood out here and there, most notably being the good-looking half-elf seated a few tables away. The young man exuded an air of pride about him and in many ways reminded the lass of her father the Duke Yamihara, an Akashiman councilman. And then there was the one-arm catperson apparently trying to get himself drunk. Asuka did not hate nor held any qualms against hybrids and half-bloods, but knew well to steer clear of anyone exhibiting a drunken behaviour.

Then, of course, was the unimpressive lumberjack-of-sort who had ordered a shot of ale a few minutes before. The lass could tell he was no local, for the face would have already been familiar to the girl who had spent many days going in and out of the establishment. To her, this man was the most curoius subject of them all.

Snap out of it, girl! Don't you remember the last time you got interested in something?! Asuka quickly drove back the curiosity, trying to keep her thoughts contained and out of harm's way. She should have learned long ago to keep the creature in control - the last time curiosity got the better of her she was sent scurrying away by a fallen angel and a disgruntled camper. C'mon! Just listen to some soothing music and enjoy your own meal, for once. Enough action for today.

Cheezy violin tunes started up again, apparently to the crowd's delight, and drifted through the rosdy evening toasting of another job well-done by the lumbermill taskmaster. This year's harvest was good and there will be plenty of food for the nearing winter.

Well, at least tonight might finally go by without much trouble. Asuka smiled to herself as the soup and glass of water made its way under her nose. The warm aroma dispelled all the uneasy stench of the tavern and she light-heartedly took a sip. Mmm... Just the way I like it...


Oh, dear no. Not tonightt... Asuka nervously lowered her wooden spoon into the soup, not wanting to turn around to see which deranged soul thought that smashing a stein over his friend's head was something funny to do.

06-02-09, 03:42 PM
This thread has been siting for over a month and a half. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.