View Full Version : The King and The Soldier. (Closed)

06-21-13, 02:09 PM
(This thread is for a certain King. All Bunnies allowed.)

Creno rarely had any off time of late. He was constantly on duty as a soldier for The Corone Armed Forces. But once he did find himself on the few rare times where he had time to himself, he trained. The best place to train? The Citadel of course. He had a contact in The Citadel named Father Lukan who usually tended to his chamber requests. Father Lukan was a popular Citadel monk who tended to many of The Citadel League combatants. That day would be no different. Creno was dressed in the attired of a soldier, and constantly kept his gear at the ready. Creno walked up the steps of The Citadel as he had so many times before in his life. They were familiar to him, in a way it was like making a pilgrimage to holy grounds. Father Lukan waited for Creno at the top of the stairs, nodding with an approving expression.

"You return to us. Your kind doesn't stay away from this place very long." Father Lukan said.

Creno shook the monk's hand. "It's been a long time." Creno acknowledged.

"Yeah. There weren't sign, I keep track of all my pupils you know." Father Lukan said.

"I thank you." Creno stood a few steps below Father Lukan on the stairs. He stood at the exact top. Creno pondered for a moment. "I don't want a fancy arena this time, one of the training centers will do. It doesn't have to be configured to anything." Creno said carefully. He just wanted to train. It's been a while since last I was here. I hope that I find someone worthy to spar against. Creno thought to himself.

"Do you want any type of opponent specifically?" Father Lukan asked.

"Nah, just whoever comes first." Creno responded as he rubbed his chin. "Which of the training rings can I use for this? I prefer one of the larger ones."

"The court with the training rings are yonder." Father Lukan pointed to that section of The Citadel grounds. It was on a large and open area located to the east of Creno's current position. "You may use ring number eight for the spar. I will be certain to tell your opponent where to meet you." Father Lukan said.

"I thank you." Creno shook hands with the monk and walked over towards ring number eight.


Placing his backpack and some of his gear outside of the large ring, Creno entered. It was really nothing more than a large rope ring, held sturdy by oak posts. The ring had a circumference of about twenty feet, which provided more than enough room to spar. Creno drew his large combat spear, and placed it against the ground beneath him. Blade tip first. He held the weapon by the shaft, it was impressive. Creno closed his eyes and felt the afternoon breeze. It was roughly four thirty in the afternoon, on a quiet September day. It was a Tuesday. Creno could hear the sounds of battle from the other sparring rings. There were others training. The sound was productive, blades crashing against armor or shields. Magic whizzing through the air. Creno grew more excited with each passing moment, but he would patiently wait until his opponent arrived. Come what will, I am ready.

06-21-13, 03:34 PM
"Get up!" She yelled.
"Uh?" the king replied.
"Your'e late! You were suppose to be at the Citadel an hour ago." The house keeper replied to the king's weary response.
"That was today? Alright give me a minute to get ready..." he was halfway through when he was inturrupted.
"NO! Your dad will never let you take the thrown if you don't go now." she scolded him.
"Alright then." The king hopped out of bed and ran to his horse.
"Not so fast," the housemaiden ran after him "you'll need this." Upon saying so she threw up his bag of belongings.
The king quickly caught it, "Thanks," he hopped on and rode to the Citadel.
"Father Lukan am I to late for my match?" the king asked fearing he was.
"I'm afraid so," he replied "however, I have a older gentleman who will gladly fight you. He arrived shorty before you."
The kings eyes lit up. "Thank you Father Lukan."
He followed the Monk to the ring, "Here we are."
The king set his items beside the backpack and other gear, he slowly removed his bow and attached it to his back. He grabbed his Iron sword and put on his Iron armor. The king walked into the ring slowly, he too was ready to fight. He walked towards his opponent, and stopped 10feet from him.
"Let's dual, shall we?" he said, waiting for the reply.

06-21-13, 11:46 PM
Creno saw his opponent arrive a short while later. The wind came in from the south, somewhat warm for a September day. Creno wore simple attire, but the markings of a soldier were on his gear. Holding his buster sword at the ready, Creno rotated the mighty weapon once. Then he moved into a combat stance once his opponent drew nearer. The ring he had chosen to do battle in was spacious enough for them both to fight without interruption. The Citadel did not have ref's and people fought until there was a winner...every time.

Creno moved into a mid-level combat position. The handle of large weapon held lower, and almost against his body. The tip of the mighty weapon pointed towards the fellow before him. Creno immediately noticed that the guy was young, perhaps too young. However, there was a determination there in his eyes that Creno liked. He decided that the young man was seemed to be an honorable fellow, at least in his point of view. Creno was guessing of course, but he would find out soon enough.

"That's the very reason I am here!" Creno yelled heartily. There was no malice, but only a welcoming sort of sound in his voice. Creno prided himself on always being a nice guy. He rarely lost his cool. Creno knew he was there to train, and that would be the most important aspect of the battle; knowledge. Creno nodded his head towards the young heir. The royal fellow wore fancy iron armor, and that seemed like it would be somewhat of a challenge to punch through, or bend.

Creno had phenomenal strength. The type of strength that would someday change the world. Creno walked towards the royal, and kept himself a few paces away. He was facing his front side. Creno suddenly narrowed his eyes and became very serious. "I hope you are prepared for this. But don't worry, Father Lukan specifically said no terminations allowed. This is a training spar, so you can cut loose. Just don't try to kill me and we're good." Creno explained the rules of the match. Then, he smiled at the royal for a quick moment. "You may attack first." Creno said and waited for the royal lad to attack.

06-24-13, 01:15 PM
Creno just finished talking...
"Hmm, what a find speach you have there, old timer. Here goes..." the king smirked, earger to start this bout. He held his sword up to chest level. He did a quick swing to test it; you could feel the heat of the blade, hear it slice the air, no doubt about it, he liked this sword. He raised his hand and unleashed a fireball, no bigger then his fist, then charged Crenos. Although, he had no intention to kill his opponent. Upon getting within 5-feet he jumped and swung his sword.

11-04-13, 08:51 PM
Creno saw the fellow take a test swing of his weapon.

He then braced himself for the attack he was certain would come. The first prong of the attack was the temperature of the air changing rapidly as a fireball was launched at Creno. Consuming oxygen, the fireball moved quickly through the space between the two of them. It created an eerie glow all around. The elemental weapon was an orb in nature and zinged through the air rather quickly. Creno saw the glowing orb heading towards him. Before he was actually hit, he tensed his body tightly. Holding his spear tightly with both hands halfway across the shaft of the weapon, Creno moved the spear to an angle. Then, he swung outward, closing his eyes tightly. His swing was an interceptive swing, meant to catch the fireball dead in it's tracks.

He figured that the fireball would be somewhat weaker. He was correct in guessing that, and watched the bladed tip of his spear cut right through the fireball. Energy dissipated in a radius around the contact point. Then, Creno saw a shadow approaching out the corner of his eyes. It was the young king. Creno continued the motion of his spear, after having intercepted the fireball and did a simple thrust at the end of his swipe. He pushed his weight forward in an effort to catch his opponent dead in the center. But at about the point that the spear would connect, if it did, Creno suddenly thrust downward and shoved his weapon in an effort to clip the lad's legs. He was hoping to clip only one of the legs so that his movement would be greatly reduced if it did connect. Creno waited to see if his counter would connect with his opponent. The rush from the fireball's energy still caused an increase in temperature, and Creno was already already sweating, his heart was racing. Creno saw the blade of his opponent coming in, and he was cut across the right side of his chest, it was a deep gash. Creno's blood flowed through his simple tailored shirt.