View Full Version : Fresh Meat

Aurelianus Drak'shal
07-11-13, 12:09 PM
As promised, I have brought fresh meat to the site.

Meat, say hello.

07-11-13, 12:11 PM

So, are you going to beat me furiously?

Aurelianus Drak'shal
07-11-13, 12:12 PM
Take a bite out of you, and marinate you in your own juices...

07-11-13, 12:13 PM
And here we go...again.

How many sado masochists ARE there up North?!

07-11-13, 12:17 PM
... Please don't lump me together with it.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
07-11-13, 12:18 PM
*maniacal chuckle*

07-11-13, 12:18 PM
You were brought here by It, you belong to It.

But also, welcome to Althanas - all the usual 'mods can help' stuff goes here > <.

Good to have you :)

07-11-13, 12:23 PM
Did somebody say MEAT?? FOOOOOOOOOOD

07-11-13, 05:13 PM
W00t! Fresh meat!!!

Thanks, Twitch!

*offers soap cookies*

They're chocolate chip, I made them myself. ^_^

07-11-13, 05:29 PM

07-11-13, 05:55 PM
Uuuh... No cookies for me thanks...

07-11-13, 08:40 PM
Hello, Soap! Any friend of Aur's is an enemy of mine (is that right? I think that's right). Anyway, welcome to Althanas :)

07-11-13, 10:06 PM
Well. Since im with Witch. I shall now go prepare the back Room none of us knew about.

*random sounds of construction erupt from the door, Sirius walks out he is holding a plate of brownies.*

"Please. My grandmothers recipe is amazing."

*Sirius kicks the body of the last newbie out of the way*

Solar Haven
07-12-13, 12:27 AM
Don't trust anything they offer! unless it is gold ... then don't trust what you have to do to get it!

Also hi welcome to the forums!

07-12-13, 07:39 AM
Solar. Dont forget. Less than 2 months ago you were meat.

Well. Just so that you don't feel too bad around us. Welcome to Althanas. Our wonderful website of RP.

*Continues to hold out cookies*

Aurelianus Drak'shal
07-12-13, 08:47 AM
Krausus, as far as I'm concerned, you're still meat too. ;)

Remember that.

07-12-13, 11:52 AM
xD I will not give into the temptation of those delicious, scrumptious looking, beautiful... *Zips mouth shut* No.

07-12-13, 02:30 PM
Auri. Ive been on here for quite some time. 3 years to be exact. I wad Balehorn first, then Irishmyth. Now i have this guy. So im as meaty as a 73 year old cow.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
07-12-13, 02:33 PM
Considering the average life expectancy for a cow is around the twenty year mark.. that's not very meaty.

But I wasn't basing my statement on how long you've had that profile.

07-12-13, 02:36 PM
Im always meat. But Irishmyth shall eat your soul. Then feed you to his bear.

07-12-13, 04:52 PM
Pfft, you're all fresh meat to me. You guys just know better than to eat the cookies it seems... I'll have to start getting creative. Maybe promise a thread for a cookie or something.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
07-12-13, 04:54 PM
Speaking of threads, Witch... get in Chat!

07-12-13, 05:31 PM
Sorry, I was eating dinner and didn't see your pm.