View Full Version : Coloring time!

Solar Haven
07-31-13, 06:11 AM
so .. most of us did this as a kid, and some better then others.

but i have two pictures of my Character and the future daughter of his that i want colored and shaded and made to look badass.

however i suck at coloring and shading and figured i would throw this out here for fellow members of the board to see if they would want to take a whack at it?

Adonis, this picture he has a bare chest with a fox tattoo, however that can be replaced with a brown "A-shirt" or as some people call them, wife beaters.
Also the black lines around his arm's can be tossed aswell, as the tattoo and the black bands are for something much later on in his story line.

Adonis' daughter, sweater just has to be green

07-31-13, 07:38 PM
How's this?

Solar Haven
08-09-13, 09:09 AM
I know i responded to you on skype about this, but just posting here so people don't think i have ignored you :p

I LOVE IT... the colors are pretty much how i imagined them, however seeing Adonis colored makes me think he feels a little short in that picture.

but that is just me. and anyone can feel free to re-draw and color him out, i have no bias. just i had an old friend make those for me for a story i was writing but tossed that project aside and wanted to continue using the art. so if anyone want's to take a crack at a different drawing style feel free

08-09-13, 02:35 PM
I'm a terrible drawer, but I can still type/ edit pictures (trust me, you don't want to see my colored pictures)