View Full Version : I'm an elf!... help me!

08-10-13, 06:01 PM
Hello world! I am beginning my character research and could use any handy links to important recent happenings in elven lands. Hope to RP with all of you soon!

08-10-13, 07:13 PM
Raiarae is the home of the normal elves and is currently rebuilding and repairing following the death of Xem'Zund the Necromancer who turned their country into a carnival for dead things. Alerar is eyeing Raiarae considering going in because they just basically tanked the worlds greatest evil for almost an entire year, and their capital city is in ruins.

08-11-13, 10:29 AM
Hey, sorry for the late reply. I think your intro thread has been buried under more recent posts. Still, welcome to Althanas!

Basically, what Diss has said is correct. You can probably find more detailed info on that in the Alerar and Raiaera forums, or in the wiki (link is towards the top of the page). I'm not too crash hot on the history of either of those areas myself, but hopefully some more know-it-alls like Diss will pop in to say hi :)

08-11-13, 11:53 PM
Okay so first off there was this war right? The Prancy elves fought the Metal elves and... Oh. Recent. Um, I don't know. I haven't really been paying attention out that way. Something about some upstart necromancer and mass devastation? Or was it fish? No! Definitely the Necromancer thing. Maybe. 50/50.

On a srs note, if ya wanna rp, drop me a line. Eli and elves got history.

Max Dirks
08-12-13, 10:13 AM
I think you'll find these links most helpful:



Or for the complete "how it happened" look here:


08-12-13, 02:19 PM
Thanks all! I've been approved and have a recruiting thread up in the aptly named forum.

Random idea... after reading the history of Raiaera, I'm wondering if anyone has ever written threads from different points in history? Having some stories from the original elven-durklan war would be pretty cool...

Max Dirks
08-12-13, 02:47 PM
It certainly would, but before you do so, contact Silence Sei.