View Full Version : Wow, it's been a long time...

08-18-13, 03:01 PM
Hey guys. I was around back in 2007, had a few characters such as Quikk, Morteo, Xarzo, Poe, DeeDee, and Rath.

I had the urge to write again today, so I think I'm going to see where it goes.

How's everyone been? :P

Any oldies still around?

08-18-13, 03:52 PM
Welcome back Crayth. All my characters would like to great you.

Sorish Mon Larsh (Hoytti) (Main): I Sorish Mon Larsh, Ambassador and Future King of the Northern Seas, welcomes you King of Above.

Roxi (Hoytti) (Familiar): I Roxi, Coral Worm of Sorish Mon Larsh, welcomes you but doesn't trust you.

Sanderia Larsh (Hoytti) (Familiar): Welcome Crayth, I can't wait to meet your character!

Timothy Gold (Hoytti) (Nexus): Welcome my friend. Maybe you can write a thread in the nexus some time.

Maroon Gold (Hoytti) (Nexus): Welcome, may your days in the dimension of Althanas be full of fun times.

Abrinano Ticherra Voscinato (Opposites): Nice to see you again, may your time here be excruciatingly boring.

Sam (General Quintet): Huh, a returner eh, why you even leave?

Sara (General Quintet): Sam! Be Nice! I sorry about that, welcome to Althanas

James (General Quintet): Welcome! May your time here be most enjoyable!

Cain (General Quintet): Welcome sir! May your writing experience be most extravagant!

Tracy (General Quintet): Welcome sir!, May we meet some day and maybe become friends.

Barnabas Casimir Tourneymant (Tourneymant): I look forward to meeting you in a tournament.

Korra Jeannine Relt (Miss Relt) (Main): Welcome sir, as girlfriend of Sorish Mon Larsh, I welcome you.

Carol (Miss Relt) (Familiar): Welcome sir, may you have a good time here on Althanas.

Ethen Relt (Miss Relt) (Familiar): Welcome man, hope to see you around.

Random Stranger (Random Stranger): I hope to cause chaos in your threads sometimes.

Grond the Zombie (Dead & Walking): Welcome future zombie! I can't wait to take a bite out of your character!

Silvidar The Vampire (Vampire of Grace): Welcome Friend, I look forward to you challenging me in a fight! And may your time here be most enjoyable.

08-18-13, 05:02 PM
The name Poe strikes me as familiar. You would probably more likely remember Jasmine or Poison. Welcome back!

08-18-13, 05:49 PM
Yeah, I do remember those characters! Thanks!

I actually want to find my Poe profile, but it's on the old Althanas site that crashed, and I've long since gotten new computers. I'm afraid that the character is gone forever :( (Unless someone has some archive somewhere...)

08-18-13, 06:11 PM
Max and I could probably dig up something on it...

Skie and Avery
08-18-13, 08:10 PM
I remember you! Welcome back. :)

08-18-13, 08:51 PM
Poe definitely sounds like a familiar name to me. I probably approved your profile or something.

Welcome back to the site! Some of us oldbies are still around, I just recently came back myself.

*offers cookies*

08-19-13, 02:27 AM
Welcome back to Althanas Crayth.

You're a little before my time (main character first joined in 2009), but it's encouraging to see old faces anew.

Max and Krausus may be able to help recover the profiles, as Dirks has the archives, or some of them. If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask here, via PM, or in chat. I imagine 2.0 to 3.0 is quite a sudden shock for the unsuspecting.


08-19-13, 03:09 AM
Hullo! Welcome back, and nice to meet you :)

08-19-13, 05:41 AM
My god its a Poe. I remember you joining at the same time i did, on your minotaur character wasn't it?

08-19-13, 07:19 AM
Yeah, I don't think I know you, but welcome back nonetheless!

08-19-13, 07:21 AM
Oh man, my minotaur. Haha, that one didn't last very long XD

Mordelain, that would be amazing if someone managed to dig up that profile. I'm currently brainstorming a new character in the meantime, though. You guys should expect an adventure detailing some backstory at some point. :P

Is there anything I need to know about Althanas 3.0 that's different?

Max Dirks
08-19-13, 10:07 AM
As long as you weren't active exclusively on Tanthanas (i.e. you were around between the first and second crashes) I can find the profile. Just give me a few days.

Max Dirks
08-24-13, 01:14 AM

The Rebel Speaks Out (Poe Level 1)

((Updates will be in the firebrick color.))

Name: Poe
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Weight: 52 lbs
Height: 3�/font>
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brownish-Blonde
Race: Hegido

Race Description/History: Hegido
Hegidos began a bit after humans emerged. Originating in swamps and places that have been shunned by mankind, the Hegido have undertaken forms of evolution and migration. They quickly move through the stages of life, living only forty or fifty human years. Because their peak is so soon, the time it takes a Hegido to mature is much quicker than the average human. A Hegido becomes a fully-fledged adult is usually at about 9 or 10. Hegidos are known for their green skin and abnormal height changes. The average Hegido is around 1�at birth, and grows to about 7 feet tall at adulthood. A Hegido would be a worker between the ages of 12-38, and then they would breed between the ages of 40 and 45, when they are past their peak, and have no use on Althanas other than to make sure that the Hegido have a future. Hegidos did not marry until they were in their forties. Each generation generally follows this cycle, and it has progressed to this day. Hegidos live based on survival, and so parents usually Hegidos are usually not welcome in public areas, and they spend most of their time around their new homeland, the plateaus of Althanas.

The Fields of Growth: Poe抯 Childhood History
Poe, after he was born at 1� 10lbs, was quickly entered into the infamous training facility, the Fields of Growth, by his parents. He was kept there until he was 10. At the Fields of Growth, Poe was trained in a weapon skill previously chosen by his parents, the claws. He was taught many things deemed necessary to learn for survival, and other important things as well. He also was taught the basic Hegido traditions, codes, and laws. When Poe became 10, he had officially graduated, and as a gift, the facility gave him a pair of claws that he treasured greatly. He was also given a belt with personalized slots for his two claws, so that he would have easy access to them if he should need it. When Poe returned to his parents, they saw that he had barely grown. In the 9 years that Poe had spent at the facility, he had grown a total of a foot and a half, and green was barely visible on his skin. All of his peers had grown at least four feet, and easily overshadowed him in color. Because they were embarrassed with the fact that they had a kid different from everybody else, Poe抯 parents quickly brought him outside of the community and left him there with a food pouch, clothes, and his belongings that he had received from the facility. They quickly explained to him that they needed to leave him there for the moment, and left. After a few hours, Poe抯 teenager brain finally realized what happened, and so he left the plateaus behind, with an adventure in front of him.

The Betrayal and Rejection: Poe抯 Teenager Dilemma
After Poe left his hometown, he came to a very unfriendly town where he was caught in his first pickpocket attempt. He was corned at the wall, and an assassin saved him. He quickly became an apprentice to the assassins in the Banishment, and began his training almost immediately. He had a couple battles in the Citadel with some strange people such as a lunatic and a Minotaur coming out of both with a loss and a victory, allowing himself to gather some fighting experience. About a couple months later, he had a fatal encounter with his rival and witnessed the assassination of his parents. From that point on, Poe considered him a unique person. He no longer wanted to call himself a Hegido, and it was so. Despite the fact that he was still reeling from the loss of his parents, Poe entered the popular Theatre of War and engaged in his first fight, which ended in another disappointing loss. Determined, however, he engaged in another fight, which turned out to be a race on strange bird-like creatures, which Poe won, for once. All this chaos and misery had to be put behind him, he knew, and so he devoted three months to his preparations for his assassin trial. When he finally went forth and attempted it, he was rewarded with success, and became a full-fledged assassin. Poe抯 life was dedicated to the Banishment from that point on; he had nothing else to look to. He had been betrayed in life many times, and yet, that small piece of good lasted in his heart.

Steel Claws: Poe owns a pair of steel claws that he acquired from the Fields of Growth. When not in use, they hang from his belt. The hilt is an oaken handle, and each claw has four prongs. These are Poe抯 favorite belongings, as they are his only means of defense. (And attack, for that matter.)
Slingshot: Poe acquired a slingshot from the Red Hand Exchange Outpost, and he has found much use for it thus far. It is useful as a distraction, to annoy, and many other things. Poe keeps it on his belt.((Acquired here.))
Pelt Belt: Belt that holds Poe抯 items. As of now, they only hold his claws, but in the future they may hold other items.
Clothes: Poe has a pair of pants and a white shirt that he wears almost all of the time. Sometimes he goes bare-chested, when he is swimming. The bare-chested look shows the green-tint on his skin, however, and he is ashamed to show it. This is the reason why he wears his shirt more often than not.

Claw Adeptness:
Despite the fact it took him the entire time he was there, Poe has learned a great amount with the claws. He knows more tactics with his claws than the normal person, and can fight with him without difficulty. His ability with the claws is still developing, but he is getting better at it. With experience, he has discovered that he is improving in ability with the claws, and has come up with an assassination technique in which he removes the two outer blades, and makes the claw much more accurate and deadly with the middle blade.

Manipulative Decoy:
Because of the fact that Poe is so tiny, he has an unnatural ability to make himself look like a child. In order to do this, he must whisper to himself the words, 揑 want my mommy.� He likes to use this ability to pick people抯 pockets in public, run errands without being seen, and do other mischievous things. Recently, however, he uses this ability for the benefit of the Banishment. In order to change back into his regular self, all Poe must do is mutter the words, 揅hildhood, nevermore.�/font> ((I replaced the Small = Fun ability, because I felt it had no use, due to the fact that small people are generally able to do that anyway.))

Poe, through much practice, has discovered that his uncanny shortness is the result of a magical family history. He has discovered that by concentrating on being a tree, he can make himself grow taller for the time span of thirty minutes. This ability in no way improves anything about Poe, just makes him taller than he already was. Poe can grow to a maximum of four feet at the moment, as he is just beginning to practice this ability.


08-24-13, 02:44 PM
This is awesome! Thank you so much Dirks!!!!


08-31-13, 02:53 AM
(Belated) welcome back!

Another character that uses claws huh? Nice.

Check out the Red Six recruitment in my signature if you are interesting in joining.

09-01-13, 06:22 PM
Welcome back! :)