View Full Version : And So, having re-RE-introduced himself......

08-26-13, 11:13 PM
I'm here to RP.

I C wut I did thar.

Hello peeps!!

Drak, SUP?
Christoph, Sup?

It's Benny.


08-26-13, 11:27 PM
Welcome. (Back) to althanas! Im Erik. And the guy who doesn't sleep. And offers cake!

*Holds out a cake*

08-27-13, 02:43 AM
Hullo! Don't think we've met, so you must have been a bit before my time. Anyway, welcome back :)

08-27-13, 04:26 AM
Welcome from the northern Seas my friend!

08-27-13, 04:49 AM
I saw you in chat, but welcome back nonetheless!

I've been here for ages, but don't remember you. You must have joined and left during one of my famous hiatuses. Hope you stick around this time!

*offers cookie*

08-27-13, 05:22 AM
I think I was on one of my even-more-famous-than-Witchblade's-hiatuses hiatus when you were first here.

And I've seen you in chat a couple times, but regardless... Welcome back!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
08-27-13, 06:56 AM
'ello Benny.

Glad to have you back.

08-27-13, 08:25 AM
Welcome back! :)

08-27-13, 02:10 PM
I know Drak and Christoph, but I'll get to know the rest of the staff. I'm STILL trying to get the hang of this entire Level-up thing, but I've got some RP's going and hopefully everything will turn out okay. I met Letho already, who approved my character Parallax. It's good to be around again. I never got the chance to really jump into some RP, but I'm around. Im usually fixing computers, taking care of my 3-year old little Princess Sarah, and just making ends meet. I do gardening, love my COLD Brew or Wine, don't eat meat for Health reasons, and I'm trying to quit smoking cigarettes.

My garden consists of Green tomato Plants, green Onions (Perennials), Collard Greens, Lemon Basil, Red Basil. I didn't do Pumpkin this year. OH, and I'm growing Sweet Corn with a turbo root blaster. I love dogs and cats. I love Horro films, Comedy and Romance every now and then. Sci-fi is my weakness. I'm Marvel, but DC Comincs is on the rise.


08-27-13, 02:52 PM
Well. Lets see.

Zook (I think he's still a mod, ill check that later....)

Im pretty sure thats everyone.


Refer to member list for everyone else.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
08-27-13, 02:53 PM
I'd give up smoking, buy my momma didn't raise no quitters!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
08-27-13, 03:18 PM
*A* druggie?


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Christ, mate, you're optimistic.

EDIT: and as a sidenote, enjoying a drink does not make you an alcoholic. I have plenty of experience with real alcoholics, so don't try and compare the two. Plenty of people on this site enjoy a drink - that does not mean you have the right to label anyone an alcoholic.

08-27-13, 03:35 PM
As an alcoholic I quite agree.

(By which I mean, recovered, but nobody ever 'recovers').

Princeben, I'm Neko, too - so - bring it psion!

08-27-13, 04:07 PM
Aure. Im betting there are more than a few people here that are slightly (maybe a bit more) addicted to beer, vodka, whiskey. So on.

08-27-13, 04:20 PM
He's right though, nothing gives you the right to make that judgement call on anyone. Here or anywhere else.

On topic: welcome Ben, glad to have you here!

08-27-13, 04:24 PM
I know. No need to yell at me. I never labeled anyone specifically.

08-27-13, 05:51 PM
I think it would be best not to bring up stuff like that in introduction threads, we all have our demons.

08-27-13, 06:13 PM
Yes, the point of an introduction thread is only to greet new community members, not unintentionally give them a list of people who they should stay away from.

08-27-13, 08:47 PM
Wine's not really my scene, but I could go on and on about beer. How hoppy do you like it? Do you lean toward stouts and porters, or are you more a lager/pilsner guy? Or does it depend on the time of year? Do you homebrew at all?

Also sounds like a neat garden that you have there. My folks have just got a plot on a community garden, so do you have any basic, must-know stuff that might be useful? They/we've grown a few herbs and things in our back yard before, but I think this will be their first time doing something like this.

08-27-13, 11:12 PM
Otto is something else!!! Okay, uhm, I don't Home Brew, but I like Pilsners and Micro-brews. Draughts and Stouts are a bit strong for my taste, but I WILL try them for flavor. I think Killighan's Irish Red is the smoothest I've ever tasted. Sam Adams is over-rated, but it's okay. Pabst Blue Ribbon is nice, but watered down. Guiness will sneak up on you if you're not careful.
Everyone is drinking Moscato, but my parental unit says that when SHE was younger, Moscato was hip.

As for Gardening, *sighs* that would be another website to sit down and explain about. You can inbox me mate if you have any questions about that. Grubs are always a problem when you grown ANYTHING in the squash family. be careful.

08-28-13, 08:44 PM
Grubs are a problem no matter what you grow, but right now I'm dealing with rats. They're coming in because of the chicken coup, but they've made a nest under the vegetable garden and are eating all the tomatoes before they can even ripen. It sucks. We have a really short growing season and very little of our vegetables are turning out this year despite the good weather. No luck...

08-29-13, 05:08 AM
Watch out for grubby squash. Got it.


Aurelianus Drak'shal
08-29-13, 05:17 AM
Isn't there an obvious solution if you've got too many rats, and not enough vegetables?

Eat the damn rats.

08-29-13, 05:22 AM
Isn't there an obvious solution if you've got too many rats, and not enough vegetables?

Eat the damn rats.



08-29-13, 11:57 AM

08-29-13, 06:50 PM
lol, we usually drown the rats. Not even the dogs will eat them, so that's telling you something.

Silence Sei
08-29-13, 07:06 PM
So you eat babies during potato famine and rats if they munch on your tomatos?

Seems legit.

08-29-13, 09:08 PM

08-29-13, 09:20 PM
So you eat babies during potato famine and rats if they munch on your tomatos?


08-30-13, 06:12 AM
So you eat babies during potato famine and rats if they munch on your tomatos?

Seems legit.

Do go on.

Anywho.... Welcome back/aboard/here. Most of us aren't cannibals. If you are interested in a Battle (OF DEATH) let me know (here/ PM, whatever).