View Full Version : Red Six Initiation: Hysteria vs BaBE

09-03-13, 06:17 AM
Talen is operating as The Red for this match
The ground bubbled. Thick pungent clouds of acrid fog rose out of the goup that formed the ground of the arena. The field was simple, but designed for the utmost chaos for competitors. It was wholly contained within a large bowl like arena ringed but a high stone wall. The sludge formed a sort of lake in the middle with hundreds of metre wide stones forming little platforms. Each end was a single large platform. There was no pretence with this arena, it was designed for combat.

The Red, messenger and occasional enforcer of the Red Six stood at one end with his sword resting on his shoulder. Red was a large muscular creature. Mostly human looking, he had a few noticeable differences. His eyes were yellow, with a piercing gaze. Skin a blood red, covered with dozens of sixes, all shapes and sizes haphazardly positioned. He wore a simple pair of black pants and hard, durable shoes. He held an aura of business.

“I am here to test you.” The demon cocked his head to the side and smiled, thick rows of sharp teeth, “Try and put up a good show. Oh, that stuff looks mighty hot.”

The brown bubbling mud Red referred too was indeed hot, boiling at temperatures over a hundred degrees. It was enough to burn flesh from the bone if someone was unlucky enough to get caught.

“Well,” The demon smile somehow got even bigger. The white of his teeth contrasted against his red skin. “Announce yourself and begin.”

09-05-13, 05:56 AM
Another day, another shadowy organization sending me a mysterious invitation to join their group, hoping to capitalize in my relatively-infamous heritage in order to further their own nefarious schemes. Lately, they had been arriving with such regularity that I have been using the folded pieces of parchments as beer coasters.

The difference with this one was the use of the word glory in their invitation. It was a curious addition; one that I had not been accustomed to seeing in recruitment letters. It piqued my interested enough that I would humor these Red Sixers and at least meet up with them.

I suppose you can imagine my surprise that I found myself entering negotiations in the Citadel, precariously perched on one of many slabs of stone set in a circle over a pit of what appeared to be boiling, toxic mud. Rather than a hooded agent or well-dressed suit, I found myself staring down a muscular, blood red-skinned demon with the number six tattooed all over his body in dozens, if not hundreds of different fonts.

I looked at my surroundings, sniffing at the bitter air. "You wish to test me? That's funny. Usually my reputation precedes me. Or at least that of my family..." I shook my head. "Also, I'm at a bit of a disadvantage at the moment, as you can see." I waved my right shoulder around for a bit, the folded sleeve of my black blouse top fluttering in the air without an arm to fill it for effect.

No doubt about it, this was going to be difficult. I still had my wires, certainly, and my throwing knives and daggers as well--but I am at my best when I am up in an opponent's personal space, breaking bones and forcing pained cries of "uncle!" from whoever was unfortunate enough to piss me off.

The demon smiled, eagerly awaiting the coming bloodshed. I sighed. "...Very well, then. My name is Madison, known in some circles as a Freebird, and in others simply as Bookwyrm." My tone was flat, bored with going through the motions of pre-combat introductions.

With my left--and only--hand, I reached down to my leg and slid one of my six steel throwing daggers out of its sheathe on my left leg. At the same time, I commanded my wires to slither out from my shirt sleeves and wrap themselves around the hilts of my daggers, ready to rip through the air and the demon's flesh at a moment's notice. With a quick overhead flick, the throwing knife sailed through the air at the demon's chest, aiming more to force him to make a move rather than pierce his flesh.

09-08-13, 01:22 AM
Red's yellow eyes locked on Freebird. He idly wondered if the cocky attitude was an act, or if she really believed it. It didn't matter one way or another in the long run, his main concern was if she would be able to fight with only one arm. Red brought his sword in front of himself. The dark blade deflected the dagger with a crack and in an instant the demon was running forwards. His lithe body bound easily from stone to stone as he closed in on his mark. Even though he has assumed the demonic form and stoic, albeit evil personality, a little bit of the trickster shone through.

“Let me know if you need a hand!” Spat the demon with a glint of glee in his sulphuric eyes.

The monster was asking for trouble, but he was seeking anger. With each movement he tore towards his target. His muscled strained with each leap, rippling under his skin with the movements. He leapt through a thin mist from a particularly pungent bubble of swamp gas. The odour was abrupt and disgusting, but acrid and earthy at the same time. He refused to let it interrupt the fight.

Around his sprinting form burst a torrent of shadows. It streaked into the air and arched towards Freebird. As it approached it exploded outwards in hundreds of small dark forms. Each spread wings, a silent avalanche of hundreds of crows. The spiralling avian illusion formed a thick mess of darkness. Red charged forwards under the raining crows, intent on striking down his opponent while the illusion blocked her sight.

09-26-13, 04:41 PM
Really? Really?! The demon's attempts at humor were just as wretched as his choice of body art. I'm a little sensitive about my lack of a right arm at the moment; I made a mental note to cave in his skull with a solid punch as soon as the opportunity presented itself.

The demon's bulky frame sprang forth, leaping from stone platform to stone platform, his dark blade raised high in the air. I took a quick survey of my surroundings, disappointed to find that the placement of the rocks prevented me from jumping out of my attacker's way without leaving my back wide open for a nasty slash from his steel. I would have to rely on quick parries and dirty tactics to gain an advantage in the Citadel, and try my damnedest to not slip into the boiling, viscous muck below.

I heard the thundering of his boot against the stone slabs that served as our ring, and my attention snapped back to the matter at hand. To my surprise, I noticed a cloud of inky blackness emitting from the demon's crimson skin. The cloud quickly grew, and formed itself into a murder of crows. I was fixated on the birds as they flew towards me. A chill crept down my spine as I took a step back, steeling myself for their assault.

Their black bodies flew forward, and I cursed and raised my one arm up to defend myself. One by one, the birds flew past and through me in their assault, leaving no marks on me whatsoever. An illusion? It must have been. As I entertained the thought, the demon let loose a battle cry that echoed off the stone walls of the pit. Through the cloud of black magic, I saw his form materialize, a malicious smile crossing his lips.


With incredible speed, he brought down his black steel blade down, attempting to cleave me into two neat pieces. I had just enough time to pivot my feet and shift my weight to the left. I felt the wind from his sword as it whizzed by my face, clattering harmlessly onto the stone below. I had a short window of opportunity open--I had to strike a decisive blow now, before he could correct himself and lash out again.

I was positioned perfectly to land a solid punch across the side of his exposed head. With my left arm already dropped back, I balled my fist up tight and extended my middle knuckle slightly, to decrease the point of impact and increase the damage it would cause. With every ounce of strength I could muster, I threw an explosive punch aimed at the demon's exposed temple. I couldn't imagine how much pain a blow like this would cause; but I was certain that it would buy me enough time to either start a dialogue or end this battle--and him.

11-05-13, 12:54 AM
A thick, resounding thurwak lifted into the air as Madison's fist caught Red in the side of the head. The leathery skin of the demon took the strike, but Red still took two steps to the side. His hands lifted out, catching his balance before into the acidic mud. His yellow eyes twisted back towards his opponent, a cold indifference settling across his features. Red knew his role, he was a image, a symbol. He was the Red Six personified, a creature of anger, of strength and brute force that cried out to the world, This is who we are! You will respect us!. When needed he was also a examiner.

With a spider thin smile across his face Red whipped his sword around in a wide slash to kept Madison from closing the gap and taking the advantage. The demon recovered, moving forwards and bringing his sword back around. The blade sliced through the putrid air with a whip. The demon used his momentum, bring his sword around again. His attack turned into a fury of swipes, cutting and hacking through the air towards Madison. In the end air was all they touched.

His opponent reacted quickly. She turned and leapt from the stone to land gracefully on another. She escaped being pinned down, but didn't stop there. Her legs whipped across the stone in two steps, leaping into the air and landing on another. Red paused, lifting his sword at the ready for what he assumed was about to come. A haze was sinking over his head and he fought against the dulling effect of the blow to the head.