View Full Version : Training (Closed)

09-08-13, 12:15 PM
OOC: Okay, This is a training thread for myself. It is going to help me learn how to write each of my characters. All my accounts will be used in this thread so expect this to be a long thread. Oh and I would like it if I could get a little feedback as I go. It would help immensely.

Sorish & Sanderia entered a clearing full of training equipment. In the center of the clearing a man stood there. The man wore a red robe and had a red cape with a Book and Pen sown into it.

"Ah, so the first has arrived. Sorish, Roxi, & Sanderia. Welcome to the Training Grounds. I'll introduce myself when everyone comes. Please sit over on that bench." The man said as he pointed to the bench on the south side of the clearing.

Sorish, Roxi & Sanderia nodded then sat down on the oak bench.

09-08-13, 01:08 PM
I'm so hungry I could eat a ship. Abrinano thought as he entered a clearing full of training equipment. However, he didn't pay any attention to any of that. Instead his eyes darted right to the food table at the other end of the clearing. He started running across the clearing only to be stopped by the trainer.

"You'll get a chance to eat later, for now go and sit on that bench over there Abrinano." The trainer said as he pointed to the bench where two coralians sat talking.

"But I'm not hungry." Abrinano said as he tried to get to the food.

The trainer picked Abrinano up before he threw him towards the bench. "I said sit on the bench!" he yelled as Abrinano landed right next to the coralians who jumped from the shock wave. "Much better," The trainer said before he returned to the center of the clearing to wait for the rest of the group.

General Quintet
09-08-13, 02:22 PM
Tracy's POV:

I walked through the woods my brothers and Sister behind me. As we got closer to the clearing I held up my hand to signal them to stop. I turned to them and said, "I'll go ahead and you all follow after me. I will send out a Sonic Boom if there is trouble ahead." As I turned to leave a shock wave sailed right past us.

"Where on earth did that shock wave come from?" James asked as he turned his thin face towards the direction we were headed, his hear messed up more from the action.

"I don't know," I said as I turned back towards the source, "but I'll find out soon enough."

I headed off towards the location we were instructed to go, and the direction that giant shock wave came from.

Cain's POV:

I watched as Tracy headed off towards the source of the shock wave, his beard and hair waged back and forth as he walked. I then turned to the rest of the group.

"I think it would be best if we move forward one at a time. We'll go from oldest to youngest so that we could help each other out if needed." Then I turned around and headed off into the forest.

Jame's POV:

After Cain headed off I turned to my brother and sister. "I guess that means I'm next," I said as I walked into the woods, after Cain disappeared from our sight.

Sara's POV:

I watched as James disappeared into the woods. "That makes me next," I said as I turned towards Sam. "Then finally you."

"Why do I have to be last?" he wined as I rolled my eyes.

"If you didn't like our plan then you should of spoke up earlier," I said as I walked into the woods.

Sam's POV:

I watched as Sara entered that forest.

I'm always the last one? It's not my fault I'm the youngest, I thought as I entered the woods.

After I walked for a while, I came to a clearing filled with training equipment. I noticed a coat stand by the bench where my brothers had sat down. I walked over, took off my jacket, and hung it up on the stand before I sat down..

09-09-13, 04:56 PM
I walked through the forest as I looked at the letter I received a month ago.
Meet me at Trainer's Clearing a month from today. No sooner no later.

After I read that, I got packed and left curious who this person was and what he wanted. Well, I had my suspicions that he wanted to train me but besides that, I didn't have a clue what he wanted me for. I mean, I'm mainly a tournament person. But what kind of training did I need? True my last two weren't the best, but I'm learning just fine on my own.

I walked into a clearing that was full to the brim with training equipment for every skill possible. It had a food table to the east, A pond to the north, and a bench with a coral man, coral girl, fat man, & a group of sibling by the similarities in their features. Standing in the middle of the clearing was a man approximately 5'8 who looked about average, had a red robe with a cape that was also red colored and had an old fashioned pen and book stitched into it perfectly.

I walked up to the trainer who looked over in my direction. "Nice of you to join us Barnabas, please sit on the bench and I'll answer most of your questions shortly," he said.

I looked at him. "Understood." I said then just walked over to the bench and sat down next to the fat one.

Miss Relt
09-09-13, 05:25 PM
Ethen and I walked into a clearing full of training equipment, a pond, forges, ovens, workbenches, and anything else you need to train all kinds of skills. There also was a table full of food and a bench with quite a few people sitting on it. I glanced over all the people till my eyes landed on someone I recognized. It was a coralian who had blue algae covering his body except in the cracks where the algae was green. He had a 3 foot crown and boy was he handsome in that pure white Fish Scale Robe.

"Sorish!" I yelled as I ran up to him, Ethen at my heels. Sorish looked up then stood and ran to me.

"Korra!" he yelled.

We met in the middle and hugged then kissed getting a gag from Ethen only to be smacked by Sanderia, who stood next him, as she said, "Don't ruin their moment." Ethen nodded quickly before he sat on the bench.

Sorish and I laughed before we kissed again. However before we could get farther we heard a cough and turned to a man who walked up to us in a red robe, his hazel eyes full of mischief, his dirty blond hair fuzzy on his head shows a slightly childish personality though his short red beard showed he was at least 20.

"You guys will have plenty of time for that later," he said with a wink as Sorish and I blushed. "For now, do you mind sitting back on the bench?"

Sorish and I nodded before we went and sat on the bench as he moved back to the center of the clearing.

Random Stranger
09-09-13, 05:52 PM
A random stranger sat at the edge of the forest since the beginning, however he wasn't ready to strike yet. His black hood was up and his staff was in his black gloved hand ready for the time to strike.

Dead & Walking
09-09-13, 06:53 PM
Grond walked through the woods Zan by his side and a small army of a zombie man, a zombie woman, a zombie boy, a zombie girl, a zombie wolf, 5 zombie moose, 2 zombie cats, a zombie bear, 10 zombie mice, 5 zombie rabbits, 5 zombie squirrels, a zombie raccoon, & a zombie skunk behind him. Grond motioned for the zombie army to surround the camp and let people in but no one out.

Once the army was in position Grond & Zan walked out into the clearing. The man in the center looked at the zombies before he held out a golden amulet that looked like it had lips on it.

"Come Grond and take this amulet of speech so you can speak to us, then go sit down on the bench," the man said to the the zombie.

Grond walked forward slowly then quickly grabbed the amulet. He then put it on before he asked in zombie, "What's the catch?" The lips on the amulet moved as it repeated in a gruff voice.

"You get to keep that, unless you disobey me in this training course. Now go sit down." The man was strangely calm while he spoke to the zombie.

Grond grunted but obeyed and sat down next to the fat scrumptious man.

"And don't eat the others," the man in the center said which made Grond grumble.

Vampire Of Grace
09-09-13, 08:36 PM
Silvidar kept his cowl up as he trudged through the thicket on his way to rendezvous with the man who summoned him to the Trainer's Clearing. Silvidar would have preferred it if the guy would have given Silvidar the boon to be able to arrive at night. But no such boon was granted. Rather, the man mandated that Silvidar come during the day, which subjected Silvidar to a constant threat of being rendered to dust.

As Silvidar forsook the thick trees, he got even more nervous, that is, until he noticed a shelter to the south eastern side of the clearing. He quickly made his way into the lento before he discarded his hood and stood there to wait for the man to come see him as it seemed there were other appointments that arrived before him. So he just hopped into the coffin provided and waited.

09-12-13, 11:15 AM
Timothy and Maroon walked out of a portal into a clearing that was full of training equipment. In the center stood a man who Timothy guessed was the one who called him there. He looked around and took in every single detail. There were training posts near the the man, there were also balance beams, rock walls, even climbing ropes. There were buffet tables to the east, a pond that could be considered a lake in some places to the north, a bench full of people to the south with a coffin under a lean to shelter right next to it, and a group of eleven huts in the forest to the west. Timothy turned to Maroon and said, "Looks like we have ourselves a boot camp dear. Guess we might as well try it out." Timothy then lead Maroon to the bench and they sat down.

The Inventor
09-27-13, 11:34 AM
Invetisto walked through the forest. His Pendulum ticked quickly and quietly as he walked. He finally broke through the forest then looked around. It looked like he had entered a training field. In the center stood a man at 5'8, probably 160 lbs, he had a pure read robe and a red cape with a Book and Quill sewn into the back of it.

Invetisto then looked towards the bench. There were many sentient beings on it. The first group that he noticed was a group of beings made of coral. They giant. One, which looked to be male, would probably stand at 11' maybe 12' tall. He wore a robe of what looked like whit fish scales. His skin was blue and it looked like there was green in the cracks. His eyes were Pink and had no pupils at all. He also looked like he had armor on underneath the robe. The female looked to be about 13' maybe 14' tall, she had a dress of many colors that shimmered in the light. her skin was the revers of the male's with green skin and blue in the cracks. The other two coral beings looked to be children compared to the giants. The boy looked to be about 7' tall. The child wore a grey robe and with a blue cape. His skin was pure blue. The girl looked to be 5' maybe 6' tall. She had a white dress and her skin was just like the older female coral creature.

Invetisto then turned to the fat man. He looked to be about 6' maybe 7' and if Invetisto had to guess, about 300 lbs. He wore a red fleece shirt, white trousers, and even a poofy hat. All around he looked like a rich snob which means Invetisto and this man will probably not get along.

The next group that Invetisto laid eyes on was a group of siblings. Five in total. They all wore the same thing so he guessed they were all in a group, probably a singing group if the suit, tie and dress was anything to go by. The only way you could probably tell the difference between them was by their height and hair style. The youngest seemed to have what he believed was a mullet. The female left her hair down and had a bow wrapped around her head. Another had short hair that seemed to be extremely messy. Another lone had his hair slicked back, he also was the only one that had a cane next to him. The final one seemed to have his hair be cut short to the point it just looked fuzzy.

Invetisto jumped when he saw the next creature. It looked human, but it's flesh was rotting and he swore he could see the organs of this creature. His cloths were no better. They were in taters and seemed to be extremely dirty.

The final group was a normal man and a maroon woman. Invetisto didn't linger long on them, but he did notice a few things. One was that the man had silver eyes. That was a rarity among humans. He wore a collared shirt that only had buttons on the top. His pants were made of material he had never seen before. He also had a Golden Wedding Ring on his left ring finger. As for the maroon woman, she wore a maroon dress. she also had a maroon wedding ring on her left ring finger. He figured they were husband and wife.

Invetisto walked over to the bench and lowered his legs so that not as much pressure was placed on them.

General Quintet
12-03-13, 03:57 PM
Suddenly the quintet disappeared.

12-30-13, 05:22 PM
Hoytti (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?16188-hoytti) receives:

105 EXP!
15 GP!

Opposites (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?16231-Opposites) receives:

100 EXP!
15 GP!

Tourneymant (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?16274-Tourneymant) receives:

100 EXP!
15 GP!

Miss Relt (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?16320-Miss-Relt) receives:

100 EXP!
15 GP!

Random Stranger (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?16437-Random-Stranger) receives:

20 EXP!
5 GP!

Dead & Walking (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17041-Dead-amp-Walking) receives:

100 EXP!
15 GP!

Vampire Of Grace (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17055-Vampire-Of-Grace) receives:

100 EXP!
15 GP!

Gold (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17084-Gold) receives:

100 EXP!
15 GP!

The Inventor (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17112-The-Inventor) receives:

100 EXP!
15 GP!

01-08-14, 05:00 PM
EXP & GP Added!