View Full Version : Strangest Food You Ever Ate

09-03-06, 11:33 AM
Politics. Technology. Contraversy. Who needs em? I don't think this ever existed.. but I'm twisted enough to bring it up. What is the strangest food you have ever eaten? By strange, I don't necessarily mean foriegn, I mean weird. Like combining two or three things in a food you NEVER thought would work and it ends up making you drool in your sleep :D.

Such as Ham and Pineapple pizza with garlic sauce, or bananas and tomato sauce :eek: . What do you think would make someone cringe at first but end up eating anyway? Are you daring enough to open that pantry or refrigerator door and start experimenting?

If so, then this is the thread for you culinary pioneers! Snap on those rubber gloves, open the forbidden crusty drawer of the refrigerator and start thinking of some of the tastiest dishes you can share with us :D. To get the ball rolling I'll start;

Cheeseburger with eggs. :eek:

09-03-06, 11:41 AM
I might as well start low before saying some of the strangest things I've eaten. Starting with some of the things more common o course.

Potatoe and hotdog pizza

09-03-06, 11:59 AM
You call that strange, mon ami? Well, the banana with tomato sauce is pretty strange, I'll give you that. Still, you really need to take a walk on the wild side and see what the Tropics can give you.

Omelete stuffed with banana sauce. Made it myself, ate it for lunch. Oh~ yes, that and the mango sauce variant. Yum.

And then, there's the chitinous cuisine dishes. Spaghetti with stir-fried bamboo grubs in tomato sauce. Crunchy when you eat it rightaway, nice and soft when you leave it out for the sauce to soak in.

Umm... Monitor lizard soup. A cousin of the komodo dragon, but more common and not as dangerous. Tastes just like chicken.

Let's see... What else on that list of things I ate... Ah, you know what? I'll just stop here for now before I gross everyone out. Including the Girls. =P

The Emerald Hind
09-03-06, 12:02 PM
Yikes, now that is odd. o.O; Hmmm... The weirdest thing I have ever eaten? Gah, I have this obsession with ranch dressing. I'll eat it on everything. So the strangest thing I've ever eaten?

Salsa-ranch mixture with saltine crackers

Then there was the time I was tricked into eating this odd mexican dish. I found out after I ate four bites of the stuff that the strange-textured meat I was consuming were cow intestines stewed in beans and chilis.

09-03-06, 12:08 PM
You call that strange, mon ami? Well, the banana with tomato sauce is pretty strange, I'll give you that. Still, you really need to take a walk on the wild side and see what the Tropics can give you.

Omelete stuffed with banana sauce. Made it myself, ate it for lunch. Oh~ yes, that and the mango sauce variant. Yum.

And then, there's the chitinous cuisine dishes. Spaghetti with stir-fried bamboo grubs in tomato sauce. Crunchy when you eat it rightaway, nice and soft when you leave it out for the sauce to soak in.

Umm... Monitor lizard soup. A cousin of the komodo dragon, but more common and not as dangerous. Tastes just like chicken.

Let's see... What else on that list of things I ate... Ah, you know what? I'll just stop here for now before I gross everyone out. Including the Girls. =P

Mmm...I'd kill for some of any of that right now. It actually does sound good.

Anyways, metal coins would be the strangest thing I've ever eaten. Maybe.

09-03-06, 12:36 PM
Metal... coins?! Like, whoa! I wouldn't dare try that, nor will any of my sisters (or, I hope Murakama won't try that stunt) and certainly not Master Raven.

...Well, maybe, but I don't think he would. ^_^;

Emerald: Cow intestine? Isn't there a European dish called haggis? I dunno, I never tried one or seen one in real life.

Well, if I actually have a real life... ^_^; *mutters* Stupid alternate personality circumstances... when am I going to have a real body?

09-03-06, 12:48 PM
Heh, you'd love to know what crazy mixtures I've had to do with my MRE's in order to actually get some food out in the field... Mixing all that shit together, without heating it up, and then having about a minute to eat it without throwing up. That's skill.

I think I've eaten a mixture of everything under the sun, that comes from MRE's.

The Emerald Hind
09-03-06, 01:05 PM
I think haggis is either cow or sheep, Yamihara, but I think it is more likely to be sheep. But what I ate was truly a mexican dish, prepared by some friends of mine from Mexico. To me, it was very weird--even though I will eat it without fuss--to others, it is probably common place.

Gah, after eating MRE's for two months straight, I refuse to touch another one ever again. I didn't want them in the first place, but when that is all the food to be had, then you have no choice. I really don't know what's in some of the stuff, otherwise they would be the strangeest things I have ever eaten. Bleh... I commend you for consuming them without bringing them back up, Calaelen. That does take skill.

09-03-06, 01:09 PM
You call that strange, mon ami?

Snowball effect. Gotta build it up before we get into the really strange stuff ;). Though you do suggest some good dishes, albeit from foriegn sources. But, since that egg-burger thing is from california, I'll let it slide :rolleyes:.

Isn't there a European dish called haggis?

Yup, its a scottish or irish dish if I remember correctly. Sheep and lamb guts or something, I'm not exactly up to date with that sort've thing but I hear its tasty :cool:.

Anyways, metal coins would be the strangest thing I've ever eaten. Maybe.

As long as it can be digested in some shape or form, it is technically considered a food. Although, I could go further and do some research on Family Guy's nickel poisoning... but I think most of us here would probably stop after two or three of the lovely delights.

But, I digress, let us get back to the game!

Chocolate covered ants.

(factoid; A chocolate bar on average has 8 insect legs. :eek:)

09-03-06, 04:11 PM
Hm...cajun-style blackened alligator.

I mean, there's nothing weird about octopus or squid these days, obviously. But alligator? Unusual. And I did see a restaurant in Arizona once that served rattlesnake...nuggets.

09-03-06, 04:38 PM
Why is this stuff weird? Everything mentioned except for the metal coins is an everyday meal for somebody. So far Run is winning.

Anyways, pardon my intrusion. Carry on.

09-03-06, 06:00 PM
I don't even know why I ate them. It wasn't a dare or anything like that. And it wasn't just nickles, it was pennies, dimes, and quarters (one I swallowed a year later by pure accident). I dreaded going to the restroom.

Anyway, as far as FOOD food goes, there's been:

1. Ramen with yellow mustard and chocolate syrup replacing the beef broth
2. Peanut Butter, corn chip, and mayonaisse sandwich tossed in the deep fryer
3. Pickles, Reese's Peanut Butter Cup ice cream, and ketchup
4. There used to these little candy UFO's that tasted like the outside was made of styrofoam, and inside was a really sour powder. I tossed those in with a bowl of Count Chocula soaked in beer

I'll have to think of the other junk I've eaten...

09-03-06, 06:25 PM
How are you still living?

Come on people! Someone's gotta be able to beat the Count Chocula beer guy! Anybody?

For me it has gotta be cow tongue with onions and old gravy, with that real lemon stuff as a beverage.

The Emerald Hind
09-03-06, 06:57 PM
Heehee Actually, alligator is not all that odd to me, Ter-thok, or to most people down where I live, but, then again, I've a cajun family. I've had alligator (fried or simply grilled) on a stick many times. You just have to go to the right restaurants, or even the right food stand at carnivals. It's delicious, though, isn't?

There is a restaurant in Japan that I watched a special on. Something the Discovery Channel was running. They serve live scorpions over icecream. Talk about risky. x_X

09-03-06, 08:32 PM
Everything mentioned except for the metal coins is an everyday meal for somebody.

Now your starting to get it :D! Food is relative. We all have to eat it but it comes in different colors, shapes, sizes, textures, and taste. Because one thing doesn't seem strange to you, doesn't mean it isn't for someone who is from a staunchy suburban background :rolleyes:.

The sense of variety by culture, gender, and even age is an amazing concept for the culinary world, which is why I asked this question ;) . But, if you want the gloves to come off, so be it, although I did ask people to combine foods instead of giving cultural dishes its sort've been ignored so we'll do this in two parts;

Culture: Spicy chicken on top of waffles drenched in syrup.

Creation: Deep-fried pork brain sandwiches.

Thanks for being our designated skeptic, Alex! :p

09-03-06, 08:33 PM
I used to work at a pizza place which prided itself in having more toppings than any other place in town, and had over 800 kinds of regular pizza combinations. But one day I was working, and someone asking for a supreme pizza asked for a pizza with everything on it, which in a normal place WOULD get you a supreme, but I stopped him and said "You know, a pizza with everything on it at Willie's will NOT be a good pizza"

Then a few days later, I was working with the cool manager, and my friend and I decided to make just that: an everything pizza: (in the order the topping went on)

-Garlic spread
-Red Sauce
-Alfredo Sauce
-Ranch Dressing
-Spicy chicken
-Green peppers
-Mild pepper rings
-BBQ Chicken on half, Buffalo Chicken on the other
-Mashed Potatoes

It took two times through the oven to cook fully, and to even get it to run through the oven I had to take a pizza pan and press it all down. I couldnt finish my first slice, my friend ate a whole slice. Later on we were both caught in cold sweats with burning stomachs, wondering if there was going to be an Everything Pizza Round 2. =)

Blech. We ended up trading it to unknowing workers at the custard place across the way. Heh.

09-03-06, 08:59 PM
Yup, its a scottish or irish dish if I remember correctly. Sheep and lamb guts or something, I'm not exactly up to date with that sort've thing but I hear its tasty :cool:.

Actually haggis is a sheep stomach or something, stuffed with lungs and heart and liver. The latter stuff gets boiled in the stomach. The rest of the details are a little funny. No intestines though, large or small. :D

And keeping with the tradition! I have had haggis, and for those that know of them, Rocky Mountain Oysters

09-03-06, 10:43 PM
Hm...allow me to make an amendment here. The alligator was delicious; here's a culinary experiment with less...positive results.

Okay, for a while, I had braces. Anyone who has shared this one with me will agree that your mouth hurts pretty damn bad the day after they've been tightened, especially if they have that chain thingy on them. I mention this both as the motivation for my...idea, and to say that it was somewhat influenced by painkillers.

For weeks before this, I had been trying to convince people that a burrito smoothie would taste good.

I was wrong.

Using the specialized smoothie blender I got several Christmasseseses ago, I...well, here's an ingredients list.

-One (1) Microwavable Burrito
-Three (3) Tablespoons Sour Cream
-Innumerable (?) Handfuls of Shredded Cheese

It was a sort of...bright orange. It tasted much like the worlds worst chili, after six hours in the sun, but cold. And...chunky.


Roscar Palidyne
09-03-06, 11:28 PM
Burrito smoothy..............that's desperate. Really desperate.

Let's see. I eat tacos and burritos with ketchup....

OOh, here's a good one! Though.....I dunno if you call it "food" really, but you can decide that for yourself.



one cooked tater tot.
a double-shot glass
Beer. Preferably Steel Reserve II Black Label, but I suppose you can experiment.

Easy stuff, cram the tater tot in the double-shot glass, pour beer in to the brim, and down you go! Tasty.

09-03-06, 11:58 PM
Strangest food eh??? Well this is where I take the cake! So to speak hehe...

Cake crusts mixed in with speghetti apple juice and chocolate milk blended into a thick shake when adding syrup. ANY syrup.

I have eaten this. Tastes pretty good actually of course, most people tell me i dont have a digestive track...

EDIT: Spaghetti must have sauce.

09-04-06, 06:24 PM
Sea Urchin reproductive organ.

No, it does not taste good. How it can be a delicacy is totally beyond me. It had the cosistency of baby poo, with the smell one would expect coming from a truck stop urinal cake.

My brother and I ate it at the same time, on a dare. I whimpered when it went into my mouth, and my throat refused to let it go down. Every time I tried to swallow, my throat was like "HELL NO." My brother's tortured face staring back at mine, changing colors like a flood of skittles, was the funniest part. I can't imagine what mine looked like.

The guy who prepared it for us gave us free alcohol for the rest of the night.

09-05-06, 12:29 AM
Sea Urchin gonads, eh? I'm planning on downing a few of those. But I thought you're supposed to stir-fry those before you eat? Well, that's what my Invertebrate lecturer told us Biology kids. =P

09-07-06, 09:08 PM
Ok, well I have not actually eaten this and so I suppose I'm kind of breaking the rules, but my friend Paul recently told me of the time they were having a smoothie contest, to see who could drink the most extreme smoothie. His solution to it was to place an entire happy meal in to the blender and hit puree. And by entire, I mean he took the happy meal, box, food, toy and drink, all in the packaging, and chopped it up.

09-09-06, 12:01 AM
Well, go to a decent sushi place (or even a crappy one), and order Uni.

It really is a foul, foul creation. Sea Urchins don't need spines. They already taste fucking terrible.

Sighter Tnailog
09-09-06, 12:26 AM
I tried salmon cream cheese. I've been told it's not that weird...but to me it is. It was good too!

09-09-06, 12:46 AM
I think one time I ate rice. That stuff was nasty.

09-09-06, 02:10 AM
I tried salmon cream cheese. I've been told it's not that weird...but to me it is. It was good too!

As a jew, that is totally not weird. Hell yeah that stuff is good. Try a little dill with it next time.

09-10-06, 08:06 PM
Ethiopian Food. Everyone gets this spungy bread, and you all eat from the same large bowl. It's an experience you have to actually do, rather than have described to you.

09-13-06, 03:22 PM
Bleu Cheese :eek:.

I'm not sure how many of you folks have actually tried actual bleu cheese, not the sauce mind you, but it has a strong after taste that lasts. Its one of those few foods that less is better ;).

09-14-06, 06:56 PM
Guinea Pig. I ate on a trip in Ecuador. It okay but it is really greasy.