View Full Version : Chronicle

09-10-13, 10:02 PM

Sometimes people grow tired of being pawns, longing to restore order to the broken parts of the world. For too long, those in positions of authority have shirked responsibilities. The births and ruins of so many failed empires have left the regions scarred over the ages, traumatizing not only their histories, but the lands and lives within.

For centuries, Leopold Winchester has grown tired. But, as circumstances have turned in his favor, he has conjured the resources to rebuild the crumbling societies of Althanas.

In the treacherous tundra of Berevar, he came to know a kindred spirit in Luned, and somewhere between madness and melancholia, Duffy met the spark their trials ignited. Their drive to act as agents of change brought them together, and hence Chronicle came to be.


The keyword to Chronicle is balance –– true neutrality. "Good" and "evil" are subjective, problematic labels which only complicate one's attempt to navigate the endless expanse of varying gray which composes Althanas and the many facets of its cultures, peoples, and problems.

Chronicle endeavors to foster balance by tearing down abusive and neglectful powers, then rebuilding stronger, fairer foundations where they stood. Immediate need for intervention can be seen in the Imperial control on Radasanth and Salvar's own political turmoil, though pet projects by members in other regions are encouraged and supported.


Chronicle isn't operated under a hierarchy as much as an organic network. While the three founding members do hold positions of leadership within the organization, recruited members are generally considered as equals. All are responsible for their part in keeping watch on movements of the shadow and light across Althanas, as well as the conflicts in between.

There are generally two types of interested parties: those already in ownership of a cause, who wish to share resources with Chronicle and reap the benefits of collaboration; and those in need of cause, whom Chronicle will assign as support for existing initiatives.


Affiliation with other groups doesn't necessarily preclude one from membership with Chronicle, though the reputations of said groups are taken into careful consideration. Any member whose personal actions infringe on Chronicle's values will earn ejection from the organization.

Chronicle is not combat oriented at heart, but due to its focus on holding powers accountable for their deeds, conflict is likely to arise with other groups from time to time. Members are encouraged to practice utmost discretion for the protection of themselves and their colleagues.


Leopold Winchester, Director
Duffy Brandybuck, Public Relations
Luned Bleddyn, Lead Agent

Max Dirks
09-10-13, 10:17 PM
You are approved.

Please check your PMs. Accept the invite to join first and the transfer second.