View Full Version : Happy Birthday!!!

09-03-06, 02:30 PM
Happy Birthday to one and all on this fine day!

Since I am not familiar with two of the people, my special birthday wishes go out to my friend Osato/Tanked.

Although Happy Birthday Santhalas and Ranger (is that another one of Osato's accounts?)!!!

*I wasn't sure exactly where this belonged, so apologies in advance if it's in the wrong place.*

09-03-06, 05:19 PM
happy birthday Santh, wow I didn't think I was older than you^^.

and to Osato too.

And happy unbirthday to me^^

09-03-06, 08:58 PM
Yay Birthdays galore! Happy birthday to you guys Santh and Osato.

By the way, Santh is the Admin for Althanas, and if I remember correctly made it originally too.

Roscar Palidyne
09-03-06, 09:12 PM
22, eh, Santh? Too bad, everything you could wish for you've already gotten. Driving age, smoking age, drinking age.........all down hill from there.

There's always retirement. Heh.

And happy birthday to you too, Osato.