View Full Version : Red Six Clan Thread - Info, Recruitment and Requests

09-21-13, 11:00 PM
The Red Six
This is an in character thread, please remember to post everything in character and if necessary use ooc tags to elaborate!

Deep inside Radasanth, a few blocks and down a hill from the Citadel is a small, slightly run-down tavern. The Last Copper, is surprisingly homey inside. A huge fire burns in the middle of a large hall, filled with tables and rows of seats. The bar front stretches the length of one of the walls, behind which are barrels of beer, and in a few locked cabinets liqueur. The barman, Rex, is an Orc-human and takes no shit from no one. To prove his point a large hammer is mounted behind the bar with the words 'Peacemaker' carved into the handle.

The Last Copper, as well as being a well known drinking station, doubles as the Red Six's base of operations. Sixers, members of the Red Six can be found lulling around the tables, eating, drinking and generally being troublesome. Just inside the door is the clan notice board, full of requests available for members to claim. At the far side of the tavern a stair case leads to the second level, restricted from even Sixers to access.


Clan Information

A bunch of low lives and thugs. Truly a waste of space. – Talen Shadowalker (Founder)
Who? Never heard of them. – Oprahar (Corone Celebrity)
Get off my lawn before I call the cops. - Billy Gates (Richest Man in Corone)

Who are the Red Six?
The Red Six, or sometimes just The Six is a loose consortium of individuals brought together in order to achieve their goals. The public mandate of the The Six is to achieve glory, the form of which is as varied as its members. Described often as 'unpredictable', as an organisation it takes requests from all manner of people. This has led many to believe the sole function of The Six is to act as a mercenary group.

Red Sixers
Red Six members, also called Red Sixers, or Sixers will often work independently to achieve their goals. Each member, if they choose, can wear The Red Six symbol. As part of their initiation they are given a nickname by their inducting member.

Who can join the Red Six?
Anyone can apply, however the members need to be willing to use violence to achieve their goals. While members can be brutish thugs (and many are), more subtle characters are also welcome. Members can be 'evil', 'neural' or 'good' as well as all shades between.

Each perspective member is required to be tested by an existing member. This could be via a fight, or through a quest. The particulars of it are defined by the character and skills of the applicant.

How to apply
To apply enter the tavern, and announce that you want to join the Red Six at the top of your lungs (or quietly, that part doesn't matter) and your reason for why. Your reason should be what you want to achieve, what sort of glory your character is searching for. From there you will be assigned an existing member that will test you to see if you are suitable.

There is a lose affiliation between members. The clan head quarters has requests posted that any member can claim. More important messages are disseminated by a creature called The Red. While not many have seen it, it is described as a red-skinned demon with hundreds of the number six tattooed across his body.

Radasanth, Corone. However, members have been known to travel much further.


Current Requests

The tatted notice board had been updated! The new notices plastered over the old have yet to even get beer splashed on them.

http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/254/0/2/poison_chalice_by_harlequinhues-d6lve4i.gif Assassinations

The Final Aspiration of the Aspiring Earl
Earl Fore-yard (he named himself) has made some enemies with deep pockets. We have been asked to remove him from this life in hopes that he will return somewhat less debt-ridden. Earl is known to hang out around the Citadel, conning hopeful contestants out of money by pretending to be a monk. Those we represent would like him killed in broad daylight in front of the Citadel, however they will accept decapitation and his head left on the steps as a second option.

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/247/7/5/sword__no_colour_swatches__by_harlequinhues-d6kzd8w.gif Battles


http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/251/5/a/gold_shield_by_harlequinhues-d6lhzu9.gif Guard Jobs

Gourd Garden Guarding
Well, I am not going to mince words with this one. A Gourd farmer has moved from Akashima with his prize winning Gourd plants. He had somehow managed to offend the local pumpkin farmers and fears that they will use their pumpkin magic (yes that’s a thing,) to destroy his garden. Set out to the Corone Countryside and protect this poor soul. Oh, if possible can you bring me back one of those giant gourds? It would look great in our HQ. Oh, before I forget, apparently pumpkin magic has something to do with using pumpkins as weapons, and even summoning the fierce pumpkin golem... Sometimes I think magic has lost its elegance.

http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/251/b/7/gold_bow_by_harlequinhues-d6li05f.gif Hunting

Ok, I shit you not, there is a dragon that somehow was combined with a wagon to create a Dwagon. Apparently a wizard stuffed up a spell and combined the two rather than cooking an egg. That was years ago and the Dwagon has now grown up and is terrorising several small towns in rural Corone. The reason I want you to kill this beast is wood. Dragon Scale wood. Apparently it resists all fire and is easily as strong as steel, while as light as wood. Just be warned, even though it rolls around on four wheels, its wings are fine and it has a unique breath attack of dragon wood shards.

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/251/0/0/gold_trident_by_harlequinhues-d6li0o0.gif Treasure Hunting

The Ruby Six
Sometimes a man just wants things, y'know? Like a foot tall number six made from a single ruby. There is some story about how a god marked his favoured children with the six, only to have them die out and leave the six in a tomb filled with the souls of the dead... but I'm sure its just an old wives tale. Head out by boat to the small Island of Del'rago off the east coast of Corone. From their enter the jungle, the tomb and BAM we have a giant ruby six. Now that would be one for the mantle. Oh and apparently it was a snake god. Duno if that will come up.

http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/242/2/0/red_six_by_harlequinhues-d6kesp7.gifClan Businesshttp://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/242/2/0/red_six_by_harlequinhues-d6kesp7.gif

Time to get down to business. Stamping out the competitors, taking what’s ours, that general stuff.

Six times Six
Six men in Ettermire are using The Red Six's name and stirring up trouble. Your job is to make these men 'cease to be' and leave the Red Six symbol as a reminder that we are not to be trifled with. The men are apparently just thugs, but in Ettermire they might have access to some black-power weapons, so be careful. If you can bring back a keg or two of the black stuff all the better.

Mine Crafts
We have been given a mine. By 'given' I mean 'took'. By 'took' I mean I managed to get most of the blood off the deed. Problem is, the mine is full of goblins. Little feral ones, barely able to count the coins they have been stealing off passer-bys. Do the clan a service and put the buggers out of their misery and bring us back some of that oh-so-expensive iron ore. For you know, ironing people in the face with.

Captain Sassy-Pants
Ok, his real name is Captain Morgan. He runs a smuggling rink between Corone and Altera. He pays the Black Sail a decent amount of coin to let him operate, and has managed to build up quite a lucrative operation. That’s were we come in. I want in. Maybe its being able to call yourself a racketeer, maybe its the ability to use the term 'Smuggler' for its intended purpose. Whatever it is, this deal will net us a tidy sum. Contact Captain Morgan and put some pressure on him. You might need to kill a few of his sailors, but that’s how we do business. Also, I heard he likes spiced rum and wears very fashionable pants. I doubt either of those facts will help you.

Crafters Three
09-21-13, 11:10 PM
Dwagon! Is called, by PROPHET.

09-22-13, 01:01 AM
Don't forget this is an In Character thread! :p Nothing massive, just claim and interact IC.

Talen pushed open the door to the tavern. The pungent aroma of beer and cooked meat hit him instantly. The youth hadn't felt hungry a second before entering, but was not ravenous. As he entered he turned to the notice board to check out the newest requests. Across Dwagon! was scrawled a claim from Prophet. Talen smiled to himself, a personal joke. The youth turned and headed to the bar to sedate his hunger.

10-25-13, 07:41 PM
I woke up. The sun on this plane was just peeking around after a long night casting long shadows on everything. Looks like someone beat me up as I observed Felyn hunting around the tavern for food/money from the big party last night. I saw her take a few coppers off the ground and from a nearby by dead looking inferior creature (Was that 'thing' even a 'human'? it was so big and bloated).

"Pitiful, I can't believe I'm reduced to this humiliating situation," I thought to myself. "These inferior creatures are so disgusting, they have to eat stuff, and they also drink that odd 'beer' stuff that makes them act crazy."

I saw that Felyn had gotten enough of those dirty little metal pieces that humans call money and was now looking through the front entrance of the tavern. "Seriously, she is such a weakling, totally unfitting body for someone as great as myself," I said to myself for the hundredth time in the past few days. "Sigh, this hunger is so annoying and I can feel it even though I'm not in control." I thought while I altered Felyn's thoughts slightly so she would hurry up, enter the tavern, and fix this hunger issue.

Finally, Felyn entered the tavern with a bit of 'encouragement' from the great me. I watched Felyn do her usual which was quickly taking note of the exits and possible threats. Finally, Felyn went to the bar to order that awful tasting thing called soup. Well, at least it fixes this hunger thing I thought as she waited for the ugly creature to come over to take her order.

While waiting, I overheard some people talking about money and jobs. As much as it was below a great lord like me, I figured it might be looking into especially since that might help me adjust to this pitiful world and get some support until my mighty power could be released. As the ugly monster took Felyn's order, I forced her out for a second to add on a question about what these 'jobs' were about and if any of them were suitable for Felyn.

In case it isn't clear, Slativ and Felyn are two separate people but due to certain circumstances, they share the same body with Slativ being in control if he chooses. Also, Slativ wants information on the guild.

Andy Rorton
10-29-13, 09:36 AM
He walked through the door of the bar, his boots clicking with each step he took. Rumor had it that the legendary Red Six gathered here, a group that appealed to Andy Rorton's more delicate sensibilities. He didn't bother to look around, or to ask any questions. People who did that typically had to jump through hoops to find their answers. No, Rorton had a much more direct approach. Looking at the nearest serving wench, the legend killer withdrew his gun and fired a single bullet at her feet. The server, who happened to be carrying a plate of glasses, jumped into the air started, her drinks flying through the bar and landing with satisfying crash.

"Red Six," Rorton looked at each and every person in the pub, "I want in. Safety in numbers right? I need help in my legend killing. Now you all have about ten seconds to find me someone I need to talk to," Rorton pointed the gun at the waitresses chest this time, "Or the maiden is going to get a very painful breast reduction."

11-04-13, 10:27 PM
PM shot to Slativ
Talen lifted his head from his meal. His eyes meeting the stranger that casually held a weapon towards the bar maid. The youth stood up from the table, pushing his bowl back with a grunt of annoyance. In a few steps he was next to the stranger. His demeanour was calm, relaxed even as he lent against he bar.

"Good bar staff are hard to come by, much harder than people chasing legends...." Talen flicked his eyes towards the stranger, "how about you and I settle this outside, (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26245-Alleyway-Brawl-Closed) and perhaps you might have what it takes to join us?"

11-27-13, 08:23 PM
The new member of the red Six entered the building.

Dawn Flameshadow had passed her test a while ago, and now entered the tavern. She placed her left hand on her hip and looked around at the suitable little bar. She was a little young, so she wouldn't be drinking here. Nope. What she was really here for was to find out exactly the first thing she would be doing in clan business. Until now, she had been any normal bounty hunter; now, she had an entire organization at her back that would make her living just plain easier. In her sassy way, she stepped forth to where the other members were... Or she needed not to step any further.

Two members (including a certain little punk she now knew as the clan leader) Were right in front of the service table. One of them had a gun, she had never seen him before. But he had a gun aimed towards a waitress's chest. Great to see more people like me around. She put on her usual smirk, ready to encounter them. Leaning to the right, pointing her arms strait down to the floor, she went to make her introduction At least Talen would give her something to do that would get her some money...

OOC: Just came by to see what's up.. And to introduce Dawn to her clan mates. So what's up? Anything worth getting Dawn some big money?

12-07-13, 05:03 AM
"Yo Dawn!" Talen flicked the girl a wicked grin.

"I was just thinking of you. There is a certain man who has been causing some trouble. Would you care to join me in making him cease? Ye olde cloak and dagger stuff, you know?"

12-07-13, 12:54 PM
Dawn smirked at the thought of blood; suddenly it actually seemed like she could appreciate her leader now, "Does that mean killing somebody and getting money?" How could anybody know why such a young person was so obsessed with money? Only Dawn herself knew... She reached up and grabbed a hilt to one of her katana blades resting on her back. She didn't draw the blade, but kept her position, waiting for an answer.