View Full Version : New player here for adventures! ... I hope

09-22-13, 04:28 AM
Hiya! I found this site a few days ago and yesterday I finally got my character together and I'm now waiting for her to get approved c:
I've roleplayed a lot before, both online with the ordinary system of play by post but also the real deal with pen and paper. That's probably why I really liked this site when I found it because it is the perfect combination between the too :D (And I'm currently forever alone in a new town so I haven't got people to roleplay with there yet...)

But I'm still new to this so I was wondering if anyone had some tips of how to get started or if there's anything I should know or do? :3

09-22-13, 05:34 AM
Hello! And welcome :)

Getting started here is pretty easy. The first thing you'll need to do (if you want to role play in any IC forum other than the Nexus) is submit a character sheet (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?7-Character-Registration) for approval. You can find the guidelines for that here (http://althanas.com/world/faq.php?faq=start#faq_welcomegettingstarted). The approval process is pretty much just to make sure that people don't start with unrealistically powerful characters (which aren't usually any fun to write with, anyway) - apart from that, there's a lot of flexibility. The profile submission forum is accessible from the main page, and the 'getting started' guidelines are available in the 'rules section, which you can reach from the navigation bar at the top (and which also has lots of other useful information).

Now, if you want a character that fits in with the lore/canon of Althanas, you can look up each region's history and other information in a few ways. First, there is usually an introductory post available in each region's forum. Second, you can get an in-depth look at the different areas from the wiki page (accessible via the navigation bar). And third - you can ask us about them.

So I hope that's proven a useful little crash course. If you have further queries about the site, I (and the other staff) would be happy to answer them here :)

So, once again - welcome to Althans, and enjoy your stay!

09-22-13, 05:47 AM
Thank you :D

Yes, I actually have a character waiting for approval so I think I figured that out at least :) I really like the wiki, it's fun that there is so much about the regions. It makes the world seem so much more alive!

Do you have any tips on the actual roleplaying? Like, good things to think about in your first post, how you easily find people to play with or something like that? :3

09-22-13, 06:04 AM
If you jump into chat, people are usually happy to talk about their characters. It has the benefit of not just letting you find characters that you might like your own to interact with, but you'll also be able to gauge the personality of the writers behind them. Otherwise, you can always check the battle/quest recruitment forum (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?170-The-Recruiting-Forum) in the Role-Player's Corner, to see if there are any threads that interest you. Of course, you can come up with your own thread, too, and advertise it there.

As for a good first post? Well... I don't know. All I can recommend is write how you want to write. If you want to iron out the kinks, we have a 'Writer's Workshop' where you can critique other people's work, and have the same done for your own, all in an unofficial capacity. This is pretty good, because it exposes you to other people's styles and characters. When you're done with a thread, you can also submit it for judging and receive an 'official' score, with the option of getting feedback for it as well. And, of course, you'll develop your writing through simple experience over time. If you're worried about stunning us with an incredible first impression, don't be :P

Interesting character profile, too. I don't think we have nearly enough dwarven heritage on this site (and I'm sure Luned would agree with me). I'd just like to make sure you're aware that you are allowed up to three abilities for a level zero character, which means you still have two you can add to the profile. This could take the form of archetypical dwarven sturdiness, though you could just as easily go in another direction. Perhaps she has picked up a keen ability to detect when people are lying, due to her time in the gang? Or that she herself is good at bluffing? Stuff like that.

09-22-13, 06:31 AM
Oh, I should really check those out then ^^

Thanks! And yes I know I can have two more abilities, I just didn't know what to write that fitted her concept. But the lying thing was really good! I Think I might take that :3

09-22-13, 06:41 AM
Well, I'm glad to be of some help, then :D Perhaps once you get some stories going, you can draw inspiration from them for more abilities.

Profiles don't usually take too long to get approved, so hopefully we'll see you writing soon!

09-22-13, 06:55 AM
Welcome! This place grows on you (like fungus).

You can also check out the Power Group section, where we have clans. I may have a clan of my own if you're looking (link in Signature, Red Six).

We are also having a tournament starting soon, you can check it out here, its called The Cell (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?337-The-Cell). I actually joined the same tournament just after joining Althanas.

Just some advice on joining threads, try and get a few going. Sometimes they slow down, and its good to have other ones going on so you have something to write in.

The Inventor
09-22-13, 07:09 AM
Welcome friend, may your stay here be joyful. Also, maybe Cicilix and Invetisto will someday be friends.

09-22-13, 07:44 AM
Welcome to Althanas!

It seems like everyone else has covered the basics for you, so the only advice I can give you is to please keep your arms and legs inside the forum at all times. And try not to feed the mods, they tend to get rather needy, and clingy, and then the next thing you know you're beating them off you with a stick!

*offers cookies*

Crafters Three
09-22-13, 07:57 AM
Damn dude! DO NOT TAKE ANY FOOD FROM WITCHBLADE. It usually results in .......... The Back Room.

Anyways. Im Erik, nice to, Internet acquaint with you! Welcome to Althanas, and i hope your stay is merry. Some people to know, and a quick list of staff.

BlackAndBlueEyes-Former Mod, continuous member.
Elthas-Longtime member.
Krausus-My main alt, if you need ask something to me for some reason, PM me over there.
Max Dirks-Staffing Admin
Silence Sei-Owner of the Site

Enigmatic Immortal
Silence Sei
Max Dirks
(Is Logan still a mod?)
Aurelius Drak'Shal
Skie And Avery
Zook (I think)

Note to friends-Is that everyone?

Also, if you feel the sudden urge to be tortured to death, please, just call Aurelius. (Disclaimer-Erik takes no responsibility for the death of you at the hands of <Insert Name Here>)

That is all.


The Inventor
09-22-13, 08:00 AM
There is also my main Hoytti. I'm willing to help you if I can. I'm especially good when you need an idea for a thread.

09-22-13, 08:32 AM
But but... Cookies... :c

Thank you all for such a warm welcome, I'm sure I will love it here!

Hm, I've looked at the cell and it seems fun but I don't think that's something for Cicilix... But maybe I'll change my mind ^^

Thank for all the tips, everything sounds really good and I'll be sure to think about it.

The Inventor: I'm sure they will if they meet, Cicilix loves to meet new friends! And I might take you up on the offer to discuss thread ideas, I usually need a push or two to get my imagination running.

I think I'll skip the torturing to death though...

09-22-13, 08:37 AM

It going to be chaotic mayhem and ridiculous amounts of fun, I can promise you that. I'm participating with an alt. Not to mention, it's a great way for you to earn some experience. The way they calculate it in the cell is, you get it based off the highest level person in your cell. So, if let's say a level 10 account is in your room, as long as you make five posts, you'll get a hefty chunk of experience for participating.

*puts away the cookies and offers a beer instead*

It's 5 o'clock somewhere. ^_^

09-22-13, 08:44 AM
*Takes out red pen*

Take NOTHING from witchblade. If you do, check it for poison.


If you don't, it's not my fault.

Now JOIN THE CELL! It'll be fun, and we can have a fun time attacking each other in bloody happy fun! We can also smash each other in the face! To bits.

*Holds out "Safe" Cookies*

Beware <Insert Name Here>....

09-22-13, 08:58 AM
Hm, I guess I Will have to join the Cell now that you insist so on it then.

And I'm sorry but beer sound more suspicious than cookies :3 But I can't accept cookies from you Prophet if I've declined Witchblade(more like screamed at not to take it but you know, whatever). So I guess no cookies for me...

09-22-13, 09:03 AM
Hooray, some more dwarfiness!!! Welcome. : ) And yes, even if you're not really into battling, The Cell could be a great chance to meet a bunch of writers and participate in an event that'll help you get settled.

09-22-13, 09:06 AM
We also have things called power groups where you can join an organization with a bunch of characters and get help settling in the community if you don't want to start from scratch, too. Mine is here as an example: http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?25900-Chronicle-%95-Recruitment-amp-Roster

09-22-13, 09:22 AM
I'll have to read a little about the battling first, I'm not really used to that kind of roleplaying so ^^ And think about my third ability as well.

But I think I'm going to wait a little with the power groups, I want to find one that suits her background and I haven't really looked much into the groups yet!

09-22-13, 09:58 AM
Good move. The most important thing is to set a pace and level of involvement that's enjoyable for you - we're a pretty relaxed bunch (although we do get a bit excited when a new member arrives), and you'll figure out a lot of this stuff surprisingly fast.

As for battles - think of them like competitive writing threads, rather than collaborative. Probably the most important thing (and perhaps the only important thing) to remember about them is that it doesn't matter whose character is alive* by the end of it, but who was the better writer.

* The term 'alive' is used loosely, as there are/is (an) arena(s) that allow one to participate in mortal combat, but revive and heal the fallen at its conclusion. See the Citadel for that.

09-22-13, 10:16 AM
That sounds really fun actually ^^ I'll be sure to remember that!

09-22-13, 10:20 AM
Yeah, battling in this forum is all about kicking ass through your writing, not necessarily through your characters direct actions. Though doing both is actually a lot of fun. Plus, very challenging and it always allows me to push my writing abilities.

09-22-13, 01:02 PM
(I need to start commenting on these earlier than what I am again...)
HELLO! :D Welcome to Althanas! I hope you can handle my random hypersness...

09-22-13, 02:19 PM
Welcome to Althanas, Cicilix.

If you do decide to join the Cell, some advice: don't be one of the 'stragglers'. Once you find out who is playing in your arena, talk to a few people and get involved. It's a lot better (and more fun!) to be in the thick of the action than to be on the outside looking in.

Good luck!

Enigmatic Immortal
09-22-13, 02:55 PM
I am not a staff member. Not at all. Never as me questions or pm for advice or aid. I will not respond to it.

Oh wait, I meant the opposite.

09-22-13, 02:57 PM
Sorry. Forgot you.

09-22-13, 03:49 PM
Thanks ^^ Well that does sound much funnier but it seems I'll have to wait since my character isn't approved yet and it's very hard to fight without one :3 But I'll be sure to join next time there is something like this. Do they happen often by the way?

And I've never had a problem with handling hyperness c:

09-22-13, 03:53 PM
And I've never had a problem with handling hyperness c:
Horray!! :D Hyperness rockz! :cool:

09-22-13, 04:23 PM
I've suggest to Tony that they postpone closing the registration on The Cell until later in this week, apparently we're a few people shy anyway. So hopefully he listens to my suggestion (not likely) and then you can still join. It is a great way for a new member to get involved around here and for your character to interact with many all at once. You'll make allegiances, friends and enemies really quickly in a tournament and that will help ad depth to your character for future threads. But, that does depend on whether or not you can get approved in time for it.

You can always post Registered, pending approval in the registration thread, then you should be fine.

09-22-13, 04:26 PM
Oh, right that sounds good. Then I'll do that and hope no one gets mad. If they do I'll blame you c:

09-22-13, 05:35 PM
Welcome! Tis always good to see new people!

Also, if you want to know who's on staff, an easier (and better) way to see who does what is to click on the "View Forum Leaders" (http://www.althanas.com/world/showgroups.php) link. It is near the bottom center in the space between the forums and the What's Going On section.

Also, not that it makes that big of a difference, but unless things changed hands, Sei is staffing and Dirks is the owner.

09-22-13, 05:57 PM
Things have changed i think. This is from Dirks signature.

Althanas Staffing Administrator

Althanas Battle Record ~ 28-2-0

Do you want to challenge a titan?

09-22-13, 06:03 PM
I'm still rather certain Tony pays the bills, not Sei. At least that's what Dissinger told me.

But that doesn't really matter. The bright shiny names are admins and the Italicized names are your mods.

And feel free to blame whatever you want on me, I'm good with that. :p I'll just take it out on your ass in the tournament.

09-22-13, 06:04 PM
Oops, wrong account. Baha, that above post is one of my alts. Sorry for the confusion.

09-22-13, 09:14 PM
Dirks also hasn't changed his signature in years. Don't make assumptions based on a signature. Dirks has been paying the bills since he took over the site a while ago.

Crafters Three
09-22-13, 09:16 PM
Mmk. Sorry, i update my sig regularly.

Silence Sei
09-22-13, 09:49 PM
Gee-zuz. I leave for 5 minutes....

Dirks pays the bills, but the short answer is that he handles operations, I handle content, and Mordelain handles judging. The three of us are the admins of those respective areas.

Hope that clears up some confusion.

09-23-13, 05:40 AM
Uh I think I understand ^^' I had figured out the part with the different styles for names at least.

And hey, don't take it out on me! I'm totally innocent xD

Max Dirks
09-23-13, 09:16 AM
Sorry for the delay Cicilix. I've been away this weekend and I'm training some new RoG moderators.

You're approved now. Go have some fun.

09-23-13, 09:29 AM
Thanks! :3