View Full Version : Oldbie from the frozen north

Roht Mirage
09-24-13, 09:19 AM
Greetings from Canada.

I've been around the site, but never introduced myself to the newblets or said hi to the old chaps. Had to make sure the writing spark was strong again. I used to write as Shadar and Twisted Infinitum. But, they're old news. Astarelle is awesome. She will do great things. Also, I'll make her suffer, because you know how it goes. Mwahaha!

Call me Jason or Roht. I'll be in chat often. Fire some plot ideas my way if you need a forger or spy character. (In-character introductions and friendship will have to be done first. She doesn't work for just anybody.)

And don't bother with the cookies. It's taken me years to recover from the last ones. =P

Silence Sei
09-24-13, 09:48 AM
We could use some more spies in the IK, buddy. You and I actually have a pretty good history of working well with one another as well.

But yeah, I had no idea this was your new character. Welcome back to the site dude!

09-24-13, 10:20 AM
Welcome to Althanas proper, Roht.

Dubious character past?

Ain't nobody got time for that!

09-24-13, 10:25 AM
Welcome back to the site!

The Inventor
09-24-13, 10:38 AM
Welcome back, May your time here be memorable.

PS: Join The Trading Company, a trader is always welcome.

Roht Mirage
09-24-13, 10:50 AM
I'm not considering any PGs right now. Astarelle is trying to lay low. I've got something Cell related that will blow the lid off that, but that's more of a recruitment forum thread. I'll have a post up there soon for anyone interested.

Anyway, the most the power groups will get out of her is temporary help. She's loyal to friends, not organizations. It doesn't mean we can't set something up, but it would be a stand-alone thread as opposed to a recruitment.

09-24-13, 11:54 AM
No way! I had my eye on this account but I thought you were Ter'Thok! This is even better!

Remember the Nomad Process (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?19188-The-Nomad-Process)? Well, it's up to I think 24 posts and I'm determined to finish. I'm actually sitting on the precipice of the climax, and I've been putting it off because I can't quite do Lord Reed (the NPC you initiated) justice. If you'd be willing to make a few posts as NPCs to help round that out, I will owe you a thread!

But all in all man, I'm just stoked that you're back! When you finish threads, consider trying the new workshop option, it's awesome!

Canada Level-Up Complete

Roht Mirage
09-24-13, 12:19 PM
Hm... I'll dust off the Shadar account for that. Send it out with a bit of style. Give me some time to read it and I'll get back to you. If we don't get it trucking along before the Cell, it'll be a priority after. PM me any details you think I'll need.

And mistaking me for Ter'Thok... I'm honored.

Speaking of the Cell. BOOM! (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?25978-The-Cell-Hangover-Edition&p=213529#post213529) Let's have a party. Well, more like post-party regrets, but it'll be fun anyway.

09-24-13, 03:48 PM
OMG another Canadian!!!!

*throws out the cookies and just gives rape*

Max Dirks
09-24-13, 04:01 PM
There's actually a secret horde of Canadians here.

And I'm pretty sure Moonlit Raven won't like the rape. I demand she return and defend Roht's honor.

09-24-13, 04:03 PM
There's actually a secret horde of Canadians here.

Augh! No one was supposed to know that until we take over!!!

09-24-13, 04:06 PM
Damn... our plan has been found out, Numbers.... HOLY SHIT YOU CHANGED YOUR NAME! Change it back!

Roht Mirage
09-25-13, 01:03 AM
I didn't notice until now. It's wrong. Change it back to numbers or I won't play your npc! (I kid.)

Hey, Witchy! Me and the wife are perfectly happy in monogamy at the moment, but thanks anyway. =)

I've been gone so long I didn't even know about the Canadian invasion plan. I mean, I knew it was always a thing we planned to do, but I didn't know we were gearing up. Bring me my armored battle moose!

And the wife is tempted. Everyone should act extra insane to woo her.

09-26-13, 04:20 AM
Haha, tell Jen to get her ass back in here! I don't think I ever got the chance to write with her, and it's good to see you back, Jas. It's been forever.

P.S. It's not rape if you're willing. :p

09-26-13, 04:54 AM
I can see the RCMP loading the siege catapults with molten poutine from here...

Roht Mirage
09-26-13, 06:33 AM
I'll let Jenn know. Me and her have some brainstorms going, but it might be post-Cell that we put them into motion. It'll make for a... memorable encounter for whichever character you run with. =)

It might just be the Alberta in me talking, but even I fear poutine, molten or not. (Yet, strangely, I'm suddenly offended that poutine is being called a spelling error.)

09-26-13, 11:35 AM
I can see the RCMP loading the siege catapults with molten poutine from here...

As the caribou cavalry sweeps up behind you...

09-26-13, 05:15 PM
OH God, wait for me!!!

*runs out of her igloo to saddle up Timbit, her polar bear*

Yeah, you should definitely convince her to come back. I miss you guys! *sniffles*