View Full Version : The Cell: Hangover Edition

Roht Mirage
09-24-13, 12:08 PM
This will be an event that begins in the Cell and will spill out into some threads after. For now, we'll focus on the tournament itself. So, this only applies to people who have registered, and mostly to whoever ends up in my match. Nonetheless, let's plot!

Astarelle hasn't been acting like herself lately. She's been up to some very bad things. What bad things? Hell if I know. I haven't written them yet. And as of the very start of the tournament, she won't have a damn clue either. It's up to you (yes, YOU there!) to give her clues that will help her put the pieces together.

Here are the ground rules:
These events would have been witnessed during a pre-Cell pub crawl (Hasn't been mentioned in canon, but we'll say it's a regular part of the event.) If anyone wants to say they ran into her elsewhere in the days prior, leave a suggestion in this thread.
She has been rude and threatening to nearly everyone. Did she throw a desert-animal-related slur at you? Pour her drink on you? Punch your horse? Let her know while you exchange blows in the Cell. Reclaim your horse's honor!
She was not overly inebriated. Only slight loss of balance, minimal slurring. She was drinking like a fish, but not showing it as much as she should.
Are you an ugly son of a b*tch who could kill a troll with no problem? Someone who she couldn't bring home to mother without the cops being called? She would be nearly on your lap, teasing to within an inch of getting kicked out of the bar, and making sultry promises of what they could get up to after the Cell... or maybe even during. Why not surprise the fans with a different kind of show? (I'm saving top slot for Aure on this one, provided he's willing and we end up in the same match.)
Her clothes stay on. No exceptions. Same outfit that you'll see her in at the beginning of the Cell. The alcohol stains will be laundered off by then.
She only got into one big fight at the end of the night. No mini-brawls before that. They'll just muddle the flashbacks. It was clear that she was capable of fighting with a degree of skill that far exceeds her level. (Speed and technique more than pure strength.)
She goes by the names "Roh", "Roht", or "Roht Mirage" the entire time she's being a bad girl. No one should know the name Astarelle, but you're welcome to throw the name Roh around. She would make damn sure people knew that name.
The validity of your accusations can be called into question. After all, you were drunk too, you boozers.

When the Cell starts, all that goes out the window, especially the increased fighting skill. You're fighting a level 0 weakling with a gentle disposition and no idea what just happened. Do not be gentle.

Anyone who helps with this debaucherous tale may be called upon to help me in post-Cell threads. Be ready. And even if you weren't in my match, there will be an opportunity to join in later with your own stories of how "Roht Mirage" wronged you.

~Our gracious host Sei, in the opening post, will describe the brawl that ends the night.~

Also, I'm serious about the randomization. I'm asking for no favors, just enough potential participants that we can get a fun thing going no matter who's in the cage.
That's settled. Onward!

09-24-13, 12:30 PM
I'm totally up for this. On the same count, Resolve's more than a bit of a lush and a flirt, so she might have been in Astarelle's lap at some point for all we know.

Roht Mirage
09-24-13, 12:31 PM
I approve. May the Cell gods bless us with an opportunity to continue that ill-fated relationship.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
09-24-13, 12:39 PM
I wholeheartedly endorse this idea.

Roht Mirage
09-24-13, 12:53 PM
The role of "Baddest of the Bad Boys" has been filled. There are still numerous flirting incidents that might have happened. Or, should the randomization put the brakes on this match made in hell, I'll take a bad boy understudy. It won't erase the flirtations with Aure. That drama will just be saved for later.

Silence Sei
09-24-13, 01:29 PM
I feel if I volunteered for this, it might be seen as me being biased. Needless to say, it's an interesting idea, and if you don't mind, I will incorporate the bar brawl into Sei's opening post for The Cell.

Roht Mirage
09-24-13, 01:45 PM
Breaking the rules already, buddy? =P

But, I like it. I'll edit above to reflect that. I'm leaving the description of the brawl up to you (vague is fine, everything else will be murky anyway). Keep the injuries relatively minor.

Also editing in a rule on Astarelle's name during these festivities. Heck, just check the first post when the Cell starts. There might be more edits.

Silence Sei
09-24-13, 01:47 PM
Not really breaking the rules, per se, but it gives me a lot more to work with than 'Here's your setting, GO!'

Roht Mirage
09-24-13, 01:59 PM
Sorry, I meant one of my rules that I had above. I said no fighting just to keep the flashbacks from getting too messy. One central brawl, that's perfect.

I tease because I care.

Silence Sei
09-24-13, 02:08 PM
I know you do, bud.

And don't worry, details will be sparingly used, and no injuries that a nights rest can't remedy.

09-24-13, 02:19 PM
She tried to break up Timothy & Maroon.

09-24-13, 02:26 PM
She tried to climb Sorish thinking he was a statue.

Roht Mirage
09-24-13, 02:30 PM
That is horrible! I love it. If we get to do that, feel free to make up the details as you see fit. I'll have some memories come back to Astarelle, just enough to lend weight to it, but I'll take your lead.

"Roh" is on the road to being a pretty awful person.

09-24-13, 02:33 PM
She ran into Barnabas and didn't even notice.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
09-24-13, 02:38 PM
She tried to escape.. ;)

Roht Mirage
09-24-13, 02:40 PM
Hoytii, she's not technically that drunk. She's rude, violent, and horny, but not inebriated. If she's climbing a guy over 8 feet tall, she's trying to kiss him... whether he wants it or not.

Tourneymant, she probably cursed him out also. In a situation like that, I'm fine with anyone asking me for an appropriate insult that they can attribute to her. Or, I'll have her remember pieces of what she said.

Aure, you're almost making me feel bad for the poor girl.

09-24-13, 03:07 PM
Josh is head doorman at a very popular bar/club in Radasanth (the Flesh Failures, it's actually featured in the Nomad Process!) and he's not too monkly to end up flirting. And he has a tendency to bounce people in very memorable ways, so if/when we meet in the cell, I'm all for whatever madness may come. Depending on what happened, I could see Josh protecting or destroying her. Also, sending you a PM regarding our work in progress!

09-24-13, 03:52 PM
I am so up for this, I venture that my thief Reine stole something from your character during one of these nights of intoxication (if we;re int he same room) and you can try to get it back from her.

Roht Mirage
09-25-13, 01:12 AM
Numbe-... Bre-a-ker. So wrong. That sounds awesome. I'm putting you on the short list for post-Cell shenanigans. I've started refreshing myself on the Nomad Process. Just need to tend to all the distractions I've created.

Witchy, thank you for an opportunity for Astarelle to be pissed off at someone else. Really. I need to come up with an appropriate object worth stealing. I'll PM you as soon as I do, so you won't have to wait for my first post.

EDIT: Matches are up! Looks like you guys are with me for the first round. I say, in the spirit of the Cell, let's not plan it out too much. I want to be surprised. I'll just say that Josh probably got a good dose of rudeness with the flirting (authority figure, blah) and I'll still send you a pm when I can, Witchy.

To everyone else, don't gossip about my girl too much in your matches. =) I hope to see you in the next (last?) round.

Roht Mirage
09-27-13, 10:00 AM
Double post!

I edited the rule on what names you might know her by... because Sei used the account name in his arena post and it really did look pretty awesome. So, options are Roh, Roht, and Roht Mirage. She'd have asked you to call her the shorter versions if she liked you. ;)

Silence Sei
09-27-13, 10:02 AM
My bad >.O Didn't even realize.

Roht Mirage
09-27-13, 10:11 AM
Awesome mistake, then. I've got ideas for spinning a bit of gold from it. =)

Silence Sei
09-27-13, 10:12 AM
Then....you're welcome?