View Full Version : A not so short break

09-25-13, 08:59 PM
To everyone new. Im Erik. Most know me, my ways, how I write, but if you don't. Read anything by Krausus, Prophet, Brand, Crafters Three, or Dr. Why

Tonight. It started out dandy. Me sitting here as usual, oh shut up self.

I hurt someone tonight. Bad. And I don't like myself for that. That nagging tug on my mind saying "It's ok, nobody got HURT, right?" So, i think ill just leave the site, and most people for a month or two. Ill check in, pop into chat for a few minutes every now and then.

I don't care about quests. Hyst, i think im leaving 6. Sei, ill stay in Ixians, and maintain that quest we started, but that's it.

Thanks guys. It's been a pleasure, be back. Later. A month, two, maybe a year. Just allow myself to cool down.

Its been a good run. Thanks all.


Max Dirks
09-27-13, 04:30 PM
Unacceptable. You have to win the Cell.

Leave a hero, not a zero ;)

09-27-13, 07:01 PM
Im keeping up with the cell. I CANNOT let aure win.