View Full Version : Where darkness lives (open)

Amber Eyes
10-02-13, 10:30 PM
Kyla was bored. She had fought the same training partners time and time again. There was little else to do in the middle of an army and Kyla had a short attention span. She needed an outlet, she needed a hobby, perhaps she just needed to bash someone's face in. No matter the reason, here she was in the shadow of the citadel on a rainy afternoon. She walked up the immaculate cobblestone steps and through the large oak door.

The hallways always seemed empty though hundreds of people fought here each day. She had thought it strange at first, but over time it just became part of the appeal. You never knew who you might end up in a chamber with, there was no way to assess them before hand, no chance to contemplate the battle. It forced you to be on your toes at all times, something Kyla still struggled with. A monk approached her, his hood covering much of his face, but his nose and lips peering through. When he reached her he pulled the hood down, allowing the red material to pool around his neck. He gave a slight grin and without a work pointed towards a door just like any other. It was a deep red mahogany, intricately crafted, carvings of the elements covering nearly the whole surface. But the beauty of the Citadel wasn't the building or the doors, it was the fact that you never quite knew what you might find on the other side. Kyla bit her lip slightly and turned the knob.

The door shut quietly behind her, the smile of the monk still planted firmly in her mind. The room was pitch black, the darkness seemed to blanket her. Kyla Orlouge took several steps forward, enjoying the sound of her footsteps echoing through the monstrous chamber. She lifter her hand in front of her face to test her eyes just as the lights flickered on for two seconds and then off again. The shift caught the mystic off guard, sending a touch of panic through her. She hadn't had time to look around, but she felt confident she was alone thus far. Surely she would have heard someone else enter.

The mystic stepped carefully, slowly moving until she felt the wall against her palm. All she could do now was wait.

Dr. Why
10-04-13, 10:15 PM
Dr. Had been figuring out that fights were everything here. In this world, strength drawn from the heat around him, his light shine bright. He walked into the arena, his metal boots shifting with every step. He was outfitted in a pair of jeans, a tshirt, and a hoodie, looking like the casual interdimensional tourist. His hands glowed with eerie fluxing light, warring between white and red.

"I am Timeslayer" He yelled to the darkness.

He willed claws into existence on the gauntlets, and they came, and his now deadly hands, shone red, seeking blood of an enemy. His eyes, flickering gold in the red light, honed into the darkness, being so used to bright, insane light of a star, they shifted and danced.

"Hear me and fear, see me and cower, encounter me and die." He mumbled to himself.

The door shut behind him with an echoing finality.

Amber Eyes
10-06-13, 04:05 PM
Kyla kept her ears peeled, listening for the tiniest change in the silence surrounding her. Her hair stood on end and she breathed as quietly as possible, hoping her opponent would not surprise her. Her worry was for naught, however. The timeslayer made little effort to conceal his sound. The first thing she noticed was the echoing of metal? Yes, those were certainly metal boots. Immediately the young woman envisioned a soldier in full combat gear, and her own pink cotton shirt and gray pleated skirt seemed a silly choice. Red light slowly radiated from the stranger and her suspicions were ruled false, he was wearing some sort of jacket, though certainly nothing she had ever seen before.

The mystic shook her head, attempting to clear the confusion and focus on the battle ahead. The stranger once again proved he had no intention on being stealthy when he began to speak. His voice boomed through the chamber, seeming completely out of place in the darkness, and it caused her spine to straighten. The stranger spoke again, much softer this time, before the door shut hard, locking the two in what was setting up to be an interesting battle.

Kyla crouched, certain that staying in the shadows as long as possible would play to her advantage. The man was tall, something she had learned could either be an asset or a curse depending on if one knew how to use their length to their advantage. She hoped he didn't. he seemed strangely thin, which soothed her somewhat, but no matter his strength Kyla knew that his steps would be twice hers and it was wise not to turn this into a chase. She did her best to stay hidden as she closed the gap between them, looking somewhat like an ape as she used her hands to make her way quietly across the room while crouched.

When she dared go no further or risk being in the light he radiated, Kyla pulled a small bag of coins from her side, tossing it gently to the other side of the chamber with her left hand as she felt the cold of a shadow sword forming in her right. The sound of coins clanging filled the air and Kyla hoped the man would take the bait, exposing his back to her so that this could be over quickly.

Dr. Why
10-17-13, 06:06 PM
A final slam later, the clink of coins echoed in the large room. Timeslayer turned his body for a second before hearing the air distort with a pop and the Eye came into the air next to him. His eyes shifted, and he pulled out the note from his comrade out as the little orb vanished. In scrawling print, a small name and address was written. He smiled.

"An Orluge. Strange. I didnt know that Sei had a wife, or children for that matter." Muttered Timeslayer as he sniffed up that distinctive smell of the history woven into every Mystic, every Orluge. The time frozen in their souls.

His gauntlets pulsed slowly, and from them, he allowed a small band of light to shift into the air in front of him, lighting up a small area. His boots, clad in steel plate, clanged slightly, and he smiled.

"Come and face me. " His eyes hardened, and his hands, in their gloves of bloody light, formed into tight fists.

He smiled with grim safisfaction as the small shreds of time, the ones f your soul, showed to his eyes.

Amber Eyes
10-19-13, 05:28 PM
The man had ignored the coins, something Kyla was pretty much used to by this point. No one ever falls for tricks anymore, the girl lamented. She rolled her eyes, though no one would ever know through the darkness that blanketed the place, and rethought her strategy.

Obviously being coy wasn’t going to work here. It was all the same to Kyla, there were few in Corone who could battle her one on one and walk away. The mystic stood straight and pulled her fingers to her lips, letting out a loud whistle just as the lights blinked once again. The quick flash back to darkness left her eyes unsettled, but the girl pressed on. She felt the shadows in her body pooling towards her hand and soon the weight of a scimitar pressed against her skin. She smiled through the darkness, tensing her hand that was adorned with the white opera glove. Three blades shot from the fabric, the tiniest of noises the only indication that anything had changed.

The girl ran towards the stranger and jumped into the air, weapon at the ready. The scimitar sliced downward at his midsection, and the blades of Sophia’s mane searched for a home inside the base of his neck. If everything went according to plan her blade would slice through his stomach, hitting intestines and ending this battle with the first blow. If not, Sophia’s mane would hopefully prove more successful, and she would have quite the argument with the Ai’bron about returning his soul.

11-20-13, 06:38 PM
A song echoed in the chaos that was the mind of one who knew the words to unlock the soul of any man. The timeslayer, the one who had bested one in the heart of a dying star. The one who met the end of the timeless race. He was the Doctor. The last man who existed, when all else failed, so that he could heal what had happened, went back to a time before he was. TO before when his race even existed. The last year of the Oblivix War, the dispute that divided Kallians into the multiple factions that would exist in a rift between them for thousands of years before they even bothered to look into what had even caused that war. Who had started it, why and how had it ended for both sides....

This was what he wanted to prevent, the second war that resulted in the mad ideas of some scientist, who wished only harm upon the people who stood on both sides, and the ones who straddled the border. Overall, a murderer, who preformed his "tests" on harmless people who he sucked in. Timeslayer wanted to end that before it even started, which would involve going back into the last place he wanted to be-

He shook his head violently as he heard the soft footsteps, and felt the threads of the Mystic, not the same, yet quite similar to the threads of the one known as Sei, savior of Corone, lord of the Ixian Knights, it felt as if it were bonded somehow, but not quite the same, just a subtle line between them, a pencil thing division, but Dr. could not decipher it. As he was absorbed in his thoughts, a blade whistled towards him, but he ducked, only to stand and find another aiming for his midsection, which he narrowly backstepped, but did not do so in time, as the sword traveled far too quickly, and ended up falling to the ground, clutching a gash across his stomach, silver blood soaking his shirt his eyes blanked for a second, his heart beginning to pump, trying to keep blood flowing to the area, but it failed, only suceeding in making him bleed more. As that happened, a thought blossomed in his head...

"So this is what true death feels like. " He thought to himself, sputtering and coughing, yet still alive. The woman stood above him, framed quite maliciously in the red light, he face decorated with what could be a grimace or a grin, her eyes twinkling, knowing less than what showed on her face, the light dimmed her eyes, and wasn't all that bright. Dr. groped in the air beside him, and with a bit of a minute more a staff whipped out, a blade forming at the top, aiming for heart of the foe.*