View Full Version : The Journey To Redemption...

10-07-13, 04:58 PM
(If you wanna join, message me first and I will consider you. Otherwise this is a SOLO. Note: This quest depicts a very specific event that coincides with: Cave (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?25972-The-Trading-Company-The-Forgotten-Cave-of-Secrets) thank you very much.)

Rain poured down in sheets in the large bog like swamp. Elthas found he had to do a lot of dirty work of late. He really didn't mind, his training as part of The Syndicate in Corone had prepared him for the duties he now had to perform. The mosquitos were enormous and had taken more than their fair share of the Ruildian's life force. His body was aching, and muscles sore from the endeavor he was putting into this whole affair. He dove in 100% into the mission, never once thinking of the very real possibility that he could die. He parted ways with The Trading Company adventurers days earlier before he entered the swamp. Trudging through the murky waters was not an easy task, and the swamp had it's own share of dangers. Those were no concern to Elthas Belthasar. Ranking officer of The Trading Company. Quest Monitor was more like a burden than a title, but it was a burden that he fully accepted and even gave up his old life to accept. Swimming was not an easy task, and he'd been paddling his way through the water for the better part of a day now. He was going by his gut instinct, and what the crystal in his possession told him.

Dheathain was an Outlands territory, and the land was virtually untouched. Elthas quickly found that there were many perils to be weary of, but his determination would see the hour through. He continued to swim until he felt he was pushing himself too hard and saw that it was getting darker than usual. There was a thick cloud of mist surrounding the bog, and it created a supernatural sense of impending doom. Elthas did not care. He had a higher calling, and he had to complete the borderline ridiculous mission that sent him there in the first place. I must find The Well of Souls. Elthas thought as he maneuvered himself carefully towards the shore. He could survive out in the wild lands, he'd received adequate training back home. In Ruild. Dheathain was like a completely alien world to Elthas's gifted eyes. This world had a different wild energy, a crazy oppressive feeling that clung to Elthas's very skin. He was hot and exceedingly uncomfortable. Sweat poured down his back and made his hair sticky against his scalp. Yes. Elthas had looked better and fared better, but his was a necessary journey. He had to prove to Invetisto that he could let go of the former life. He had to prove it to himself.

The life of a criminal had no place in The Trading Company. They were honest merchants and trades folks. That was the reason that Elthas was working himself to the bones. I need rest. Elthas thought to himself. He knew he could push himself even further, but there was no need to take a needless risk. If he was tired, he could chance a quick camp out on the shore areas of the swamp. It was getting dark and the night creatures would soon patrol the wilderness. Elthas decided the place he'd discovered was good enough for a camp spot and placed his gear squarely on the ground. It was a good ground and could support his weight. Nearby, he heard small waves hypnotically touching the shoreline. He had walked a good ways inland. The ground was much more solid where he stood at, atop a large hill that went further inland. Need some cover. Elthas searched about for suitable sized cypress tree. One of adequate proportion was nearby. He walked towards it after gathering his goods again, and placed everything down by the roots of the tree.

"This is a strong tree. Strong root." Elthas spoke to himself to keep his analytical mind busy.

He began to set up camp. First, he would need a campfire pit and that was the first thing he got going. He'd hunted earlier and kept some small game with him to cook in the campfire. They would also provide pelts he could make into blankets, etc. He looked down as the embers of the blaze lit up, touching the air with it's glorious warmth. Elthas sighed. He set up a basic tent used some of the low hanging tree branches to support his tent in a much more sturdy fashion. It wasn't a five star hotel, but it would be home whilst he searched for the well of souls. The crystal told him it would be nearby. He would be going to a sacred place, and would have to be ready to face the worst once he arrived. He needed to be in top form. Once the various chores were done he started up the task of cooking a hearty dinner. Taking off his shoes and soggy clothing, he walked about in a clean pair of pants, thankful that he'd grabbed a water proof travel duffel from The Trading Company's personal storage house before heading out to Dheathain. Most of his gear was kept in top condition and ready for use at all times. He had several packs with him and one was exclusively used to carry game he hunted while he was on his trip. He hunted several creatures at a time and used techniques he knew to preserve the meats and hides. He took one such specimen and began to prepare the meal in a practice, step by step routine. Practice made perfect. Elthas had picked up a number of tricks since the time he first joined The Syndicate, and he would practice them all in his hunt for The Well of Souls.

Once dinner was cooking, he liked his meats well done, he turned the spit with the creature he had felled periodically. He lived an honest hunter's life those days. He'd learned a little something about getting his own supplies out in the wild lands. He smelled the meat cooking and it made his mouth water, and stomach growl. I'm hungry, shit. It had been a day or two since Elthas had eaten last. He would prepare a good meal for himself and eat at leisure. The part of Deathain he was camping out on was somewhat safer than the outlying sectors of the swampland. He could fight and was not worry about the critters of the dark land. Elthas turned his meat until he knew it was ready. He had readied for himself a blanket from the creature's hide and covered himself in it whilst he smoked from a wooden pipe. The herb called cannibus. Elthas finished rotating the spit and grabbed himself a plate, and some eating tools. He began to carve the meat for himself... The meats would do to satiate his hunger.

12-20-13, 07:32 PM

Elthas slept soundly for the first time in a long time.

He had a good meal in his stomach. With the energy produced by the meal coursing through his blue blood, Elthas was prepared to face his trial. He knew he was close. The air smelled a certain way, the touch of the dead was present. Elthas could also see several sparks in the air from time to time, and they were not the embers of his campfire. He readied his gear and put out the campfire. According to his map, The Well of Souls would be nearby. A part of him felt nervous, and very anxious at facing whatever trial that the spirits would put him through. I am prepared to face whatever I must. Elthas thought to himself as he swallowed his fear. At the very least I can get myself together... He had deliberately taken the long way through the wild land. He was not eager to be judged by Fallen Souls.

Elthas knew that nobody would come near his camp, so he left it intact. He was on the borderland of an unknown and potentially lethal place. It was a place between The Firmanent, and Antifirmanent. Where spirits were allowed to wander in physical form, to torment the living. Elthas was afraid of that, but he would face what would come. His people were naturally sensitive to arcane matters, and the dead were a part of all that. Elthas wondered how he would react to seeing MANY spirits in one area. Deciding that the hour was upon him, he made his way towards The Well of Souls. And his destiny.


"I know you're there." Elthas said casually as he walked towards The Well. It lurked several feet ahead of him, and up until that moment, things had been dreadfully quiet. Several hours had passed since he'd left the camp. He kept his daggers at the ready as the first of the spirits made their way to him. It was an old gentleman. Someone he knew, someone he recognized! "YOU!" Elthas yelled. "Thaynes be damned, anybody but you."

The old man had a stern demeanor, and kept his top hat tilted at a forty five degree angle. He stood at average human height, and had a slender physique. He had a mustache and beard, and a long ponytail. The old man wore spectacles as well. He kept his hand on a walking cane. "E-Elthas, by The Thayne I thought I would never see you again!" Seth Terrentius looked at Elthas with an intense longing. "My boy. Shortly after you left, it all went to hell."

Elthas spat on the ground. "Seth..." For some strange reason, despite his best attempt to keep his composure, he started to cry. "Son of a bitch, why did it have to be you?"

Seth looked at Elthas for a long moment. "When you left, it all went to Hell, Elthas. I cannot believe I am seeing you again. It was roughly two years ago..."

"You went and got yourself killed? What happened to Hylda, and Theo?" Elthas felt a surge of emotions burning his chest.

"Killed? Is that what this is...!?" Seth's eyes went realized as he understood the severity of his situation. "Then...the time it happened wasn't all in my head. Oh Hylda..." Seth openly wept.

"Old man. Tell me what happened to Hylda." Elthas was getting angry.

"Elthas. A short time after you left a man named Xu came to The Estate." Seth said. "He claimed he knew you."

"XU!" The circle had come back completely around. Elthas felt a rage build up in his chest at the very mention of his old enemy.

"Elthas...against my knowledge Theo SOLD Hylda to Xu." Seth sighed. "I did everything I could to prevent it...and then..." Seth cleared his throat.

"Then...what happened?" Elthas felt angry as he listened to Seth's story.

"I ended up here." Seth said. "For a long time I had no idea where I was, or what I was doing. It's like everything stopped meaning anything to me."

"Fucking Xu..." Elthas growled.

"You did know him?" Seth asked.

"You have no idea what you have allowed to occur. This is TWICE the son of a bitch has attempted to ruin my life." Elthas was shaking. He didn't know if Seth was messing with him or not, but now Hylda went and got herself involved with Xu. "Seth...I cannot help your lot any longer."

"This isn't for me!" Seth said. "Damn it, I am sorry as Hell for what happened to you and Hylda, Elthas, I really am. But now Hylda's in danger and you are the only one who can rescue her."

"Do you know if he used a Writ?" Elthas asked.

"I don't know. This was all a dirty dealings." Seth looked at Elthas. "Elthas, I cannot pass on if you do not FORGIVE me. For everything that has happened. I can see it all over you, you have guilt in your very soul about me, Hylda, The Syndicate, everything."

"This is my trial isn't it?" Elthas looked at The Well of Souls. It was a glowing font of terrible spiritual residue. Around it there were many Spirits that appeared, and began to walk towards Elthas and Seth. Then, from out of the crowd one particular Spirit manifested and Elthas went wide with terror. "I never should have come here." He whispered.

"Elthas..." The new Spirit called.

And Elthas swore. The Spirit in question was...

His own forgotten Father.

12-31-13, 11:57 AM
"So this is your game then? What are you playing at?" Elthas asked his Father.

"No games." His Father said calmly. There was a serious look of determination on his Father. "You came here with everything you brought in your heart." Elthas's Father looked at him. "So the well manifests events around you with what you brought with you."

"So this is my fault you're saying?" Elthas sighed. I am being judged...damn this all to Hell. They have no right...the shit I've been through... "What do you want, Father? I left that life behind a long time ago."

"You are Elfkind." His Father said. "You can never truly let go of what you are inside."

Elthas looked at his Father, then Seth. "Damn you all to Hell." He said calmly. He then turned around and started to walk away from the site.

"Son, WAIT." His Father said with desperation. "Don't deny me again. You've already denied me before, I am asking you to listen to Seth and myself."

Elthas developed a cruel expression on his face. "Your lot was there the night I saved Seth. They were going to let the ruffians kill Seth outright. I don't care about Factions, or organizations, or no bullshit like that. What I care about is right or wrong. Seth was a old man who needed help, I honoured the old alliances." Elthas turned to look at his Father one last time. "I go my own way, Father. Don't ever attempt to contact me again. And YOU..." Elthas turned towards Seth. "You can rot for all the bullshit you tried to place on me. Fuck you both." Elthas developed an edge at that point, an edge he needed to survive the trials he would face. Xu...I'm going to end this shit once and for all. Dark thoughts swelled in his head, but he kept himself surprisingly calm. As he walked away he felt a great weight lifted from his shoulders, the weight of weakness. Elthas was in charged of his OWN fate, and fuck anybody who got in his way. He wouldn't let anyone, dead or alive, get in the way of his own ambition again. Elthas narrowed his eyes seriously. Will I bother rescuing Hylda? Elthas then remembered who divorced who. No...of course not. Revenge is one thing, but emotional attachments that will end no where is something else. She can rot as well.

So can The Syndicate... Elthas thought as he walked back towards camp, feeling strangely free of the previous burdens of his life. What he'd done was not a true solution, but it worked to alleviate his pain that he felt in his heart, the most corruptive pain of all. Regret. Elthas walked faster and faster, he wanted to be back at The Trading Company's base camp and back to work. It would take a bit of time to get fully back to normal, but he would pool the resources he needed on his own. He was a Quest Monitor of The Trading Company, and thus, he had a new life. There was no need for attachments to the old life. And one enemy remained, one who taunted Elthas from the shadows and would someday be there to attempt to place a dagger in his back. Once Elthas got back to camp, he sat down, and began to do something he had not done in many years.

He meditated.

01-19-14, 04:20 PM
And as he meditated, Elthas thought about many things.

Elfkind were different from Humans, and didn't think along a linear path. When you had eternity to think, the mind oft wandered especially if influenced by nearby places of power. The Well of Souls was still able to influence Elthas's mind, even at his current distance from it. His mind cleared as he meditated, and he thought about what he'd just done. He walked away from his Father, the great Hero of his town. He also walked away from Seth Terrentius, and ultimately, Hylda Terrentius. Sealing that part of his life for what he thought would be forever. He was tense after all that had occurred, and he needed to THINK. Thinking calmed him down, and he wished he had some parchment with which he could draw. Drawing furthered the effect, and he had a few new ideas to consider.

He was walking his own path now. And that path was an uncertain one on the grand tree that was called life. Elthas tried to think about where he would go, what he would do. The important thing was that he was FREE. He severed the guilt and the ties that bound him to his past, in a way, he had won. Elthas sat in the lotus position in his camp and breathed in a controlled way so that he could calm himself down. He was tense and shaking. That feeling of tension seemed to stick to Elthas as he sat there, and concentrated. He wanted to clear his mind and for the first time in a long time, know peace. Peace mind, body, and soul. Elthas opened his eyes a half an hour later, time flew quickly by as he concentrated. He felt renewed, a cleaner person, but there was also an angst and a tension still there.


An unwritten story of his life, the woman had severed ties with him long since prior. So why do I owe it to myself to rescue her? What allegiance did she show me? She did not honour our union... Elthas thought about Hylda a lot at that moment, and felt a sudden pang of longing. He felt his chest rise up and down heavily, he had not taken another to his bed since Hylda Terrentius. His former partner. Divorce was a purely Human invention, the Elves did not practice such legalities. Most Elves mated for life and were quite loyal and ideal partners. Elthas never once wronged Hylda, but when he attempted to go against the wishes of The Syndicate, he was cut off. Completely. What loyalty was ever there? Probably none. Elthas shook his head as he opened his eyes. Hylda was on his mind, and in his heart. If I am to honour the old allegiances, I am honourbound to rescue her from. But if Xu used a writ to acquire Hylda, things could get complicated. Elthas then prepared to do something he COULD do that was constructive. He could write, and plan things out. But first, he was hungry.

First order of business dictated that you didn't work on an empty stomach.

And so, Elthas prepared himself his meal and began to eat very slowly.

For he was deep in thought.

06-25-14, 12:01 AM
I am out here for a reason. In the middle of nowhere, trying to get my head in order. Invetisto had named an Officer of The Trading Company. I can let my past go now. I have found my second chance that I was searching for all along. But why do I feel the need to see her one last time? I don't have any answers. All I know is I love her. Why can't I get her out of my fucking head!? Elthas sighed. He knew he missed her, Hylda Terrentius, the woman he had given his heart to. Elves were different from Humans and were much more emotionally involved in their relationships. That's why Elves honored the old alliances. It was part of who they were as a people. Elthas ate in silence, and realized that a small part of him wanted to go rescue Hylda. Seth had lit a fire in Elthas's heart. However, he knew it could have potentially be a trap to draw him out of hiding. Elthas had to consider that very real possibility as well. He felt the beginnings of temptation. But, he sighed heavily and simply continued to eat. He'd developed a major appetite and needed to eat so that he could prepare to head back The Trading Company turf. Elthas listened to the nocturnal creatures as he ate, it was an almost melancholy symphony. The natural beauty of Dheathain was something that impressed Elthas greatly. He'd expected to find nothing but an endless expansion of swampland.

He was pleasantly proven wrong. The area deserved a second look, and though it wasn't the forest of Ruild...it was lovely in it's own way. It had a unique energy in the air that flowed in a vibrant sort of way. Though the air was humid, the surrounds were murky, Elthas was not disgusted by it. In fact, the swamp appealed to his adventurer's heart. Though he felt somewhat depressed about the revelation that Seth Terrentius had given, he knew that the swamp would provide some relief from his current state. He ate slowly, and allowed the food to nourish him. The smell of cooked food touching the air from the campfire that Elthas had manufactured. The glowing fire cast light in a circular pattern around Elthas's camp. There was something about being alone in the wild lands. Elthas found himself making trips to the old lands several times a year to be alone. And to think. He did lots of thinking those days, and mostly it was about what he was going to do next. He knew Dheathain had it's own rich cultures and way of life. Suddenly, he noticed he was no longer alone. Elthas opened his eyes very slowly and saw a woman he'd never seen before. Furthermore, he noticed the elegant wings that sprouted from her shoulder blades. She sat directly opposite from him. She was scantily clad in a night gown style outfit that barely covered anything.

"I've come a long way to see you." She suddenly said. "I am curious to meet who has managed to disturb The Well of Souls in such a way. And of course, I find one who belongs to a very different forest." She had a calm expression on her face, and her blue eyes were vibrant. Elthas stopped eating to look at the woman before him. She was barefoot. He noticed that she had long, healthy purple hair. She spoke in a very soft sort of way, controlled almost. Elthas was thoroughly impressed by the woman before him. She was quite handsome. Elthas blinked but did not interrupt her as she spoke. She spoke in perfect, but rather accented common tongue. "You have someone etched on your heart." She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. As their eyes met, Elthas noticed that she seemed to be searching for something in his eyes. Elthas did not look or away or cower from her brilliant stare. "Loss is a terrible burden to live with, wouldn't you agree?" She suddenly stood up and walked towards Elthas. She sat down right next to him. Her eyes never left his own and he suddenly remembered his manners.

"Oh...pardon me. My name is Elthas Belthasar. What do they call you?" He asked. "In case you were wondering, I am from Ruild." Elthas wasn't sure if she knew about The Thayne Codex or not. But he assumed from her skilled use of the common tongue, that she was probably very smart.

"My name? What a humble thing to ask for." She paused for a moment. There was a glow around her, and Elthas felt unusually hot. It wasn't humidity, but something else. She smiled as she introduced herself. "My name is Gossamer Pepperspark." She said. It was the most interesting response that Elthas had ever heard from such a woman. The name was foreign to him, but he figured that Dheathain nomenclature was quite different from Corone's naming systems. Elthas looked at the woman and nodded.

"Pleasure to meet you. You mentioned The Well, I was there not too long ago." Elthas was feeling very hot by that point. Further, he could feel his heart racing. There was a sweet scent in the air and he could not pinpoint the origin source of it.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" She asked.

Elthas shook his head. He was having a hard time concentrating being so close to the faefolk. "I found nothing but lies and broken promises." Elthas sighed. He looked towards the fire for a moment, and decided to change the subject. "You must be very hungry and thirsty. I have some food and drink, I am willing to share with you if you would like some?" Elthas felt more relaxed. His manners were something he had control over. Though his mission to the soul-well was a complete failure, he still could get something positive out of his visit to Dheathain.

Elthas felt butterflies in his stomach when she smiled with her full lips. She nodded gracefully. "That sounds absolutely delightful. And your prepared food does smell delicious." She leaned closer. Elthas did not retreat from her, it felt natural and right for the woman to be right by his side.

"Here let me prepare some food for you. I've been practicing my cooking skills of late, I hope that you approve of the meal." Elthas sincerely meant that. He walked over towards the spit with his prepared dead anmal, and gathered an extra plate and some utensils for her. Then, he cut the meat for her to eat at her leisure. He also gathered a skin of water, and prepared an extra cup for her. He handed the items to her very gently. She touched his hand in the process, and it felt very warm and tingly. His heart raced. Elthas took a deep breath and that sweet smell touched his nostrils, making it very hard to focus. When she took the items, she began eating VERY slowly so Elthas could watch.

"You have very agreeable manners, Elthas." She said calmly as she ate. "The food is quite good. I haven't had meat this tasty in a long while..." Elthas watched her eat from his position next to her. Their eyes were locked together. Elthas remembered his own food, and ate with her in silence. He simply watched her the entire time. Once he was full, he decided relaxed and put his plate down. She appeared to be quite famished and ate quickly, finishing her plate. She asked for an extra serving and Elthas prepared it for her. "Tell me about this person you have lost, Elthas. I want to know about her so I can help ease your pain." Elthas didn't even feel any discomfort at what she had just said. He knew she was offering a shoulder to lean on, and that was something that Elthas sincerely needed. Elves were quite comfortable with their own sexuality and he would not turn her down if she offered to lay in his bed. He'd grown a lot since the time he first met Hylda Terrentius.

"She was my wife." He said calmly. Elthas felt a swelling of various negative emotions. "Humans have a very funny notion of loyalty. Anyway, I spent many years of my life with her, and one day, she asked to divorce me. I was banished from the family that we belonged to..." Elthas felt really uncomfortable at that point and didn't want to reveal anymore than that.