View Full Version : Interested in horror?

10-08-13, 07:15 PM
I'm looking for people to participate in a horror-themed quest or battle.

In particular, I'm looking for people that play characters maybe more inclined to flee than fight. My character is a hunter so I'd like to do a thread with someone where they're fleeing me instead of fighting me, although it can result in a fight at the end or throughout.

What I really want from another role-player is someone who isn't hung up on their character looking like a badass. I'd like to express a theme of fear which is hard to do with superheroes. Someone with a bit of humility would be perfect, and someone who travels with lackies they wouldn't mind having killed off would be even better than that =D

On advice, if you could provide a sample of your writing, that would be awesome too, thnx.

10-08-13, 08:06 PM
This sounds so awesome! But I am too damn busy with a million threads and The Cell. :(

Dr. Why
10-08-13, 08:09 PM
I suppose i could kill this guy. Or Crafters Three. Or Prophet. Or Sirius.All of them are immortal. yea. So, never mind

10-08-13, 08:20 PM
To clarify, you don't have to die. You can win, or escape. You just need to, I dunno. be afraid of monsters? Do people still make characters that are afraid of stuff? or is everyone pretty much too bad ass to run away at this point? =(

Perhaps even making a new character?

10-08-13, 08:39 PM
I have a character that thinks she's badass, but would probably start running for her life when she realized she couldn't take whatever your monster is on.

Not everyone here makes badass characters. Just know that a lot of our member base is currently busy with The Cell, which is a timed tournament. So, you may not get that much interest in this right off the bat. But be patient. Like I said, I would love to throw one of my chars in this. I just can't give you the time and effort you deserve right now.

Dr. Why
10-08-13, 08:47 PM
I can use one of the twins, i intend to kill em anyways.

10-08-13, 08:48 PM
There are plenty of characters who'd suit that. Hopefully some will come out of the woodwork!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
10-09-13, 07:35 AM
I can't promise anything at the moment; as Witchy says, the Cell keeps everyone pretty busy.

But my other character, Thorne (thief), would suit this. While maybe not terrified of monsters, he's definitely more a flight than a fight kinda guy.

Admittedly, I've let him fall by the wayside lately, but this might be the perfect chance to bring him back. Here's a writing sample (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?24920-All-In-A-Night-s-Work). I shall do my best to try and free up some time to help out with this.

10-09-13, 07:53 AM
Ohh, I would love that! Cicilix is a naive little girl after all, even if she managed fairly well in the Cell. But she would definitely run away from monsters if she could :D I haven't written much here yet though but I was in the Emma chamber if you want to see some of my writing at least.

10-12-13, 03:26 AM
Thanks for showing interest Cicilix, Aurel. I'll check out both your writing right now. I guess to be fair, here's a sample of mine as well (largely unedited) so you can see kinda what I'm going for. Looking forward to getting something started! =D

Hunger Pains (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26073-Hunger-Pains&p=215198#post215198)