View Full Version : A fun idea

09-05-06, 03:18 PM
Heh, ok here is the deal

(No I am not challenging anyone)

I got a little solo quest I am working on, I am not posting it until its finished and *shocker* I am actually gonna run through it a few times to clean up my usual horrible grammar.

In my opinion it’s a very short solo but meh *blah, blah, blah, blah*

Ok here is my recently bright idea

(And no I don’t expect to extra points for it either)

I was thinking about drawing up some illustrations to fit into it, you know specific moments of importance. It’s just that I tend to draw things down to try and keep myself focused when writing this stuff, so why not colour in a few of them and put them onto this little solo.

Do ya get the drift of it?

Is it interesting, or am I just wasting my time when I should be role-playing instead ^_^’

i thourght i might as well ask about it

EDIT::: Another question about solo's

whats a good way of making it longer, apart from drawn out fights that involve a keen strategy to win? (yes i have pleanned it out, though it isn't exactly following it by the letter it is in its own way)

Torin Reahkari
09-05-06, 04:08 PM
If I could draw I would've done that a while ago, but I can't. It's not a waste of time, most of the time when I read quests I invision it in my head, so drawings would definately be cool.

About the making solo's longer though.. plot twists help, sudden changes that force the main character/party to change their plans, meeting other characters. Stopping and resting for the night / eating is not a necessary part (and I'm not just saying this stuff for filler either) of a solo but can be made very interesting by the writer. Also adding in the "this is what happened on the way to _______" helps a lot. I've noticed a lot of people (including myself) have their characters travelling long distances and not encountering anything of interest, or even writing anything happened other than "____ rode from here to there.", so adding in some interesting things on the way to where ever - even down a street to a shop - would definately lengthen your quest, I'd imagine.

Being as descriptive as possible, as well.

09-05-06, 04:09 PM
A good way to draw them out, if you need to, is to add a little character and some more setting. I, personally of course, think that those two aspects of a quest are often overlooked and forgotten (after the first and last posts, oh and that one at the climax when people remember that it was raining again ;))

So, your idea for the solo is to literally draw pictures? I don't think I get it. Lol.

09-05-06, 04:51 PM
Another good idea is not to draw it out longer then necessary. If you accomplished what you wanted in the solo, then why prolong it with some additions that might (and probably would) kill the momentum? Who cares if it's short? I'd rather read a shorter quest that has a head and a tail, then something that has a head and a tail... and a tail... and some other body parts. Ok, enough analogies. My point is, if you're happy with the story told, you shouldn't try to make it longer, but rather go back and flesh out what's already written.

09-05-06, 04:53 PM
Make it a good read. It doesn't need to be long. Too long equals boredom. As long as you enjoyed writing it then others should enjoy reading it and you'd get a good score. Long doesn't mean a great score.