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Max Dirks
10-11-13, 12:13 PM
This thread is to document workups.

10-17-13, 04:46 AM

Mystic Protection:
I need some help with this one. This has two parts, first is instantaneous defence against most attacks, second is an AOE attack against everyone within a substantial radius. I'm tempted to say level 9.

Not sure if I should be limiting this based on force she can exert. At the moment she is able to lift things that are 310 pounds (I think in kg, 140) should that be limited to being able to exert that amount of force? Maybe a level 7?

Shadow magic: Asked for more info on strength of weapons, probably Level 7
Shadow Magic Technique: Shadow Step: Asked for limiter, Level 8
Light Magic: Asked for more info, probably Level 4 or 5
Light Magic Technique: Firework: Level 3
Mystic Bomb: Asked for more info, probably Level 7 or 8 due to AOE
Shadow Soul: Asked for more info, probably Level 4 or 5
Shadow Swap: Asked for Limiter, Level 6
Healing light: Level 4
Staying to the shadows: Asked for limiter, Level 5
6x strength: Level 6
3x endurance: Level 4
4x speed: Level 5

The Limiter Necklace (3 post boost): doubles strength, speed, and defense for three posts
Is this equal to three level 8 abilities? Tripling an ability for one post is Level 7, so doubling one for three posts would be a step up.

Lastly, do I need to worry about how vague the Pistol description is?

Harmonica Pistol- Bought for her son, Akiv, this pistol can hold 6 bullets which can be shot in quick succession.

5 4 8 8 8 6 5 4 6 4 7 3 4 8 7 9 7

She has 17 abilities, but assuming that all the levels check out she comes in under the average if I divide by 14 (7.35). Do I still need to ask her to remove three skills?

Max Dirks
10-17-13, 11:58 AM
New Kyla is far more powerful than two weeks ago Kyla, so I'm afraid my past sheet won't help.

Mystic Protection is a combo ability so it must be broken down into its individual parts
1) Protection
2) Glass Attack
3) Fire Attack

Since several characters have Mystic Protection, I think this is a good time to figure out exactly how the defense works. If it's a shield of glass, which is relatively weak comparatively, we can say 3-4 depending on the glass material equivilent she gives. If it's intended to stop all attacks (Mystic Protection has stopped a bullet from Dirks' Beretta), then I agree it's a level 10 (borderline insane) power. We'll need her to clarify.

The glass attack itself, depending on the choice of material she chooses, would probably be 3-4.

The fire attack is probably level 4, akin to splitting a big fire ball into smaller fire balls (already on the power level chart). Of course, this addition of Kyla's is wholly unrealistic as too intense of a fire would melt the glass and it would feel like nothing on contact, but we'll let that slide as its a fantasy game.

Levitation is medium teleknesis. Double her size is 300 lbs. I'd agree this is a 7 ability.

Shadow magic, as written, is an insane power. She can create any weapon, including Icemold? Fuck that. She can create the highest weapon grade available for purchase, prevalida, and that is a level 10 power.

Shadow magic technique looks good at 8, if limited, as we have an ability on point in the power level chart.

Mystic Bomb should be a 7, rather than an 8, due to the limited range.

Shadow soul is a 4, but let her clarify that it does not provide a corresponding boost.

Agree with the rest, as they are essentially plucked straight from the power level chart.

The limiter necklace is three abilities, yes. And you need ask her to clarify whether she's boosting her own abilities or from a basic human. Double strength for her would be 12x strength, 8x speed for her and 6x endurance. Boost doubling for a post is a 6, for three posts would be an 8-10 times three. Depending on the outcome of the boost (which will most certainly be 12x) you can adjust accordingly. If it boosts to over 15x, it's not allowed, FYI, as it's an insane power.

Doing the math (4*, 4*, 4*, 7, 10*, 8*, 7, 4*,6, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 8*, 8*, 8*) thats 17 abilities, you're right.

You ask her to remove three abilities, then you do the average. If she's below, she's fine. As of right now, only Shadow Magic and possibly Mystic Protection are the daunting ones that'll need to be changed based on her responses.

10-18-13, 12:07 PM
Dirks, Kyla's shadow weapons are all titanium strength. She clearly specifies "any weapon" as being any melee weapon (as in any type of weapon from sword to axe to dagger) and further limits that she cannot create projectile weapons other than things she can throw. It's still a pretty crazy strong ability that might need some limitations (so she can't arm a hundred people with titanium equivalent shadows or throw daggers endlessly, for example) and since she's only level 8 maybe we don't want her having titanium strength everything yet. But basically, it's the ability to create melee weapons from shadows.

Max Dirks
10-18-13, 12:47 PM
Yeah, she recently updated. Prior to her post it was "any weapon" with no material limitations.

As long as she adds some limitations to its use, I have no problems with that being a measurable ability -- i.e. not insane.

10-19-13, 05:40 AM
Ok, before I ask her to remove some skills, here is the current log:

Mystic Protection: 10, 3, 3
Shadow Step: 8
Levitation: 7
Light Magic: 5
Firework: 3
Mystic Bomb: 7
Shadow Soul: 4
Shadow Swap: 10
Healing light: 4
6x Strength: 6
4x Speed: 5
Limiter Necklace: 8, 8

If I could the combined skills I get 16, but well below the average (Total of 93/14 = 6.6). Should I be asking her to remove some skills, but increasing the strength of others? I'd be more inclined to count Mystic protection, limiter necklace and shadow swap as individual skills.

10-21-13, 07:06 AM

Greater Perception: 4

Greater Endurance (x4): 5

Greater Speed and Strength x1.5: 3, 3

Metal Manipulation: Through extensive work (and the frustration of being reduced to one hand) Phyr has learned to manipulate small amounts of metal. He may manipulate up to 2 pounds of steel and lower tiered metals, or up to a pound of plynt if the plynt item is part of his inventory (or otherwise familiar to him). In this way Phyr can telekinetically repair devices or reload weapons where his single arm handicaps him, as well as pick most locks and levitate items. He can also quickly sharpen/clean metal tools and do a number of other mundane things.Phyr's range of control is approximately a 2 meter radius around him, and he now has the ability to soften the metal he controls. Softened metal will retain all its other properties, so for example a thin bladed sword might function like a metal whip, but wide-bladed swords and bludgeons would become less useful. Phyr may use this to reduce impact from melee attacks or thrown projectiles, but anything that moves as fast or faster than an arrow would be too quick for him.

Metal Manipulate:
Telekinesis: 3
Soften items to improve them: 4
Soften attacks to weaken them: 6

I've asked for some clarification on this, it could be RPed as extremely strong, so I want to make sure it is clear where the boundaries are (less for Breaker and more for non-mods).

Shadow Manipulation: When Phyr is standing still or moving very slowly in a shadowy or dark area, he is capable of increasing the thickness of the shadows around him so only a character with increased perception who looks closely would see him. Use of magic is minimal enough to not be detected or considered true "shadow magic", this ability is more a representation of Phyr's unique ability to remain unseen. Phyr is now capable of summoning shadow or increasing the size/changing the shape of existing shadows. These can be used as distractions or hiding places. Phyr is only capable of controlling a body of shadows as large as two horses, and creating more than one "shadow illusion" at a time may cause him to lose focus. 10 meter radius range.

Shadow blinders: shadows are adhered to an opponent's face as a translucent blindfold that wears off after 1 minute but can only be removed sooner by arcane means. The "blinders" reduce the target's vision by approximately half during the minute, and in the dark shadow blinders may obscure vision completely. Once a shadow blinder is adhered, Phyr does not need to focus on it anymore.

Shadow Manipulation:
There seems to be at least two instances of overkill here. First is the phrase 'only a character with increased perception who looks closely', second is with the shadow blinders instantly reducing another character's vision.

My suggestions are to remove the phrase and replace it with “so only a perceptive character would notice him.” Its for the judging mods to work out what is or isn't realistic during the thread. A genius might notice the change is shadows in a room, but not actually see who is there for example.

Second, remove shadow binders and suggest a new skill, or change it so the shadows need to be launched and latch onto the character somehow. No insta-hits.

EDIT: Before you think I'm posting every character here, I should mention I've post this and Amber's because I'm seeking clarification.

Max Dirks
10-21-13, 08:46 AM
They're combo abilities and should be treated as such, Hysteria. Never suggest to make the character stronger, either.

Max Dirks
10-21-13, 09:31 AM
Breaker (I'll be editing this as I compare power levels)

Level 12: 19 abilities, APL 9.5

Air Magic
Water Magic
Bone Mutation
Blessing of the Tap
Ascended Vitality- Strength
Ascended Vitality- Perception
Ascended Vitality- Speed
Ascended Vitality- Agility
Ascended Vitality- Endurance
Vile Anatomy - Bones
Vile Anatomy - Skin
Adamantine Will
Clean Living
Detect Magic*
Lightning Rod
Barrier Dissipation
Healing Hands**
Energy Surplus
Breaker Boots - Telepathy***
Angel Eye - Telepathy***

Total abilities: 21, AVP []

*May link with increased perception
**May link with regeneration
***May link with telepathy

The Breaker Boots, aside from the telepathic link, seem to be enchantments that affect the boots themselves and are not considered abilities.

Max Dirks
10-24-13, 09:10 AM

Ignite (combo ability due to lightning and fire): 2, 2
Put on a Show (like Reine's "Flashbang" w/ Puck's Visual Illusion): 3
Decreased speed and agility/Increased durability (I'll try to get her to incorporate those limits into her magic): 3

Total abilities: 4 (needs to remove 1)
Average Power: 2.5 (OK)

She changed her durability into an ability modifier, like I asked.

She added "Nitrogly-soul-rin", which I gave a 3 to due to the limitations.

Ignite (fire now only): 2
Nitrogly-soul-rin": 3
Put on a show: 3

APL: 2.6 (approved)

Max Dirks
10-24-13, 11:40 PM
Zack Blaze (Level 4 : APL 5.5 : ABLS 9)

(1) Mime: 3 (similar to Puck's visual illusions)
(2) High Voltage: 3 (stun level lightning ability)
(3) Makai Summon: 4 (assuming it can only absorb one attack, 8 if the same as a level 1 character)
(4) 108 Heatup: 1 (can make flames with hands and transfer w/ contact)
(5) Scene Stealing Uppercut: 7
(6) Gravity Crush: 10 (instant crushing based on contact/not crazy power due to use limitations)
(7) Jogging Practice: 3
(8) Endurance: 5 (will ask him to verbalize though)

APL: 4.3

Character will be approved w/ clarifications on endurance.

Max Dirks
10-28-13, 08:57 AM
Infin1teZer0 (1: 3: 3)

Illusion Magic (Invisibility): 4 (on point power)
Electromancy: 3 (basic due to the limitations)
Demonology: 2 (summon can last 3 hits & cannot attack powerfully / offset by inherent character weakness).

Total abilities: 3
APL: 3

Max Dirks
10-29-13, 08:46 AM
Don't forget to post your workups in here, Hysteria. I'll take care of editting the power level chart.

Erikar (1: 3: 3)

Electromagnetism - 4 (with limit to 10 feet push/pull)

Since he has one ability, he'll be able to trade his two slots for a decrease to 3.5 APL. I'm feeling generous, so I'll let this slide at level 1, but will not do it at future levels if he continues to improve his ELM only.

10-29-13, 08:56 AM
Sir Walter/Undead Human/Holy Paladin

Strength: 4
Healing: 4
Undying: 1

Av: 3

Max Dirks
10-31-13, 02:03 PM
Mr. Vallex had no abilities.

Accordingly, I approved him with a note indicating he could add them at a later date if desired.

Max Dirks
10-31-13, 03:49 PM

Increased perception (as "Tracking") -- 2
Increased endurance (Conan Running) -- 3
Increased strength (400 lbs overhead) -- 4

Average: 3 (Approved)

11-02-13, 05:43 AM
Landain Agrivar

Only one actual skill:

Level 3
Agility - Agility. Landain is quick on his feet, making him very difficult to knock over. He is able to balance himself with a low center of gravity and can run quickly along the edge of a split rail fence without falling off.

11-02-13, 06:04 AM
Tobias Stalt:

Level 3:
Persuade. More than just a skill, Tobias has a certain knack for wordplay. When he speaks in a certain way, his voice takes on a slightly disarming, almost friendly manner that makes him seem more trustworthy or believable. While not at all foolproof, it has a tendency to work on people of similar or lesser ability than his own. Fails if used too many times in succession on a single target.

Level 2:
Rapid movement. For a short burst, Tobias can move with incredible swiftness- that of a maintained, full sprint. This effects his entire body, for a duration of 1 post, plus one more post per level to a maximum of three. When used for it's full duration, Tobias' body begins to feel the pangs of sluggishness, and he becomes slightly slower to react. It is not meant for prolonged usage. This speed is said to be some sort of magic, though Tobias has no idea where he learned it- if he learned it at all.

Max Dirks
11-04-13, 09:07 AM
Mr. Vallex update:

1. Breath underwater (2)
2. Summon swords (4) on point ability w/ Duffy
3. Visual Illusions (3) on point ability w/ Puck

Total: 6
APL: 3

11-04-13, 10:22 PM
Level 2:
Fade: With intense concentration, Greenley can dim his life force to make himself less noticeable. He can still do simple tasks or a few predetermined actions while Faded. He cannot talk or defend himself. He has the mental discipline to spend about 30 minutes per day Faded. Using an appropriate disguise makes this ability more effective.

Level 3:
Darkvision: Greenley can see in the dark within 50 ft, though he needs at least some light to distinguish color.

Elven Eyes: Greenly can see half again as clearly as a normal man. (vision 1.5x)

11-05-13, 08:06 AM

Level 2 (just the stat modifiers)

Mawt: A belt with studs to mount il’Jhain tokens. It is enchanted to give an innate sense of knowing where north is. Two tokens currently give X0.25 boosts to hearing and sight.

Level 4:

Endurance x2.
Dexterity x2

Level 5:

Stamina x4

Level 8:

Blind Jump: Thrice per thread, Mordelain can walk without an intermediary if in imminent danger. She has limited control over her destination, and it does not trigger if unconscious.

Max Dirks
11-05-13, 08:38 AM

Light: 3
Wind: 3
Senses: 3

APL: 3

Max Dirks
11-05-13, 03:01 PM
Hysteria (work in progress)

9 : 8 : 15

1) 7x Strength - 7 EDIT: written fine
2) 9x Speed - 8 EDIT: written fine
3) 7x Agility - 7 EDIT: written fine
4) 7x Perception - 7 EDIT: written fine
5) Murmur (Detect Life) - 6
6) Symphony (Matter Manipulation) - 6
7) Cry (8 tenticles) - 9
8) Crow - 6
9) Whimper - 10
10) Harmony - 9
11) Song - 4 (Provided the beast form does not add new abilities--if it does, 6)
12) Whisper - 8
13) Hum - 8 (need to revisit as Letho has original Hum with significant limitations at 7 and Hysteria has Luned's planewalking at 8 which has major teleporting distances) EDIT: reduced to 7 due to limits added.
14) Toll - 7
15) Boom - 10

Total 8


Max Dirks
11-08-13, 09:40 AM
The Blue Slyph has no abilities & is approved!

11-09-13, 07:41 PM
Fox Owen Xavier/Potion Crafter

Level 2:
Fox Fire – Creates a small fire in the palm of his hand. It can get hot enough to boil water and could inflict painful burns but Fox would rather run than fight if he had the choice. However, the use is normally to get a fire started for the potion pot. He could also use it alone to boil the potions but that would tire him out.

Level 3:
Transform – As a kitsune, Fox can shift shape from a human to a fox or a few forms in between. Normally, he stays in a human-like form with the only thing setting him apart is the two fox ears popping out from his head. When excited, he tends to become more fox-like with a tail being the next thing to pop out.

Level 4:
Fox Sense – As a fox, Fox has a very good senses which helps him make sure the potions are made correctly.

11-09-13, 09:27 PM
Can i get some input into this work up? I am not sure if I have over-rated his abilities.


Level 4: 4 : 5.5 : 9
Aur lvl4: 4 : 7.2 : 9 (abilities too strong)

Simplified Ability List
Level 4:
Soul Bind - Agreements and bets the with Aur must be honoured, or the person’s soul is taken.

Level 6:
Natural Born Cager (two abilities):
5x agility
5x physical toughness

Adamantine Will: 5x the willpower

Level 8:
Eldritch Blast: Strong ranged attack (no limit on uses) Super strong version, three uses.

Shahab's Lash: Fire attack. If the flames burn longer then 3 Minutes it starts to damage damage Aurelianus. 3 uses for Cyclone, a stronger version that clings to the body.

Merihim's Breath: A swarm of insects and bugs, lasts for a minute. 3 times per thread (I raised this up because the nature of the attack is hard to block / counter, damage wise its probably a 7).

Level 9
Freki's Shield: Protective spell. Four times per thread.

Level 10
Pain Mirror: Causes a link between Aur and a target. Wounds inflicted are passed onto the target if it is within 10 feet of Aur and he sees the attack coming. Aur doesn't get the damage of the attack for the first two attacks. Effect weakens thereafter. Fatal wounds can't be reflected.

Full Abilities

Level 4

Soul Bind- "Never make a bet with a tiefling"- this is a popular planar proverb. And Aurelianus is a walking example of this warning. Throughout his many travels Aurelius has struck many deals with all manner of creature, and more than a few times has been cheated of his due. But by utilising the demonic vitae flowing through his veins, the conniving half-demon has learned how to force others to stick to the bargains struck with him. So long as both parties spill their blood when the deal is made (willingly or otherwise), Aurelius binds the other party's very soul to the tenets of the agreement; forcing them to stick to it no matter what. Failure to do so forfeits their soul to Aurelianus, to do with what he will, and not even his death relinquishes his ownership of it. This is not to say the deal cannot be cheated by particularly canny wording, or other underhanded methods.. but to peel the tiefling is no mean feat. And woe betide any poor sod Aurelius catches trying to bob him of his due.

Level 6

Natural Born Cager- In the Hive, the deadly slums of Aurelianus' home city, everyday is a constant fight for survival. Generally, there are two types of cutter in the worst areas, where the tiefling grew up - fast sods or tough sods; those fast enough to get the first attack in, or those hard enough to survive a knifing and still retaliate. The canny plane-touched realised young there was only one way to guarantee survival in a place like that- be both. These natural abilities have been greatly augmented by his demonic heritage, to heights beyond most humans. Aurelius has 5x the agility and 5x the physical toughness of any normal human. This means he can react and attack with blinding speed beyond what most humans can match, and can dodge arrows and even bullets fired at him from up to ten feet away. He has been known to use it in brief bursts to increase his speed, mainly to unnerve those he suddenly appears behind, etc - but his smoking pretty much rules out a sustained sprint using his speed. His inhuman pain-threshold also means he can be beaten, broken, stabbed, burned, bludgeoned, and so on, for much longer than an average cutter, before he finally succumbs to his wounds. This endurance aids him in maintaining his speed, true - but it mainly applies to his tolerances for pain.

Adamantine Will- over the years, the tiefling has learned there are many sources of power in the multiverse. His personal favourite is sheer willpower; it is this drive, this force that powers his warlock invocations, and that allows him to traverse the planes and keep his sanity intact. Without it, the half-breed would have been dead many times over- Aurelius possesses 5x the willpower of the average human. This level of inhuman focus grants the half-demon a high resistance to fear, panic, confusion and all manner of things that would cow the average mortal, as well as almost impenetrable mental barriers to keep out unwanted psychic assaults and intrusions, and to control exactly what people see when he allowes them in- these defences can still be breached by those with higher willpower than Aurelius, though what they will find there will no doubt test their composure; after seeing Hell itself, most people tend to stay out of the plane-touched's mind.

Level 8

Eldritch Blast- This is a simple invocation all warlocks know- essentially just a blast of pure arcane energy, which Aurelius has learned to use both defensively and offensively; either blasting at his foes with the force of a strong punch at triple human strength, or smashing aside an incoming blade. Again, his near mastery of this invocation allows the warlock to control the size of the blast- from focused bursts for targeting weapons, specific limbs, etc. to walls of force that can smash multiple opponents from their feet. [usable thrice per thread.]

Shahab's Lash- This invocation summons a cone of black flame from the palms or mouth, which Drak'shal can then launch at his enemies. Lately, the warlock has even learned how to form the flames into a roaring cyclone given a few moments to gather the power; the cyclone itself is only six feet by two feet, and due to the inherit difficulty of shaping Hellfire like this, Aurelius can only perform this trick thrice a day.. If any unfortunate is caught in these flames, the white-hot Hellfire will cling like napalm, rather than normal fire- the warlock can extinguish these flames with but a thought. Aurelius himself is almost completely immune to the flames he conjures forth, though the longer he keeps up the blast the harder it becomes to resist their infernal heat, until eventually they will burn his flesh almost as much as those of his foes. He can maintain a full three minutes of sustained fire before his flesh starts to blister and burn, and less than two after that before his wounds become crippling.. He can still use it to cauterise wounds, etc should the need arise. To those who manage to extinguish the flames in time, Shahab's Lash only causes severe burns. If not, they will continue to burn, causing excessive damage. With understanding of the nature of this Hellfire, Aurelius has learned how to use it to sear not only a body's flesh, but also it's soul. Against those of a good disposition, the effects are incredibly effective, bringing about an agony that can last for much longer than the actual burns. This invocation has become as much a sickness of the soul as it has a tool of brute destruction. Against those of a "good" nature, Shahab's Lash is one-and-a-half times as effective.

Level 8 (due in part to being hard to block)

Merihim's Breath- picked up from a demonic servant of Merihim, a Demon Lord of plague and disease, this invocation allows Aurelius to open his mouth impossibly wide and vomit forth a huge swarm of angry insects; the little vermin will proceed to attack anyone in range (other than Aurelianus himself), stinging, biting and burrowing into their flesh in a thrashing cloud. The effects of this spell last for a minute, after which the swarm falls to the ground, all dead. But the various infections and larvae they leave in their victims will last long after the swarm has died - symptoms include itching, swelling, blurred vision, nausea and all manner of other unpleasantness.

Level 9

Freki's Shield- This spell allows Aurelius to summon forth a protective bubble of magickal heat, which can deflect missiles, blades, and even other spells. Aurelius is immune to the heat he creates. He can keep it active long enough to stave off [colo=red]four powerful attacks, six medium attacks or eight weak attacks[/color], though a significantly strong one can shatter it in a single blow. (Usable- four times per thread)

Level 10

Pain Mirror- this invocation grants the warlock the handy ability to take any wound that someone causes him, and reflect it back at them - he was inspired to create this ability after being shot by Resolve Curie during the Cell, and spending the following weeks fantasising about all the ways he could pay her back. When used, it creates a sympathetic bond between Aurelius' own flesh and that of the attacker so that if a sword slices him, the cut instead manifests on the other person's body. After one serious or two moderate injuries, the mirror is lessened in effectiveness, meaning the following two wounds appear on both Aurelianus and his opponent. The canny tiefling can also use this invocation maliciously, deliberately wounding himself to bring harm to an enemy. While still learning how to properly utilise this power, Aurelianus can't use it to reflect, or deliberately give immediately fatal wounds - some sod decapitates him, he'll still lose his head. What's more, Aurelius has to see the attack coming in order to use the Pain Mirror, and the target must be within ten feet.

11-10-13, 04:56 AM
Scarlet Fields

Just waiting for a chance in item quality. All done

Level 2:
Demonic Fortunetelling: Scarlet's tribe immersed itself in the study of Demons from Haidia. Using the bones of demons, fashioned into different shaped dice, Scarlet can see truth. The ability is limited to truths in the lives of the people directly around her. After practice this ability may be increased, but its limits are unknown.

Level 3: (treated as part of a normal toughness ability which would have been a level 4)
Nomaneric Bones: After decades of training in The Erical Bone, Scarlet's bones are twice strong as strong as normal person's bones, but with more training, they can be enhanced further.
(x2 bone density)

Level 4:
Agile Grace: Scarlet has sacrificed brute force for grace. Ranging from walking to wielding a blade, Scarlet twice the control of her body of a normal person. She can notch a bow, fire arrows or draw her blade in moments with no wasted movements.
(x2 Agility)

11-11-13, 04:12 AM
Astarelle Set'Roh, level 5

Level 5 : 6 : 11
Roht lvl 5: 4.2 : 10

Sand: Disguise Lvl4
Sand: Detect when disturbed: Lvl4
Sand: Defence Lvl9
Sand: Attack: Lvl5
Sand: Enhance movement Lvl4
Sand: Make Weapons Lvl5
Sand: Other Lvl4

Other: Other
Puppeteer Lvl2
Scribe Lvl2
Lataro staff Lvl3

Sand Manipulation: I've broken this down into types and uses because its too big to be treated as one ability. The Sand use as a whole is limited by the amount of sand she has, meaning she cant change from one sand ability to another during some circumstances, while other times it will be faster. I've tried to take that into consideration.

Sand: Disguise: Level 4

Skin – Sand worn as a disguise. Personal sand of various hues is often used.
(Adept) Skin color can be changed completely. Features can be molded to a small degree. A single source can be applied to the entirety of one's own body. Limiting the disguise to face and hands will not use an entire source, allowing for weakened forms with the remaining sand.

Voice – Swallow sand and manipulate it against the vocal chords to very one's voice.
(Novice) The manipulator can change their voice easy around their natural range, as well as the closer ranges of the opposite gender. It is not comfortable -bordering on painful after extended use- and cannot be sustained for more than an hour.

Sand: Detect when disturbed: Level 4

Displace – Detect if sand is moved by another force or body.
(Apprentice) Only personal sand can be sensed. Reaction time is slower than that of the physical senses, and much slower if the sand is a great distance away (up to forty meters).

Sand: Defence Level 9 (Similar to the protection of Mystic Protection, with slightly less usability).

Shell – Sand forms a defensive layer on the skin.
(Adept)(w/s) One body part gains one tier of protection per source, up to the strength of plynt (three sources required). Solidifying the shell over joints will greatly decrease flexibility.

Buffer – Creates an unstable airborne shield close to the manipulator.
(Apprentice)(w/s) When formed to shield a whole body, the sand can block a grenade blast for every two sources used. Reducing the width increases the thickness, therefore enhancing the affect at the cost of coverage. The sand is designed to absorb and scatter the force, often resulting in it being flung out of range for immediate use. Blunt weapons will be slowed slightly in contact with the buffer. Bladed weapons will cut right through.

Sand: Attack: Level 5

Veil – Spread sand into a cloud around the manipulator.
(Apprentice)(w/s) Cloud has a radius of two meters per source. It barely affects vision. Others entering it will feel skin, eye, and throat irritation. It can be spun into a storm, see below.

Storm – The veil of sand is set in motion.
(Apprentice)(w/s) The cloud moves in response to the caster's movement. A thrust of the body will elongate it in one direction. A spin will set it swirling enough to abrade bare flesh and damage sensitive areas. A long piece of lataro (such as the staff) is required to get the storm up to full speed, which can unbalance opponents and obscure the caster to a mere silhouette. The storm can only last as long as the caster's body remains in motion.

Sand: Enhance movement Level 4

Step – Use sand as a medium for precise movement.
(Apprentice)(w) When a layer of sand separates the body from the ground, it can be shaped to either increase or decrease friction. I has little affect on smooth surfaces (metal) and cannot be used to defy gravity.

Wing – Use sand as a platform in the air.
(Novice)(w/s) While the manipulator is airborne, sand can be forced below the body to cushion a fall. It takes one source per ten meters fallen to remain uninjured, albeit with some bruising.

Sand: Make Weapons Level 5

Blade – Form sharp extensions on weapons or body
(Apprentice)(w/s) Create short (1.5') blades as strong as one tier per source, or stronger if forming a smaller blade. (Up to the strength of steel.)Blades can remain on weapons away from the hand as long as they are willed to, but cannot be altered aside from returning to their passive form.

Sand: Other Level 4

Collect – Draw all personal sand back to its passive locations.
(Adept) Complete collection at a moderate pace, either at will or upon falling unconscious. Sand being collected can travel along the ground or through the air. It must be physically captured to prevent this effect.
Note: Saturated sand, while useless for forms, will return at a slow pace.

Recall – Exert a pull on distant objects either made of lataro or woven with it. A miniscule amount of sand must remain in the object.
(Adept)(w) Pull a familiar tool to oneself from up to fifteen meters away. The tool can break through moderate resistance such as a firm grip. The object will return with force equal to what the user could impart with their own strength. In extreme desperation, the force and range will be stronger. The arc of a returning object can be altered by roughly thirty degrees.
Current items that can be recalled: staff, bracelets/anklets.

Other: Other

Level 2:

Puppeteer – Form and manipulate non-solid shapes.
(Novice) A game played during any typical Farohtian childhood. The puppets must be kept small to retain control, but can be sent up to 20 meters away. They have very little physical mass and little application in combat.

Level 2:

Scribe – Manipulation of ink and wax.
(Adept) Create or alter any document not protected by magical means. Ink and wax seals must be dry. Physical contact with the ink is required. Alterations can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes based on complexity. The presence of ink can be sensed, even when invisible or otherwise hidden, as long as the page is in hand.

Level 3:

Lataro staff (6')
~ Lataro is a porous bamboo-like wood with the same strength and flexibility as yew. Farohtians force sand into the pores to make it stronger. With her current abilities, Astarelle's staff is as strong as steel when all of its sand is held within.

Max Dirks
11-12-13, 08:44 AM
Hysteria, looks like you handled Aure fine. If he's too strong, nerf him.

11-13-13, 04:14 AM

Updated Aurelianus with Changes:

Level 4

Soul Bind- "Never make a bet with a tiefling"- this is a popular planar proverb. And Aurelianus is a walking example of this warning. Throughout his many travels Aurelius has struck many deals with all manner of creature, and more than a few times has been cheated of his due. But by utilising the demonic vitae flowing through his veins, the conniving half-demon has learned how to force others to stick to the bargains struck with him. So long as both parties spill their blood when the deal is made (willingly or otherwise), Aurelius binds the other party's very soul to the tenets of the agreement; forcing them to stick to it no matter what. Failure to do so forfeits their soul to Aurelianus, to do with what he will, and not even his death relinquishes his ownership of it. This is not to say the deal cannot be cheated by particularly canny wording, or other underhanded methods.. but to peel the tiefling is no mean feat. And woe betide any poor sod Aurelius catches trying to bob him of his due.

Witch Sight- this power is a byproduct of the demonic blood flowing through Aurelianus' veins. It allows him to shift his perceptions into ethereal realms no mortal is privy to- in short, it allows him to see a body's very soul. This comes in handy in all manner of ways; from sizing up the power of a foe, to seeing what a body fears and lusts after, and even allowing the tiefling to perceive creatures hiding behind the veil of reality.

Level 6

Eldritch Blast- This is a simple invocation all warlocks know- essentially just a blast of pure arcane energy, which Aurelius has learned to use both defensively and offensively; either blasting at his foes with force enough to shatter bones, or smash aside an incoming blade. Again, his near mastery of this invocation allows the warlock to control the size of the blast- from focused bursts for targeting weapons, specific limbs, etc. to walls of force that can smash multiple opponents from their feet. [Usable five times per thread. Wall usable once per thread.]

Freki's Shield- This spell allows Aurelius to summon forth a protective bubble of magickal heat, which can deflect missiles, blades, and even other spells with a radius of three feet. Aurelius is immune to the heat he creates. He can keep it active long enough to stave off two powerful attacks (roughly triple human strength), three medium attacks (double human strength) or four weak attacks (normal human strength), though a significantly strong one can shatter it in a single blow. (Usable- four times per thread)

Natural Born Cager- In the Hive, the deadly slums of Aurelianus' home city, everyday is a constant fight for survival. Generally, there are two types of cutter in the worst areas, where the tiefling grew up - fast sods or tough sods; those fast enough to get the first attack in, or those hard enough to survive a knifing and still retaliate. The canny plane-touched realised young there was only one way to guarantee survival in a place like that- be both. These natural abilities have been greatly augmented by his demonic heritage, to heights beyond most humans. Aurelius has 5x the agility and

Level 7
6x the physical toughness of any normal human. This means he can react and attack with blinding speed beyond what most humans can match, and can dodge arrows and even bullets fired at him from up to ten feet away. He has been known to use it in brief bursts to increase his speed, mainly to unnerve those he suddenly appears behind, etc - but his smoking pretty much rules out a sustained sprint using his speed. His inhuman pain-threshold also means he can be beaten, broken, stabbed, burned, bludgeoned, and so on, for much longer than an average cutter, before he finally succumbs to his wounds. This endurance aids him in maintaining his speed, true - but it mainly applies to his tolerances for pain.

Adamantine Will- over the years, the tiefling has learned there are many sources of power in the multiverse. His personal favourite is sheer willpower; it is this drive, this force that powers his warlock invocations, and that allows him to traverse the planes and keep his sanity intact. Without it, the half-breed would have been dead many times over- Aurelius possesses 6x the willpower of the average human. This level of inhuman focus grants the half-demon a high resistance to fear, panic, confusion and all manner of things that would cow the average mortal, as well as almost impenetrable mental barriers to keep out unwanted psychic assaults and intrusions, and to control exactly what people see when he allows them in- these defenses can still be breached by those with higher willpower than Aurelius, though what they will find there will no doubt test their composure; after seeing Hell itself, most people tend to stay out of the plane-touched's mind.

Level 8

Shahab's Lash- This invocation summons a cone of black flame from the palms or mouth, which Drak'shal can then launch at his enemies. Lately, the warlock has even learned how to form the flames into a roaring cyclone given a few moments to gather the power; the cyclone itself is only six feet by two feet, and due to the inherit difficulty of shaping Hellfire like this, Aurelius can only perform this trick thrice a day.. If any unfortunate is caught in these flames, the white-hot Hellfire will cling like napalm, rather than normal fire- the warlock can extinguish these flames with but a thought. Aurelius himself is almost completely immune to the flames he conjures forth, though the longer he keeps up the blast the harder it becomes to resist their infernal heat, until eventually they will burn his flesh almost as much as those of his foes. He can maintain a full four minutes of sustained fire before his flesh starts to blister and burn, and only one after that before his wounds become crippling. He can still use it to cauterise wounds, etc should the need arise. To those who manage to extinguish the flames in time, Shahab's Lash only causes severe burns. If not, they will continue to burn, causing excessive damage. With understanding of the nature of this Hellfire, Aurelius has learned how to use it to sear not only a body's flesh, but also it's soul. Against those of a good disposition, the effects are incredibly effective, bringing about an agony that can last for much longer than the actual burns. This invocation has become as much a sickness of the soul as it has a tool of brute destruction. Against those of a "good" nature, Shahab's Lash is one-and-a-half times as effective.

Merihim's Breath- picked up from a demonic servant of Merihim, a Demon Lord of plague and disease, this invocation allows Aurelius to open his mouth impossibly wide and vomit forth a huge swarm of angry insects; the little vermin will proceed to attack anyone in range (other than Aurelianus himself), stinging, biting and burrowing into their flesh in a thrashing cloud. The effects of this spell last for a minute, after which the swarm falls to the ground, all dead. But the various infections and larvae they leave in their victims will last long after the swarm has died - symptoms include itching, swelling, blurred vision, nausea and all manner of other unpleasantness. [Usable 3x per thread].

Level 10

Pain Mirror- this invocation grants the warlock the handy ability to take any wound that someone causes him, and reflect it back at them - he was inspired to create this ability after being shot by Resolve Curie during the Cell, and spending the following weeks fantasising about all the ways he could pay her back. When used, it creates a sympathetic bond between Aurelius' own flesh and that of the attacker so that if a sword slices him, the cut instead manifests on the other person's body. After one serious or two moderate injuries, the mirror is lessened in effectiveness, meaning the following two wounds appear on both Aurelianus and his opponent. The canny tiefling can also use this invocation maliciously, deliberately wounding himself to bring harm to an enemy. While still learning how to properly utilise this power, Aurelianus can't use it to reflect, or deliberately give immediately fatal wounds - some sod decapitates him, he'll still lose his head. What's more, Aurelius has to see the attack coming in order to use the Pain Mirror, and the target must be within ten feet.

Max Dirks
11-14-13, 04:04 PM

Shattered Reality: 3 (I considered both drain attacks as part of the same school, comparing them to a character who could form fire on their hands to burn someone and throw a fireball at someone; attacks can currently cause fatigue).
Shattered Reality Shield: 3 (She kept in the level language, which is useless, but noted it could handle low energy magic spells and defect CQC style physical moves).

Total 6/2= 3
No need to exchange points


11-24-13, 04:34 AM
Ghost Architect (Itsuko Hasegawa Level One)

Combination ability, Level 2 and Level 3

Itsuko is alive only through mastery of the Gosuto art. His chest contains the withered husk of an Oni’s heart, bound in a steel ventricle, tethered by ghostly strands to his arteries and lungs. He is ‘half’, one foot in heaven, one in hell.

Frail: Itsuko is sickly, has a pallid complexion, and suffers from a menagerie of illness. His strength, speed, and endurance are -0.5 that of a normal, physical healthy twenty six year old male.

Eternal: Itsuko can recover from injuries using his own Gōsuto technique, and the spiritual energy in his soul cage. He no longer ages and is immortal (major wounds and fatal injuries will kill him in the normal manner).

Phantom: His arms are ghostly from the shoulder down. Though they have a physical presence, and wrapped in bandages, he does not feel pain in them. They do not bleed. They do however follow all other physical conventions.

Level 4:

Gosuto: The ability to create new limbs, heal wounds, and undo the ravages of war has become a treasured gift indeed in the wake of the Oni war. The Gosuto, spirit stitches, ghost doctors, and soul singers, use a man’s soul as bandage and herb.

Build: A difficult and painstaking process, building new limbs from spiritual energy is not without sacrifice. The process is painful, can kill the patient, and there is no guarantee the spirit will accept the new appendage.

Bind: Natural healing of sinew, skin, and muscle can take months. By binding severed limbs, broken arteries, and scalp together with ‘ghost stitches’, the Gosuto can heal non-fatal injuries in days, increasing in time with severity.

Bridge: As a temporary measure, a Gosuto can build a bridge to keep a spirit from passing over whilst his body is recovered, or a parting message can be delivered. The bridge lasts only until the next sunrise.

12-02-13, 05:51 AM
The Muri

2x Level 3:

Dexterity: Despite what you would think about a species with innards made of mostly hardcore crystal, the crystal beings have agile bodies and can move swiftly. While mostly training on technology and weaponry, Muri has dexterity twice the amount of a regular human.

Wind Sweep: Muri can control gusts of winds strong enough to send her opponent off their feet. The wind is the size of a bloodhound.)

12-02-13, 05:54 AM
Cyrus Miles Vincent

Level 2:
Night vision which he can see up to 50 feet around him

Level 3:
Claws that are as strong as oak.

Level 4:
Turn into a wolf

12-02-13, 06:11 AM
Jarrod Garret:

Level 2:

Laserknife-4-Acts as a throwing/regular knife, blade is as strong as iron, can melt through armor given enough time, around 2 minutes. Can also be used as a regular knife. The knife must remain in constant contact with the armor to melt it. Does NO heat damage to people. can melt up to LOW QUALITY steel.

Halo Bracers-Can project hard-light screens, for communication, and most things you could use a computer for. Functioning fully. Has a Topography Scanner, MP3 player, and what a normal laptop would function with, word processor, so on.

Level 4: (one ability - Laser guns)

Laser Handguns-What the name says. Takes about 5 shots before he has to take around 1.5 minutes to let the guns cool. Infinite ammo. Every 20 shots, he must stop using the guns for 4 hours. Hits for the power of a weak punch.

Blackeye Shot-Twice per thread, Jarrod can fire one shot (Cannot be on a vital organ, or to the head) That his opponent cannot see, beyond a vague shadow. This will hit for the strength of a medium stone from a slingshot.

12-05-13, 03:35 AM
Philomel “Phi” Serkena van der Aart

Level 4:
excelled speed when running, to the speed of a deer bounding away from predators, based on an African springbok - short bursts of up to 50km/h and leaping up to 4 m through the air in a single curve.

Level 3
Close connection to nature, able to “listen” to trees and the earth due to faun-ness. Essentially linking with her tracking skills, but requires minor earth magic to hear a tree’s lifespan and heartbeat, or sense where an animal might be within a five mile radius. As long as she is in an earthy area and not on water.

Level 2:
A very sharp sense of smell - even blood and at times fear

Amber Eyes
12-21-13, 12:31 AM
Ulrich of Craggenmoor

Shield: 4
Glass dust: 3
Tracing: 2


Amber Eyes
12-25-13, 09:37 PM

Vampiric Strength - The strength of 2 men - can deadlift up to 300lbs- 3

Bones of Stone - 2x bone strength- 3

Most Important Meal of the Day - For 10 minutes after feeding (blood!), Mai moves at 1.5x speed. -3

12-27-13, 12:53 AM
The Wanderer

Level 3

Agility Training - 1.5 x Average human Agility
The wild and unpredictable lands of Salvar are not the place for those without their heads on a swivel and the ability to move quickly. Time spent evading sudden danger has afforded Adamusk some skill with speed of foot and hand, though more through experience than hard practice. He ability to dodge attacks and land his own is slightly higher than the average human.

Level 2:

Hard Wave Technique

The very thing he both curses vehemently and lusts for endlessly, Adamusk carries the ability to form highly concentrated insta-shockwaves from the palms of his hands. Though it is quite obviously magic in nature, The Wanderer possesses no arcane knowledge of how it manifested itself within him. With a mere thought he is able to launch a wave from either hand, though his palm(s) must be in direct contact with whatever he wishes to effect else the ability will simply disperse through the air, causing a loud cracking sound.

Drawback: Extended and unregulated use of this ability can and will cause extreme physical duress on his body. Within a single thread, after each use, The Wanderer's hands will become more and more damaged from the physical stress his power places upon them. This will effect his ability to hold onto objects or interact with anything using his hands.

Uses per thread: (3)
Application: Touch
Time: Instant
Description: At his current level of ability, Adamusk's powers will not produce any noticeable destruction on living organisms. He must place his palm directly on the surface he wishes to launch the shockwave through. On basic flesh, his ability will only create an instant of agonizing pain that will weaken the appendage targeted for a very brief amount of time (1 post). At this mild level the wave cannot crack/shatter any material harder than glass, making it almost negligible in practicality outside of combat as that would would warrant agonizing pain without much to show for it.

Example of ability used on different limbs:
Arm - Sluggish or difficult use for 1 post.
Head - Slight vision difficulties, sharp but brief headache.

12-27-13, 12:54 AM
Wolf Oden Luka Frekad

Level 3:

Transform – As a half werewolf/kitsune, Wolf can shift shape from a human to a canine form which appears to be mostly wolf but slightly red and smaller than the average wolf. He likes to stay in a hybrid form with a wolf like head including ears, fangs, lengthened face and often keeps his claws out.

Enhanced Speed – Wolf makes full use of his transformation and brings out the swiftness of a fox/wolf into his hybrid and human form. He can strike roughly twice as fast as a normal human.

Enhanced Strength – Wolf lives up to his name and uses his werewolf heritage to bring forth raw power. Compared to an average human man, he is said to be roughly twice as strong.

12-27-13, 12:56 AM
The Scarecrow

Level 2:
Basic Reinforcement – This allows the caster to pour a small amount of mana or energy into wood. The affected material becomes far stronger and more resilient for a brief period of time – if the tinkermage chooses to pour their energy into the wood from afar - or for as long as the caster maintains contact with it, enough to mimic the defensive and/or offensive properties of iron. Such reinforcement can only occur once every one hour, rendering the technique rather ineffective for constant material reinforcement in the heat of battle. The technique lasts for eight total posts assuming it's a constant scene -or- fifteen minutes.

Level 3:
Charged Shot – Perhaps one of the most basic abilities to every Tinkermage is being capable of manipulating the mana or simply the raw energy both within their bodies and in the environment around them to empower constructs and creations. This ability revolves around using some of that energy and instill it into a razordisk which is then fired from the ‘wristflinger’. The result is a slicing oval of orange energy that generally dissipates on contact, releasing the power contained within the razordisk in the form of multiple slashing wounds across any target it encounters. Sometimes, it might even cut right through stone walls or objects, and in some rare case scenarios, through iron. It can be used up to three times in the span of several hours.

Level 4:
Invoke the Machine – Not quite as ominous as its name, this ability allows Varell to build a turret whenever he desires. Each turret consumes a considerable amount of mana and/or raw energy from his body that he will either have to replenish or pull from elsewhere. However, once constructed, the turrets are self-sustaining. Varell can choose between the conventional and consistent Boltflinger, a small turret capable of firing six iron bolts as though it were a crossbow, occasionally spraying a rain of razors on an area if the magical power contained within builds up enough before expiring… Or the more lethal Razorflinger, which is a larger, slower, and deadlier version of the Boltflinger. Instead of firing bolts, the Razorflinger is capable of shooting six razordisks carrying large amounts of kinetic energy within, similar to the razordisks from the Charged Shot ability. Unlike the Boltflinger, however, they don’t have the capability to use up any built up magical power. Once Varell chooses one type, he cannot build the other until disarmed or until they expire. (e.g. if he builds a Boltflinger, he won’t be able to build a Razorflinger as long as the former is still existent and vice-versa.) Both the Bolt or Razorflinger can remain existent for 14 total posts after creation - if in a constant scene - or one hour

12-27-13, 01:00 AM

Level 2:
Resilience through Regeneration - Passive Self-Healing: Gattison has a natural resilience to injury through the function of his Attunement to Earth ability; physical damage must usually be so extreme it would certainly cause death to a normal person before crippling the Virulent Heart. Even so, mystical weapons, blades of infinite sharpness, extreme climate conditions, lethal toxins and poisons, and other unnatural functions of destruction still pose a serious threat to the half-man. With this ability he retains an accelerated rate of self-healing that allows him quick recovery from most cuts and abrasions, concussive blows, some natural poisons and toxins, and extreme climate conditions (such as burns, freezing climates, etc).

At this level he is able to passively heal himself of what one would consider a normal injury on a regular human being at a rate of approximately half the normal time, and mend broken bones in days rather than weeks or months. Although he may focus on healing the injury solely, it comes at a cost.

Level 3:

Temporary Berserker's Rage - Celerital Movement: Gattison, through practice, has learned to control his violent curse that is most commonly referred to as a Berserker on the battlefield by triggering it at will. He need merely taste a drop or two of his own blood, usually by biting down on his tongue, to trigger this state of being. This rage of the heart enables Gattison a level of accelerated movement and thought processing surpassing that of an ordinary human by at least double the average rate, while still able to retain his sentience.

At his current level, it takes the effort of serious threat coupled with already accumulating anger at possible defeat for him to purposely trigger this and utilize his accelerated state of being. His control over his movements at such increased levels are somewhat shaky at this point, and inertia often takes precedence when moving this quickly.

Level 3:
Attunement to Earth - Hardened nature: Gattison has enabled himself the mystical properties of earth; he is able to tap into the core power of nature beneath him via raw and unrelenting power, granting him strength in times of duress, unshakeable stability, and endurance against physical attacks and natural elements.

At this level, so long as both feet remain touching the ground in some fashion without Gattison breaking contact, he would feel extraordinarily strong and all but immovable against a single foe at double his size trying to forcibly displace him from his current position through physical means. Metaphorically, it is as if he were rooted to the ground. Although disrupting the ground through mystical and/or magickal means may impede the effectiveness of this ability, it would require an upheaval of great magnitude for it to suffice, as this ability attunes Gattison to the earth, and opponents have to fight the nature of the element itself rather than Gattison's willpower.

12-28-13, 12:51 AM
The Bastard Seed

Level 3:
Strength - as a Draconian, Riordan has 2x the strength of a human, allowing her to easily lift up to 100lbs and break small bones in the body.

Level 6:
Blood Magic - Riordan has attended Eolas Braolin in order to learn the basics of blood magic.

Riordan can manipulate free flowing blood, blood that is no longer in the body, be it her own or someone else's. She can shape it, move it or throw it by her command, which does take concentration, effort and energy. She can create any shape imaginable, but is limited by the volume of blood available to her. She cannot create a ten foot sword, if she only has half a pint of blood to work with. If she hardens it, the blood has the same strength as steel and looks like a red crystal. Right now she can manipulate up to a pint of blood and it has to be within twenty feet of her in order to take control of it. Also, she can only hold that control for a short period of time, 2 posts for a battle and up to five minutes for a quest.

(Not included in initial character level. I asked Riordan to move it to abilities so that we don't double up on treating it as an item when it was intended to be an ability later).
Scales - Like most Draconians of the Wing caste, Riordan has more scale than skin. The highest concentration of it is on her back, where it completely covers her right down to the rise of her ass, then wraps around her torso to cover most of her stomach, the back half of her neck and down her breast bone, but her breasts are not covered in scales. Her shins and knees have scales and her feet are more clawed than human looking. Her arms have scales from the elbow down, the left more heavily covered and her left hand is clawed as well. Being a young Draconian, her scales only have the strength of leather right now.

01-05-14, 05:01 AM
Mark Aka Clueless

Level 3:
Strength – Due to all the farm work, Mark is roughly 1.5 times as strong as the average person.

Level 6:
Mimic – One unusual ability Mark always had is the ability to mimic other people. He would try to talk like them, do the same fighting moves, or even try to repeat magical abilities he sees. 60% of the time he ends up failing to get anywhere close but the other 40%, he actually manages to mimic it at a low level (In this case level 0-1). So if he sees a mage shooting a fireball, he might actually be able to shoot a little burst of flame himself.

However, he doesn't really remember what he did so he can't repeat the same thing again even if he pulled it off successfully without the person he was copying doing it again.

Here's how the result of this ability will be determined: 1d1000 (Using random.org or something)

0-599 (Low: 1-199, Middle: 200-399, High: 400-599) - Failure to mimic. On the lower end, might cause some damage to self. Middle, nothing happens. Higher end of the range, maybe a small light or glow but doesn't actually do anything.
600-1000 (Low: 600-750, Middle: 750-900, High 900-1000) - Successful mimic. On the lower end, it has very little effect maybe just a regular static shock for a lightning bolt. Middle would result in something around a level one ability like a lightning bolt that might stun someone and/or cause light burn damage. High end would be slightly beyond that and might produce a lightning bolt capable to stunning/burning two people or causing a bit more serious damage to one person.

Note: This ability is slightly draining for Mark to do since his body is not used to the motions and energy flow. He can use it at max 8 times in battle due to the compound effect of using the ability and all the adrenaline.

Weaknesses (not really much of one, but I've included it here)
Extremely easy to trick – Tell him that you will double his money and he'll give you all he has. Tell him an evil wizard must keep his room clean and he'll make sure there's not a speck of dust anywhere.

01-05-14, 05:08 AM

Fiendish Flaws
Abel Metzger has all the traditional weaknesses of a common vampire; he is especially weak to weapons of silver, flames of any kind are especially deadly to him (he takes twice the damage from any fire based attack), the smell of garlic nauseates him, while the taste makes him violently ill, in the hands of a faithful man or woman, a religious symbol can be used to ward him away, he can not cross the doorway of a home unless invited in, and he cannot cross running water of his own power. Exposure to sunlight will cause his flesh to blacken, blister, and crack open, and, inevitably, kill him.

Weak to weapons of silver (-0.5)
Flames of any kind are especially deadly to him (he takes twice the damage from any fire based attack) (-1)
The smell of garlic nauseates him. while the taste makes him violently ill ( 0 )
In the hands of a faithful man or woman, a religious symbol can be used to ward him away (-0.5)
He can not cross the doorway of a home unless invited in ( 0 )
He cannot cross running water of his own power ( 0 )
Exposure to sunlight will cause his flesh to blacken, blister, and crack open, and, inevitably, kill him (-2)

During the night, Abel is twice as fast as the average man, and if he can retreat to the shadows during the day, his speed will return as well. Abel's body can also recover from any wound or injury, as vampirism is a curse of the undying. He sees it as no curse though; regardless of the time of day or night, smaller wounds, such as stabs, surface cuts, light burns, slight lacerations and the like, can be healed in several minutes (3-4 posts). Larger wounds, such as severe burning, strong poisons, deep cuts, bullet wounds and the like can be healed within twenty - some minutes, often meaning any sort of crippling wound he receives will have to be endured until he is out of the thick of things. He can be reduced to a catatonic state by forcing him to bleed out, and he can be even knocked out with sufficient force, but Abel cannot be killed unless he is decapitated, burnt to ash, or has had his heart pierced by a wooden stake.

Aside from his fangs, the most evident mark of Abel's vampirism are his claws. Each finger and thumb is tipped with a two inch claw with a slight curve at the tip. He can extend these claws another inch to add to his reach in combat. They have the tensile strength of chitin, though as they are a part of his vampiric aspect, they will grow stronger and harden over time. The claws will rip away from his fingertip instead of breaking if they happen to be destroyed, and will regenerate to their normal size and length a day later. While not capable of rending metals, they can slice cleanly cured hides and pelts, skin, and score deep gashes into bone.

Strength: (Level 2)
During the night, Abel is twice as fast as the average man, and if he can retreat to the shadows during the day, his speed will return as well.

Healing: (Level 5)
Abel's body can also recover from any wound or injury, as vampirism is a curse of the undying. He sees it as no curse though; regardless of the time of day or night, smaller wounds, such as stabs, surface cuts, light burns, slight lacerations and the like, can be healed in several minutes (3-4 posts). Larger wounds, such as severe burning, strong poisons, deep cuts, bullet wounds and the like can be healed within twenty - some minutes, often meaning any sort of crippling wound he receives will have to be endured until he is out of the thick of things. He can be reduced to a catatonic state by forcing him to bleed out, and he can be even knocked out with sufficient force, but Abel cannot be killed unless he is decapitated, burnt to ash, or has had his heart pierced by a wooden stake.

Claws: (Level 3)
Each finger and thumb is tipped with a two inch claw with a slight curve at the tip. He can extend these claws another inch to add to his reach in combat. They have the tensile strength of chitin, though as they are a part of his vampiric aspect, they will grow stronger and harden over time. The claws will rip away from his fingertip instead of breaking if they happen to be destroyed, and will regenerate to their normal size and length a day later. While not capable of rending metals, they can slice cleanly cured hides and pelts, skin, and score deep gashes into bone.

01-09-14, 02:58 AM
Victor Valentine- Book 3

Pretty easy one.

Level 3 : 5.5 : 9
Victor 3 : 2 : 3(9)

6 6 5 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 / 9 = 2

Level 5

Unshakable Determination: He is able to dig deep, finding the strength within to overcome physical/mental pain and exhaustion. With two times to pain tolerance of a normal person: If Victor gets his fingers cut off he's still going to feel it, just half as much as an average person. Basically it'll take twice the beating to make him give up due to pain. Having actually died from torture and brought back, there is little that can get under Victor's skin. It would take much more than for a normal person to break Victor's will.

(3x Will power)

Level 6

Monster Strength: Years of carrying heavy lumber and metal has made Victor stronger than normal people. While his body may be unassuming he has enough strength to hit hard enough to send normal fighters flying with a swing of his sword. He can now perform feats of strength it would normally take five men to do, from lifting heavy objects to breaking down doors. This also affects the sheer force behind his attacks. Victor's body is five times more powerful than an average fighter.

(5x strength)

A Demon's Endurance: His willpower moves him when his muscles can't. Victor can keep running, fighting, swimming, and moving in general for five times longer than a normal person, making it five times harder for him to give in to fatigue and exhaustion.

(5x Endurance)

Max Dirks
01-09-14, 07:20 AM
A few things:

1) Victor is level 3, but you've quoted the listings for level 4.

2) What are all these .25 additions?

If they are empty slots, they would move the level 3 maximum power level to 6, not be averaged in. His APL would be (6+5+5)/3 = 5.3, not 2.

Max Dirks
01-10-14, 08:18 AM

Level 1: APL 3: MA: 3

Elemental Fire - 4 (200 degree core body temperature which can proximity burn; 3 foot flame breath; 60 foot thin whip)


Approved, but will be monitored for powergaming (hoytti and I discussed his character thoroughly in chat to make he will play fair).

Max Dirks
01-10-14, 08:59 AM

Level 1: APL 3: MA: 3

Flight - 6 (due to his size, I've related this to the "complete transformation" into a bird rather than like Sei's flight ability)
Needles of Pain - Does not seem to be an ability

Testing Hysteria's weakness system:

Reduced size - 2 (Can be killed by a fly swatter)
Reduced strength - 2 (Must be set to even pierce skin with a miniature dagger)

APL = 2/3.5


Max Dirks
01-10-14, 01:30 PM
Scribe of Marwolaeth

Level 1: APL 3: MA: 3

Image Shift: Once per day, Marawol can create the illusion of being a meter further to the right than he really is. This illusion can be broken in one way: Any attack or physical contact that would hit the image destroys the illusion. The image disappears after five minutes if not broken beforehand - 3
Ice Crafting: Marawol can use water to create any object in ice form. However, Marawol can only focus on one object at a time. As soon as he begins crafting another object, the original object returns to its original state (water). The ice is more dense than normal, making it more durable. Mal can not create any round/ball shapes larger than a baseball, or any stick or shaft-like objects longer than two feet - 3
Vision: Mal can zoom his vision at 2x. No ill effects - 3

APL 3/3, approved!

Amber Eyes
01-10-14, 10:55 PM

Heating a weapon using stored energy- 2

01-14-14, 02:09 AM
Bella Floritine

(mentions strength, but its below normal)

Level 1
Cute Sway - Usually used after the Puppy-Dog Eyes, it helps her get more money or food out of the victim. Used after she hurts someone to look innocent.

Flower Twirl - Surrounds her with flowers to hide her from enemies. Last about 5 minutes. She also uses this in her street performances. Can only be used 3 times a battle thread or 3 times every five hours.

Level 2
Puppy-Dog Eyes - Used in conjunction with her begging skills to get some money or food off of people. Her Eyes grow big and sad. It has a 75% chance of of working against a normal person. When in a fight, usually weakens the resolve of the attacker.

Amber Eyes
01-14-14, 06:06 PM

Increase body temp- 2
Fireballs (golf ball size) - 4

Average- 3

Amber Eyes
01-14-14, 06:09 PM

Increased stats, agility, speed, strength- 3

Average- 3

Amber Eyes
01-14-14, 06:12 PM

Ghost armor- usable once per thread, the armor appears and blocks a single attack. It can be broken through by stronger opponents- 3

01-15-14, 05:42 AM
-2, 2, 3, 6 = 3

Reduced attributes: -2

Level: 2 (needs a long amount of skin to skin touch in most circumstances)

Life Tap:

This is done through skin to skin contact. The more skin that touches her victim, the faster they are drained of their energy. Lady needs to prey on souls or life force of some kind. Souls are her favorite food, but she will occasionally snack on constructs, familiars, enchanted items, or other various energies. This skill is not of a magical nature, but more of a biological one held by her race. With just one hand on the victim, she can drain a human to the brink of death in a matter of days. If she is able to seduce them, intercourse can be fatal in a matter of minutes. Those that have been sapped will begin to feel symptoms similar to being extremely intoxicated. They will grow dizzy, uncoordinated, euphoric, and experience a general high. Once the damage has become severe, victims will not be able to control their body, they will be feint, senses will shut down, and they will be rendered useless. If she can bring a person to climax, her ability to feed is exponentially increased. During climax, she can take someone for the symptoms of alcohol to near death in but a second. This ability is activated by will and is not always active.

Level 3 (due to limitations of what can be changed)


Lady is a master of illusion thanks to her ascension into demonhood. As a succubus, she can easily manipulate her own appearance to her liking. These changes can be held indefinitely and affect only those that she has targeted. The manipulations are done through her own demonic energy collected from years of feasting on life and souls. The only trait she cannot manipulate his her voice. She is still a young succubus and has much to learn. Outside of manipulating her own appearance, she can manipulate the surrounding area up to a 10ft by 10ft area. This means that she can change the immediate setting she exist in. This is local and she must remain within the manipulated area. She can namely change the appearance of common objects. Turn one room into another or make an indoor room appear to be outside. This applies to everything visual about the illusion and she has yet to learn to manipulate haptic feedback or sound. She is also restricted to inanimate objects. She cannot create illusions of other people or a doppelgänger just yet. Sentient plants are also restricted. She can maintain a full room illusion for two hours before needing a thirty minute rest. She can maintain a self illusion for a continual week, to which she will need 8 hours of rest. In active combat, these illusions are diminished by 85%.

Level 6

Sweet Scent:

This skill is primarily effective on males. The success rate of which is 75% on the average Althanian. It also works on females with a success rate of 25%. Those with higher willpower or sharpened senses have an increased immunity. Sweet scent attacks the victims senses. The area of effect is 15 ft radius and this skill is active at all times. Sweet scent will penetrate the victim through the nostrils and is ineffective against constructs. The first thing this skill does is diminish a person's hesitation toward Lady. It works much like aromatherapy and causes the victim to relax. Subsequently, they are slower to react and less likely to suspect foul play. In combat, sweet scent can cause minor disorientation over prolonged exposure. Enemies will begin to question their motives for combat and occasionally abandon their aggression mid-fight. It inhibits the production and flow of both testosterone and adrenaline. These effects take about two minutes to begin and can linger for five minutes when out of proximity of Lady. Sweet scent has no discernible odor and uses pheromones to deliver their effect.

01-15-14, 08:34 PM
Erikar Aodhfionn approved on a mid-level update with only changes to skills and history.

01-15-14, 09:16 PM
Liara Faltiari

Level 3:
Song of the Siren- Liara is able to sing as sweet song that can make a male character become infatuated with her for a 15 minuet period of time. (stronger male characters will not be effected.)

Sonic Sound- Liara can bring her voice to a supersonic pitch, which can inflict pain to the enemies or anybody that can hear it also causing slight disorientation leaving them open for a swift blow. (If over used it can severely hurt the user. She take about a 4th of the damage regardless.)

Screaming Thume- If Liara is out of all other options she is able to scream out and with her voice will create an intense thume of energy and repel an enemy up to 20 feet giving her an opportunity to escape. (This will leave her incapable of using her voice for up to two days)

Amber Eyes
01-19-14, 10:37 AM

Heat Resistance- 3

Flamebrand - heats sword, can only cause first-degree burns for now (2x per battle with a two post re-charge)- 3

He could withstand 5 hits where an ordinary man could only take 3. (Endurance 1.5x that of a normal man.)- 3

Amber Eyes
01-19-14, 11:13 AM
Constantine Remius Hall II

Tendrils - Constantine is able to conjure tendrils of dark energy from the Fade. These tendrils are as strong as a man's arm. He can conjure two tendrils. - 3

First Circle - Constantine can summon one small imp hungry for human flesh. The imps are roughly the equivalent of fairies in size and stature. They are capable of performing basic tasks and can manifest for two posts. - 4

Fadewalker - [NON-COMBAT] - 2

Max Dirks
01-20-14, 05:27 PM

3 - Way Fist- Andrix can focus his chi into a physical wave, with a range of 10 feet. This punch isn't any stronger than his normal punch
3 - Armor Pugilism- Andrix can focus all his chi to any part of his body to boost his damage resistance (a punch won't affect him, a hit with a blunt weapon will be like being hit with a fist, and a slash or stab won't cut as deep.). He can block three attacks a battle this way.

01-21-14, 01:48 PM


Level 3:

Critical Eye- Alkor's natural aptitude and studies lend to him knowledge of openings and weaknesses of the human body and some styles. He is especially gifted in his lethality. (Blows that open wounds do 2x damage and bleed.)

Windwalker: Alkor's travels have rendered him less encumbered by the elements. He has increased agility. (x2. He can dodge a punch thrown at normal speed. Obviously, sword strokes move faster than punches. He can't just dodge weapons and such.)

(due to only two uses and the break between posts)
Stimulate: At this point, Alkor is only able to influence his own chi. He cannot increase or decrease the flow to empower himself. He can close small wounds or slightly treat large ones. Notably, he can sober himself, or create a state similar to drunkenness. (Can be done twice per thread, with four posts between any use.)

01-21-14, 01:59 PM

Level 2

“Guide My Hand” – Pro: When Astrid feels she is acting in accordance with her faith / in defense of her religion, her convictions and the adrenaline allow her to aim just a little bit faster and shoot more accurately with her bow.
Con: When Astrid is torn about whether her actions are righteous, she hesitates and feels a bit slower and weaker.

Level 3: (probably on the low side of 3)
“You Are My Shelter and Shield” – Pro: Astrid’s faith in the Ethereal Sway is a source of comfort and zeal even when times are tough or she is hurt; Astrid is capable of ignoring minor injuries for a short time (several minutes) in order to complete her holy tasks.
Con: Because of her belief that the Ethereal Sway is guiding / protecting her, Astrid willfully ignores her pain / exhaustion and suffers even more for it when she comes back to reality. Additionally, Astrid must feel that she is acting for her faith in order to use this ability.

“Suffer Not a Witch to Live” – The Church of the Ethereal Sway’s doctrines are clear; magic is meant to be controlled by the faith, and individuals who abuse its power must be hunted and punished. Pro: Astrid’s absolute certainty in this grants her minor resistance to magic damage / mind effecting spells.
Con: Astrid does not trust magic unless it is strictly regulated, and as such has a difficult time benefiting from or accepting “buffs” or other magical enhancements.

Amber Eyes
01-21-14, 07:32 PM
Duke Pantarie (Duke)

1.) Spirit Shield- slows projectiles (not bullets)- 3

2.) Spirit Blades- Can create one iron throwing blade twice per thread- 4

3.) Spirit Wings- (Non-Combat Ability)- 2

Amber Eyes
01-26-14, 02:47 PM
Whiskey in the Willows- Not approved yet

Spirit Calling: Esme has the ability to see and commune with the spirit world. She can lend some of her energy to the spirit to give it corporeal form and allow it to have some influence on the environment. At the moment, this ability is weak. She cannot influence the spirit to do something out of it's nature (for example, the spirit of a kind matron could not be made to attack someone, but the energy could allow the spirit to bring a blanket from across the room to cover a sleeping child), and any physical action is only the strength of a shove or punch. No spirit's weapons can be imbued with enough power to cause damage at this level. The effect can be sustained for 3 minutes at maximum. Keeping the energy going for the full maximum will result in Esme's heart beating out of control and her falling unconscious for three hours. Can be used twice per day, unless used until maximum and then only once as it is too draining on her health.

I've asked her to specify that this can only control one spirit at a time. Since she cannot do any more damage than a punch I am tempted to say a 4? Let me know if I'm being going to low with this one.

Earth Magic: Very weak: Esme can move soil and break up compacted soil at the rate of 1 cubic foot per second. She can also "see" through stone by placing her hand on it to know if something is incased within the rock or against it on another side.


Fire Magic: Weak: Emeline can create two different kinds of flame. The first is a non-heat-producing light that burns as brightly as candlelight and can be sustained for several hours. The second is a hot flame, the temperature of a camp fire. Emeline can hold this flame (which is a fireball the size of a fist) in her hand without being burned, but she cannot throw or toss it.

I am counting this as elemental fire control which is usually a 4, but since she is unable to throw the flames I put this as a 3.

01-30-14, 05:25 AM
Level 3:

Touch of Iron: An extension of his ability to sense the presence of iron, Otto can make a much more in-depth analysis of any such piece that he is touching. This allows him to determine major and minor elements, as well as any patterns - folds, fractures, pockets of impurities, and so on. This requires a little time and concentration, much as one might read the suspicious small print at the bottom of a waiver, so it is rarely useful in combat.

Empathy (x2): you meet all sorts in this line of work. In fact, Otto feels like he must have met them all. Constant exposure to people suffering the full spectrum of human emotion, oftentimes trying to hide it, has taught him a few things about reading others. Unless the person is moderately gifted at bluffing, Otto might spot when someone is trying too hard to appear happy, is having to wildly fill the gaps in a story, and so on.

Level 4:

Reflex (x3): Otto has only become more skittish during his time serving the Empire, and endless drills have hardwired in quick responses to perceived threats. From weapon strikes and ringing alarms, to misplaced words and an approaching officer, his reaction time to danger has been reduced to about just one tenth of a second.

Level 5:

Strength (x4): Otto has a single-arm lift capacity of 38 to 87 kg, depending on whether the angle is favourable or not, and a maximum punch force of 540 kg.

Willpower (x4): Otto can happily subject himself to harsh conditions - such as wading into icy water or walking barefoot over scorching sand - without any ill effect to his focus and faculties for 12 minutes. The mental discipline that has been drilled into him also lets him allay fear and resist to some degree those certain influences that daze, dampen and confuse the mind.

Scent: Otto has an excellent sense of smell, and can easily detect animal traces on the wind or left behind where an individual has resided for some time. Smells which stand out are sweat, urine, faeces, and, in particular, blood. This made growing up in a medieval(ish)-era city about as enjoyable as you’d expect. Otto’s sense of smell is slightly better than that of a canine on the lower end of the olfactory sensitivity spectrum in regards to the mentioned odours, and half again for other scents.

Level 6:

Sense of Iron: Otto knows when iron is nearby. He can sense its shape, its concentration, and patterns in the metal left by the shaping process. The ability to sense iron also depends on how prevalent it is; a pure lump of the stuff will shine like a beacon, while a rusty pin would glimmer like a half-reflected moon on water. Otto can sense iron and its alloys down to one-tenth purity (by weight) up to a range of fifteen metres away. The only exception to this rule is blood; although there is so little iron present in it, something about Acmon's magic is attuned to the stuff. Spilled fresh blood he can sense clearly, if there are more than a few millilitres of it, but not old blood or that still held within a body.
Like any sense, it can become overloaded, so Otto has difficulty picking out individual items when there is an abundance already around him. Also, as this is a supernatural ability, it can be influenced by magic-dulling and magic-enhancing factors.

Toughness (x5): a sharp punch by someone of comparable strength will have just a 10% chance to break one of Otto's ribs, and his hide has a resilience approaching that of toughened leather.

Level 7:

Precision (x6): wielding a hammer, Otto is capable of easily striking typical thrown weapons directed at him (rocks, javelins, shurikens, knives etc. - unless he is bombarded by several at once), and has about a 50% chance to do the same for faster projectile weapons. His attacks with hammers rarely go wide by more than an inch, those with spears can be relied on to land within three, and he has unerring coordination with other hand weapons - though the effect can be rather spoiled when his targets don't stand still.

Endurance (x6): Otto isn't necessarily fast, or even smart - but he just keeps on coming. Even in full military kit, Otto has no problem undertaking a whole day's march. Debilitating effects such as poison and blood loss are much slower to put him down than the average human - though they will certainly still cripple him.

3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7 /10 = 5 APL=6.25, approved.

I reckon this one is a skill:

Infusion: Otto can sense enchanted iron, and work such enhancements into any iron-containing item which he forges himself. The item must comprise at least one-third iron by weight, although enchantments will benefit from the inclusion of augmentative metals such as Damascus or Prevalida. Enchanting can only occur under specific conditions, by drawing on the surrounding environment – be it the significance of the tools used, something regarding their history, Otto’s mood, or perceived aspects of the location where the item is made. These enchantments act as abilities, and are governed by the same rules. Otto cannot make an enchantment stronger than the maximum ability level permitted for a character half Otto’s level at the time of forging, rounding down.
Example: a shield forged in full sun, and only within an hour each side of noon, may be infused with an ‘illumination’ enchantment. The shield may act as a light source, or it might work in a metaphorical sense by allowing Otto to ‘see’ when people speak falsehoods. If Otto was level three at the time of creating the item, then the enchantment cannot be stronger than an ability allowed for a level one character (3/2 = 1.5, rounding down = 1).
Obviously, he cannot just pull enchanted items from the thin air. Making these things costs time and money, and item acquisition must comply with the rules and costs of the Bazaar (this accounts for the price of materials, and of making the workpiece amenable to enchantment), or be approved as thread spoils by an appropriate staff member.

Max Dirks
01-30-14, 01:43 PM

2x strength - 3
2x speed - 3
Shield - 3


Strength- Selias is able to lift two hundred pounds with great strain. She is able to continuously move items around her own weight with little draining.

Speed- Selias can outrun most humans, her top running speed is around 10 metres per second while her distance pace is around 8.

The plea- Selias when desperate can create a shield around herself that will reflect one attack. The attack will instead hurt her opponent. the shield can easily reflect simple blunted blows and haymakers from a normal human with a force equal to their own. Stronger blows will either knock Selias back, protecting her but preventing the shield from reflecting the attack. The strongest blows will destroy the shield. The shield will stop a single projectile before extinguishing, but will not reflect back to it's source.

I also allowed the steel rapier because she has no armor.

02-01-14, 09:12 PM

Level 3:

Lesser Healing- Dein is able to cast this spell on himself or an ally from any distance. Lesser healing will instantly heal lesser wounds. (Able to use once per thread on himself and up to 3 times on allies)

^ (slightly lower due to only one use on self)

Mana Shield- Dein is able to conger a barrier around himself and allies to deflect average projectiles (Iron Arrows, Iron Throwing Knives) and weaken average spells. (Able to use 3 times per thread)

Illuminate- Dein can create an orb of light with varying intensity of glow. On the high end it can blind enemies briefly leaving them open for attack. And with his ability he can use it to light up any dark passages or shadows. (Full intensity it can be used 2 per thread and passively used continuously for 4 posts.)

02-01-14, 11:51 PM

Quentin Boone

Level 2:
Street Smarts: General life on the streets and being chased for years has gifted Quentin with a sixth sense of sorts; he can generally tell if he's being followed by anyone but those with stealth training and can read the streets to see if there's any signs of trouble, such as a fight about to break out.

Level 3:
Salvar Native: Used to the harsh environment of Salvar, Quentin is accustomed to cold and can endure low temperatures with little effect. This translates to minor protection against cold attacks.

Level 4: (sort of 2.5 endurance)
Hard as Nails: Living a life of bare survival, fighting for years and dealing with the punishment of prison guards, Quentin is a hardy fella and can withstand a lot more damage than the average human. His tough disposition means he can take up to six more normal hits from someone the same level as himself. The number of hits reduces by two for each level above Quentin's own.

02-02-14, 12:19 AM

Level 3:
Lion's Roar - Novice
"It was the nation and the race dwelling all round the globe that had the lion's heart. I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar." - Winston Churchill
- Creates a strong shock wave from the diaphragm to create a powerful vibration, the user's skill determines the radius of the sound. It causes damage towards the inner ear drums, which in turn causes the opponent to slightly lose their sense of balance and their surroundings. (Can only be used when in Berserker Rage. Usable once per thread if conditions are met.)

IronSkin - Novice (Due in part to being one use)
“My skin has turned to porcelain, to ivory, to steel.” - Sansa Stark
- Devon hardens his skin temporarily(3-5 minutes/start of post used, end of next post.), multiplying his endurance by 2x. This can be used once per thread.

Endurance - 1.5x(A blow that would KO an average person would only knock Devon down.)

Amber Eyes
02-02-14, 10:50 PM
Christopher Redding approved with no abilities

02-03-14, 05:05 AM

Level 3 (the last two I would have said level 2, but there is no limit on the number of uses)
-Light: Azariel can control any kind of light to various degrees, but cannot create it. He can dim a small (10 feet by 10 feet) room by a tiny but noticeable amount, or bend the light to make one part lighter than the rest. Smaller regions can be controlled to a greater degree, allowing him to disappear into shadows more easily than normal, or focus the light to blind someone temporarily (against player characters, if there is sufficient light he can blind a player once every ten posts for up to one post after cast).

-Sound: Azariel can control any kind of sound to various degrees, but cannot create it. He can amplify a noise as loud as a typical human voice to be twice as loud or deaden it to be twice as soft, but his power lessens the louder or softer the sound is. Anything quieter than a whisper or louder than a shout he cannot affect, and he cannot make any noise surpass either of those levels.

-Temperature: Azariel can control the temperature of anything except other players (without their consent) to various degrees, but cannot create energy. Currently he can shift the temperature of an item with a mass of 5 kg (11 lbs, about a small cannon ball) by up to 10 degrees celsius (18 degrees fahrenheit). The mass of the object increase or decreases the effect of his magic; he is unable to affect anything over 15 kg (33 lbs) and not able to affect even the smallest object by more than 15 degrees celsius (27 degrees fahrenheit). He can focus his magic to affect only a small region of a larger object. This magic requires either drawing heat from or supplying heat to the environment around the object, or another nearby object.

Max Dirks
02-03-14, 10:45 AM
Vincent the Cold

Elemental Ice Control - 3

Low body temp (felt at a 20ft diameter, 10 ft radius); Ice molding (Nothing over ten feet in diameter, most commonly used as single use melee weapons, whether blocked or not, even if he misses and hits a wall or the ground it still breaks. Defenses can block one hit of up to medium strength... strong hit shatters and passes through.))

Max Dirks
02-03-14, 11:17 AM

4 : 5.5 : 9

Raven Call: 8 (Leopold can conjure a sphere of shadow equal to the size of his fist. It strikes with concussive, anti-matter, which makes no sound. It strikes at X2 strength. Useable thrice per post, up to three times per thread)

Compared this to Talen's cry ability. 1 additional shadow ball (compared to tendril), but less strength on attack.

The Aerie: 2 (Leopold can conjure and exile items into a space he calls the Aerie. It has no physical properties or presence. It cannot be or accessed by anyone except Leopold. He cannot store perishable, magical, or living items in the vault)

Old God: 9 (Leopold is immeasurably old, born of Berevar’s hopes and dreams. He does not age physically. When he succumbs, he reincarnates, and he is 75% resistant to magic that is directly from The Tap)

Based this on Duffy's level 7 ability at 50% magic resistance.

6 extra slots = 1.5 APL

4: 7 : 3

(9 + 8 + 2) / 3 = 6.333

Leopold is approved!

02-10-14, 03:42 AM

Level 2:

Galatirion's Rest:

Song Magic: This is a complicated ability that does not work in the cacophony of battle. Using the gift of the Eternal Tap, Siegfried begins to channel its direct energy into a being or object. This must also be combined with a musical song in High Elven. Combined together, the object being influenced will begin to purify. If said object or being is comprised of incorruptible darkness or evil it will begin to dissipate from existence. This ability is comprised of the most unstable school of Song Magic: Entropic Magic. By purifying an object, Siegfried is susceptible to dark influence and can lose his own soul to evil. His is aware of this taint upon his body and can purify its touch over time. To erase a being, he risks complete corruption. Recovery from which will be years. If Siegfried is corrupt, his Song Magic will be locked and unable to be used until he is purified himself by another. If the evils are too strong to contain within his mortal vessel, Siegfried will take it to the grave as a corpse. The purification is complete when the song is over (roughly 5 minutes) and Siegfried is rooted while underway. When this is successful without complete corruption, it is known to bring a complete silence and serenity to the world around him even if for a brief moment.

Level 3:

Aurient's Percussion:

Song Magic: Channeling raw Tap through his body like a conduit, Siegfried can expel a large amount of force from a vambrace or shield. This is similar to a knock-back and will push air, and repel light projectiles. It lasts for bust a millisecond and if in close vicinity to the defensive object, it will deal the damage equivalent to a strong punch. This can be used 3 times in a battle with a cool down of 3 minutes per usage (meaning if used at the beginning of battle, then used again two minutes in, the remaining usage will be one until another minute has passed. Then this will become two and begin to count towards the next refresh). This skill is audible upon activation, causing a large boom or pop equivalent to a massive drum.

Level 4

Megillion's Hum: (air magic)

Song Magic: Channeling raw Tap through his body like a conduit, Siegfried enchants any weapon he touches with the ability to vibrate at a high speed. These weapons must remain in contact with him to maintain the enchantment. With blades, this ability allows lesser metals to cleave more easily. The skill renders bone with little effort and possesses enough strength to cleave iron and gouge steel. With Bows, the arrow is subject to the vibration and forces the air around the projectile to thin to a near vacuum. This increases velocity and range by double as the vibrations begin to dissipate from release. Since the arrows leave his grasp, they do not possess the same penetrating power as a spear or sword. They act as normal arrows in that regard. With pole arms, the piercing capability is increased to the same factor as blades. For hammers or bludgeons, the ability is primarily useless, only allowing the weapon to hum and deliver a clatter upon impact. This skill is draining on his body and he can only maintain the hum for 5 minutes. He must wait for 15 minutes or rest, without exertion, for 5 minutes before he can muster the ability again. This skill is also noticeably active during use, literally causing blades to sing, arrows to scream, and other weapons to hum.

02-10-14, 03:46 AM

Level 1:

Air Affinity: Canute is able to shift the winds slightly, enough to blow out a candle or cause a gust of wind to stir through the trees. The direction of the wind, once chosen, is set and the strength is nothing more than enough to rustle clothes or brush away light debris.

Fire Affinity: It is his least favorite, being that it is a destructive process, but nature and entropy are hand in hand. He can create a very small one inch flame, enough to light tinder to start a fire. The flame is no hotter or stronger than a match and forms at the end of his finger, does not last longer than five seconds, and once used to light something it is dismissed.

Level 3: (if that, it isn't effective against sudden cold like a spell)

Ice Affinity: He has a second love for the snows of Skavia, rough and unforgiving as they may be at times. This affinity allows him to ignore the cold enough to keep him comfortable. This ability does not mean he can survive -30 overnight with ease, more than 0 feels more like 10 degrees.

02-10-14, 03:48 AM

Level 3:

Telepathy- Abel is capable to enter other people's thoughts and communicate with them and read their thoughts. To an ally this is effortless, but to an enemy this is slightly tasking as if they notice his presence can push back. (Must be a telepath/ or have a specific ability to notice him.)

(strength of throwing said objects is the same as a punch)
Telekinesis- As it stands Abel is capable of lifting a max of 100 pounds at one time, either a combination of ten items that weigh 10 pounds each or one item weighing 100 pounds. The number of items is restricted only by the amount of weight he can lift at once. Abel can only preform basic tasks with his lifted items such as throwing or pulling them, and is able to use this for an undefined duration=1 post in combat. in a single use. (This can be used up to 4 times per thread. Outside of combat there is no limit to the length of use.)

(not counted)
The Contract- Abel in his dismay of his tragic life had sought outside power and made a contract with Kaine the demon. Under the contract Kaine is obligated to serve him and do anything and everything that Abel orders him. In exchange for his servitude that when the terms of the contract are met Kaine has the right to Abel's eternal soul.

02-10-14, 04:06 AM
Sooo many characters!


Level 3:

(due to dodging potential)
Flight Step: By collection of air around his limbs he can push off condensed air; Nartivus can leap into the air roughly twenty foot. Afterward, he can only delay the drop for a few second. By pulling and releasing the air under his feet he has learned to make it where landing doesn't hurt his joints. Limit use is two.

Standard Breeze: He can shift small to intermediate amount of air at a time to cause flurries in a area. His current strength he can only manipulate wind speed up to roughly thirty mphs or less. Limit use is three.

Bursting: Compacting the air around himself into a small area he can release a burst of air in concussive blast that actually be seen; because of various gases in the air that are pulled into his manipulation. Causing his manipulation to leak out gas like a haze or fume. Note this is not subject to a single way he direct this sub-ability, he can use this with a weapon, random item or body limb. At his current level he can only collect enough force that he can push or move small objects of a average persons size up to two hundred pounds. He could not kill an opponent with just a blow or two, it would feel like getting punched or being shoved. Limited use, at the moment he can not use more than three per battle.

Max Dirks
02-12-14, 08:20 AM
Hysteria updated on page 3.

Harley, though mathematically you meet the listings, I'd like to use Hysteria as an example of the upper echelon of power. In other words, future updates will be watched carefully. Sorry for taking so damn long, but I obviously wanted to use you as an example to help with profiles like Sei, Dirks, Slayer and other high leveled essentially power characters.

Max Dirks
02-12-14, 08:42 AM

Erase: Arden can erase writing up to ten square feet per 4 seconds. This allows him to delete single lines instantly, and extends to text not written in ink (marks in sand etc.) He cannot erase magical text. (1)

Blink: Arden blinks from existence for two seconds. He appears in the same place when still. He moves with the same momentum if mobile. He can use this to dodge, dash opponents, and bypass walls. Five uses per thread. (9)

Silence: Arden can instil a bond of silence. He and one other cannot speak for the duration of the bond, though it does not prevent breathing, or sounds of emotion/response. It does not affect telepathy. (2)

Street Fighter: Raised on Scara Brae’s streets, Arden’s fighting speed is X2. He is blind in his right eye. He is tolerant of pain, and his endurance to physical damage is X3. He can run in armour as though he were not wearing it. (3) (3 due to blindness)

Blood Rage: Each death causes his front canines to elongate. Each death inflicts one rage point. When Arden’s rage is eight, he gets +3 strength, but becomes a feral beast. He cannot use abilities in this state. (4)

Blood Rise: Arden can summon wings of blood from a wound. They require a post to create. They allow clumsy movement and gliding for two posts. The wings cause no pain if damaged or destroyed. Activation gives one rage point. (3)

Blood Reunion: Blood drawn with Kerria collects in the handle. With this, Arden can resurrect the fallen within an hour of their death. It requires consent on both sides, costs 5 rage points, and cannot overcome grievous wounds. (6)

Blood Ruin: By cutting open a palm, Arden can gift that arm with +2 strength with the Fang for the duration of three posts. It costs one rage point, and is useable once per arm per day. (3)


The Hide: A steel full-plate suit. It conjures a shadow mastiff once per battle, three times per quest. The mastiff survives three hits. One if fire. His bite pierces up to mithril, and can run at wolf speed tirelessly. (10 only due to minimal hits, mythril is really strong w/ near unlimited endurance)

10 Abilities

Total 4.1 / 8


Max Dirks
02-14-14, 01:07 PM
Tobias Level 2

Command: Once a gifted tongue for persuasion, Tobias can not only use carefully chosen words to influence a target, but now can assert his will through his words. A target of equal strength would be compelled to follow an order, requiring strong force of will to resist. Lesser or weaker characters generally just give in. Additionally, if he uses this ability to give a command to a subordinate, that subordinate gains a plus one bonus to his attributes while attempting to complete his task. - 4

Woeful Sight: Whereas he was previously able to muster short bursts of incredible speed, upon learning of his place as Lament's Knight of Tears, the ability manifested in a stronger, albeit more passive manner. With a concentrated effort, Tobias can glean the weak points in a situation or object. Cannot be used on a living being. While focusing on this vision, Tobias appears to be crying. If he concentrates his will on any one object or interjects his influence on a situation, he can cause a tragic outcome to that target. (For instance, if he enters a bar and a heated situation is escalating, he can perceive the quickest way to exacerbate it to the worst possible outcome. If he so chooses, he can cause that outcome.) He is currently not strong enough to exert his will on more than a single object or situation per thread. - 4 (Treated as 3x perception)

Aura of Inspiration: Tobias is not a magically talented man by any means, but he has the demeanor of a born leader. Time and trials have cultivated this in him, and he inspires Valor and quick thinking in those who stand at his side. They have increased heartiness and quicker reaction times while within 25 feet of him. (Respectively, they can endure for an hour and a half if they could normally only for an hour, etc. (1.5x Endurance) and they have increased reaction to attacks like a trained fighter might. (1.5x agility)) -- 6 (ABILITY ON POINT)

He's .16 over, but I let him slide.

02-15-14, 09:31 PM

3 : 5 : 7

3 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 6 / 7 = 4.8

Level 3:
Interstellar Enhancement: Ashla can freeze any form of liquid (water, beverages, volatiles, etc.) Into another ability if the product surrounds her and adds it to the overall damage. For example, is she freezes poison into her Crystalline spear and hits her target, the normal damage is dealt alongside the side effects of the poison. If she uses this with an ability, that ability, no matter what the limit beforehand, cannot be used again for the rest of the thread, whether the target is hit or not.

Level: 4
Particle Restriction: She touches any average sized object and numbs them. The numbing is similar to that in a strong snow storm in low degrees in which your hands may feel so cold it feels hot. This goes for when she touches a part of a person's body like an entire arm. If she focuses on a small object or part of a body she can freeze it over with a thin sheet of ice.

Level: 5
Frost Armor: (idea for ability's title given to me by another member) Ashla covers herself in a thick sheet of ice which can protect her from three average attacks or one really strong attack. She can block one average attack after blocking a strong one. Also, by weakening an area in the armor, depending on the environment, she can form an ice sickle that can spear a close by enemy while still in her frost armor. The longest ice sickle can reach out to the length of a large dirk.

Crystalline Spear: A spear made of ice forms in Ashla’s hand(s) that has the strength of steel; she then throws it at any target. It afflicts the damage of any other spear with the usual numbness of ice cold temperatures as well. Right after the target is hit or missed and the damage is done to whatever it hits, the spear melts into water and is then completely useless. The spear can only be used four times in a battle thread, five in a quest thread.

Ice Doves: Ashla forms up to three doves in her hands and sends them flying towards an enemy or target. Once the doves hit anything they "explode", with the ice they are made of flying in all directions, along with Ashla's highest particle restriction damage. This ability can be used once for three doves, twice for two doves, and three times for one dove.

Level 6:
- Ashla also inherited the elvish trait of fitness and is now four times more agile than the average human.

Spirit Ability - Frozen Step: Ashla's bloodline "bursts out" whenever Ashla chooses and she gains quadruple (if not that, triple is the lowest I'm willing to go) her normal speed for a limited time. For two posts she can literally zoom around an enemy, leaving many trails of frost and ice everywhere in the process, which does make it possible for an enemy to track her movements. After the usage of this ability, Ashla has the side effect of becoming literally exhausted to the point of falling to her knees. Ashla can only use this once per thread, battle and quest alike.

Amber Eyes
02-15-14, 09:44 PM
Captain Communism

Comrade Punch - 3
Captain Communism, the Socialist Crusader, can imbue a single punch with the will of the underserved, manifest as the Red Lightning. This power is released in a burst of crimson electricity that arcs along his knuckles, capable of moderate burns and stunning an opponent temporarily.

Little Red Rook - 4
Carl can use the power of Captain Communism to arc Red Lightning into an opponent he is grappling, eliciting severe pain and potentially scrambling their spellcasting capabilities temporarily.

Peoples' Republic 3
When Carl dons the jacket of Captain Communism, the collective will of the exploited proletariat flows into him, increasing his endurance to 1.5x average.


Opiate of the Masses -1 from little red rook.
Just as religion is the opiate of the masses, magic derived from intense faith dampens the powers of Captain Communism. For a single post after first being struck by holy magic in a fight, his ability to channel the Red Lightning is removed. Each subsequent holy attack, however, only dampens the electromagnetic field that courses through Carl, reducing the efficacy of the Red Lightning by half. He still maintains any other powers of Captain Communism, including Peoples' Republic.

02-17-14, 03:23 AM

Dr Steam

Jumper: a machine that has four legs under the cockpit where Dr. Steam sits and connects his steampack. The jumper is big enough for him to sit in. However, they only cover his waist. The only way that they can be used to attack is if they were to land on a person which could end up impaling them, or flattening them depending on where they land. the legs can not move on their own and can not go out far as they are meant to crouch down by folding in on themselves then pushing off like a spring. Does not automatically spring back, instead springs with steam.

Jump: 2x Jump Height

Acrobatics: 2x Speed & Agility

Possible Ability Combinations:
Max = 3 Jump
Max = 2 Jump + 10 seconds Acrobatics
Max = 1 Jump + 20 seconds Acrobatics
Max = 30 seconds Acrobatics

(summons a machine that can increase his speed and agility.)

Combo ability, both fairly weak due to joined (and limited) usage.

Speed: Level 2
Agility: Level 2
Summon Big Legs: Level 2

Max Dirks
02-20-14, 01:35 PM
Elthas Belthasar

5.5 + 1 (.25 x 4 unused abilities) = 6.5 APL available.

~Elven reflexes and speed. (Fleet Footed) Elthas now has ~SKILLED~ Reflexes and Speed. He has acquired 3.0x's the reflex capacity and speed of an ABOVE AVERAGE Althanian Human. Elthas is capable of reacting TO movements and actions immediately done on him. Furthermore, he is has quick hands and can maneuver items skillfully with both hands. With his reaction time, Elthas seems to move as a blur now once he is reacting to something. Can be applied to his counter striking stance. On land, Elthas can run effectively at 50 M.P.H.'s. Further, Elthas can now SWIM at an impressive 20 M.P.H.'s before he gets winded. - 6, 5

(Note: Edits added as per request.)

~Elven Senses. (Acuteness/Accuracy) Elthas now has ~ABOVE AVERAGE~ Senses. He has a dedicated senses sphere of about ten feet immediately around him, then outside of the sphere takes considerable concentration for Elthas to detect things. He doesn't have any supernatural senses, but he has acute senses. Sharp hearing, keen sense of smell, etc. - 5

~(Bard) Horn of Inspiration. (New. Note I am attempting to get this new ability all together in exchange for the stuff I am taking out of my character. This will play into Elthas's evolution as a Bard.) Elthas has recently acquired the desire to develop his musical ability. After a brief but sweet encounter with the Orc named Otto, Elthas thought to pursue the arts of his people. Spell Singing. With his horn, Elven quality of make but with basic tier 1 materials for the horn, Elthas can use the musical capacity to Inspire others. Within a party of adventurers, Elthas can blow his horn for a turn or two. Within the duration of the turn period, Elthas will Inspire the people around him to continue to battle. It can temporarily ease suffering, and temporarily ease the effects of fatigue. (Think: Horn of Gondor/LOTR) The effect is still weak and only will last for approximately a turn or two, but it is effective as a Support Buff. Elthas cannot take any other actions while he is using the horn. (Buffing/Support Move - 6

~(Bard) Song of Power. (New) Developing his singing skills, Elthas can now sing with the skill of a Soprano. Having developed his artistic/singing abilities over the course of many years Elthas has achieved one song of power so far. He has acquired ~BASIC~ skill with the use and application of the song. Once Elthas sings, he has to focus on his power on the song, he cannot take his concentration off the target of his song's effect. Once Elthas sings, the target is imbued with song power. In this fashion, Elthas may affect one friendly target at a time. When Elthas successfully sings, he can reinforce ONE positive effect of the target. For example, if the target has Super Strength, the song will boost the character's strength up to 2.5x's their normal capacity. The effect would be the same as an adrenal rush and is very temporary lasting only one or two turns, tops. Currently, the effects are seemingly random, but if Elthas focuses, he can boost up a specific power of his target. He can currently only sing to boost up ONE target at a time. - 6

Total APL 5.6


02-25-14, 02:58 AM

The Last Priest: Humbar

Level 2

- Divine Sight (Passive): In uncontrollable flashes of divine favor, Humbar may be given insight about an individual. This insight comes as an ability to perceive truths about the individual: stains and scars on the soul, magical auras, heavy consciences, the nature of their intentions, or whether or not the individual is telling or hiding an important truth.

Level 3 (heal one person, or stabilise)

- Divine Mercy: Humbar may make supplication to The Bright One, keeping one hand on his holy symbol, and if The Bright One is willing, Humbar will heal one person. This healing may come either through a laid-on hand, or through consumption of wine or water from Humbar's bowl. The healing is likely to only effect one affliction: if a person suffering a disease is also gravely wounded, Humbar would either be able to purge the disease or repair the wound, but both is unlikely. This healing does not reverse death, but if a spark of life remains, it will be preserved. The supplication is as follows: "Bright One, let the light of your power descend to this unfortunate and make them whole."

Level 4

- God's Weapon: When pitted against a foe which his god deems suitable, Humbar may make a quick supplication for his god's favor. If successful, his sword will become momentarily empowered by divine favor, usually taking the shape of white fire or light - this is not, however, harmful to the enemy, though they would notice a distinct heat from the blade. Humbar's sword becomes unbreakable by anything weaker than dehlar while the favor lasts, and its blows land with astonishing potency (2x force magnification). This favor does not last forever. If applied to Humbar's sword, it will not last for more than five strokes, or until the blade is blooded, except in moments of true communion with the god. The supplication follows this fashion: "O Bright One, may your glory descend to smite the enemy!"
(OOC Note: Though Humbar can make supplication as often as he likes, the likelihood of The Bright One's aid being added at every request is highly unlikely. The only enemies who truly need fear that Humbar will use this ability are declared enemies of The Bright One, the undead, and similarly opposed or unclean persons. In any event, this ability is not likely to be used more than once per duel thread, and three or four times per proper story thread.)

02-25-14, 03:00 AM

Level 1: (light generating fire, not able to inflict damage)

Elemental magic- Foxfire: Being a kitsune, Rei can use foxfire. Harmless foxfire is blue while dangerous foxfire is red.

-bluefire: Rei can conjure coldfire, harmless foxfire that hovers about in orbs. They give light and don't even feel warm to touch. Bluefire is a harmless spell that has no limit, sometimes bluefire is summoned when nervous. The light is gentle and cannot be used to blind or overwhelm senses.

Level 3:

Fox's grace: Rei is fairly graceful, she has a good since of balance and apt at dodging attacks as well as being able to balance on a branch the thickness of her arm.

Level 5: (Strongish Plant Magic)

Elemental Magic- Plants: Rei is a forest fox and her affinity is for plants and she can manipulate them with her innate magic. Her magic is limited by a curse unless in her grove, nothing done inside her grove can leave if it's greater than limitations mentioned ahead. Also her magic can only directly work on sentient plants if they allow it or are lower level, she can still indirectly effect a sentient plant, like having a vine entangle a dryad.

-Growth: Rei can cause a burst of growth in plants, bringing a seed to the size of a sapling as tall as she is. She can cause a vine to grow to the length of 10 meters, She can control the direction of the plant's growth. She can use 3 times before needing a Respite of 10 minutes.

-Mutate: Rei can change the nature of a plant, making is fibers stronger, up to the strength of leather. She could give a plant thorns like that of a rose, thistle or cactus, painful but not deadly. If she makes a plant poisonous, it would be a mild poison that would cause skin irritation, drowsiness or vomiting. Can use Twice before needing a Respite of 10 minutes.

02-25-14, 03:01 AM

Echo Naruga

Level 3: (Eye sight was probably too strong for Level 2, but it is a weak level 3 due to just being eye sight rather than perception)

Abilities: Sentetsu "Demon Eyes"- Echo's bloodline posses a unique type of eye that has superhuman powers, allowing the wielder to track object (Projectiles, People, Small shifts in wind....) and studying their patters letting the user react to them faster(2 times the normal eye). Also the Sentetsu to preserve threats and trickery with relative ease(Higher level characters can still effect his if strong enough). The Sentetsu develops in stages and could have other strong powers not yet known to Echo.

Enhanced Speed- Echo is gifted in his speed, he has trained most of his life in the way of the shinobi so can easily run up to 15mph. Though he is moving with a lot of speed and momentum Echo can stop to avoid any type of danger with fair ease.

Enhanced Agility- Also due to his training Echo is very agile and can jump about 4 feet in the air normally, with momentum Echo could jump up to 8 and continue doing so off walls and trees. This also allows him to bend his body in mid run/jump to avoid strikes easily.

02-25-14, 03:12 AM


Level 2:

(equivelent to an earth attack that does non-leathal damage)

Novice Electromancy: Caelam can conjure bolts of electricity capable of leaving minor burns and knocking a full grown man to the ground. Can be used a total of three times before Caelam needs to rest and regain his focus.

(One use against a weak spell, way below a level 3 ability)
Meager Ward: Once per thread Caelam can defend against a single offensive novice-level spell.

Level 3: Weaker than Constantine Remius Hall II's summon as it needs a body to be present

Resuscitate: Caelam can raise a single weak creature- such as a goblin or imp- from the dead once per thread. The creature is bound to his will for the duration of the spell. The effects are not permanent, lasting twenty-four hours. When in battle the additional strain on Cael's focus reduces the time to 3 posts. Any mortal wound to the creature or to Caelam will dissolve the bond.

Max Dirks
02-25-14, 09:30 AM

Wow- When Doge barks the word wow a power shock wave is released towards the target of his vocalic ire. Said target could be knocked off the ground, perhaps getting a few scraps and bruises on the way. Such power is needed, that Doge must rest his vocal cords for a few hours if he uses Wow more than twice. - 3

Doge Punch- Doge lacks fists, but he has studied the ancient arts of Doge Combat for a number of years. Given this, he can chancel his Doge essence into an ally, turning a normal attack into a flaming blast. Such attacks burst into flames, causing minor burns to the next thing stuck. Doge's essence is fairly weak at the moment. He can only imbue an ally twice. - 3

Custard Fur- Doge's fur is a wonderful shade of custard yellow. As well as making him look adorable, it also doubles as a healing aid. Anyone brave enough to lick his fur will be treated to a marvellous taste of custard, as well as healing minor wounds like cuts and bruises. Because Doge's fur is so soft, it can only be licked twice a day. - 3

Max Dirks
02-25-14, 09:32 AM
Not that it matters, Hysteria, but I think Caelam's electromancy is level 3, like Doge's "Wow."

It wouldn't change anything, but the effect is more than what an actual human could do, unless he specified it was like creating static electricity. In that case, though, it appears like the effect would be greater.

Max Dirks
02-26-14, 02:37 PM
Erikar Level 2

Level 2 - Electromagnetism Control - Erikar has the ability to charge objects and himself with an electromagnetic field. These fields can either be attractive or repulsive. All pushes or pulls are based on Erikar and his current position in relation to the object he is charging. The bigger the object, or the more energy he uses to push or pull harder, the more fatigued he will get from using his magic. Erikar's ability to push or pull an object is based on his weight relative to the weight of the object he is trying to affect. If the item is lighter than he is, it will easier to push or pull it away from/towards him. If the object is heavier than he is, he will be pushed away from/pulled towards whatever he is trying to affect. He is able to affect most any object, animate or inanimate, but metals and minerals are easier to affect than non-minerals. His skill with controlling and applying the fields has increased with experience.

Electromagnetic Push - Erikar charges any part of his body(or its entirety) with an electromagnetic field, and then charges whatever object he chooses with the same electromagnetic field. This causes the object to be pushed away from Erikar(or have Erikar pushed away from it) in a straight line from his position to the object. The bigger the object, the more energy it takes to push it. The more energy he uses, the faster and farther the object(or himself) is repulsed. If the object is too heavy, or pressed against an object that cannot be moved, Erikar will be pushed(height, speed and distance pending on energy used) away from the object in a straight line. He can use this to allow him to leap about 15 feet into the air. However, he has to use enough energy to lift his whole body weight, and this can be quite taxing on his body if not used cautiously. He can do about 6 strong jumps(or pulls) before he has to rest for a few minutes.

Electromagnetic Pull - Erikar charges any part of his body(or its entirety) with an electromagnetic field, and then charges whatever object he chooses with an opposite electromagnetic field. This causes the object to be pulled to Erikar(or vice versa, depending on the size and weight of the object.) Erikar can use this ability to pull himself towards the top/sides of a building, or project a consistent magnetic field that allows him to scale the wall like an insect. Like with pushing, he has to use enough energy to lift the entirety of his body weight. Scaling a wall is much easier than pulling himself straight up towards the top. He can use about 6 strong pulls(or jumps) before he has to rest for a few minutes. The farthest range he can pull himself towards something from is 15 feet.

Electromagnetic Air Ionization - Erikar applies a powerful electromagnetic field to the air itself, in a line to his target. This field causes the surrounding air to become separated into positive ions and electrons -- So this ionized air (also known as plasma) is much more conductive than the previous non-ionized air. These electrons have excellent mobility, allowing for electrical current to flow. We can view the ionization process as "burning a path" through the air for lightning to follow. When the path touches his target, lightning arcs from Erikar to his target. This lightning bolt has enough force to knock an average man down and cause 2nd degree burns. The lightning bolt is accompanied by a bright flash and loud noise akin to a thunderclap, which can disorient opponents whether the bolt hits or not. It has a range of 10 feet. He can use this ability 3 times a day. The downside of using this ability is that the bolt will knock him down and burn him too.

Assassin's Speed - Erikar has increased speed due to his training with the Order of the Crimson Hand. He is able to jog steadily at 12 mph, and sprint at 24 mph. His attacks come with double the speed of an average man. (Speed x2)

EM Control is still a 4 here, pending a clarification I've asked him to make.
Though electricity is inherently linked to magnetism in the physical world, I'm still considering his "lightning" ability to be independent. Rated 3.
2x speed is 3.

4+3+3= 10/3 = 3.3

He'll most likely be approved.

Edit: And he was!

Amber Eyes
02-26-14, 06:08 PM

8- Poisonous breath: Five times a day/battle, Madison is able to inhale sharply and mix the oxygen in her lungs with a poisonous substance with the exact same effects and time limitations as Freebird's Bane. Infection can only occur if the gas is inhaled or makes contact with open eyes or exposed wounds. She can exhale a focused jet of poison that can travel ten feet in the direction she exhales, or a cloud three feet in diameter that only travels five feet in the direction its exhaled in. The cloud will linger in the air for half a minute or the length of a post before dissipating.

8- Acidic touch: This ability can be used twice a day/battle. Through her skin, Madison is able to excrete a thin layer of a clear acidic liquid that she herself is immune to the effects of. On other organ matter, however, it begins burning and rotting away flesh, muscle, and plant matter in a matter of seconds. The pain a victim feels severe. Contact with a victim's skin will first cause blisters and reddened skin, but in a matter of minutes (or over the length of two posts), the victim's skin will start being rotted away bit by bit. The damage will only spread to within two inches from where full contact was made by Madison.

7- One tough bitch: Due to a rather extreme endurance regimen and her own stubbornness, Madison can take and shrug off most hand-to-hand blows and strikes from blunt weaponry and still get up to fight back. Several bones need to be broken before she even considers staying down. (Endurance X6)

7- Also, she can resist half of a magic spell's effects; such as burns from fireballs, voltage endured from a lightning attack, or damage her mind sustains from a telepathic invasion. (50% Magic resistance)

5-Madison is able to run at about 20 mph for several minutes without breaking a sweat, and uses that ability on the battlefield to run circles around her slower opponents. (Speed 4x)

5- Also, thanks to her extensive hand-to-hand training, she is agile to the point where she's able to duck, dodge, deflect and counter most close-range physical attacks from adversaries even slightly faster than her. (Agility 4x)

4- 2.5X hits with right arm

4 slots at level 6 for her constructs.

3-Madison is able to give direct orders through telepathy and vocal commands to all infected hosts or single creatures within a one-mile radius.

8-8-7-7-5-5-4-6-6-6-3= 65/11=5.9

Max Dirks
02-27-14, 08:49 AM
I'm sorry, I just now had a chance to look at the profile.

Madison does not have any other telepathic abilities, so the ability to give orders through telepathy would be a basic level 3 ability. If it were just voice commands, we would consider this a skill and not rate it. It seems the affects of the poisons are a result of the poison alone and not character interference. I'd warn him to avoid powergaming though. Throwing a few poisoned needles at 3-4 bears in a forest setting sicking them on an opponent might be powergaming.

Max Dirks
02-27-14, 09:34 AM

- Fire Manipulation: Julius can control any form of fire that is less than 30 inches away from him with his hands. He can’t create the fire though. The fire also should be the size of an ordinary hound dog for him to control it - 3

- Eye Ability: Memory Step: Julius can reach into the minds of an opponent without mind power, willpower, illusion infinity/ etc. and watch a memory of the person’s for up to five minutes. The only sense that can be used with this is his eye-sight; no sense of hearing, taste or any of the other five senses during this time. His eyes must have his bloodline unlocked to use this ability. This cannot be used without the permission of the other player at this level - 2

- Eye Ability: Dance in the Fire. Julius can cast the image into any weak/ average minded person of a tragic happening such as them gaining a wound, losing a loved one, or even their own death from the hands of the Tabor from inside whichever arena they are in. His eyes must have his bloodline unlocked to use this ability. He can only cast such illusions twice per thread. - 3 (due to weakness cited below)

- Whenever Julius uses his eye abilities, his eye-site becomes slightly hindered to as if he was trying to see through a thick fog to see clearly.

(3 + 2 + 4 - 1) / 3 = 2.66 APPROVED!

Amber Eyes
02-28-14, 12:37 AM
Treyn Dawnmarrow.

3- Agility – Quick and nimble in his movements, more so than an average person. The action seems almost inspired by a fish, darting out of any ominous grasp with slippery grace, and comes naturally after many years of keeping his body in crisp shape. He uses this to his advantage in evading fatal strikes. (Agility 2x)

3- Empathy – Treyn's sharp eyes are quick to observe and quick to read the general idea of his opponent's next move, making it easier to avoid. His level of familiarity with the foe directly affects how quickly and easily he can judge in accuracy, and so this ability is heavily hit-and-miss. (Perception 2x)

02-28-14, 07:25 PM

Level: 3 (joint uses of 6)
Telekinetic Grasp: Can grab/move objects no more then 20lbs and hold them for 20 seconds or move an object 20ft in any direction.

Telekinetic Blast: creates a sphere of force that radiates out from the wielder up to a 5ft radius, knocking them down and pushing them to the edge of the radius.

Telekinetic Shield: Creates a force field in the shape of a sphere or ellipsoid varying in size no bigger than the wielders person. Field is as hard as iron. Valdr can pass through the field at will. The shield is stationary were it is cast and last for 20 seconds. (iron and 20seconds brought this down slightly)

02-28-14, 07:48 PM

Level 10
Level 4
Mystic Protection- A birth rite spell for all mystics. If it is cast, any attack will cause a glass shield to surround Kyla and Explode outward. This spell may only be used three times per battle. This glass is now the strength of Cillu.

Level 8

Shadow magic- Kyla can use her shadow magic to create any weapon she can envision. She cannot create automatic weapons like guns or explosives. If she creates a throwing weapon it will disappear when it comes into contact with the ground. The weapons she creates are the strength of Mythril. Kyla can create up to two weapons at any given time.

Level 8

Shadow Magic Technique: Shadow Step - Kyla is able to meld into any shadow and step out of the shadows into any place she chooses. Kyla can carry people with her. In battle, this effect can be used 5 times per thread.

Level 7

Levitation- Kyla can lift items up to twice her size with her mind. She cannot move anything that is in another person’s possession. She cannot move another player without their permission.

Level 6

Lightning bolt-- Kyla can create a lightning bolt to attack a foe. The bolt holds the same power as that of a live electrical wire, but the lightning will shoot through the person attacked. Thus, very weak characters might suffer nerve damage or even organ failure, but stronger characters might just receive minor burns.

Level 5

Light Magic Technique: Firework - Kyla can create instant small explosions with her mind. These are unlimited but can only affect an area of about a yard.

Level 8

Mystic Bomb: Kyla combines her light magic and shadow magic together (In the Mystic world, a big no-no) to create an orb of energy, this orb of contradictions causes a large explosion, covering roughly fifteen yards around. The bomb is powerful enough to break through stone walls if within its range.

Level 4

Shadow Soul: Kyla holds the souls of all her kills inside Sophia’s Mane. Twice per thread she can harness this power, calling two beings forth to do her bidding. Each familiar then leeches onto her opponents, slowing them to half speed for two posts. Kyla does not receive a boost from this.

Level 10

Shadow Swap: Kyla can steal a shadow from someone and attach it to another. This allows the second person to mimic the abilities of the original owner of the shadow. This effects 2 abilities. The original owner will have the option of choosing the abilities stolen. While the swap is in place the original owner cannot use these abilities. This lasts for 2 posts not including the one it is summoned in.

Level 4

Healing light: When in direct light Kyla’s light magic becomes more powerful. She is able to heal minor wounds on herself and others.

Level 5

Candle light- Kyla is strengthened by all forms of light, including that from fire. Kyla’s skin burns much slower than a normal person, third degree burns affect her as first degree ones would. When she is in the wake of fire Kyla’s healing doubles, allowing her to heal moderate wounds.

Level 6

Kyla possesses 5 times the strength of a normal Althanian. This allows her to lift five hundred pounds regularly.

Level 7

Kyla possesses 7 times the speed of a normal Althanian. Her running speed is similar to that of a Gazelle.

End amounts: 6.5

02-28-14, 08:56 PM
Lye Approved.

Link to workup:

03-01-14, 12:33 AM
Lorenor approved. Link to CS here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27051-Lorenor-(-2-)&p=225360)

Math quoted directly from Max:

Upon review, I believe Aura of Vengeance and Smiting Slash are stacked combo abilities that must be considered individually.

Aura of Vengeance has two component's: 1) a spell that causes minor burns within 15 feet and 2) a 10% elemental boost. These should be considered individually. The burn portion is deceptively strong due to the range of 15 feet. For example, if you stand 10 feet away from a fire, you might feel warm but you certainly wouldn't burn yourself (as compared to maybe 5 feet). Moreover, the particles would slow over a distance, cooling the air the farther you were away. Since this ability is passive (the ability is always activated), we'd have to account for that as well. Due to the range & it's passive affect, I'd consider much stronger than Downfall's burn (see his profile) and rate it a 6. The 10% elemental boost would be a 3 per the power level thread, which found 15% as a 3 as well.

Smiting slash is wordly poorly, but you can figure out. It too appears to be a combo ability. 1) It does not appear to increase the strength of the material, but rather add a heat element to the attack. There is an on point ability in the chart rated at 4. The weakness of the cast time is offset by the duration, so I would leave it at a 4. 2) The boost of 15% against holy would also be level 3, as noted above.

Now, the operative question is are these two listed abilities essentially the same abilities under the "school" lesson I just gave you. I'd say yes. There are just different ways to use a "heating ability" and a "boost ability." If the boosts were of varying degrees they'd be independent abilities, but here they appear to be the same (since the max is 15%).

My math is as follows: 6 + 3 = 9 / 2 = 4.5

APL for Level 2 is 4 + 3 unused ability slots means available APL is 4.75. Here Lorenor would be approved.

03-01-14, 03:19 AM


Level 7:

END: x6 - Katherine, unlike her mother, can last for seven minutes in combat without fatigue, and can use her wings without draining her personal reserve at leisurely paces. Obviously, please note that wounds inflicted upon her will diminish her endurance accordingly.

SPD: x6 - Katherine, unlike her mother, can use her wings for boosts of speed and acknowledges that sometimes you just gotta run. She can run as fast as a Cheetah (55mph) and do so for three minutes before she tires with her Endurance. If flying, she can zoom around at 70mph for three minutes.

AGI: x6 - Katherine has fought with Draug, her brother and the Cult's Champion, to sharpen her skills and focus in battle. She can bend her body like an expert contortionist.

Level 8: (close to 9, but there is room anyway)

STR: x8 - Boulders and the like of up to 600lbs are of no burden to Cassandra or her daughter. Please note that while she is immensly strong, she cannot perform certain feets like lifting a thousand year old oak tree out of the ground because she wouldn't have a good enough grip.

Level 6: Immune to poison
Level 6: Healing wounds

In addition she also has Divine Regeneration: Scratches, and minor wounds will heal instantly on her and more signicant wounds will gradually heal over time ( In two posts, a laceration or deep gouge will seal up and she is immune to all poisons and potions as befitting a higher being (unless specifically designed for a god.) Also, for purely cosmetic reasons and HAS NO BEARING IN COMBAT: If Cassandra is left enough time after a battle, she will fully heal quickly and succinctly. (It’s just a neat way when a battle is over for her to quick heal her wounds, but obviously in battles that last more than the one fight this will need Opponent’s permission to pull off.) However, she is still very much mortal, and will be killed by several mortal means.

Level 5: Blood Magic:

Demi God of Blessed Torture: Cassandra, being all that embodies torture, can make blood seep out her fingernails and perform various functions. Each one is capable of being done only once a day, unless otherwise stated. Also, as a divine being, Cassandra’s blood is considered holy, and will harm those that are harmed by such things if made contact.
-Poison - Cassandra can channel any of the poisons she mastered over the years into her weapons like the Butcher's Bill or her nails including:
Poison- a low based poison, only designed to make an opponent feel nauseated.
Love Potion: (Only works on PC’s with permission) creates a stimulation and attraction to the first logical thing the person can love.
Twilight- A poison designed to make it so the effects of Vampiric disintegration in daylight now affects vampires in the moonlight, making it safe for them outside only in the twilight hours. (PC permission only.)
The Howling- A poison designed to overflow the sense filters in your body when the moon hits your skin. It's overloaded super like feeling shuts the brain down to an animalistic like state where you’re in a permanent combat high and lose all cognitive thought. (Need player permission to use.)
Umbra- A poison that deadens the nerves that make muscles move, incapacitating the target. However, they can still feel all pain they receive. (Need player permission to use)
Blood Sire – A vicious poison that actually signals all the nerves in the body to feel as if they are burning, followed by stimulation to the brain to hallucinate that bugs or other such horrors are crawling under your skin. Excessive will power is needed to not succumb to ripping your own skin out to stop the pain, and takes forty eight hours to leave the system. For those with weak wills, it is only safe to tie them down and wait it out. (For PC to roleplay out, but if they choose to ignore the effects, they will still feel at least the burning sensation.)

Level 7: (larger number of attacks)

-Rend – With a swipe of her hand the blood creates a slash in the air no wider than a sword’s width, and flies out like a wave and hits the target as if she had swung her sword at them. In short, it’s a long ranged attack that works exactly as if she had swung her blade at them. She can perform this attack 6X a day.

Level 7:

Meteor Strike - Katherine can use her wings in combat to lift her to a high height, and then vault back to the earth with ground shaking impact doing an area of effect attack that sends out enough force to shake the surrounding area and create a three foot diamater crater.

Level 4:

Blood Rage: When Katherine is shedding blood in combat, her ability to reason lessens and her demented lifestyle is brought to the fore. She almost transforms into a vicious monster and for three posts her Endurance will not waiver unless serious bodily injury is dealt to her. (Becuse sometimes, you cannot ignore your arm being chopped off.)

Level 10: Mostly due to the fact that it is always on when in combat. Not the most powerful level 10, but significantly better than some of the other detecting abilities.

Blood Sense: Katherine can hear the pounding of blood in her ears, and when combat is high she can sense people around her by their blood. Katherine will not be snuck up on in Combat unless it is by traitorous hands or she is preoccupied. In short: Katherine is never caught off guard unless deemed reasonable. (Judges may nit pick this if they like.)

Level 7
Level 7
Level 7
Level 8
Level 6: Immune to poison
Level 6: Healing wounds
Level 5:
Level 7: (larger number of attacks)
Level 7:
Level 4:
Level 10: Mostly due to the fact that it is always on when in combat. Not the most powerful level 10, but significantly better than some of the other detecting abilities.

Max: 8 : 7.5 : 14
Current: 8 : 6.7 : 11

Max Dirks
03-01-14, 07:07 AM
Abomination Level 9

~Non-Physical Abilities~

Recoil: By using his transmutation circles, Draug can create a sympathetic bond with any target within 10 feet. Any damage that he sustains during this bond is mirrored to his opponent, although they have to be within his line of sight. This effect lasts for 2 wounds, and only can be used on two separate targets per day, and not the same one. It is not a perfect spell, so the target may inflict a fatal wound upon Draug and only suffer a moderate one in response. (aka it is up to the victim to determine whether or not it will kill them) - PL10

Flesh Golem: Once a day, Draug can clap his hands together to translocate a bunch of stored corpses and create a living monstrosity with them. It is a giant, naked mass of flesh in humanoid shape, with heads and limbs moaning and bleeding all over, towering at 7 feet. Three of its heads are where a normal head should be, its eyes glazed over and its tongues hanging out. Its upper body is much larger than its lower, and its arms are three times the thickness of a normal arm. It possesses 3x strength (can crush iron), although it is weak to non-physical attacks. It also takes 0.5x blood to create - Combo Ability - PL4 and PL8

Transmutation: By using his transmutation circles, he can alter his surroundings within a radius of 30 feet to one of his choosing, be it quicksand, mud, or thorny plants. He can even create water, pits, and stone walls. He can only do this 3 times a day and the effect takes 5 seconds before it fully completes, giving anyone in the vicinity time to escape. He can't make anything colder or hotter, so no ice or fire - PL7

~Physical Abilities~

Blood Compression: Due to his body's ability to store, replace, and utilize blood to form virtually any of his body parts and functions, Draug possesses 3.5x the amount of blood of any normal human - PL5

Homunculus Strength: Draug is now able to bend prevaldia and break all materials weaker than that, and his strongest attacks cause shockwaves that push everything away at a small force - PL10

Homunculus Evasion: 3.5x speed of an average human. He is able to dodge arrows and other projectiles with relative ease, and is able to put up a defense in time from opponents of higher speeds, even if he can't counterattack - PL4

Pain Tolerance - Innate: Draug is able to ignore the results of stimulated nociceptors. The amount of pain he feels is a fraction of that felt by average humans - PL10

The Disease: Draug is infected. He is the host to an unstable plague that takes its toll on his organs, forcing him to constantly find replacements. Due his his malleable body, he is able to rip his replacements out of the bodies of his victims and then stick them into his own. If Draug's blood (or any dislodged part of him) splashes/makes contact with someone's body, they will start to experience symptoms of the plague within minutes (coughing, headaches, nausea, weakness, and eventually delirium) until they remove the blood or any other part of Draug they get on them for a long period of time. The plague is too unstable and disappears before any long-term damage is done, but without removing the blood it could take hours before it's gone from their system - PL 6

Body Manipulation: Draug can augment his body to create extra limbs, self-mutilation, stretch his neck or any part of his body, or otherwise manipulate his body in almost any way. This process is as fast as he can move. His manipulations consist of human features such as arms as legs, as well as tentacles and other animal-esque features. Each body part consumes 0.1x blood. (This is an upgraded version of the skill received HERE.) Draug can use this ability to regenerate his body by growing new replacements. Minor wounds such as cuts and burns take 0.05x blood, moderate wounds such as muscle damage, torn flesh, and broken bones take 0.1x blood, and major wounds such as organ and other body part loss takes 0.2x blood. There is also a time delay of major damage of 10 minutes before he's fully healed.

Through experiments, mutilation, and rampant cell growth, he can take Body Manipulation to an extreme and transform his body at all once. While he doesn't gain any physical advantage from transforming, it does increase his size by a few feet and augment his grotesqueness. As his body grows, his skin can't keep up so the skin around his jaw rips apart, revealing all his sharp teeth. He also grows an elongated set of teeth that extends all the way to his ears. More skin sloughs off his body and reveals his muscles and bones.

Draug can transform his appearance to look like anyone he has seen before, as well custom configurations of people that don't exist or people from memories he assimilated.

Inhuman Existence: Draug's anatomy is a mutating mess that shifts and adapts to the frequent removal and addition of body parts, thus his vital organs are often interchangeable and mutate to fill the roles of failing or destroyed organs. Therefore, he can withstand serious damage and organ failure and function for days. However, the process is not instant, and there is a small delay before he can resume his daily functions. After a few hours his strength and motion control become very limited until he can properly replenish his organ supply.

Combined 10 APL

Weapon/Armor Integration: Draug is able to absorb equipment into his body and compress it so it's unnoticeable in a specific place. Helmets integrate into head, chest armor integrates into chest. Armor that is integrated lies just under his outer layer of skin, offering that second layer of skin the same quality of protection as wearing that piece of armor. He can only go 2 layers deep - APL10

Assimilation: Started through the physical contact of The Homunculus with a target of his choosing. When a Homunculus wants to assimilate, its body becomes like a metaphorical sponge and accepts various types of genetic data: ranging from skin or hair contact. This process causes Draug to accumulate bits and pieces of his target's memory, including memories that may be buried so deep that even the target has forgotten them. Assimilation lasts for 5 of Draug's posts. He can use it three times a day.

Stats: Under assimilation, Draug gains 1/3 of the target's stats and adds it to his own. This only applies if the stat is higher than his - 10 APL
Abilities: Draug steals three abilities of his choice for the duration of the assimilation. He shares whatever caveats and limitations the target has on those abilities - 10 APL

Flesh Hounds: Draug can summon dog-like creatures made of pure muscle with featureless heads except for ear holes, noses, and jaws with two layers of sharp teeth in their jaw, which span the entire length of their head. He creates them by throwing up a tumorous lump of flesh that mutates into a flesh hound, and can make 4 per day - APL8

Average APL = 8
Number of abilities = 14
Number of abilities allowed = 15
APL allowed = 8

8=8 Approved.

03-03-14, 04:00 AM

Daud Claine aka Red

One Level 3 ability:

Quick: Daud is quick on his feet and in a hurry to be anywhere, even if he isn't sure where it is he is going. He is able to use this to outmaneuver others. Daud is 1.5x faster than your average man.

03-04-14, 04:32 PM

Hunter Training: Rashnu is can track anyone or anything that is up to two levels higher than himself. If the 'trackee' is more than two levels higher, Rashnu can track them with a maximum of three hours head-start, this reduces by an hour for each level. If a 'trackee' has stealth training and is of equal or higher level to Rashnu, this ability is negated entirely. Being able to track was a vital part of his training as a Witch Hunter, and is based on observation of tell-tale signs left by those he pursues.
- PL3

Weapon Conjuration: This is an ability Rashnu has known since early teens. He can conjour any of a number of weapons from within his trenchcoat that are all made of starting-tier materials. The opening of the trenchcoat acts only as a focus, rather than the coat being enchanted. He can conjour the following weapons:
- Katana: A basic katana with white hilt and scabbard.
- Whip: A six foot leather bull whip.
- Staff: A five foot oak staff.
- Naginata: A four foot staff with a wide iron blade at the end.
- Dual Tomahawks: One foot oak handles with iron heads.
- Rapier: Made of iron.
- Nunchaku: Each 'handle' is nine inches long, connected by an iron chain three inches long.
- Battle Fabs: Two iron-bladed fans with an 18 inch diameter.
Rashnu can summon one of the above weapons at the beginning of a battle, then a further one weapon that replaces the original so long as the battle exceeds 15 posts.
- PL3

Lightning Bolts: Rashnu can summon lightning bolts to strike his opponents, so long as he is currently using a conjured weapon. The bolts take a turn to 'charge' before they can strike, an be used up to three times per thread and will give three second paralysis and minor burns to those unprotected from lightning magic.
- PL3

(3+3+3)/3 = 3

Abilities allowed: 3

APL for level 1: 3 = 3


03-06-14, 02:03 AM
Xilium Level 7 Repost


Level 1: Similar to eventual immortality
Vampiric Regeneration: Given a full night of rest, Xilium can heal moderate to server wounds such as broken bones, large open wounds such as sword thrusts, and damaged skin/hair. This ability only works when he has a full undisturbed night of sleep. He cannot use this ability in battle, and only in specific situations during PG wars. He can regenerate cut of limbs if he has the physical limp to reconnect and sew together then rest within a day.

Level 3: A very weak sort of travel ability
Shadow Walk: When darkness falls Xilium can meld into the shadows and become one with them, moving at unnatural speeds to cover long distances within a nights time. This power is unusable in battle unless in a strictly RP situation, such as during a PG war to convey orders or provide support. When used in those situations it can only be cast 3 times per war, and only once in a support situation to enter a battle as reinforcements. If used in that situation a neutral distance of 50 feet must be placed, so he cannot appear behind someone and try to strike a deathblow. He can travel about 10 miles an hour. This is not a teleport skill, and cannot be used in distances less then 1 mile.

Level 3: Effective creating a ball of iron three times. No blast equivalent, but some other uses.

Shadow Ball- Concentrating his magic into a solid form, Xilium is able to create a small physical ball the hardness of iron but without the weight. This can be used as a projectile up to 3 times in a battle. The ball will stay in effect until the end of the battle, and can be used by anyone. It cannot be sharpened to a point, and only counts as a blunt object. It is thrown just as a normal stone would be, with no honing abilities or extra speed. It does the damage of a blunt iron object on impact.

Level 3: Weak sound illusions
Power Word-Sound: Controlling the vibrations of air around shadow formed areas, Xilium can create noises and sounds without the movement of his mouth in a almost ventriloquist action. He can mimic voices and sounds he has heard before, but only within a 30 foot radius and only 3 times in a battle. During this action he cannot speak in regular terms, and due to the effort cannot do so when moving.

Vampiric Senses: Due to the elven and vampiric mix of his blood, he has gained the abilities of a vampire without the need for blood and weakness to light. However the mix of life and death has caused him to develop a debilitating weakness that can hit without warning, especially in situations of extreme stress. His keen sense of hearing and sight are around 1.5x that of a elf, or 2x that of a human. He can see in complete darkness, due to his control of shadows. He could hear a whisper from 10 feet away, but cannot hear through walls more then 10 inch's thick.

Perception: Level 3
Darkvision: Level 4

Level 6: smaller than Talen's but no limit.
Power Word-Shadow: Xilium controls shadows, forming them into shapes at will. The shadows have no solid form and can be moved through at will. Some basic types of attack is using it to create a cloak of shadows around himself to blend into surroundings or to use it to cover a light source to create darkness in a area. In battle only 3 shapes can be created at a time, and only one moving shadow can be upheld at a time. It cannot be used to cover a persons eyes while they are moving, as something that small moving at unpredictable speeds is almost impossible to concentrate on.

Level 5: Weaker than a conventional blast attack, but does decent damage. Also note the delay in uses.
Dark Flames: Mixing Flame and Shadow Arts Xilium creates dark flames that burn 3 times hotter then fire. Both his hands become enveloped in the flame but it does no harm him or his clothing. He cannot throw the fire and can only burn something he is touching. It will spread like normal fire would in all other situations. Can only be used 3 times in a battle and only for 1 min at a time. There must be a 2 min interval between each use.

Amber Eyes
03-07-14, 11:12 PM
(5)- Strength - Torin can lift much more than the average human. Due to the weight of Tanzalis, (350 lb) Torins upper body strength is vastly above that of regular men. However, this barely translates to his hand to hand combat, and would equate to a 'harder than normal' punch at best.


5- speed

Stop, Set, Rewind - One of Torin's most useful abilities, he can slow time down to the point of making every second last for three (3) regular seconds, for up to 10 seconds while still being able to move at a regular speed. When used in rapid succession, it would appear that Torin is teleporting from spot to spot. However, he has only been able to cast Stop, Set, Rewind rapidly (one second or less) up to five (5) times, at great physical strain. *Stop, Set, Rewind affects projectiles. It would allow Torin the time to realize something has been fired at him and adjust to take the hit, but not dodge it.

(3)_Reflection – A passive ability, Torin can enter a meditative state where he can view events he has learned about from an almost ethereal plane, unable to interact or change them.

(3)Remorse - Torin can use Reflection to relive his own history, and is able to change the decisions he made in those situations. These decisions do directly affect Torin in his regular present state. *These events cannot involve other characters outside of NPCs unless given consent by said character.

(5)Fast Forward – Using his experience with manipulating Time, Torin can fire phantom projectiles once used. Like a rift in time, these projectiles are summoned from the past, and are formed from pure energy, with no elemental alignments. Completely non-lethal, these projectiles have the impact of a strong punch when fired. Due to Torin’s recent interest in learning Archery, these projectiles normally take the shape of arrows.

I counted these two as the same- fire control
(4)Firelight - Torin can make a small fire in his palm for 30 seconds. This ability can only be used to illuminate, not as an attack.

Into The Light - Torin can imbue Tanzalis with fire. *This is regular fire, easily extinguishable by water, moving the sword around too quickly, strong winds, or smothering the blade.

03-08-14, 07:47 PM


6 : 6.5 : 12

3 7 7 5 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 = 6

Level 3

Empathy (x3): you meet all sorts in this line of work. In fact, Otto feels like he must have met them all. Constant exposure to people suffering the full spectrum of human emotion, oftentimes trying to hide it, has taught him a few things about reading others. Unless the person is quite gifted at bluffing, Otto might spot when someone is trying too hard to appear happy, is having to wildly fill the gaps in a story, and so on.

Level 7

Endurance (x7): Otto isn't necessarily fast, or even smart - but he just keeps on coming. Even in full military kit, Otto has no problem undertaking a whole day's march. Debilitating effects such as poison and blood loss are much slower to put him down than the average human - though they will certainly still cripple him.

Level 7 (Leaving at level 7 as the upgrade was minimal)

Precision (x7): when wielding a hammer, Otto is capable of easily striking typical thrown weapons directed at him (rocks, javelins, shurikens, knives etc. - unless he is bombarded by several at once), and has about a 55% chance to do the same for faster projectile weapons. His attacks with hammers rarely go wide by more than an inch, those with spears can be relied on to land within two, and he has unerring coordination with other hand weapons - though the effect can be rather spoiled when his targets don't stand still.

Level 5

Reflex (x4): Otto has only become more skittish during his time serving the Empire, and endless drills have hardwired in quick responses to perceived threats. From weapon strikes and ringing alarms, to misplaced words and an approaching officer, his reaction time to danger has been reduced to just under one tenth of a second.

Level 7

Scent: Otto has an excellent sense of smell, and can easily detect animal traces on the wind or left behind where an individual has resided for some time. Smells which stand out are sweat, urine, faeces, and, in particular, blood. This made growing up in a medieval(ish)-era city about as enjoyable as you’d expect. Otto’s sense of smell is moderately better than that of a canine on the lower end of the olfactory sensitivity spectrum in regards to the mentioned odours, and half again for other scents.

Level 6

Strength (x5): Otto has a single-arm lift capacity of 47 to 109 kg, depending on whether the angle is favourable or not, and a maximum punch force of 675 kg.

Level 7

Toughness (x6): a sharp punch by someone of comparable strength will have just an 8% chance to break one of Otto's ribs, and his hide has a resilience approaching that of toughened leather.

Level 6

Willpower (x5): Otto can happily subject himself to harsh conditions - such as wading into icy water or walking barefoot over scorching sand - without any ill effect to his focus and faculties for 15 minutes. The mental discipline that has been drilled into him also lets him allay fear and resist to some degree those certain influences that daze, dampen and confuse the mind.

(Skill, not included)

Infusion: Otto can sense enchanted iron, and work such enhancements into any iron-containing item which he forges himself. The item must comprise at least one-third iron by weight, although enchantments will benefit from the inclusion of augmentative metals such as Damascus or Prevalida. Enchanting can only occur under specific conditions, by drawing on the surrounding environment – be it the significance of the tools used, something regarding their history, Otto’s mood, or perceived aspects of the location where the item is made. These enchantments act as abilities, and are governed by the same rules. Otto cannot make an enchantment stronger than the maximum ability level permitted for a character half Otto’s level at the time of forging, rounding down.
Example: a shield forged in full sun, and only within an hour each side of noon, may be infused with an ‘illumination’ enchantment. The shield may act as a light source, or it might work in a metaphorical sense by allowing Otto to ‘see’ when people speak falsehoods. If Otto was level three at the time of creating the item, then the enchantment cannot be stronger than an ability allowed for a level one character (3/2 = 1.5, rounding down = 1).
Obviously, he cannot just pull enchanted items from the thin air. Making these things costs time and money, and item acquisition must comply with the rules and costs of the Bazaar (this accounts for the price of materials, and of making the workpiece amenable to enchantment), or be approved as thread spoils by an appropriate staff member.

Level 6

Professional Tradesman: one doesn't work for the Althanas Trading Company without picking a few things up, and that's without two decades worth of experience in the business. Otto knows his materials, knows how the playing field, and after having become such a keen student of human nature, knows the players, too. He receives a 20% discount when purchasing up to tier 2 raw materials or crafted items, on top of any other price cuts that may be applied.

Level 6 (high damage, limited area of weapon effected and single use)

Rage of Iron: Otto can manipulate the electron excitation of iron atoms in an object that he is touching. This causes the metal to glow a dull, cherry red, giving off a faint light and vast amounts of heat (as the metal is roughly 600 degrees Celsius). It takes him about ten seconds to reach this temperature, and he can maintain it for two minutes before he has to spend half an hour recuperating, during which time he is fatigued. This means he may use the ability once per battle. The size of the area affected may be as large as a dagger blade, and can affect a part on the item up to one metre away from the part which he has contact with, though he can affect items linked by touch with other iron items (such as a workpiece he is holding with iron tongs).

Level 6

Sense of Iron: Otto knows when iron is nearby. He can sense its shape, its concentration, and patterns in the metal left by the shaping process. The ability to sense iron also depends on how prevalent it is; a pure lump of the stuff will shine like a beacon, while a rusty pin would glimmer like a half-reflected moon on water. Otto can sense iron and its alloys down to one-tenth purity (by weight) up to a range of twenty metres away. The only exception to this rule is blood; although there is so little iron present in it, something about Acmon's magic is attuned to the stuff. Spilled fresh blood he can sense clearly, if there are more than a few millilitres of it, but not old blood or that still held within a body.
Like any sense, it can become overloaded, so Otto has difficulty picking out individual items when there is an abundance already around him. Also, as this is a supernatural ability, it can be influenced by magic-dulling and magic-enhancing factors.

Touch of Iron: An extension of his ability to sense the presence of iron, Otto can make a much more in-depth analysis of any such piece that he is touching. This allows him to determine major and minor elements, as well as any patterns - folds, fractures, pockets of impurities, and so on. This requires a little time and concentration, much as one might read the suspicious small print at the bottom of a waiver, so he is somewhat distracted while he uses this ability.

03-08-14, 08:09 PM
Level 3, only two abilities.


Ozoric Newalla

Abilities: Ozoric’s abilities are racial, not magical. Things, which effect spells or enchantments, cannot negate them but things affecting natural talent can disrupt his ability to wield them effectively, as can emotion and stress.

Level 3, very specific.

• Draconic Empathy: Ozoric possesses natural ability to communicate with all full and half dragons. His aura causes most dragons, except the most wicked and enraged to stall before attacking and consider him an ally.

Level 3

• Conductivity: Ozoric possess thermal conductivity that allows leaping, falling, and levitate through convection. It affords him X3 boost to leaping and falling. It can manifest as minor levitation at slow walking pace for up to five minutes.

Max Dirks
03-12-14, 09:24 AM
I revisited Otto using Hysteria's power levels noted above plus:

Professional Smith: though Marten was sure to keep the orc's progress lagging some way behind Emric's, Anvil's tutelage has more than made up for this deficiency. Otto can craft masterwork items from tier 4 materials or lower, being particularly proficient with tier 1 and steel masterwork goods. This equates to a removal of the masterwork modifier when crafting from the bazaar - 3 for tier 1 | 5 for tier 2

Professional Tradesman: one doesn't work for the Althanas Trading Company without picking a few things up, and that's without two decades worth of experience in the business. Otto knows his materials, knows the playing field, and after having become such a keen student of human nature, knows the players, too. He receives a discount when purchasing tier 1 material or steel goods, on top of any other price cuts that may be applied. This discount is 5% - 10

Infusion: Otto can sense enchanted iron, and work such enhancements into any iron-containing item which he forges himself. The item must comprise at least one-third iron by weight, although enchantments will benefit from the inclusion of augmentative metals such as Damascus or Prevalida. Enchanting can only occur under specific conditions, by drawing on the surrounding environment – be it the significance of the tools used, something regarding their history, Otto’s mood, aspects of the location where the item is made, and so on. This equates to a .25 reduction in the enchantment modifier at the bazaar for crafted goods - 5

This brings him to 14 abilities.

This gave him an APL of 5.9, so I was able to trade .5 APL for 2 extra power slots to get him approved.

Note "Anvil" is not usable in competitive RP.

03-16-14, 06:47 AM

The Warsong

There are some linked abilities with this one.

Level 2 (reduced due to speed (3 -1))
Endurance- Karaco has exceptional physical endurance, capable of taking quite a bit more punishment then most people before going down, however due to his equipment he is much slower then most and this often plagues him against faster opponents.

Level 3
Arcane Blood- Karacos body is so heavily infused with arcane energy he is incapable of magic, there is simply to much raw energy and any attempts to preform a simple spell would probibly end in chaos. So instead he's forced to use in a rather brutal way, releasing it from his body to empower his own body. As he grows in power the amount and duration of this ability will increase. For now he can release extra energy into his arms to increase their speed or power for a short period of time. (This can be used 4 times a day before he needs to recover.)

Level 3
Arcane Augmentation- Having a unnatural supply of arcane energy held inside his body, he is capable of using it to activate his extra limbs and to augment his attacks with basic raw magical energy. This energy is replenished naturally over time as his body makes and absorbs it naturally from his surroundings. He cannot absorb spells or purposefully force himself to draw in more, its a natural slow process that requires at least a days rest or more if he's utterly exhausted. Arcane Augmentation empowers his attacks with magical energy, allowing it to bypass resistances to damage, hurt non-corporal creatures and bypass less forms of protection. (For every 4 minutes he has his arms active he uses 1 use of Arcane Blood)

X'ara Limbs- His body has been augmented with a strange type of alchemical metal substance that can conduct arcane energy like copper might electricity, his arms and legs are permanently gauntleted in the substance and he has four extra limbs protruding from his back- the two lower set are massive clawed limbs that can do almost anything a normal set of hands can- the upper set are smaller, more spread- inward facing 'wings' although they cannot be used for flight they do make semi-effective shields or close range weapons. The extra limbs are non-functional if not infused with arcane energy, the grieves and gauntlets however can be used normally. The metallic substance is only as hard as Copper currently

03-16-14, 07:06 AM

Wicked Voudon

Level 4:

Poisonous Darts: These Needle point darts are coated in powerful venoms from various creature and plants from Dheathain. She can use any of the following Darts in any combination up to a maximum of 3X. Note: She cannot combine the effects of the darts for a super dart.
-Paralysis: Effects the limb targeted making it useless for up to one post in a battle. If it hits the head or Torso it instead causes blurry vision and Difficulty breathing respectively. The more times you are hit by this dart the worse the effects can become.
-Poison: Causes intense discomfort and fever in the target hit over the course of time. In a battle this takes effect after one post.
-Blinding: A dart that erupts into a mist that when it affects the eyes of the target causes intense tearing up and pain mimicking the sensation of blindness.

Potions and Spells: Astrid is known for her ability to create healing tonics and casting various spells. While she knows several low level or mundane spells for living her life, and she can perform more complex spells and potions, but those require time and would be done in quest. The following are just examples of Quick Spells or Potions/Brews she has on her most of the time. Any other types of potions must be made in the quest or battle which requires prep time and work space. (So pretty impractical in a battle.) Like the darts she has a limited number of uses: 4x a thread unless more are made in any combination.
-Healing Tonics: These little vials of golden liquid can accelerate the healing process of the body and close up minor wounds and stop internal bleeding. Can even regenerate broken limbs but requires several uses and time. (So not instantly, and not going to happen in mid battle.)
-Flame Brew!: FIRE! In a bottle! It creates the effects of a mini explosion the diameter of 4’. It has flaming qualities and will destroy soft targets such as wooden tables or chairs and if in the main blast radius can cause bodily harm.

Healing Tonic: Level 2 (as it only has the ability to stop death, or heal minor wounds (eg first aid) and has 2 uses).

Flame Brew!: Level 3

03-16-14, 07:10 AM

Crafters Three

Level 3 (Telepathy is a very low 3)

Animal Telepathy-Not sure if this is an ability-Vasil can talk to any animal that he has seen with his own eyes. He could not talk to a horse that he's only seen in a book and has not looked at yet.

Fortitude and Fury-Vasil is incredibly resilient. He has stood up to the toughest challenges in life, and is therefore almost impregnable mentally. (50% Higher Willpower)

Calm Before The Storm-Vasil goes into a state of deep meditation, contemplating his enemy's movements, and then striking out in a predatory dance, one of kicks, punches, and flips. This will end in the boom of a thunderclap, and a single lightning bolt hitting the opponent, causing mild burns. Useable three times a battle.

Amber Eyes
03-16-14, 09:01 AM

3- Animal Connection – Tytanus like many of his tribe has a gift with understanding and communicating with animals. In Ty's case, he can connect with animals to see or hear through the animal's senses. Unfortunately, linking with an animal means he almost completely loses the ability to move his main body although he still can sense things around it. Additionally, if he returns completely back to his main body, he will be dazzled for a bit leaving him open to attack.

4- Air Magic
•Wind Blast – Tytanus can create small blasts of wind. To an average human, it would probably be equal to someone doing a light punch. Ty can also use all his magical energy at once and create a very strong wind blast capable of knocking an average person off his feet. However, the wind is rather spread out so it doesn't do much damage other than the person landing on their back. Additionally, it leaves Ty very exhausted physically causing him to move slower for the next ten or so minutes until he can recover.
•Wind Walker – By carefully using wind blasts, Tytanus can use them to propel himself to better avoid attacks, move faster, and jump up large obstacles.

4- Perception – Staying alive is hard with big animals and humans that are capable of crushing you in a single footstep. But like many small creatures, midgets have exceptional senses that let them hear, see, smell around 50% better than an average human.

-2 Weaknesses
Weak Body (compared to a normal human)
•Strength - Midgets are strong for their size. Tytanus is capable of lifting about five times his weight or around 10 pounds. However, any normal human would find him really weak compared to them.
•Toughness - His body may be tougher than most midgets especially with his hard life. However, he would stuffer serious damage if a human stepped on him. A punch would probably have the same effect.

Please note that I allowed him to start with higher tiered blow darts. The character is 6'' tall and the weapon description compares the hits to a splinter and notes that even normal clothing could stop them.

Amber Eyes
03-17-14, 09:15 AM
Blackjack is approved with no abilities.

03-18-14, 07:03 AM

Christiana Moore

Level 3: (warned against going overboard with the abilities, but all three sit fairly low.)

Hold me close- Christiana can pull a rope from thin air and send it flying towards a foe. If it touches the person their feet or hands will be bound. She can do this twice per thread.

Never let me go- Christiana has a sort of magnetism within her skin. When she touches an opponent it becomes increasingly difficult to break the skin contact with each second the contact holds.

Give me your all- Christiana is a skilled manipulator and even the most determined foe will consider her words carefully. Weak-minded individuals will obey her suggestions with little effort.

03-20-14, 06:22 PM
Tubal: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27192-Tubal-T-Cimentarius)


Call to Labor: Tubal, once given a contract to build a structure, can issue a writ to NPC laborers in the town or surrounding the area of the work site. At a cost of the percentage of his fees (up to 60%, depending on the level of skill required) he can organize and supervise a team of up to ten. Used once per site (thread). These NPCs can only be used for labor, not for combat.

Imperfection is a curse: If inclined to do so, Tubal could use his attention to detail in such a way to damage a fortification up to the point of collapse, using his practical knowledge of design and structural integrity. This could be in the form of strategically destroying a load bearing column, or removing a pivitol stone in a wall that could cause collapse. This ability can be used twice per thread.

Rights and benefits: Upon reaching the title of Master Mason, Tubal was given a ring with his maker's mark, which identifies him as such. This can allow him passage into otherwise closed borders, as an able mason is of importance in the defense of embattled territories. This ability allows him freedom to move within a territory that is blockaded or closed off to outsiders, once per thread.

I wouldn't consider ANY of these abilities. They all look like skills, with the slight possibility of the last one being an ability. Even so, I wouldn't count it.

I want to say approved with no abilities, but since this is so odd, I'll wait for your opinion Dirks. Please get with me on this ASAP.

Edit: After discussing and clarifying abilities and skills in chat, he has edited his profile and abilities. I will post the workup here when I get home, so I can also post the chat logs in the thread for posterity.

Edit 2:

Gerrymander Stone: One of the ancient secrets of Fallien masonry allows Tubal to manipulate rocks, boulders and ashlar. Although this comes at a cost, as this form of magic requires the individual's utmost attention and concentration. Even though Tubal can lift boulders too heavy to be held by hand, his muscles strain and veins throb as if he was physically carrying the stone. Therefore, depending on the size of the rock, it tires him quickly, both mentally and physically, able to lift and move boulders up to twice his body weight. Four times per thread, or until he has the opportunity to rest. NOTE: This is not a combat related skill. It is used only for non-combat related duties. - PL 2 - Level 2 Earth Manipulation from PL thread.

Resiliance: For the many years Tubal has labored in the quarries, he has learned to channel the pain of rigorous challenges. Allowing him to push his body to the brink, even to the point of collapse. This extreme endurance, though brief, can be enough to overwhelm a foe, or to make a narrow escape. X2 Strength for two posts. - [/b]PL 3[/B]

Stone toss: If in the heat of battle, Tubal can combine his two abilities into one. This mixture of fear, rage and adrenaline pushes his mind and body to its peak. He can not only lift stones up to twice his weight, but also throw them towards an enemy at an impressive speed. Two times per thread, or until Tubal can rest. NOTE: This ability is not stackable with the other two. If he uses gerrymander stone, or resiliance in the thread, it will deduct from his ability to use stone toss. As an example, if Tubal uses resiliance one time prior, he can only use stone toss once. - PL 4

2 + 3 + 4 = 9/3 = 3
3 = 3

03-21-14, 11:14 AM
Genesis: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27188-Genesis-H-A-S-U)

Three abilities, none of which are explicitly stated.

x2 Strength(ability to manipulate shield and armor freely.) = PL3

x2 Speed(ability to move quickly in his heavy armor.) = PL3

15% Frost resistance on shield. = PL3


3 + 3 +3/3 = 3

3 = 3, Approved.

03-22-14, 07:58 AM
Solar Haven: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27176-Adonis-Rank-2)

Quoted directly from Max:

When comparing this to Solar and considering schools, I would probably say "Wall," "horseplay" and "spear" are all of the same school, as they involve moving matter in the same way. "Laser eye" and "Unwall" have clearly different affects, though. With "Unwall", based on how Solar wrote it, he is manipulating matter (for example, air) to speed up or slow down projectiles. This give the affect of time dilation. "Laser eye," though it could be written as "Solar heats up matter by increasing the speed in which the molecules interact," still has a fire component.

So I'd have:

Matter Manipulation (Wall, Horseplay & Spear) - 5 (I'd say Solar's time restrictions are about equal to Matthew's handling restrictions quoted above)
Time dilation (Unwall) - 4 (similar to entry level time magic)
Fire Control (Eye Laser) - 6 (I tend to agree the instantaneous language makes this the opposite of freeze/melt water instantly, labeled at 6. If Solar was more specific regarding the materials, you might be able to slip this in at 4, but he did not do this).
Endurance (2x Endurance) - 3 (on point)

I've had Jon clarify his laser eyes and I'll bring it down to a 5.

5 + 5 + 4 + 3 = 17/4 = 4.25

He can trade in one ability slot for .25 APL increase.

4.25 = 4.25. Approved.

Here are his abilities, for posterity:
Abilities: Matter Manipulation (Intermediate): Adonis, through the task of meditation, has learned how to control the untouched matter in the environment he is in. if the matter has been refined he is unable to manipulate the matter. The downfall of this magic, is that once he has manipulated the matter. He can not manipulate the same matter again until his magic wears off. all abilities have a total up time of 15 second's or one post

MM- “Wall”: Adonis uses the matter around him to create a solid wall in front of him, protecting from Moderate harm, can block several weak attacks (arrows and weak spells) before crumbling or up to two strong attacks. Adonis can choose to collapse the wall at will, but will render the matter useless. (lasts one post)

MM- “Unwall”: Opposite of the Wall ability, the Unwall speed's up anything going through it as opposed to stopping it's momentum. The Unwall is normally translucent unless made out of air, as the opposite of translucent air, would be opaque. Object's traveling through the Unwall get their momentum tripled. He can only have One wall or Unwall up at a time. As having either one up is a drain on his life force, after a large battle he needs day's of nourishment and rest. Before he can even use his magic again.

MM- “Horseplay”: Adonis uses small amounts of matter around objects to cause them to move,(he can not control the object itself) seemingly on their own. (example: having a chair in a pub move out for him to sit down then slide back in on its own or having a mug of ale slide down the bar to where he sat.) Can only manipulate each individual object for a max of fifteen seconds before he is unable to use that matter again. Objects being manipulated can not pass through an Unwall as the objects themselves have no momentum just the matter around them.(maximum twenty pounds)

MM- 'Spear': Adonis can create a spear-like entity of the various matter around him, launching it in a perfectly straight line. speed = avg person pitch 70 Km/h. max 4 uses per day as over using this ability can cause his arms to become extremely fatigued. Max strength (zero Fatigue): the Spear can piece leather or lower armor and heavily Malform Iron, it can not pierce it.

MM- Laser Eyes: Adonis will acquire this ability in an upcoming thread, and wont be used until that thread is completed. can shoot lasers out of his eyes and can burn most low tier cloth-like and leather materials within seconds. Metallic or reflective surfaces are impervious to his lasers. can use twice a day, over using this ability can cause temporary if not permanent blindness. even one use extremely blurs his vision for hours. The beams are the size of the iris of the eyes, and travel in a straight path, only at targets within line of sight

Endurance: x2 over the various fights and beatings he has endured, his body is now able to weather a proper beating.

03-22-14, 04:29 PM
Faaria Eshel: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27203-Faaria-Eshel)

Approved with no abilities.

03-22-14, 04:41 PM
matthewkuch: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27197-Gavner-Nahs)

Hearing x2(gonna call this weaker version of perception, but still give it same score for sake of ease of workup. If you want me to mark it down, let me know.) - PL3

Strength x2 - PL3

Speed x2 (With some minor add-ons. His character is a direct reference to a book series I used to be quite fond of, and in it, the vampires could travel at superhuman speeds to get where they needed to go. He is able to travel at 100mph in a quest situation, and specified that under no circumstances would he use it in a battle like that. I'm going to let it slide.) - PL3


3 + 3 + 3/3 = 3

3=3. Approved.

03-24-14, 03:32 AM

Aislinn Orlouge - Twincast

APL 4.1

Level 3: Fairly mixed bag in term of effects, and only one use.

Evil Eye – Witchcraft - Glaring vilely at a target, Aislinn enacts a powerful enchantment upon the foes mind, causing them to feel overwhelming doubt. Targets will second guess their actions, often turning away perfectly good ideas for fear of the failure they see them undergo in their mind's eye. While not debilitating, most of the failure is always in relation to doing something to Aislinn, such that most will often give up their feuds or attempts at seduction, for fear of looking the fool. Stronger willed targets can notice the changes to their mental state and may ignore the impulses to give up.

Evil Eye may be used once per day per target. She may only target one person per post.

Level 3: Weak healing.

Healing – Witchcraft - Aislinn has access to very limited healing magic. The effects of which may stabilize a dying target or close minor wounds and injuries at best. The effects are permanent, however the damage repaired can be undone quite easily as is the case of most healing. The effects are somewhat draining to the Witch, and prolonged contact with a person while using such magicks can fatigue her greatly. The effects however are boosted if she does so allowing her to mend broken bones and potentially cure deeper cuts and gashes.

If she uses the lesser version of healing, Aislinn may do this once per day per target. If she uses the greater version of this power, she can only use healing in any capacity once a day. Due to the nature of this power her familiar cannot manifest this power, nor can she use it upon herself.

Level 3: Weak pain, one use.

Agony – Witchcraft - Upon touching a target while infused with this hex, a dark energy will course through her victims veins. This energy will trigger the nerve reaction of pain in each and every cluster of nerves, until finally it has worked its way entirely through a person's body. Obviously those immune or resistant to pain are excluded as prime targets for this ability, but to the weaker warriors of Althanas, this ability can cause crippling pain.

This ability may be used, once per person per day.

Ability was requested for award here.

Level 3:

Vision – Witchcraft - By holding onto an item that has strong connection to an event, or touching a person Aislinn has gained the ability of clairvoyance. When holding an Item she can see the event the item is tied to, to the minute details. When in contact with a person for longer than a minute, she can force a vision upon them that both the Witch and her "victim" see. This is often a vision of something that will occur within a year's span, and may be a possibility rather than a set in stone event.

This ability has no restriction on how often it may be used, however once a vision has occurred, all further use will do is replay the exact same vision, allowing for someone to catch something they may have missed previously.

Ability was requested for award here.

Level 3

Medicine – Knowledge Skill - Aislinn has practiced the art of herbalism and medicine for most of her life since leaving Chateau Dranak. Because of this, given the supplies and ability to mix them properly she can produce cures for most illness and poisons. However, as she is often flat broke this will mean that she is unable to create most of these things. It does however, help her in identifying the plants in the wild, and as such she often gathers small bits to take with her. At any time she can cure most mundane illnesses and clean most wounds without resorting to the Bazaar. More exotic illness and poisons of any sort would require her to buy the materials she would need.

Level 4

Cloud of Fear – Witchcraft – Calling upon Shyish the wind of death Aislinn can generate a cloud of fog that permeates the area around her. This cloud penetrates into the minds of those who inhale it and finds their deepest darkest fears before forcing the person to confront them. Panic and hysteria are often reactions to this cloud to those unaware of its effects. Those who are aware of the side effects have an easier time shrugging off the cloud, but it will still have its effect on those within it. Even if you rationally know the fear isn’t real it can still be difficult to shake its grasp upon you. It is important to note that Aislinn herself is not immune to the effects and as the cloud begins with her, she will be the first one affected by the fear fog.

Usable once a thread.

Level 5:

*Burning Hand – Witchcraft – Aislinn can create a hand of flame on her right arm starting from the stump to replace the hand she lost in the Mystic war. This hand allows her to grip her staff with two hands and other than the clothing and herself anything touched by the hand can ignite as normal flame can cause, similar to being struck by a torch. . While the hand is active she can once per day turn the hand into a projectile shooting it forth at a target this will cause her to lose the ability to create the burning hand for the remainder of the day. Otherwise the hand is at will.

Level 9: Insta block x2
Level 4: Glass

Mystic Protection – Mystic Spell - Forming a shield of glass about her body or a target she wishes to protect the effects of one blow or spell that attacks is instantly nullified. However, the spell does not stop there, as the shield then shatters exploding in a radius out from the Mystic or protected target. Aislinn's mystic protection is fueled by her rage, and as such is particularly vindictive, the glass acting as if coated in salt, increasing tenfold the pain it inflicts. The shards spread out a mere three feet before dissipating back into nothingness. They are however, incapable of causing any life threatening injuries, and are more likely to stop would be attackers than kill. The dome however doesn't spray downwards, only outwards and upwards, and so prone targets can avoid the shards of glass, should they be lucky enough.

Mystic Protection can be cast twice per day.

03-24-14, 04:44 AM

Jensen Ambrose

14 : 9.5 : 19

5, 5, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 = 8.4 < (9.5 + 2.25 = 11.75 (although this is impossible...))

Level 5:

STR: 4.0 - Jensen has the strength of an Olympic class lifter, capable of lifting up to 400lbs over his head for 3 seconds before feeling discomfort.

Level 5:

EX Attack: Jensen can improve the strength, the speed, or absorb the blow of 4 attack, which must not be a Finishing Maneuver, and cannot be complex in any manner. He cannot EX attack unless he has posted once to build up the energy for such a maneuver. So, If Jensen fights Duffy, he cannot EX in his first post of actual combat (intros don’t count). Jensen must also declare at the end of the post in OOC tags that he has stored an EX move, and can save this EX strike for any point in battle. However, Jensen can never store more than 4.

Level 8:

END: 8.0 - Jensen is capable of enduring great feats of stamina draining activities. He does not fatigue from pro-longed combat up to ten minutes. In addition, he can maintain the peak performance of his AGI and SPD for up to five minutes before tiring. (So Jensen can sprint for 3,000 yards without tiring.) Jensen’s Endurance is also conditioned to physical abuse, and so he can shrug off the effects of combat easier than most. This does NOT excuse him from physically debilitating moves. (You break his arm or hit like a truck, it’s gonna hurt no matter what.)

Level 8 (due to large number of uses)

I am the Leaf on the Wind: Jensen has spent time learning how to fight with his father, the Oracle of Wind, and knows how to use his agility and speed to even greater heights.
^- Jensen has begun to learn more of the path to being one with the wind, and has learned to bend the soft flow of the breeze to his whim. 8 times in a battle or a quest, Jensen can shift the wind around him to either push him quickly to the side, slow his descent from a long height, or push enemy arrows or thrown weaponry off track. (This however will not work against certain projectiles, such as cross bolts, large ballistics, black powder weaponry, or magical projectile attacks that are not influenced by wind trajectory, such as balls of energy and the like.)

Level 10:

AGI: 10.0 - Jensen is capable of reacting so fast in combat that he is able to process and react to the speed of a bullet fired from five feet away. In addition, he should be considered to be a contortionist of the highest caliber, being flexible and offering him super human like agility. (He must still bend to some standards of human anatomy, so no noodle arms.)

Level 10:

SPD: 10.0 - Jensen is fast, very fast. In conjunction with his agility, he can perform mythological feats of acrobatic behavior. Jensen is also fast enough to sprint 600 yards in 1 minutes worth of time.

Level 10:
Finishing Maneuvers: Jensen can perform ONE finishing maneuver if sufficient time has been allotted to wearing down the opponent. These moves are devastatingly strong, but do leave the immortal open if he should miss the attack, or worse, the opponent survives. Depending on the Finisher determines the effects.

He can only perform ONE of these moves after FOUR consecutive posts have gone by in battle. After each finisher, Jensen is winded from the exertion of force, leaving him unable to defend himself properly in the opponent‘s next post.

His finishers are:
-Golden Glove Award Winning Punch: After Jensen taunts, he thrusts himself forward in a low slide, coming up with a rolling jabs and punches similar to AB Rocket Uppercut, but instead of finishing with the uppercut, he instead throws a right haymaker, a left haymaker, and winds up his punch with a spiral lunge into th foes chest. STR goes up + 1 for this attack.
-Playing Dirty: After a very crude taunt Jensen leaves himself wide open, letting his foe take a sucker punch. When they punch Jensen, the immortal comes back with a gut blow, stomps the opponent’s foot, hits the enemy with a violent head butt, then punches them below the belt. This attack is more of a means to really fight dirty. Needless to say it’s a deal breaker. No added Strength of Ability.
-Rhythm of the Beat: Jensen can feel the energy rush through him, granting him adrenaline to perform the most complex series of moves. It starts with a slide into the foe’s gut with his knee, a half twist back before crashing downwards in a scissors kick. When the foe’s head hits the ground and bounces up Jensen stomps his foot down, twirling gracefully on it before sliding off their skull with a very boisterous bow. Increases STR +1.
-And Now For The Finale!: By shouting the phrase: Curtains Rise! Jensen gives into his deepest passions and lets out a brutal combination series of punches and kicks, all moving in tandem and flowing flawlessly like a stage performance. These strikes are numerous and fly out quickly, some high, some low, and some overhead to test the limits of somebody blocking the onslaught. When the onslaught nears its peak, Jensen lowers himself and begins a series of rolling jabs into the opponent’s gut, rising the tempo with each chorus laugh until the final blow, a massive uppercut lifting himself and the foe into the air. When Jensen lands he bows to his foe, chuckling the phrase, “That’s all folks!” Jensen’s AGI is +2 when using this move.
-Ultimate Emerald Immortal Buster!: Jensen leans into his foe and slides behind them with a quick kick to their gut, grappling their waist and doing a series of two belly to black suplexes, before hoisting the foe to his feet where he spins to their front and hits them in a belly to belly suplex, landing them on their head. As they are down he grabs them by the head and performs a crushing power bomb, lifting them to his shoulders and hoisting them up for added height as he guides them down with a vicious laugh. STR + 3 for this maneuver
-Dancing With Laughter: Jensen spins his body and kicks his foe repeatedly in a corkscrew fashion, slamming his boot into their jaw. When he lands he spins upwards in a flash kick, but arcs it so he flips forwards and lands on opponent’s shoulders, laughing hysterically as he stomps on their face until they fall on the floor. With a forwards flip Jensen grabs their hand and pulls them back up, groggily into his arms where he dances with their tired body, laughing and screaming, “Come dance with me,” before he twirls them in the spot and cracks them in the chin with a violent stiff kick, bowing for the good time. STR + 2
-Mystic Deception: Jensen leaves his body in a rigid stance, hunching his arms and making it look like there is a wider opening than there really is as he shouts “MYSTIC PROTECTION!. Should the enemy strike him during this prone stance his body will spring like a coiled snake, and he’ll move with the agility of one as well as he slithers around the enemies body attacking eight of the foe’s joints with crippling attacks, finishing with a headlock arm bar take down with that satisfying crunch. At the end he’ll roll to his feet and dust himself off, muttering in a mocking fashion, “I can do this nine times,” Jensen gains no stat bonuses, but the enemy does suffer crippling blows.

Level 10

Immortal: Jensen is immortal. No matter what he will come back the next day alive and well. Chop off his head, his nuts, his arm, whatever, he’ll live and laugh about it the next day. This is not an excuse for him to ignore pain or whatnot, and he still feels all pain and suffers effects of the death even in his new life the next day. IE: You cut off his arm, his arm is going to hurt like a bitch for a few days. Cut off his head and he won’t be able to speak for hours after coming back.
^- Breath of the Undying: After reviving the Storm Herald, Jensen fused with the eldritch orb that once belonged to the Lord of Storms, fusing his ancient necromantic power with the immortality in his soul. This gives Jensen the ability to speed up his regenerating power, allowing him to come back to life even faster. In game terms, Jensen only needs one post to come back from minor deaths: Neck Snapping, impaling, stabbed in the eye, anything that would kill him, but NOT INCAPACITATE HIM. He will not get back up if he’s beheaded, or he’s cut into two pieces, or any other Overkill situation and will take the normal one day’s worth of regenerating time as usual.
^- Undying Immortality: Jensen has become so fused with his Breath of the Undying that now, unless the attack would be considered Overkill (As stated above) Jensen’s return to life is near instantaneous. However this does not mean Jensen has superior regeneration. This merely gets him back to a state where he can fight, but doesn’t fix any broken limbs (save necks) or severed body parts or blood loss. It just means if Jensen is stabbed or wounded in a similar manner, he returns to life instantly. (Within a paragraph.) This ability only can be activated 4 times a battle.

Level 10:

Unique Items:

Crozius: A Dehlar Master crafted maul that is the length of an average human arm, with a red leather grip and a bronzed Heraldric Cross at the tip inscribed with passages from the Tome of War, the weapon is enchanted to increase the Strength of the user by 5X their normal capacity. Usually in the care of Jensen's friend Adolph Gretzle, the weapon has been known to be used by Jensen himself. (This increases Jensen’s striking Strength to 9X - He can easily punch holes in brick walls with ease, shatter stones, crack granite with ease, and break a limb with ease if there is no sufficient protection. [left to the reciever of attack to determine])

Max Dirks
03-24-14, 11:12 AM
Ruby Winchester

Twilight Theme: Ruby can affect natural light. Candles snuff out, fireplaces roar, and day brightens, or night darkens. The effects are temporary and lights return to normal when the song ends. - 3

Defensive Duet: Ruby can conjure a sphere as hard as iron. The shield protects as long as Ruby continues singing. A mage two levels higher, or a blow hitting at X4 strength or higher can dispel it - 4 (Similar to Valdr's shield)

Frigid Fandango: Ruby can alter temperature from zero to 40 degrees Celsius in a 50 ft. radius. When she stops singing, the temperature returns to its previous levels at a thermodynamic rate. - 4

Conjuring Cantor: Ruby can conjure small objects twice per thread. Items not belonging to her fade after an hour. She cannot summon living, magical, or unknown items. Domestic items, books, and beauty products etc. - 3 (On point abilities elsewhere)

Scintillating Song: Ruby can conjure lights, fireworks, and flame. These are illusions, although they make sounds. This requires a semantic element. The lights respond to the emotions of the lyrics and the singer. - 5 (Like Reine's Flashbang)

Rampant Requiem: Ruby can summon concussive blows. They are X2 strength, but can strike up to three times per attack. The greater the pain and anger, the more chaotic they become. They can hurt Ruby. - 8 (Like Duffy's Raven Call)


Delilah: A violin covered with ivy and roses. It is master crafted. Metal wire runs through string. A silver chain around her waist carries tuning forks and tools. Once each per thread, Ruby can:

•Col Legno: Ruby can prolong a note long after it stops playing by striking the string with the bow’s wood. This allows a spell to carry on into swordplay for one minute. - 4 (Boost)
•Con Presto: By increasing tempo, aggression, and heel notes, Ruby can boost one song to new heights. This will break a string, and she exile the violin for two posts until it repairs itself - 6 (Treated as 2x boost for 2-3 posts).

Wainwright: An enchanted necklace forged by Oblivion. It is indestructible. Twice per thread, Ruby can polymorph her hair, eye, and/or skin colour. It offers a permanent 25% resistance to spells that affect will or mental capacity when worn. - 2

APL is 4.3 of an allowed 6.5; 9 abilities out of 12. Approved!

03-26-14, 01:41 PM
Harlequin: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27180-The-Darkest-Hour)

Insects: A plague of biting locusts are summoned. They can quickly surround a target, their biting and crawling causing the target itching and pain. The insects die during the response posts. Usable three times a thread/day. - PL 3

Memento Mori: By saying “Remember, remember” Midnight can cause one person around her to have a vision of their death. Generally this is of a time far from the present, but could be much sooner. Due to odd things like the Citadel, it could be the next time they die rather than the final one. Effects vary depending on the particular person, ranging from a distraction through to a full panic. The latter is quite rate. Usable once per day/thread. - PL 2

Patches can be summoned once a battle. He lasts for about six posts before being un-summoned. He has the same attributes (speed/strenght/etc) as a normal person and wields a scythe (see weapons). - PL 5


Speed: Midnight is quite slow compared to normal people. She is about half the speed.

Strength: Midnight is barely able to lift even small objects. She is one third as strong as a normal person.

3 + 2 + 5 = 10 - 2/ = 8/3 = 2.67
2.67 < 3

Max Dirks
03-27-14, 10:43 AM

Invisible: The soul can turn invisible for up to five minutes. Can be used once per ten posts

Rated 10 initially 5 current rating (reduced by inability to act, not usable in battles, etc. Basically this is a toned down Tourneymant)

Tangible: (Passive - except for when interacting with other players) The soul will float through walls, trees, etc. and can even change shape (from a circle to triangle for example). I cannot have "it" go through player controlled areas or objects (a sword, a character's house, the character itself, etc.) without that player's permission!

2 - Like Luned's (or Resolve, I can't recall) Astral Projection.

Icebreaker Soul Presence: (Passive ability) Anybody standing up to ten feet from the soul’s presence feel sensations of hopelessness and utter dread.

2 - Like Torin's ability, but obviously player must decide whether character is affected



Max Dirks
03-27-14, 03:20 PM
Dexterity: Kaida has 2xs...
- Agility (her body is twice as maneuverable and she can fit into tight places with ease.)
- Speed (she can pick up slightly faster sprints and she can grab objects faster.)
- and Strength (a punch given to an opponent with 2xs endurance would push them back as far as it would if they didn't have endurance at all - a character with no endurance would be sent flying back. She also can pick up heavy rocks twice as big as her backpack. Even though she's stronger, she still has to handle Calcator with two hands at this level)
... of a normal human.

All 3's

03-28-14, 09:39 AM

Kyle Xandran

Level 3:

Hot hands: Xandran is very persuasive and can easily convince people to "transact business" (Xandran receives a 20% per item bazaar discount for every 27.5 points scored in a thread. Thus, if he receives a 55, Xandran receives two 20% off vouchers that can be used on one item each. These items must be tier two or less. In exchange for this discount, Xandran can never earn GP or items as thread rewards)

Dirks, is this something that we will be able to keep track of?

Max Dirks
03-28-14, 09:44 AM
Yeah, I'll just edit it into the bazaar discount thread. Otto and I created a power level breakdown for discounts to be added to the power level chart when I get around to it.

03-28-14, 09:51 AM

Severan Larnik

Level 3, slight influence on characters around him

"Well, hello there... have we met before?": Sev has a way with words. When he wills his words toward a specific target, they feel compelled to obey. Increased effectiveness on female targets. (A male of equal or strength would have an easy time fighting the influence, whereas a weaker male would probably be swayed: a female of the same strength would face extreme difficulty, and a weaker female would simply fall in line.)

Level 3 x2, Strength and Endurance.

Seething Hatred: While he is a good person at heart, Sev is heavily burdened by anger and hate. This hatred focuses him and makes him cunning and vicious. (He is able to perform feats of strength and speed otherwise beyond his capabilities- he can lift twice his body weight and run at the speed of a sprinter for several minutes before tiring.)

Max Dirks
03-29-14, 09:35 AM
Hysteria, Requiem of Insanity's flight is an ability (since normal humans cannot fly). I've given Sei an 8 in the past for unlimited flight, so without any limitations I'd give the same to Cassandra. Despite this, it doesn't cause him to be unapproved, but I wanted to point out the number for any future audits or updates!

03-29-14, 10:18 PM
I'll keep that in mind. For the new power level thread, can we have a APL 3 example of flight? Perhaps where they can't use it in competitive threads, and/or can only flight straight lines.


6 : 6.5 : 12

3 4 6 8 8 5 4 6 8 9 9 / 11 = 6.3 < (6.5 + 0.25)


Level 3: Willpower
I Am Fear: Flint is smart, cold, obsessed, and stubborn. Willpower is just another muscle to him, and he flexes it constantly. As such, he finds it slightly easier than a normal human being to stick to his guns in the face of common manipulation or persuasion.

Level 4:
Agility: As Flint comes to see value in the fighting styles of other cultures, he has begun training himself to become more flexible. While he is by no means superhumanly dexterous, his ability to parry and evade incoming attacks from all directions is notable. He can twist, turn, lean, climb, and slide fairly quickly without losing his balance. He’s more nimble and spry than you might expect, but he’s no master thief or world-class gymnast. (x3)

Level 6:
Flint’s musculature is capable of putting out incredible amounts of force, to such a degree that his strength counteracts his own natural weight, bulk, and resistance. He parries, dodges, and strikes faster than most people think. Most remarkably, this is NOT a measure of reflex – Flint rarely, if ever, reacts to stimuli instinctively. It is possible that he has become swift enough that mechanical reflex has been rendered obsolete. (x6)

Level 5 (weaker version of Lye's bone and tissue ability)

Ain’t Got Time to Bleed: Thanks to the effects of Swaysong, Flint is now a post-human creature, rapidly evolving to better survive the deadly environments he puts himself in. Since he has a tendency toward horrific bodily injury, his physiology has begun to adapt to keep him whole. His bones are almost iron-like in durability, but also disturbingly flexible – bending and springing back when they should easily break. His skin is as difficult to split as boiled leather and, most disturbing of all, his muscle tissue has begun to develop a fluid shell of organic metal. While the interior cords can still tear due to strain, the outermost thews prevent foreign objects from passing through the bundles of tissue. This effectively means that Flint has a form of armor under his skin, which becomes more difficult to penetrate when he flexes. Long story short? It’s really difficult to incapacitate him with damage. (x7)

Level 4: Healing moderate wounds in a few minutes, or at least stabilise enough to continue fighting. Also stated that light wounds are healed quickly.

Seethe: As Flint’s physiology iterates upon itself, his basic biological functions steadily improve beyond what should be humanly possible. His ability to heal, for example, has progressed from fascinating to disturbing in short order. Given a week’s time, he can recover from wounds that ought to be mortal, and deep penetration wounds or broken bones can be made right in a day or two. Swaysong is tied inexorably to adrenaline and testosterone in Flint, and so feelings of aggression and stress also enhance his ability to heal himself. If given a free moment to simply seethe in rage, Flint can heal minor and moderate wounds in a matter of minutes, or at least recover enough to staunch bleeding and repair frayed nerves so he can go on fighting.

Level 6 (Slightly weaker than Babe's resistance of 50% at level 7)
Superstition: Flint's overwhelming mistrust and disdain for magic physically manifests as a resistance to it, perhaps due to the Swaysong in his system, or perhaps it is a pure manifestation of his will - there is no way to say. All magical spells and effects cast directly upon Flint - helpful or harmful - are reduced in effect or duration by 40%.

Level 8:
Strength: Flint’s physique is functional, and he is capable of great feats of strength. He has shown the ability to lift up to four hundred pounds with one arm, push or pull carriages laden with goods as effortlessly as a horse, and squeeze the life out of steel-clad human beings dumb enough to get caught in a bear hug. He can strike with enough force to shatter simple steel and dent plynt. He can leap from the ground onto a common single-story rooftop without momentum, because he doesn’t neglect leg day. He is the standing arm-wrestling champion in all the best dives from Knife’s Edge to Radasanth and back again. (x8)

Level 8:
Endurance: Flint’s body is powerful and superhumanly efficient. His tissues only begin producing fatigue poisons at the point where even a horse might expire from exhaustion, and his body extracts nutrients from food and the environment with plantlike efficiency. He can jog at a brisk pace for twelve hours straight on an empty stomach before slowing, shrug off the energy-leeching effect of moderate pain and blood loss, and struggle for hours on end before running out of breath. Even poisons, venoms, and unnatural toxins take longer to incapacitate him, and only the very worst can threaten his life. (x8)

Level 8 (weaker, but similar to Jensen's breath of the undying)

Protean Trance: In moments of great physical or mental duress, Flint can momentarily overwhelm his vambraces and allow the Swaysong to act on him unimpeded. While the vambraces are "rebooting," Flint enters a savage trance wherein his mind and body are in flux, superhumanly adapting to the situation at hand. His muscles, bones, flesh, and tissues all warp and rend and then heal again with disturbing alacrity, and he works through mental challenges with machinelike efficiency. Outwardly, this manifests as an ability to recover from grievous wounds near-instantly for a period of two minutes, returning him to a hale and healthy state. It is, effectively, a healing ability, and does nothing to combat fatigue: once the vambraces fully reboot, Flint is fully healed but no less exhausted. He can only overwhelm the vambraces once every six hours before risking grave consequences to his mind and body.

Level 9 (insta block x2)

Adrenaline Rush: The biological mechanics that govern Swaysong and adrenaline are closely entwined. Even with his blood being filtered, Flint's adrenaline rushes are a bit more intense than that of a normal human being. Twice per battle, Flint can take advantage of his adrenaline rushes to perceive the otherwise imperceptible and react with incredible speed and skill in order to dodge or intercept fast-moving attacks or projectiles. This essentially negates a single physical attack from a character at or below Flint's level, and may mean the difference between life or death when facing down an attack from someone slightly above Flint's skill level.

Level 9

Juggernaut: If Flint can take five steps while Seething, he gains Momentum. While under the effects of Momentum, Flint becomes extremely difficult to stop, impede, or harm. His thews tense into a nigh-impenetrable metal shell beneath his skin which render most attacks into flesh wounds, and since he is actively Seething those flesh wounds are rapidly closed. Under the effects of Momentum, Flint charges at up to thirty miles per hour in a roughly straight line, and he can only deviate from that path very gradually. He can stop himself in under three seconds (though he may slide depending on the surface he’s running on). While charging, the brute is capable of plowing through physical barriers without slowing. Common wood walls stand no chance, and he can barrel through reinforced wooden barriers up to four feet thick. He can pierce anything steel or softer at under five inches thick, though it will temporarily slow him. Anything thicker, or harder, will dent or splinter but not break, and Flint’s charge will end. With Momentum, Flint is able to weather attacks that might otherwise injure or kill him without suffering their normal effects – he plows through most common attacks at or below his level and heals some or most of the damage he would have incurred. Attacks from people above his level might slow or damage him, though the harm would be lessened. Anyone three levels or more above Flint might be capable of stopping him or overcoming his healing factor with stronger abilities, but a person would need strength ten times greater than that of a normal Althanian to stop him by means of physical might alone. Nothing stops a juggernaut, except a juggernaut.

03-29-14, 10:26 PM

dracoboy8 - The Wandering Healer

Healing School: Level 3 (weaker than Twincast's healing at level 4, limited in battle usage)

Reviving: When all fighting in a battle has ceased, and there is no imminent danger, Drake can restore those who have died to a stable state of unconsciousness. They will remain unconscious for a day and will not be able to move for another day after they wake up. It will take weeks to recover fully. Before Drake restores the person he has to bandage them up and place any broken bones, and after he revives somebody he will be severely fatigued for 2 days afterward. He can only revive one person every 2 weeks, and he can not revive anybody in the heat of battle. It usually takes 1-3 and a half hours to revive somebody, and he cannot stop in the middle of reviving someone.

Healing: Drake can heal minor wounds like cuts and bruises within a few minutes. Healing takes energy from him and depending on the size of the cut or bruise he can heal 3-6 cuts or bruises a day. He cannot heal a cut longer than 3 inches or deeper than a half of an inch, or a bruise larger than the size of his fist. If the cut is larger than 3 inches, but less than 6 inches, he can staunch the bleeding, but he cannot heal it. If the bruise is larger than the size of his fist he can heal a part of the bruise that is the size of his fist, but no more. Broken bones, gashes, and worse are out of the question.

Level 3: (weaker than some of the other Telepathy abilities, close to being a skill, but better than level 2)
Telepathy: Drake can speak telepathically with those within a 15 foot radius of him. He usually uses this to speak with those he is healing, and to calm and reassure them when they are in a state of shock.

03-30-14, 06:59 PM
Ioder: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27223-The-Seraphim-of-Judgment&p=227254)

Transcendent Appeal- Ioder as a Seraphim has the capability to morph his shape into other humanoid forms. This is used to cover his identity and come across as another. His favorite form is his former appearance as a child in life, he uses this to appeal to the senses of others. (4 per thread)

This is similar to Talen's song. However, this is only used for disguise and not any change in actual form(stat increases, new abilties.) I'll give it a 2 due to 4 uses. PL 2

Seraphim Flight(Locked at level 1)- Gifted with a pair of wings, Ioder has the ability to fly at speeds of 20mph and slower for an undefined amount of time. This can be used in battle only as means of escape, but unlimited out of combat. Their wings can disappear and reappear on command in order to hide them if needed. At his current level Ioder cannot take flight rather he dawns his wings strictly for visual effect.

Locked, PL 0.

Seraphim Glimmer- Seraphim are blessed with a unique offensive and defensive power, a glimmering aura can surround them to be used as shield or spear. This glow is very dense and powerful, if used for defense it can be made into a wall for large coverage or a cocoon for personal defense. Able to stop projectile and physically manifested magical strikes of the same strength or lower. The Wall/cocoon can defend one strong magic attack like a fire ball, or two week attacks like a punch or kick be considered being used. The projected wall is large enough to cover one side of two people and the cocoon is conceals all sides around Ioder. And if used for attack the glow can wrap around Ioder's arms or legs to increase strike force and armor piercing, able to pierce iron and easily dent steel. The defensive and offensive skills will continue to be present as it is an uncontrollable effect of being a seraphim though they will be considered used once per attack defended or dealt with it. (4 per thread)

This is a combo ability. Shield and Attack Augmentation in one.

Shield = Similar to Ruby's defensive duet, with more limitations. Since it can be either a bubble or a wall(two persons wide, not large wall.), I'm going to give it a 4. PL 4

Attack Augmentation = Similar to Karacos' Arcane Augmentation. More limitations. As it has combined uses, and is fairly weak, I'll give it a 3 as well. PL 3

2 + 4 + 3 = 9/3 = 3
3 = 3

03-31-14, 11:06 AM
Italo Applehall: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27243-Italo-Applehall&p=227281)

Forced Focus – After entering a heightened state of meditation:
Once a day, Italo can utilise his higher level meditation experience to enter a state of hyperactive awareness. When occupying this state, Italo feels like he is moving at about four fifths the speed of real time, giving him an edge over his opponent.
While Italo can tap into this ability voluntarily given around ten seconds to do so, it can be induced naturally when under extreme stress or in great physical pain. Each episode lasts for ten seconds or so, but can be cut short if injury is inflicted or his focus is interrupted by a noise or distraction.

Similar to Torin's "Stop, Set, Rewind", each second lasts about 1.2 secs in his mind. More limitations, much less severe time constriction, but same duration. Gonna give this a 4. - PL 4

Stomp – Utilising Italo’s Tremor Boots produces the following effects:
Stomping will cause anyone in the affected zone to stumble and lose balance. Children would be thrown to the floor but larger men might only be rocked slightly;
Each stomp affects a two metre radius, although this differs slightly depending on terrain;
Italo also stumbles slightly himself from each tremor, giving him a second or two to gain an advantage over his opponent.

Similar to Muri's "Wind Sweep" in effect, if not execution. It is much more limited than Wind Sweep for now. He wears enchanted boots which provide this ability. I will tell him to specify the boots are leather, and he will then be approved. Giving this a 2 due to limitations and cons for himself. - PL 2

4 + 2 = 6/2 = 3
3 = 3.

04-03-14, 05:55 AM

Eli Lore

Abilities; None!

04-03-14, 06:00 AM

Aloisia Alexandrovna Novenski

Level 2: just way to weak compared to other abilities at level 3, also could be mimiced by anyone who RPs a 'bust of strength'

Heavy Weapons Specialist: Two-handed weapons like polearms or the famed Salvic greatswords have a well-deserved reputation for the carnage they can wreck on a field of battle, particularly against lightly armored foes. Aloisia is capable of putting extra strength into the first strike from her bardiche in order to sunder a simple wooden shield or stagger an opponent blocking with a weapon.
Con: Using two-handed weapons means that the warrior is sacrificing the defensive opportunities presented either by a shield or a lighter, more agile weapon. When Aloisia opts to swing her axe with great strength, she leaves herself partially open to the next attack.

Level 3

Conditioned: Years of drilling, first under her trainers and then at her own discretion, as well as wielding heavy weapons have given Aloisia the will to press on past the point where a normal person would be winded. Because of this, Aloisia is able to fight for twice as long as an average soldier.

Level 3 (toss up between 3 and 4, I think practically this won't have much effect on other people)

Battle Skald: Pro: Drawing from her both her own experiences in the field and the innumerable war songs she has heard over the years, Aloisia can inspire the warriors under her command with ballads and sagas or strike fear into the hearts of her foes with grim dirges once per battle. Practically speaking, opponents below her level will strike only half as hard as they normally would for two minutes as they suffer anxiety over her dark promises.
Con: Words only go so far, and everyone has their breaking point. If Aloisia pushes her soldiers too far, they are like as not to lose faith in her.

04-04-14, 07:29 PM
Unseen: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27267-Unseen&p=227473)

2x Strength (double strength of a normal human) - PL 4 (on point with PL thread.)

2 empty slots traded in for .25 APL each.

4/1 = 4

3.50(2 empty slots) < 4

Gonna let it slide, he has one ability and barely any equipment. Will not approve at later levels if he only upgrades his strength to ridiculous levels. Also, user mentioned he needed his profile reset. Idk if it's already been done or what, just giving you a heads-up.


Max Dirks
04-05-14, 12:47 PM
I'm a Leprechaun

5% GP earned extra (rated at 3)

Max will be 20% (5%=3 10%=5 15%=8 20%=10)

Max Dirks
04-05-14, 12:59 PM
Fox Owen Xavier

•Transform – As a kitsune, Fox can shift shape from a human to a fox or a few forms in between. Normally, he stays in a hybrid form closer to a human with the only thing setting him apart is the two fox ears popping out from his head. When excited, he tends to become more fox-like with a tail, fox nose, and fur growing on his limbs - 3 (same as Hysteria rated before)
•Fox Sense – As a fox, Fox has far better senses than a normal human. Even among his race, his training and enchanting has pushed it far past what would be considered normal. (See table below) - 5 based on table (equal to 4x perception)
•Fox Fire – Creates a small fire somewhere touching his body (Generally on the palm of his hand). It takes a few seconds to “warm up” and reach maximum heat. It can only get hot enough to boil some water which Fox uses to make his potions. Additionally, it provides a limited light source for exploring dark areas. Note: The fire can't be thrown like a fireball and its size is roughly equivalent of a touch. - Schooled w/ fire rune
•Some Poison Resistance – Due to so much work with toxic plants and other types of poisons, Fox has developed some resistance to poisons. Toxic plants that might cause a light headache or something has no effect on Fox. However, more potent poisons do still work on Fox. His resistance may delay and possibility reduce the effects but any serious poison will take effect and very strong ones that lead to death will still work fine on Fox although it might take a bit longer - 3
•Runic Inscription – Through his studies, Fox has learned the basics of making runes and inscribing them to create various effects. However, his current level is quite low and the runes he can create are limited in what they can do and either are one time use or last for a very short duration. Additionally, they take quite a long time and a lot of concentration to draw them properly for a beginner. For very small runes, it takes at least 20 seconds at the fastest but that often leads to mistakes if rushed too much. Additionally, if Fox wants to create a slightly more complex rune like one with a short delay before going off, it could easily triple his time or more. (See Table Below) - 4 abilities equate to 4 due to the time.

Weakness- sensory overload (reduced by 1)

(3+3+5+4+4-1)/5 = 4


Max Dirks
04-05-14, 02:24 PM
Spatial Awareness: Sense movement up to five meters around himself, the closer a person or object is the more detail he can make out. The sensation is almost like having direct contact with the object, he is even able to make out texture and temperature when within a meter. - 3

Alchemical Affinity: Etrius has an engraved, almost instinctual knowledge of alchemical processes and how to maximise efficiency and effect of all creations, and an supernatural ability to identify potions and potential ingredients simply by look or smell. In addition, all potions, poisons, ect, created by Etrius tend to have magical properties, even if created with mundane ingredients, making them incredibly effective. Not only are his potions stronger than most, his efficiency and skill allows him to concoct his creations in a fraction of the time it would normally take, allowing him to maintain a steady supply of his chosen combat potions between battles. - 3 (equating this to a potions cost reduction)


Acid splash potions contain a highly corrosive substance which can eat through simple materials and metals fairly quickly, depending on the thickness and quality. While obviously handy in combat, they also have a variety of every day uses, dissolving through locks for example.

Fire Splash potions contain a highly combustible substance which ignites as soon as it makes contact with open air. A standard vial, when thrown, will cause an fiery explosion between 5-8 feet in square diameter.

Smog, Etrius' special brand of poison has two main properties; when coated onto a weapon and introduced into the bloodstream, the target will suffer from nausea, dizziness, and will be severely weakened. The interesting thing about the compound is that when introduced to water (or any almost any liquid really), the poison will evaporate into a thick, darks mist that, when breathed induces the same effects as stated before. In addition, it can also be absorbed through the eyes in this form, adding blindness to the symptoms. A standard vial contains enough to create enough mist to fill a 5-10 foot square radius. Due to the effect liquid has on the poison, wounds made with a coated weapon tend to let out small amounts of the mist itself.

Combat draught Is a simple yet strong mixture of various painkillers, anti-coagulants, and amphetamines. The overall effect is that it slows or stops bleeding of minor to medium wounds, and helps deal with pain and fatigue, temporally giving the user the ability to continue fighting, or give him one last little boost in order to flee. Either way, this potion is best only used in emergencies, as not only is it very addictive, but once its worn off the user suffers from what could equate to the 'worlds worst hangover'. This 'come-down' lasts between 14-36 hours, the combination of the wounds received in combat and the potions sides effects leaves the user weakened, and unable to defend himself. Do NOT use more than once in 24 hours.

Dead Mans Tongue is reddish brown paste that when applied to the tongue of the recently dead, will partially animate the corpse allowing it to speak. The effect last roughly ten minuets, and any question asked of the corpse will be answered truthfully and to the best of their knowledge in a hollow, level voice.


Flare- A blast of bright white light hot enough to blister flesh and blind opponents, sometimes permanently. Cast with a simple snap of his fingers searing light bursts from his hand accompanied by a loud crack. Though unlikely to be lethal the heat released causes severe burns even at range, causing great pain, while the light generated can blur the vision of the target even through their eyelids. Caster is uninfected by burns but still susceptible to blindness - 3

04-07-14, 12:31 AM

Harmonic Convergence

Level 3: One 3 post use
Flight: Three minutes (3 posts) under stressful conditions (Heavy weather, battle, etc.) Otherwise, normal human endurance of running for flight in normal weather. (Roughly twenty minutes.)

Level 4: (slight decrease from 6: complete element resistance due to the bio-only nature)
Poisons: No bio-based poisons affect her.

3+4 /2 = 3.5 > 3.25, however, I let slide because the character lacked an offensive ability.

Max Dirks
04-07-14, 03:02 PM
Abilities: Eagle Eyes (Enhanced Vision)- Through extensive train in his younger years Kamile had honed his eye sight immensely. He has near telescopic vision(3x distance) and limited night vision (2x Seeing in darkness). This paired with his excellence in archery he is a match for nearly anyone. -Passive Ability-

Simple Feats(Enhanced Dexterity)- Kamile is able to preform feats that a normal person could not. Among other things he was top of his class in climbing, leaping and has great balance. Roughly Kamile can hoist himself up anywhere he can gain a footing, this includes his lightweight gear. Also he is able to leap from tree to tree or roof to roof 7 feet in distance.(2x Dexterity.)

Rallying the Troops(Area Enhancer)- If Kamile is accompanied by NPC or other characters he can enhance their endurance to allow them to withstand just that much more of battle, often even giving them the edge in their fights. (1.5x Endurance to NPCs, 1.5x Endurance to Characters/Himself.) {Not active until stated, once active only effects those who were around him/that he had rallied. This lasts for NPCs 1 post Playable characters 2 posts.}

All 3's

Max Dirks
04-08-14, 07:10 AM

Endurance - Despite being hungry all the time, living in a desert on the fringes of society has given the girl a long time to get used to things, both in body and spirit. Eolia is twice as robust as normal people. 3

Grits - Eolia has taken some grievous wounds during her short life and it would have been shorter if she couldn't ignore most of it and finish a battle. After taking a significant enough injury, Eolia's adrenalin begins to work overtime and for the rest of the battle, pain is numbed to a certain point. This doesn't mean that she can suddenly start swinging a weapon with a broken arm or run with a snapped leg. Just means it doesn't hurt... as much. Sucks a lot after the adrenalin runs out. - 3

"Come on!" - In the thick of combat, Eolia let's go the few shreds of decency she has and fights tooth and nail (quite literally sometimes). Eolia temporarily gains a x2 to all her basic stats listed above. This can ONLY apply if Eolia is fighting two or more foes at once AND has been injured. Lasts for 2 posts/45 seconds. - 3

For now I did not consider her dragon skin an ability because it's leather & she replaced her armor. At future levels, this will be an ability.

04-16-14, 07:43 PM
Foxy (Level 2, re-worked): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27268-Foxy-Level-2)

Dirks, everything here is the same as the previous workup, except that he changed his runes to limited night vision. Workup is going to be copypasted with minor change implemented, then re-worked up.

Fox Owen Xavier

•Transform – As a kitsune, Fox can shift shape from a human to a fox or a few forms in between. Normally, he stays in a hybrid form closer to a human with the only thing setting him apart is the two fox ears popping out from his head. When excited, he tends to become more fox-like with a tail, fox nose, and fur growing on his limbs - 3 (same as Hysteria rated before)
•Fox Sense – As a fox, Fox has far better senses than a normal human. Even among his race, his training and enchanting has pushed it far past what would be considered normal. (See table below) - 5 based on table (equal to 4x perception)
•Fox Fire – Creates a small fire somewhere touching his body (Generally on the palm of his hand). It takes a few seconds to “warm up” and reach maximum heat. It can only get hot enough to boil some water which Fox uses to make his potions. Additionally, it provides a limited light source for exploring dark areas. Note: The fire can't be thrown like a fireball and its size is roughly equivalent of a touch. - 2
•Some Poison Resistance – Due to so much work with toxic plants and other types of poisons, Fox has developed some resistance to poisons. Toxic plants that might cause a light headache or something has no effect on Fox. However, more potent poisons do still work on Fox. His resistance may delay and possibility reduce the effects but any serious poison will take effect and very strong ones that lead to death will still work fine on Fox although it might take a bit longer - 3

Low Light Vision – Thanks to his enchanted vision, Fox can see fairly well in low light conditions. However, if there is no light, he still can't see. - PL 2 - Similar to Kamile's Eagle Eyes(Enhanced vision-range and low-light vision, combo ability given PL - 4.)

sensory overload (reduced by 1)

2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 5 - 1= 14/5 = 2.8
2.8 < 4

04-17-14, 09:41 AM

Monawyn Eingeluz

Level 2
- Foresight: “Have You Seen What I Have Seen” ~ She can foresee the future! In a given situation she is able to scan through time with her crown and see any futuristic event one asks for. She cannot see her own future, only others’ and upon their request.

Level 3
- Winds of Rage: “Justice Shall be Swift Upon You” ~ She can cause a blast of wind, strong enough to knock someone with normal endurance off their feet, to accrue in any current physical plain using her staff. She can do this three times per thread.

- Light of the Eingelic Castle: “Only the Most Worthy Can Enter My Home” She summons the Eingelic light of hope directly from the Eingeluz flower garden into her sword. This is a judgmental ability. If the person she shines it on is true, trustworthy, good hearted, kind, and patient, the light will bring the person senses of confidence, freedom and hope. If the person is evil, deceptive, evil/ cold hearted, oppressive, and blood thirsty, the light will blind them, giving them a taste of the true darkness they have committed loyalty to. The effects for either outcome last for three posts. She must have bother her Sword and Staff in her hands to use this ability!! One use per thread.

04-22-14, 12:12 PM
Voryan: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27337-Knightscape)

Endurance ×2. Due to his training, he can take far more of a beating than an average man. In a fight, he weathers blows and can hold out for twice as long, and he can run for twenty minutes without stopping.

Strength ×2: From his heavy armor and weapon, his body has become much stronger. He is easily able to lift 250 pounds, and with some effort, 300.

Both - PL 3


3 + 3/2 = 3

1 slot traded for .25 APL.

3 < 3.25


04-24-14, 12:23 PM
BaBE(Maddy level 7, redux): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27327-Madison-Freebird-the-Briarheart)

This is done at Andy's behest. I've rated everything using Amber's old work-up for Andy level 7 and my own discretion. Dirks, let me know if anything needs changing.

Poisonous breath: Five times a day/battle, Madison is able to inhale sharply and mix the oxygen in her lungs with a poisonous substance that infects the victim with intense, debilitating headaches, blurred vision, greatly dulled senses, and halved speed, power, endurance and agility. The symptoms of infection take roughly two minutes (or the length of a post) to settle in. Infection can only occur if the gas is inhaled or makes contact with open eyes or exposed wounds. She can exhale a focused jet of poison that can travel ten feet in the direction she exhales, or a cloud three feet in diameter that only travels five feet in the direction its exhaled in. The cloud will linger in the air for half a minute or the length of a post before dissipating. If the victim is not treated within four days, the infection will kill them. - PL 9 (8 in Amber's work-up, but Andy added lethal effect to it, so I upped it.)

Poisonous touch: Five times a day, Madison is able to naturally produce and secrete a vile, purple liquid that’s essentially her poison breath in a liquid state (but more of a purplish, oily ooze than a straight liquid). The liquid form of her poison has the same effect as the gaseous form. - PL 8 (same as above, with range restriction[point blank].)

Acidic touch: This ability can be used twice a day/battle. Through her skin, Madison is able to excrete a thin layer of a clear acidic liquid that she herself is immune to the effects of. On other organ matter, however, it begins burning and rotting away flesh, muscle, and plant matter in a matter of seconds. The pain a victim feels severe. Contact with a victim's skin will first cause blisters and reddened skin, but in a matter of minutes (or over the length of two posts), the victim's skin will start being rotted away bit by bit. The damage will only spread to within two inches from where full contact was made by Madison. PL 8 (No change from Amber's work-up.)

Acid cloud: Once per day, Madison is able to store up enough acid to create an acidic burst that surrounds her in a small, misty cloud of acid droplets that has an effective diameter of two feet. She's immune to her own acid; but anyone else caught in the cloud will find that the acid droplets severely burn any open skin it comes into contact with. - PL 7 (similar to above, minus rotting and with very small range.)

Hands of the Puppeteer: Through fungal pods that can be extended from and retracted into the palms of her hands, Madison is able to shoot out three bursts of spores (per day) that contain a special strain of cordyceps fungus named Nemo’s Marionette. The bursts fire simultaneously from both hands in little blue clouds that travel three feet in whatever directions her hands are pointed. When the spores are inhaled or ingested by their new host, they undergo several hours of torturous pain as the fungus begins to take control of their physical form. The process is complete when small stalks with a blue base and oily purple tips start bursting through the skin of the host, usually in and around the neck area, as if they formed a crude collar. Once the fungus is in full control, the host can operate well beyond its normal capabilities (1.5x strength, speed, endurance and agility). However, this bump in ability comes at a cost; the host body will cease to function after several weeks, once the fungus has completed its life cycle and is able to release its spores, the host will drop dead. Due to the biological means of production, Madison is able to give direct orders through telepathy and vocal commands to all infected hosts or single creatures within a one-mile radius. The Nemo’s Marionette that Madison can naturally produce is only able to infect insects, beasts, and lesser kinds of monstrosities such as Fallien harpies, trolls, goblins and ogres at this point in time. - PL 10

The Briarheart: Over the course of events that she cannot recall for the life of her, her human heart was replaced with a symbiotic, plantlike entity known as a Briarheart. It is the source of her newfound plant-based powers; and as such, it acts very much like a human heart. If it is pierced, torn from her, or otherwise destroyed—it will kill her. On the bright side, however, exposure to sunlight will augment Madison’s speed, strength, agility, and endurance; boosting them by anywhere between ten and fifty percent of her standard capabilities, depending on how much exposure to solar energy she has. - PL 10+ (I am going to force Andy to nerf this one, simply because it's ridiculously powerful. A possible 50% increase to any stat[let's take his level 6 endurance] could result in extremely strong[[level 9-10]] abilities. I'm going to ask it to be toned down to 20% increase on all stats at most, and rate this at a 10 once nerfed.)

Vines: Madison has discovered that she is able to sprout up to four different vines from anywhere on her body simultaneously, which can be commanded to fly through the air, grab onto things, pull her towards objects and vice versa, and tie up potential victims. The vines are roughly half an inch thick, and have the defensive strength of delyn. They can travel through the air and react to her thoughts with incredible speed, easily outmaneuvering humans with higher than average speed and agility. Each vine can stretch up to 20 feet, and can be retracted at will. - PL 5 (Very similar to Talen's 'Cry', with less tentacles and less strength/power, roughly same vine length.)

Poison/disease resistances: As she is becoming herself a plaguelord, Madison is highly resistant to even the most dangerous diseases and poisons—and outright immune to lesser varieties. - PL 9 (100% resistance to weak poisons, highly resistant[let's say 75%] to even the most dangerous diseases and poisons.

One tough bitch: Due to a rather extreme endurance regimen and her own stubbornness, Madison can take and shrug off most hand-to-hand blows and strikes from blunt weaponry and still get up to fight back. Several bones need to be broken before she even considers staying down. Also, she can resist half of a magic spell's effects; such as burns from fireballs, voltage endured from a lightning attack, or damage her mind sustains from a telepathic invasion. - Combo Ability:
Endurance = 6x - PL 7
Magic Resistance = 50% - PL 10+ (Amber originally had this at 7, but seriously? 7?! Andy has resistances to apparently EVERY type of magical attack, no matter what element? Yeah right, 100% resistance to ANY specific element is a level 7 alone in the PL guide. Needs nerfing and clarification, will come back to this.)

Maneuverability: Madison is able to run at about 20 mph for several minutes without breaking a sweat, and uses that ability on the battlefield to run circles around her slower opponents. Also, thanks to her extensive hand-to-hand training, she is agile to the point where she's able to duck, dodge, deflect and counter most close-range physical attacks from adversaries even slightly faster than her. - Combo Ability =
Speed - PL 5
Agility - PL 5



The Briarheart: Over the course of events that she cannot recall for the life of her, her human heart was replaced with a symbiotic, plantlike entity known as a Briarheart. It is the source of her newfound plant-based powers; and as such, it acts very much like a human heart. If it is pierced, torn from her, or otherwise destroyed—it will kill her. On the bright side, however, exposure to sunlight will augment Madison’s speed, strength, agility, and endurance; boosting them by anywhere between ten and twenty percent of her standard capabilities, depending on how much exposure to solar energy she has. One downside of having the Briarheart is she is now slightly more susceptible to fire--it won't make quick work of her, but it will burn her plant-based skin faster than it would normal human flesh. - (Slight fire weakness added, buffs reduced to 20% maximum. I really want to watch this ability, as it has enormous potential to be overpowered. I'm letting it go at a 10 for now.) ---- Edited: PL 10

One tough bitch: Due to a rather extreme endurance regimen and her own stubbornness, Madison can take and shrug off most hand-to-hand blows and strikes from blunt weaponry and still get up to fight back. Several bones need to be broken before she even considers staying down. Also, her stubbornness has granted her additional defenses against psionic intrusions and attacks; any sort of spell, potion, rite, or possession that directly affects her mind (say, in an effort to destroy her sanity, browse for secrets, or control her thoughts and movements) is half as likely to succeed. - (Resistances edited to only Psionic[mental magic] resistance) -

PL 7 for Endurance
PL 6 for 50% resistance to Psionic attacks.


5 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 8 + 9 + 9 + 10 + 10 - 1(fire weakness) = 88/12 = 7.33

2 extra slots traded in for .25 APL each.

7.33 < 8


04-26-14, 01:26 AM
Mid-level update


Level 2:

Visions: Whenever she falls asleep, she might receive visions of something from the future. But she can't see anything, only hear it, and this effect is only brief.

Level 3:

Telepathy: She can look into someone's mind and read their thoughts; but only when they're close to her, and she can only use this ability for twenty seconds. Strong willed people can resist telepathy entirely.

Agility (Twice as good as a normal human's. She can maneuver her body better, bend tighter without straining her muscles, and fit into tight squeezes.)

04-26-14, 10:53 AM
Green Gwendolyn: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27335-Green-Gwendolyn)

- 2xs arm strength (she can lift heavy rocks (two times the normal weight a person can lift with ease) and when she uses her bow and arrow she can shoot twice as far as an expert can shoot with a normal bow) - PL 3
- 2xs eyesight (Her eyes are in incredible condition and she can shoot two times more further away with her bow and arrow) - PL 2
- Spiral Arrow of Destruction: Gwendolyn shoots an arrow that "spirals" when it is shot. Whenever the arrow hits a target, it drills into it. The damage is strong enough to drill a small hole through iron, dent steel, and drill a good sized hole (about half way) through a small tree. This can be used three times per thread. - PL 4 (similar to Siegfried's Megillion's Hum: (air magic).)


2 + 3 + 4 =9/3 = 3

3 = 3


04-27-14, 04:23 AM

Alexander Morningstar

Level 3: (limited due to undead only)
-Flames of Judgement: At will, Alexander can call upon the Grey God to empower his longsword. It blazes with a fiercely radiant white flame and is especially effective against demons and the undead (about 1.5x the damage his blows would normally do, and disregards resistance to slashing/stabbing weapons). The flames last until he wills them extinguished.

-Voice of God: Once per day, Alexander can use his divine power to enhance his communicative abilities. When he speaks, his voice reasonates with celestial authority. He can use this to persuade, intimidate, or inspire. Those with strong convictions or resistance to mind altering effects can shrug this off.

-Celestial Light: Three times per day, Alexander can lay his hands on a person (including himself), speak a prayer, and heal minor injuries. He can also use this to cure minor diseases or stabilize moderate wounds.

04-28-14, 08:36 AM

Ral Zaren- Apprentice Artificer

Three times three

Rhabdomancy-The ability to locate metal through a means of Dowsing using a sample of the metal that is being sought, Alloys cannot be used to find the base metals that make them up, but they can find others of the same type regardless of the formula used to make it (essentially not all alloys are made the same, brass used to make a speartip have the same mixture as brass used to make a lantern, but to a Rhabdomancer, it doesn't matter unless you are specifically looking for the exact same type of brass, it's a mental filter.)

Ferrokenisis- Ral can project a force on metal up to three feet in front of him, with an impact of 40kg. Limits of three times a day.

Enchanter(novice)- As a novice enchanter Ral can create up to 2 minor, temporary enchantments during battle, and if he applies himself and focuses, he can create permanent enchantments.

04-28-14, 05:53 PM

The Pig-Father

Three times weak NPCs. All much weaker than a normal pperson. 3x3.

As detailed in his history, Leaf is the adoptive father of three unusual pigs. They are originally boars, but stopped growing when they were just three months, meaning they are about the size of terriers. This seems to be some magical fault, as the pigs themselves also have high-intelligence and very sensitive smell. They each are able to relate to him and each other telepathically, though not in words - rather images, sounds, tastes or scents.*

Cookie:*Cookie is ginger, and quick to respond to any of Leaf's requests. Definitely the leader he is the eldest and tends to favour a stamp-on-a-toe attack. He has great alertness also, and the keenest eyesight, perhaps 2x that of any other pig or human.*

Thor:*His skills are in his vicious bite with his large teeth and his size. With the more muscle and a tendency to eat the most he favours eating the truffles as soon as the pigs find them. He is the quickest to pick a fight, and can be stubborn at times. He is coloured like a baby boar; light brown with dark brown stripes down his back.*

Popsy:*The girl of the group she has the most sensitive nose. She also has remarkable attentive hearing (both at 2x that of a normal human) and is easily the best at finding the truffles. Her appearence is white with black splotches.

05-04-14, 09:10 AM

Mordelain Saythrou

Level 3 (so low leveled) x2

Mawt: A belt with studs to mount il’Jhain tokens. It is enchanted to give an innate sense of knowing where north is. Two tokens currently give X0.25 boosts to hearing and sight.

Level 7

Abilities: Mordelain possess the eider, a connection to the Kalithrism that allows the Tama to walk between worlds. Plane walking inflicts a sudden sensation of falling, followed by momentary euphoria. There is no portal, just a sudden absence. The magic of the Kalithrism places stringent conditions on its passengers, as detailed below:

Long Jump: Mordelain must walk via an intermediary. Even if gone from one world for a second, the journey may take hours. A geographical link is normally required to jump to another plane.

Blind Jump: Thrice per thread, Mordelain can walk without an intermediary if in imminent danger. She has limited control over her destination, and it does not trigger if unconscious.

Solo Jump: Mordelain cannot plane walk another unless they have an understanding of who, and what she is. She cannot plane walk others unless they in turn give full consent.

Level 5

Physical Conditioning: Mordelain's endurance is X2. Her reaction times and awareness give a dexterity modifier of X2, and prolonged exposure to the desert of Fallien has given her an X6 stamina modifier in desert climates.

05-04-14, 09:51 PM
Speed: excelled speed when running, to the speed of a deer bounding away from predators, based on an African springbok - short bursts of up to 50km/h and leaping up to 4 m through the air in a single curve (31mph and 13 feet respectively) - PL 4

Nature: Close connection to nature, able to “listen” to trees and the earth due to faun-ness. Essentially linking with her tracking skills, but requires minor earth magic to hear a tree’s lifespan and heartbeat, or sense where an animal might be within a five mile radius. As long as she is in an earthy area and not on water. - PL 3

Scent: A very sharp sense of smell - even blood and at times fear - PL 2

Requested; Minor Earth Magic: Due to her closeness to nature, Philomel has been "awakened" as somewhat. She has learnt the ability to create small dust clouds - perhaps a foot maximum height. These are used mainly as distractions to get out of difficult situations, or for throwing dust in an enemy's face. If approved I will bring this magic about in a thread, along with her telepathic link to Veridian. (see below under familiar) - PL 2

2 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 11/4 = 2.75

Don't feel like writing the rest of the numbers out. APL Less than 3 blah blah

Edit: Just saw she also wanted her familiar as an ability for battle, with two attacks. Awaiting clarifications

Edit2: Familiar: Veridian - a fox formed earth-spirit. Can be used in combat - his weapons include (and are limited to) a single bite per post about as damaging as a terrier-sized dog's, and using his claws for scratching that are equivolent to a cat's. - PL 3

2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 14/5 = 2.8


2.8 < 4


05-05-14, 12:51 PM
Philomel(Level 3)[Right after two, above ^^]: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27380-Three-a-minute-after-Two)

Literally almost no change here, look above for APL. No changes in ability levels or anything, so the APL is the same.

2.8 APL at level 3.


05-11-14, 07:18 AM

Level Four:

- Dark Telekinesis (Class One): She can control any of her own weapons freely from up to thirty yards away. She cannot use this on any other objects outside her chains, scythe/ bow, and sword. She can only use it three times, three posts.

Level 3:

- Strength: She has the strength to lift up a heavy rock and handle all her weapons with ease. She can lift up to two hundred pounds.

Level 2
(prior version included a drain effect, as it is now it is more of an intimidation thing. Given a normal person can be intimidating I'm putting it down as within the range of a normal person.)

- I am Fear (Passive): Anybody who surrounds her feels dread and even fear to those without will power from up to ten feet away. The closed to her the more the effects of this power accelerates.

05-17-14, 10:11 AM
Alyssa Dianne Snow: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27428-Alyssa-Dianne-Snow-Althanas-s-One-and-Only-Mage-Gunner)

Alyssa is exceptionally nimble. She is capable of manipulating her body beyond the limit of the average Althanian woman. She can do several aerial flips and spins. On the ground, she can roll, dodge, backflip, and cartwheel repeatedly with precision. She has focused on training her flexibility as well, allowing herself unusual angles with her firearms and confusing maneuvers with her garrote wire. This training also includes the ability to maximize her muscle twitch response and gain an additional height to her jumping ability. (7’ High Jump, 30” Long Jump) - PL 3

Alyssa is a freak. During her conception in a lab, her spine was fused with a rare magical artifact. Its original properties and functions are unknown, but the experiment to fuse a living person with the artifact was a success. The result is a human being capable of acting as an energy conduit with the natural world. This allows the girl to “pull” energy from her surroundings and “store” them into specially constructed catalysts to which can be “fired” from prototype weapons known as M-class Firearms. Currently, she is unable to pull this energy for immediate use in combat as a normal mage might use spells. Luckily, the process of charging one of these specialized catalysts is dependent upon desired effect, strength and element:

Water/Ice School: PL 3

Alyssa can channel energy from nearby sources of water or vapor in the air. The time needed to charge one of her revolver shells is two (2) seconds per shell while drawing from a nearby body of water or five (5) seconds per shell if drawing from humid air. In a place like the deserts of Fallien or near incredible sources of heat, the time can extend all the way up to thirty seconds (30) per shell or not at all. It is possible for her to directly convert five milliliters (5ml) of water into pure energy in the same timeframe needed near a lake (see above).

.357-M (Revolver):
When fired, the chamber focuses the energy into a bolt of ice approximately 0.357” in diameter and 5” long. The icicle is as strong as traditional ice and the velocity of the spell is equivalent to that of a short bow (280 f/s). The maximum effective range is approximately 60 yards.

Wind School: PL 3

Alyssa can charge a round with the energy inherent in the wind. This is her fall-back whenever previously stored spells go awry because of its accessibility and rapid charge speed. For a revolver shell, she can charge it in less than a second. In a dust storm, thick smoke, or fog, this time increases to 2 seconds per round. The only time this becomes a problem is in areas that are sealed off from open air such as a collapsed cave or air pockets under water. In those circumstances, she cannot charge her rounds without penalty. Doing so would create a vacuum or slight pressure differential that would cause internal bleeding, suffocation, headaches, and heart failure.

.357-M (Revolver):
When fired, the chamber focuses the energy into a concussive blast of air. This is equivalent to a strong punch from an average man. The maximum effective range is two feet (2’) after which the blast of air is too dissipated to do any meaningful damage. This is designed to work in tandem with her martial arts to extend her maximum threat range.

3 + 3 + 3 = 9/3 = 3


Tobias Stalt
05-21-14, 03:03 PM
Cellar Door (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27462-Cellar-Door-Part-2&p=229650#post229650)

Approved with no abilities.

Max Dirks
05-21-14, 03:18 PM
Cellar had abilities on a previous profile, so you're required to check to see if she intentionally meant to get rid of them or not.

Please do not approve a profile without proper training again, regardless of who asks you.

Tobias Stalt
05-21-14, 04:03 PM
Got it.

05-21-14, 05:26 PM
Knifer: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27440-The-Knifer)

Tough as Nails. Nijur has lived his entire life by the skin of his teeth, fighting tooth and nail for every inch. Nijur can shrug off most light wounds (shallow cuts, bruises, scrapes, etc.) with no adverse affects. If the wounds are bleeding, he can still bleed out if not treated properly. - PL 3

Mixed Blood. Nijur is not human; not entirely. He is much faster than humans. Combined with his experience as a fighter, he is more likely to dodge or block attacks, and can, consequently, attack and counterattack more quickly & potently. (2x human speed.) - PL 3

Blood High. The sight of blood elicits a curious and deadly reaction from Nijur. Whether his own or that of an enemy, when blood is freshly drawn before his eyes, Nijur enters a state of mania which adds force to his blows. This state lasts through the battle at hand and can only be activated once per battle. (temporary 2x human strength.) - PL 3

3 + 3 + 3 = 9/3 = 3

3 APL at level 1.


05-21-14, 06:03 PM
Pinions of Daedalion:

Engineer: Sigrun's mindset is that of a arcanotech engineer, her focus ranging across crafted and summoned golems (but not puppeted golems or those rare golems formed and given sentience by acts of nature). Crafted golems require her to forge a mechanical host for them beforehand, to provide a power source that does not continuously sap her limited mental reserves, and to learn the rituals and runes necessary to bind magic to their automaton bodies and to kick-start the pseudo-life. Summoned golems are short-lived constructs completely enslaved to her will, unreliable and incapable of independent action and unable to survive on their own. Combined, this means that she requires proficiency in both magecraft and smithing, developing her own brand of arcanotech by using highly-specialised arcane abilities to supplement her artificing skills. Central to developing her talents is her understanding of the curious artefacts known as mana gems, adopted in rare examples of elven archeotech to power arcane automatons such as skyships, but not fully understood or exploited and prone to backfiring spectacularly when misused. ~ Rite of Mana Syphoning: An hour-long ritual that recharges a mana gem by syphoning excess arcane energies from the surrounding vicinity. Given Sigrun's poor ability as a mage, she can currently only do this in specific locations: either at a wellspring or an equivalently powerful confluence of leylines, or somewhere that soul energy has recently been released due to loss of life. For example syphoning the energies released by the death of one human in his/her prime recharges one depleted mana gem to full, allowing a week of continuous operation for a large golem such as Obahyurur. Sigrun would need to exterminate an entire city worth of rats to harvest the equivalent amount of energy from such small, short-lived, non-sentient beasts. - PL 2 (Way to power her constructs, long cast time, not very useful. Pretty unique, so catalog this in case a similar ability pops up.)

Alchemist: As an alchemist, Sigrun has knowledge of various chemical elements and processes that a laydwarf would not understand. Her experience in such matters tends to the destructive, including the concoction of corrosive acids, smoke bombs, flash bang flasks, and gunpowder. Her skill in the arcane arts, on the other hand, comes from her constant exposure to charged mana gems, and seems to have developed as an extension of her dwarven affinity to earth, stone, and metal rather than any innate talent. For example, she cannot even begin to match the tides of destruction that can be unleashed by a greybeard runekeeper with a properly inscribed anvil. In particular, she has only one useful combat spell, and the main use of her arcane talents are in self-designed shoestring rituals. She is, however, adept at using mere alchemy to augment what arcane powers she does possess, and to the untrained eye can end up seeming a lot more powerful than she really is.

Rite of Replenishment: An hour-long ritual that extracts a particular element or mineral from the surrounding earth. Requires a sample of the element / mineral to be extracted, and the returns are determined based on how abundant the resource is in the vicinity. For example, attempting to replenish iron in an abandoned mine would likely triple the original sample, but attempting to do so on an open beach might result in only a slight overall yield. - PL 2(Good for crafting, not much else.)

Daidala Rune: Tracing the forbidden Daidala Rune allows Sigrun to manipulate up to a cubic metre volume of earth, sand, snow, or dirt for up to five minutes, once a day (period of continuous rest). All she can currently do with this is to meld the ground into daidala golems, vaguely humanoid with long neck but stubby limbs. She can choose to create one golem about the size of a man, two golems each the size of a dwarf, or three small golems each the size of a small dog. The golems thus created are mindless slaves, and she has to control their every movement (unlike her constructs, which are capable of limited independent thought), which severely limits their use especially in combat. Even when fully under Sigrun's control, they can do little more than ungainly grappling of their foe, and even the largest possible golem cannot match an average human in strength (although they are impressively scary, 'strewth!). They are also extremely easy to destroy, although capable of limited regeneration as long as they remain in range of the Daidala Rune. The further away from Sigrun, the worse her control becomes, and the effective range of the rune is no more than a couple of metres in radius.
- PL 6(Heavy limitations, not very effective, unable to act without command. Giving this a 6 as it is lower than baseline for normal familiars or summons. Note: Watch this at later levels for overpowering.)

2 + 2 + 6 = 10/3 = 3.33

I'm going to let this slide. It's Flames, and we all know he won't abuse it. However, at later levels, if he is still too powerful he will be asked to nerf his abilities.


05-22-14, 11:08 AM
Quentin Boone(Level 2): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27476-Quentin-Boone-Level-Two)

Hard as Nails: Living a life of bare survival, fighting for years and dealing with the punishment of prison guards, Quentin is a hardy fella and can withstand a lot more damage than the average human. Continued fights in the Citadel and involving himself in the Eiskalt War has even further bolstered his tough disposition and now he can take up to ten more normal hits from someone the same level as himself or lower. The number of hits reduces by one for each level above Quentin's own. - PL 6 (Basically x4 Endurance.)

Salvar Native: Used to the harsh environment of Salvar, Quentin is accustomed to cold and can endure low temperatures with little effect. This translates to minor protection against cold attacks. - PL 3

Street Smarts: General life on the streets and being chased for years has gifted Quentin with a sixth sense of sorts; he can generally tell if he's being followed by anyone but those with stealth training and can read the streets to see if there's any signs of trouble, such as a fight about to break out. - PL 2

A Reader of People: Experience within the Citadel and elsewhere, enhanced by the effects of his glass eye, means that Quentin can read an opponent and estimate their movements. As such, he is able to gain a tactical advantage by successfully evading one in eight attacks to place him in a position where he can counter-attack. - PL 5


1 slot traded for .25 APL.

2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14/4 = 3.5

3.5 < 4.25


05-24-14, 07:51 AM

3 : 5 : 7

7, 3, 4, 4, 3 = 4.2 (even without the empty spots included)

Level 7 - Water Magic School.

I've confirmed that the 'rain dance' ability isn't a summon per se, more like an automated defence. I can simplify it down to 'create water', 'shoot water at people', 'defend with water' and 'make it rain'. If it was more powerful it might warrant spitting more.

Water magic:
Aurora Awakened - Aurora, the spirit of water, has chosen Sorish as one of her hosts. She has recent awakened and because of this Sorish no longer needs to chant in order to use his magic. He just has to think of the spell and it happens.

Water Bubble - A 3 cubic meter bubble of water appears for 2 minute and can be used twice per hour. It can be moved around but is not really usable as a weapon.

Water Gun - When used in water makes a strong current but when used on land requires Water Bubble and shoots it out at the enemy inflicting Moderate damage, about as much as a really strong punch. He can sustain it for 15 seconds, and can use it 4 times per hour.

Breathing Bubbles - 2 Bubbles that he places around his gills when he leaves the water, sustainable till he enters water. No attack or defense Stat Change. Just makes him able to breath.

Rain Dance - Requires Water Bubble. When used the Water bubble changes into a creature which dances around Sorish protecting him from fire and small projectiles for 3 seconds. After this time it returns to being a bubble and it begins to rain in 1/2 mile radius. Rain lasts for an hour. Creature does not have a brain.

Level 3 (Dirks gave the same ability a 2 previously, but I'm lifting it up)

Gills - For breathing under water

Level 4 - an interesting take on healing abilities. Effectivness is lower than the standard 'heals cuts and scraps instantly'.

Coral Regeneration- While wet Sorish heals at 1 mm every ten seconds via Coral Regeneration lasts as long as he is wet. While dry it takes about the same amount of times it would any normal human. While active, ability absorbs water at 2x normal rate drying him five seconds after water source stops.

Level 4 - Minor water resistance

Sea Creature - Due to being born and raised in the water, Sorish isn't as easily affected by it. The only way water affects him is if there is a really strong current in the water. However, the flip side is that he is slower on land due to his slime hardening constantly.


Coldblooded - Coralians are cold blooded so they are extremely slow in the cold, however, they will not hibernate.

Level 3 (if I must put a number on it :p)

No Groin Shot - Coralians do not reproduce from the groin so they not sensitive in the groin area

05-26-14, 04:57 PM
Green Gwendolyn(Mid-level): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27498-The-Woodland-Huntress-(Gwen-Mid-Level-Update))

Only adding items bought in Bazaar and adding skills learned in quests and history. No change in abilities.


05-29-14, 10:10 PM
A Monster in Chains. (Tobias Level 3): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27523-A-Monster-in-Chains-(Tobias-Stalt-Level-3))

Commanding Presence: Such is Tobias' confidence and ability to lead that those around him feel compelled to follow him. He can issue a command that forces a weaker target to obey, and a target of equal strength must concentrate to resist. He can issue such a command to an entire group (no more than five), if he desires. (3× per thread) - PL 5

Hellforged: His tenacity and willpower have bled into his very being through his trials and tribulations. As a result, blows that would normally knock over or throw a normal human backward merely cause him to stumble. His pain threshold is immense. (Endurance ×4) - PL 6

Bane: Tobias' very being is anathema to the Eternal Tap. Magical attacks (example: fireballs, ice) still harm him, but magical effects do not. For example, magical enhancement, magically based healing, or mystical attempts on his mind are useless. He cannot travel through magical means, nor can he use magical devices. He is able to wield enchanted weapons, but he reaps no benefit from any effect that would benefit him. - PL 3(This has its pros and cons. I'm giving it a 3 due to the fact he can still be harmed by magical attacks; it means he's not pulling some "Anti-Magic" defense bullshit.)

Agility: He is quick, due to his combat training. (Speed x2) - PL 4

5 + 6 + 3 + 4 = 18/4 = 4.5

4.5 < 5


05-29-14, 10:59 PM
Mid-Level Update(Lye): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27492-Mid-Level-Lye-Ulroke-Chapter-5-The-Order-of-The-Crimson-Hands)

Items added. No abilities changed.


05-30-14, 01:36 AM
James Marx (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27527-James-Marx)

No equipment
No abilities

Discussed the possibility of 2x INT but based on usage in writing or combat, it was categorized as a skill - just like swordsmanship, smithing knowledge, calculus, etc


05-30-14, 04:36 PM
Lucius Level 2: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27528-Lucius-Landed-(Lucius-Level-Two)) (level 1 Letho-approved, PL's assigned at my discretion using references to other abilities.)

A.R.I.A: The Aria is a system of cybernetic implants, technological devices, and holographic interface panels that augment an Administrate operative. Its name comes from Active Reality Inversion Audio. - PL 2

Uplink: Duffy can connect to computer networks and devices over great distances, this allows him to access information, transmit and download data. He can act as a bridge between sources in places otherwise out of range of conventional methods. - PL 2

Hack: Using advanced encryption disruption, Duffy can visually traverse firewalls and other security, to gain access to, and control electronic devices. This is a synaptic ability, which can harm him if it fails. He cannot hack systems with organic parts. - PL 2

Augment: Twice per thread, Duffy can augment his physical abilities using the charged batteries in his limbs. This gives him either X2 agility, or X2 strength, for the duration of 3 posts, or ten minutes (whichever is greater). - PL 5

Project: Using a force field generator Duffy can form armour. This appears as floating, holographic plating, which fluctuates with movement. It can deflect several energy weapon shots before being disabled and several normal strength physical blows. - PL 6

2 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 6 = 17/5 = 3.4

3.5 < 4


05-31-14, 12:58 PM
Zack Blaze level 7: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27534-Round-7-DIVE-A-KEEK!)

Mime Expert – Zack has become a master at the art of miming. So good in fact, that NPCs occasionally get psyched out by his invisible illusions. It should be noted that this counts as an ability, I didn’t want to make it seem like I’m trying to hide abilities - PL 3

High Voltage – Zack’s hands surge with electricity (about the same strength as your average tazer), and anything he touches within ten seconds gets shocked. Due to the time constraints, Zack needs to be close range to use this technique. - PL 4

Makai Summon – Zack has obtained the help of the ogre Makai. Once per thread, Zack can summon the beast to jump in and take a blow for his master. Zack has deciphered more of Makai's spellbook now, and is now able to summon the ogre to both attack for Zack, and defend the boy once per thread each. - PL 6(Not = to level one character, but can now attack and defend once.)

Style 108 Heat Up – Zack can create flames with his fists, and then ‘moves’ the flame to a solid surface. He can also snap his fingers just to create a ‘spark’ that will grow into a fire if placed on a flammable surface. Learned during the Adventurer’s Crown. - PL 1

Scene-Stealing Uppercut – Zack crouches to the ground, and launches an uppercut so powerful it literally changes the setting of the environment. The uppercut itself has normal power to it, but if it connects, it (typically) launches Zack’s opponent into the air. Zack learned this move during the LCC. - PL 7

Gravity Crush – Zack charges his opponent, diving past them and planting a single hit on their person with what he has deemed ‘The Gravity Blow’. Once Zack is a safe distance, he clutches the fist he used for ‘The Gravity Blow’ and whatever part of the body he landed the hit on suddenly constricts as tight as it possibly can. The force would be much like an anaconda instantaneously wrapping itself around the area. If Zack uses the hand that delivered the Gravity Blow for anything else, he loses the ability to Gravity Crush. Can only be used three times a day. - PL 10

Jogging Practice – Zack takes to the air and delivers a dive kick upon his opponent. If this connects, he then attempts to literally run in place all over their face until they hit the ground. This move comes out quick after the initial hit is performed, so it becomes tricky to dodge any time afterwards. - PL 3

Mist - Zack spits a green gaseous cloud from his mouth that causes temporary blindness to anybody it makes contact with. At a range of three feet, it can also cause minor nausea in the foe. This technique bypasses certain defense spells, and is based on what Zack has consumed during the day. Because of this, there is no single antidote for this attack, unless said antidote was made in the same thread, and Zack has not eaten/drank anything else since the last antidote was created. Blindness goes aay after a minute and a half. - PL 4(Similar to Madison Briarheart's Poison Spray, with far less range and less severe effects.)

Dynamic Entrance - Zack jumps in the air and delivers a very brutal jump kick to the foe. This kick has the force of a Clydesdale back kick, so it can easily knock someone out if used correctly. - PL 5

Giving Space - Another kick, but this one while Zack is on the ground. While this is a strong blow in its own right, if Zack's opponent is in the air at all when delivered, it poseses increased power (Once again, Clydesdale back kick) as well as launched his foe thirty or more feet away from the boy. Great for creating some distance. - PL 8

Ultra Taunt - Post-battle, Zack can talk trash on his opponent so bad, that at the start of their next fight, they suffer a 20% decrease in all stats. A strong man's punch becomes weaker, a speedster slows down a little more, and a turtle finds they can't take as many hits. Only applies on the following battle Zack has with a character. - PL 6

Heart Breaker - Zack dashes through his opponent to deliver an elbow to the chest, runs through him from behind while sending another one into the back. He does this process three times and the more elbows that connect, the higher the foe's heart rate goes. If all six blows connect, there's a 40% chance Zack's opponent will go into cardiac arrest from heart damage. Insanely Powerful but requires a wicked setup to be able to hit all 6 blows. - PL 9(Due to limitation. Almost a 10.)

Protection of the Forest - As long as Zack is around leaves, he can use the things to create a temporary barrier that can save the boy from a a wound. Gaseous attacks bypass Protection of the Forest, as do fire attacks. While using this technique, the leaves are the equivalent to steel. So anything that can penetrate steel can bypass this attack. - PL 8(Due to the fact that where this is one leaf, there are fucking tons.)

Looking Good: Zack channels the element of Light to give off a glow that comes out so bright and so quick, it not only will blind his opponent, but can also stop them mid-attack. As long as his opponent is looking at Zack, this technique has the potential to work and therefore is completely negated if the attacker in question is already blind, or just not looking at Zack Blaze. - PL 4

Zack also has gained 6 x Endurance. He could take several hits from a pillowcase full of cinder blocks before his body finally gives out. - PL 7

3 + 4 + 6 + 1 + 7 + 10 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 8 + 6 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 4 = 85/15 = 5.66

5.66 < 7.5

.25 APL traded for extra ability slot.


06-03-14, 05:51 PM

Three level 3

Captain's Howl - Once every battle, Vernax can bellow out a deep howl that causes his enemies to be instilled with fear.
Strength - His strength is*2x*that of a normal human. He can lift up to*400lbs*dead lift
Resistance - Vernax's ability to resist pain and torture is*2x*that of a normal human

06-09-14, 02:12 AM

Three Level 3s

Telekinesis- As it stands Rose is capable of lifting a max of 100 pounds at one time, either a combination of ten items that weigh 10 pounds each or one item weighing 100 pounds. The number of items is restricted only by the amount of weight he can lift at once. Rose can only preform basic tasks with his lifted items such as throwing or pulling them, and is able to use this for an undefined duration. She can use anything she had effected with this ability for the duration of one post, and if she uses it for longer it will count as a second combat use. (This can be used up to 4 times per thread. Outside of combat there is no limit to the length of use.)

Telepathy- Rose Can enter other people's thoughts to communicate with them and read their thoughts. To an ally this is effortless, but to an enemy this is slightly tasking as if they notice his presence can push back. (Must be a telepath/ or have a specific ability to notice her.)

Dreaming Awake- Rose reads a lot, many times the characters from her stores, or events that had taken place imprint such vivid images in her head. Once a day Rose is able to bring items or events into the physical world with only her advanced mind. She can bring anything that fits within an area of twenty feet around her.(This is only an illusion, able to fool all senses but touch.)

06-10-14, 11:32 AM
Getting Stronger Every Day(Ashla Level 4): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27579-Getting-Stronger-Every-Day-(Ashla-Icebreaker-Level-FOUR!))

Ashla also inherited the elvish trait of fitness and is now five times more agile than the average human meaning she can bend a lot without breaking a bone or misplacing a mucsle, she can fit through rather tight places, and she is very good at acrobatics. - PL 5

Frost Armor: Ashla covers herself in a thick sheet of ice which can protect her from five average attacks or two really strong attacks and one average attack. Also, by weakening an area in the armor, depending on the environment, she can form up to two ice sickles that can spear a close by enemy while still in her frost armor. The longest ice sickle can reach out to the length of a large dirk. - PL 6

Particle Restriction: She touches any average sized object and either numbs or freezes them other with a thin sheet of ice. The numbing is similar to that in a strong snow storm in low degrees in which your hands may feel so cold it feels hot. The ice limits body movement. This goes for when she touches a part of a person's body like an entire arm. - PL 6

Crystalline Spear: A spear made of ice forms in Ashla’s hand(s) that has the strength of damascus; she then throws it at any target. It afflicts the damage of any other spear with the usual numbness of ice cold temperatures as well. Right after the target is hit or missed and the damage is done to whatever it hits, the spear melts into water and is then completely useless. The spear can only be used five times in a battle thread, six in a quest thread. - PL 8

Ice Doves: Ashla forms up to four doves in her hands and sends them flying towards an enemy or target. Once the doves hit anything, they "explode", with the ice they are made of flying in all directions, along with Ashla's highest particle restriction damage. This ability can be used once for four doves, two times for three doves, three times for two doves, four times for one dove. Every dove can track a moving object. - PL 8

Numb: Ashla has inherited another type of ability from her kin. This isn’t an ability that relies on ice, but rather is a pass-me-down of emotions. Ashla is officially numb. This gives Ashla 4x willpower. By willpower, Ashla is able to shrug off harsh emotions and even push herself past physical pain to accomplish her goals for an extremely short time. Please do not mistake this for endurance, as Ashla still feels the pain and it takes its tole, however Ashla is able to will herself past some of the pain of wounds for an extremely short duration. More importantly though, Ashla is able to resist abilities that effect the eyes/ mind from people from levels 1-4 with a 70% chance of being succesful. For anybody level 5 or above she has 50% chance of resisting. - PL 6

Spirit Ability - Frozen Step: Ashla's bloodline "bursts out" whenever Ashla chooses and she gains five times her normal speed for a limited time. For two posts she can literally zoom around an enemy, leaving many trails of frost and ice everywhere in the process, which does make it possible for an enemy to track her movements. After the usage of this ability, Ashla has the side effect of becoming literally exhausted to the point of falling to her knees. Ashla can only use this once per thread, battle and quest alike. - PL 6

Spirit Ability - Healing: Once per thread Ashla unlocks her bloodline to heal her own wounds. She can heal any small scratches or bruises immediately; she can heal up to five average wounds (serious cuts, any burns, strained muscles, dislocated bones); and one intermediate wound (organ damage; killer death blows.) She cannot use this ability on broken bones, dislocated limbs (like being cut off), or poison (yet...) This ability comes at the cost of feelings of weakness and nausea for any average and major wounds healed for the next two posts and the temporary loss of her willpower from her ability "numb" for the same amount of posts. - PL 5


5 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 8 + 6 + 6 + 5 = 50/9 = 5.56(Lulz)


06-10-14, 04:32 PM

Three level 3s

Flames of Baetor:*With a word in the demonic tongue and a gesture, Asmodeus can summon a burst of hellfire. It behaves like normal fire, except that it clings to its targets and burns twice as hot. He can create a spear of hellfire that can travel up to thirty feet three times per thread.*

Iron of Dis:*Drawing his power from Dis, the iron city of the Nine Hells, Asmodeus can summon red-hot iron from the ground. While he can’t hurl it as a weapon, it has several uses. He can form a hasty barrier in front of himself that offers partial protection from attacks, tear a makeshift spear from the earth, or force it to wrap around an enemy’s ankles. The shield takes significant concentration to hold, and he can maintain it for one post. He can do any of these actions twice per thread. This range of this ability cannot exceed Asmodeus’s touch.*

Demonic Heritage*

Fiendish Strength:*A flicker of Asmodeus’s old power lingers in his mortal form. He is 2x as physically strong as a normal human. The blows he deals are more difficult to defend against and hit harder than an average human’s would (A successfully landed melee attack is 1.5x as effective as it would normally be). He can kick an average door down and snap a man’s arm if the mood strikes him. His strength allows him to use his bastard sword in a one-handed grip, if he so chooses.*

One weakness, -1

Cast from Heaven:*Asmodeus is weak to the gods of lights’ power. Asmodeus is unable to enter the temple of any good-aligned deity, and the touch of blessed objects and consecrated water sear his skin.*

06-11-14, 03:23 PM
A New Challenger is Approaching!(Ell Level 1): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27598-A-New-Challenger-is-Approaching!)

Future Sight
Allows Elias to see four seconds into the future to predict his opponents moves and react accordingly. Can only be used once per thread. Causes serious pain in his orbitals, using it too often resylts in blindness. - PL 3

Increased Strength: Can lift large objects, between 250-270 pounds. - PL 3

Accelerated Speed: Can move around at speeds of up to 20 miles per hour with ease, and up to 30 miles per hour with less ease. - PL 3

3 + 3 + 3 = 9/3 = 3


06-12-14, 04:06 PM
The Dirge heard across Time(Aurion Centris level 1): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27602-The-Dirge-heard-across-Time)

Spellsinging- The ability to use magic through his voice. Currently cannot be used due to his throat being dried out and memory loss (he can't recall a full song) - PL 1(Basically nothing.)


06-13-14, 09:28 AM
The Arisen Corpse(Obaral Level 1): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27613-The-Arisen-Corpse-(Obaral-lvl-1))

The Ember Preserved

Because of the preserving magic wrapped around him, Obaral does not need to sleep, breath, or eat, though he will feel mortal urges. He is not affected by cold or heat. He will not age, and so is effectively immortal. He will never die from the ravages of time, but can be unmade with violence. - PL 1

Paragon Warrior

Obaral, in his first 'life,' was the foremost warrior among his people. Part of this stemmed from his raw physical ability – twice the strength and stamina of an average man, and twice as fast. Even this current wealth of force is a diminishing from the power Obaral formerly wielded. - Strength and Speed x2 - PL 3 & 3

3 + 3 + 1 = 7/3 = 2.3

3 > 2.3


06-15-14, 07:08 AM

Ser Garroth Ankou

Two Level 3s

Blighted Touch: Garroth's accursed touch saps the vitality from his victim, draining their very life force. But his magic waned during his imprisonment, his strength ebbing away. At this level, flora will decay, while human targets will feel waves of nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. Can only be used once before he must regain his strength and rest.

Vile Endurance: Once, Garroth could weave his magic to make himself invulnerable. Now, with his power diminished and his magic twisted by darkness, the spell is a sad echo of its former self. While it lends the knight an astonishing fortitude, allowing him to ignore minor attacks completely and endure twice the kinetic force before being knocked from his feet, it lasts only a short time, and confers no magical protection against the actual damage being dealt. The effects last for two posts before fading, and can only be used once per thread.

06-16-14, 04:17 AM

Level 10
Level 4

Mystic Protection- A birth rite spell for all mystics. If it is cast, any attack will cause a glass shield to surround Kyla and Explode outward. This spell may only be used three times per battle. This glass is now the strength of Cillu.

Level 8

Shadow magic- Kyla can use her shadow magic to create any weapon she can envision. She cannot create automatic weapons like guns or explosives. If she creates a throwing weapon it will disappear when it comes into contact with the ground. The weapons she creates are the strength of Mythril. Kyla can create up to two weapons at any given time.

Level 8

Shadow Magic Technique: Shadow Step - Kyla is able to meld into any shadow and step out of the shadows into any place she chooses. Kyla can carry people with her. In battle, this effect can be used 5 times per thread.

Level 7

Levitation- Kyla can lift items up to twice her size with her mind. She cannot move anything that is in another person’s possession. She cannot move another player without their permission.

Level 6

Lightning bolt-- Kyla can create a lightning bolt to attack a foe. The bolt holds the same power as that of a live electrical wire, but the lightning will shoot through the person attacked. Thus, very weak characters might suffer nerve damage or even organ failure, but stronger characters might just receive minor burns.

Level 5

Light Magic Technique: Firework - Kyla can create instant small explosions with her mind. These are unlimited but can only affect an area of about a yard

Level 8

Mystic Bomb: Kyla combines her light magic and shadow magic together (In the Mystic world, a big no-no) to create an orb of energy, this orb of contradictions causes a large explosion, covering roughly fifteen yards around. The bomb is powerful enough to break through stone walls if within its range.

Level 8

Shadow Soul: Kyla holds the souls of all her kills inside Sophia’s Mane. Twice per thread she can harness this power, calling two beings forth to do her bidding. Each familiar then leeches onto her opponents, slowing them to half speed for two posts. Kyla does not receive a boost from this.

Level 10

Shadow Swap: Kyla can steal a shadow from someone and attach it to another. This allows the second person to mimic the abilities of the original owner of the shadow. This effects 2 abilities. The original owner will have the option of choosing the abilities stolen. While the swap is in place the original owner cannot use these abilities. This lasts for 2 posts not including the one it is summoned in.

Level 4

Healing light: When in direct light Kyla’s light magic becomes more powerful. She is able to heal minor wounds on herself and others.

Level 5

Candle light- Kyla is strengthened by all forms of light, including that from fire. Kyla’s skin burns much slower than a normal person, third degree burns affect her as first degree ones would. When she is in the wake of fire Kyla’s healing doubles, allowing her to heal moderate wounds.

Level 6

Kyla possesses 5 times the strength of a normal Althanian. This allows her to lift five hundred pounds regularly.

Level 10x2

Kyla's shadow is now able to exist without her.(not counted)

Saving Grace- Kyla is now able to give her abilities to another player at any time by attaching her shadow to them. This allows up to two abilities to be used by the other player for a single non-competitive thread (or two posts in competitive thread) Kyla cannot use any abilities without her shadow.

Level 7

Kyla possesses 7 times the speed of a normal Althanian. Her running speed is similar to that of a Gazelle.

10, 4, 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 8, 10, 4, 5, 6, 10, 10, 7 = 108/15 = 7.2 < 8.6 + .5

06-16-14, 04:22 AM

5 abilities, average 4 (4, 3, 3, 4, 3 = 17/5 = 3.4)

Level 4

Spirit Hammer: A blacksmith shapes the world before him and is not shaped by it. A powerful smith is possessed of an equally powerful spirit, and Jak is just such a smith. He may drop the full force of his unbending will on one person like a smith's hammer. This ability is concussive and unpleasant, even painful. The resulting effect could be described as being punched in the spirit by an iron fist, leaving one dazed and disrupted. Jak can gather his will in this fashion thrice a day/battle. The effects require one post of recovery time.

Level 3

Smith's Strength: Jak is much stronger than most men his age or size. He's been known to carry anvils over short distances, bodily lift and throw men larger than he, and once dislocated a man's shoulder with an enraged punch. (Roughly 2x.)

2x Level 3
Rugged Conditioning: Jak, being a mercenary and blacksmith and living an active lifestyle, is in exquisite physical shape. His speed and stamina are above average levels (2x to both.)

Shadowtouched: His encounters with shadow magic have left Jak with an affinity for darkness, if not a taste for it. He has excellent darkvision, a moderate resistance to shadow magic, and is possessed of an unnaturally keen ability to hide himself anywhere that there is shadow or poor light. He would attribute this to his own skills, but there is a latent magic to it.

Level 4:

Level 3:
Ability to hide himself anywhere that there is shadow or poor light

06-18-14, 08:39 AM

Enriler Tiquez

A bit different this one:

Level 2: (strength would have been a level 3, but the dehydration and reduced speed bring it down)

Strength- Enriler is very strong based on his size. His focus on strength has caused him to neglect speed and fighting techniques. It is difficult for him to land a hit on an appointment, but when he does it often knocks them out. After eight heavy swings, Enriler becomes dehydrated to the point where he needs a gallon of water.

Level 3 (Familiar)
Level 4 (Lava shot)

Enriler Befriends a miniature phoenix. It can spit lava at a distance of 13 meters, burning through iron or any weaker material for two seconds before evaporating. This can be done only three times a day.

06-21-14, 09:51 PM


Ageless (Level 1) - Her body is mortal, but she is not. When she sustains fatal wounds, she reincarnates from the Ice Henge. As this brings about physical change, Sjakk does all she can through fear of losing her looks.

Blood Chakra (Level 2, would be 3 except for the self inflicting part as a weakness) - By wounding herself, Clarissa can heal equivalent wounds in others equal to deep cuts, lacerations, and 'moderate' damage. Fatal wounds, poisons, and burns are beyond her talents, however.

Portent (Level 3) If she possesses a sample of another’s blood, she can divine their location, emotions, current thoughts, and general intent. The visions she receives in doing so may not always be true, however.

(1+2+3)/3= 2APL


06-24-14, 11:10 AM
Ronrid Gardla(Level 1): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27660-Ronrid-Gardla)

Agility - Rondrid's ability to physical situations increases twice the average agility capacity. Agility bonus can passively be activated at will. It takes approximately two turns after the Agility bonus has been activated to reactivate again. Agility requires concentration. The bonus to Agility is only active for about two-three turns. - PL 2(would be 3 if constant 2x AGI, but since it's temporary and has a cooldown, I'm lowering it.)

Precision - Ronrid proves to be one of high class when it’s down to hand-to-hand combat. He could discover sensitive points with ease; where others would foolishly overlook, and seize the information to his advantage. Though he must remain passive and undisturbed for a specific amount of time to study his enemies and learn about them. - PL 3

Impairing Slash - As an expert swordsman, Ronrid can slash through his enemy’s hamstrings to disable his/her movement. Leaving him with the decision to either spare or slay his disabled enemies. This technique can only be used once per battle. Due to it's fairly granting advantage, it is evadable by most, if not all. - PL 3

2 + 3 + 3 = 8/3 = 2.67 APL

2.67 < 3


06-25-14, 09:56 AM
Otto Bastum(Level 7): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27662-Otto-Bastum-level-7)

Insight (x4): you meet all sorts in this line of work. In fact, Otto feels like he must have met them all. Constant exposure to people suffering the full spectrum of human emotion, oftentimes trying to hide it, has taught him a few things about reading others. Unless the person is highly gifted at bluffing, Otto might spot when someone is trying too hard to appear happy, is having to wildly fill the gaps in a story, and so on. - PL 4

Endurance (x7): Otto isn't necessarily fast, or even smart - but he just keeps on coming. Even in full military kit, Otto has no problem undertaking a whole day's march. Debilitating effects such as poison and blood loss are much slower to put him down than the average human - though they will certainly still cripple him. - PL 7

Precision (x7): when wielding a hammer, Otto is capable of easily striking typical thrown weapons directed at him (rocks, javelins, shurikens, knives etc. - unless he is bombarded by several at once), and has about a 55% chance to do the same for faster projectile weapons. His attacks with hammers rarely go wide by more than an inch, those with spears can be relied on to land within two, and he has unerring coordination with other hand weapons - though the effect can be rather spoiled when his targets don't stand still. - PL 7

Reflex (x5): Otto has only become more skittish during his time serving the Empire, and endless drills have hardwired in quick responses to perceived threats. From weapon strikes and ringing alarms, to misplaced words and an approaching officer, his reaction time to danger has been reduced to just over one twentieth of a second. - PL 6

Scent: Otto has an excellent sense of smell, and can easily detect animal traces on the wind or left behind where an individual has resided for some time. Smells which stand out are sweat, urine, faeces, and, in particular, blood. This made growing up in a medieval(ish)-era city about as enjoyable as you’d expect. Otto’s sense of smell is moderately better than that of a canine on the lower end of the olfactory sensitivity spectrum in regards to the mentioned odours, and half again for other scents. - PL 7

Strength (x6): Otto has a single-arm lift capacity of 126 to 360 kg, depending on whether the angle is favourable or not, and a maximum punch force of 500 kg. - PL 6

Night Vision (x4): Otto's people evolved as dwellers of caves and nighttime hunters, be it man or beast. Otto can see at light levels four times lower than what would be visible to humans, but can give off eyeshine if strong light is reflected off his retinas. - PL 4

Toughness (x7): someone with strength comparable to that of an untrained human will have just a 1 in 200 chance to break one of Otto's ribs, though a professional pugilist would have closer to a 1 in 20. Otto has remarkable muscle density, and his skin is about as resilient as toughened leather. - PL 7

Willpower (x5): Otto can happily subject himself to harsh conditions - such as wading into icy water or walking barefoot over scorching sand - without any ill effect to his focus and faculties for 18 minutes. The mental discipline that has been drilled into him also lets him allay fear and resist to some degree those certain influences that daze, dampen and confuse the mind. - PL 6

Consummate Tradesman: one doesn't work for the Althanas Trading Company without picking a few things up, and that's without two decades worth of experience in the business. Otto knows his materials, knows the playing field, and after having become such a keen student of human nature, knows the players, too. He receives a discount when purchasing tier 1 material or steel goods, on top of any other price cuts that may be applied. - PL 5

Sense of Iron: Otto knows when iron is nearby. He can sense its shape, its concentration, and patterns in the metal left by the shaping process. The ability to sense iron also depends on how prevalent it is; a pure lump of the stuff will shine like a beacon, while a rusty pin would glimmer like a half-reflected moon on water. Otto can sense iron and its alloys down to one-tenth purity (by weight) up to a range of twenty metres away. The only exception to this rule is blood; although there is so little iron present in it, something about Acmon's magic is attuned to the stuff. Spilled fresh blood he can sense clearly, if there are more than a few millilitres of it, but not old blood or that still held within a body.
Like any sense, it has a range. He can barely perceive the presence of iron at thirty metres, can begin to pick out microscopic structures at fifteen, and is able to discern the atomic composition within two. The sense can also become overloaded, so that Otto has difficulty picking out individual items when there is an abundance already around him. As this is a supernatural ability, it can be influenced by magic-dulling and magic-enhancing factors. - PL 6

Infusion: Otto can identify enchanted iron within the range of his 'Sense of Iron' ability, as well as the kind of enchantment in an item. He can also work such enhancements into any iron-containing workpiece which he forges himself. The item must comprise at least one-third iron by weight, although enchantments will benefit from the inclusion of augmentative metals such as Damascus or Prevalida. Enchanting can only occur under specific conditions, by drawing on the surrounding environment – be it the significance of the tools used, something regarding their history, Otto’s mood, aspects of the location where the item is made, and so on. - Skill, N/A

Iron in the Blood: Otto can draw upon the life-giving properties of iron and use it in a restorative capacity. This allows him to purge either himself or someone he touches of blood-borne toxin and disease, to clean infected wounds, and counteract the effects of blood loss. The process is incredibly painful to the recipient and quite draining to Otto; as hardy as he is, he can only muster the energy to do so once every hour, and becomes heavily fatigued for a couple of minutes afterwards. - PL 4

4 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 6 + 4 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 6 + 4 = 69/12 = 5.75

5.75 < 9


Alyssa Snow
06-28-14, 01:48 PM


Level 3: Above average strength. Can lift twice his body weight.

Level 3: Resistant to heat and fire damage. About twice as tolerant as the normal man. Can withstand a few seconds of direct flame.

Level 3: Increased skin toughness. Blades cut skin half as much as one would expect. About twice as durable as the average Althanian.

Level 1: 1:3:3

(3+3+3)/3=3 APL


06-28-14, 10:11 PM
Master Assassin:

Lye has been deemed a master assassin after years of training. He has experienced pain, trauma, and relentless onslaught. The scars given through years of learning through trial and error have built up his senses, stamina, and resilience. Should he ever fail to assassinate a target, he is more than capable of engaging in long term combat.
Can endure strain of exertion six times as long as the normal Althanian. Should a man only last 5 minutes in combat before coming fatigued, Lye can last 30 minutes.
Has agility seven times that of an average Althanian. Blocking and dodging projectiles is as effortless as swatting falling feathers from the air. This also permits him to exercise a flurry of strikes (5-7) in the same time it would take a normal man a single blow (1). It permits split second actions and changes of direction.

Endurance: 6x : Level 6:
Speed: 7x (careful on your description) : Level 7

Increased Bone Strength:
Through his mysterious heritage, Lye's bones will ever remain stronger than normal and only grow in durability throughout his life's training. Although resistant to deep wounds and dismemberment, he is still susceptible to bleed-out and crushing/denting blows. His rib cage and pelvis are joined by a sub dermal array of bones similar to chain-mail. This resists piercing and deep laceration to the softer parts of the torso. Along his neck and soft tissues of his limbs, cartilage has interwoven with the muscle fibers on a microscopic scale. This increases his resistance to slashes, but not piercing. It slightly resists bludgeons.
Bone strength is equivalent to 1060 high-carbon steel.
Soft tissues of the neck and limbs are equivalent to iron.

Steel bones : Level 5
Iron tissue around vital neck/chest areas : Level 4

Reaper's Bounty:
By controlling the cellular alignment of his bones, Lye can bring them forth from his forearms, protruding from his skin and extending up to 3 feet past his hands in the shape of a blade. While stabbing a victim with this attack, Lye is capable of absorbing the marrow of his prey. This carries the potential to assimilate unique talents or skills that the victim "used to" have. Effects of stolen skills can range from short term to permanent. In order to maintain permanence, his victim must be heavily crippled or die, and Lye must consume 80% of all marrow within the body. It takes his body time to fully assimilate the material, and permanently stolen abilities require time to awaken to full potential.
Skill can be used as a basic blade, but must make contact and maintain contact with bone in order to absorb marrow.
Can generate five (5) removable needle projectiles made of condensed bone from his palm. These can be pulled out or shot out at about 200 f/s. These needles can root themselves much like the ones he purchased. Should these roots contact marrow, they can begin to process marrow and transfer the benefits to their host.
Duration of a marrow stealing attack must be in contact with bone for a total of 15 seconds. This can be broken up in intervals until complete.
Only one stolen skill per character level is allowed.
Skills can be temporarily stolen for the duration of the battle if only 25% of the marrow is absorbed (5 second drain)

Create sword – Steel
Create shoot steel needle (apprx arrow speed), with leach ability: Level 7 (school, make metal weapons)

Sentient Marrow:
Lye’s anatomy has begun to evolve, primarily in regards to his bones and marrow. Being the one component he can manipulate and change at will, it has begun to take on more responsibilities than structural support. It now functions as a multipurpose organ. Some of the benefits of which will be below:
Marrow processes poisons exceptionally fast, reducing effectiveness and duration by 75% Poisons that were otherwise fatal, will only make him severely ill.
Marrow combats disease and plague at an exceptional rate hindering symptoms and duration by 75% Fatal diseases and afflictions will only make him severely ill.
Any malformations or breaks can repair in under a minute.
If a limb is severed, it can be reattached in under a minute, but only by the bone. Soft tissue will still bleed.
If major muscle tissue is damaged, the bones will continue to allow movement at 80% capacity.
If body loses enough blood to cause mortality, the marrow will circulate a small reserve to the brain to sustain a coma-like status for several weeks. If not treated, the brain will suffocate and the subject will terminate.
This ability cannot take effect if the damage to the skeletal structure is catastrophic. (Every bone broken or crushed, or cut into multiple pieces.)
The ability to mend bone becomes diminished if used continually within a day's (24 hours) time. If he ever gets to the point of mending each bone in his body once, the bones will be brittle and shattered with a simple punch. A period of 8 hours of rest is needed to return bones to their initial strength or he can opt to feed upon a corpse's marrow. One of the two.
75% Poison/Disease Resistance: Level 5 (level 6 would be 100%)
Heal Bone Breaks quickly/re-attach limbs/blood reserve: Level 7

Shadow Control

Shadow Possession:
Lye is able to use shadows to envelope and possess inanimate objects. By using this skill he can control the movements of the objects to his advantage. This most commonly applies to his throwing weapons or any light weight projectile he uses. While enchanted, objects are black as night and will not reflect light.
Can be used twice per post, with logical maximum usage per day.
Possessed Items remain under control until willingly abolished.
Maximum Simultaneous Possession: 15 items
Maximum combined object weight: 50 lbs
Wrap and manipulate 15 items for undefined length of time: Level 8

Shadow Meld:
By wrapping himself in the surrounding shadows, Lye makes himself unseen to the untrained eye. During a shadow meld he is able to move between shadows while still cloaked, so long as the distance is minimal. This skill is maintained best in low-stress situations, where no one is actively searching for him, but has a short duration during combat or alerted situations.
He is only able to hide in shadows large enough to wrap a body.
To remain cloaked between shadows, distance must be within 15 feet.
Source and destination shadows must be large enough to maintain full body coverage.
During Non-Combat, skill duration is indefinite.
During Combat, skill duration can carry over a maximum of 3 full posts (3 minutes), with a cool down of 3 full posts (3 minutes).
Conceal and short teleport: Level 6

Shadow Meld has been improved due to Lye’s growing affinity to darkness. He has established the ability to sync himself with the Shadow Plane for a brief amount of time, allowing his form to seem solid but act as though ethereal. This will give the illusion of items or blows passing through his body as though he was a specter. No changes to his appearance indicate the use of this skill and it may be used in broad daylight. He has not yet mastered this skill and can only sync his energy with the plane for a brief moment of time. Once the sync is broken, his energies are destabilized and must take time to recover.
Sync is maintained for 10 seconds at most, allowing to negate several projectiles or strikes.
Sync only applies to full body and user cannot inflict damage while phasing between planes.
If combined with enough speed, he may phase through thin walls (6 ft Depth)
Destabilization takes 30 seconds (1 post) to recover from on first use. Consecutive usages require an additional 30 seconds (1 post) recovery (1,2,3).
If destabilization occurs while phasing through solid material, massive internal damage will occur.
Instablock: Level 8

Shared Masochism:
By saying the words "understand my pain", either used alone or in a sentence, Lye can activate this skill. When activated, all pain that Lye is feeling for the duration of the skill is broadcast from his body and applied to sentient life within that range. The pain they feel is relevant to individual pain tolerance. This skill is often paired with his bone manipulation, causing pain equivalent to pulverized bone upon his victims.
Cool-down for this skill is 5 minutes (approx 10 posts) after effect terminates.
Duration is 2 minutes (4 posts).
Maximum radius is 30ft.
Pain is mimicked equally to the enemy.
This skill can only be used a maximum of 2 times in a day (24 hours).
High level pain attack in radius : Level 9

Sin Harvest:
By saying "penance for your sins", either used alone or in a sentence, Lye activates this ability. When activated, a ball of dark crimson energy forms within the palm of his hand. Once at maximum charge, the bolt of energy is fired at the target. Once it travels mid distance, the projectile breaks into three smaller units. Each projectile traces a third of the total time (Currently 1 year each). These split projectiles break wide, then converge on the target with 20% homing deflection. All three must strike to trace the full (Currently 3) years. If the attack connects, the energy retraces the victim's past and inflicts grievous wounds for each sin upon that person. This ability has potential to kill. If hit by his own attack, Lye takes twice the damage the attack would originally do. This skill can only inflict injury once per sin, and the sin is considered absolved after the fact.
Charge Time: 5 seconds.
Duration: Instant upon contact.
Use: Once per thread or in-game day, whichever is shorter.
Trace time: 3 years.
Types of sins and their damage:
Murder -- 4" cut 2" deep at site of killing blow.
Adultery -- 1" Diameter spot of Necrosis on genitalia.
Theft -- 2" Patch of 3rd degree Burn on hands
Unprovoked Assault -- Bruise or Cut equivalent to final blow of engagement.
Fatal Deception -- Partial blindness or muteness per incident.
Rape -- Complete Necrosis of genitalia spreading to the body by 3" diameter per repeat event.
Dismemberment -- 1" deep cut along site of lost limbs
Attack doing three potentially high damaging wounds : Level 6

6, 7, 5, 4, 7, 5, 7, 8, 6, 8, 9, 6 = 12 abilities, 6.5 average

Alyssa Snow
06-29-14, 12:46 AM

Approved with no abilities.

06-29-14, 02:02 PM
A Gentle Song(Memento Level 1): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27640-A-Gentle-Song)

In a Blink:
Chandra slows down time, allowing her to perceive what’s going on around her much easier. She moves at the same relative speed as everything that is 'slowed', she is just better able to react to what happens. At the moment everything is slowed to half speed for a maximum of three posts (either together or in one post parts). - PL 3 (Similar to Torin's time slow, but weaker.)

Liquid Time:
Chandra can change the time in small isolated areas. This manifests as being able to speed up anything passing through an area about the size of a watermelon. Any object passing through the effected space is sped up by about a third. The sped up 'zone' can last for two posts, or five minutes (whatever comes first). She can use this ability three times a day. - PL 3

Chrono Fling:
This ability focuses on Chandra's ability to create small areas of sped up time. Rather than increasing the speed at which things travel through it like Liquid Time, it ages anything it touches doing a small amount of damage to the effected area. Used on a person they would find the affected area becoming sore, joints aching and the like. If however it is used on a wound, it will increase the effect of the wound by about a quarter. Chandra can either attach the magic to a weapons for a single boosted attack, or throw it at someone a maximum of ten feet away. Usable three times a day. - PL 3 (I was hesitant to give this a 3, but I feel as though the limitations allow it to go so low.)

3 + 3 + 3 = 9/3 = 3 APL


06-30-14, 12:10 PM
Where in the World?(Alydia Level 4): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27700-Breaking-News-Alydia-Ettermire-has-just-stolen-a-level!-(Level-4))

Building Snatching: Alydia is the world's most unique crook because she tucks large things into an extra-dimensional pocket where only she can access them. Currently, she can only steal insignificant items, like a minor NPC's house, a minor public monument, REALLY big rocks or an item/items worth up to 8,000 gold. If caught, she must return the item or house, by the rules of her own game. She cannot pull living beings into the pocket, so a house with people in it would vanish, leaving the people on the ground. If Alydia is killed, anything in her pocket dimension will disappear forever. - PL 2 (She stated that she knows that anything she steals worth "8,000 Gold" cannot be sold into the bazaar for the same amount. She said she uses this less as a money-maker and more as a plot device. I have no problems with it.)

Shadow Running: Since she needs to be able to make a quick getaway from time to time, Alydia learned how to use the shadows to help her escape. She can currently Shadow Hop up to a distance of 40 feet 10x/hour. She uses this to help her get away from otherwise too close/too dangerous pursuers. - PL 9

Darkvision: Aly can see well in the dark, as befits her race, but she has a little trouble in low light, since it confuses her two types of vision. - PL 3

Senses: Alydia can hear and see 2x better than the average human. - PL 3

Agility: Aly keeps herself alive, if not completely out of trouble, by being able to outmaneuver people who are right on her tail. She has developed agility 2x the ability of the average athletic person. - PL 3

2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 9 = 20/5 = 4


06-30-14, 05:51 PM

Speed: Tankita can reach a top speed of 10 miles per hour on a straight road, and given a minute or two to get her momentum going.

weakness -1

Strength: Tankita is almost twenty tons of steel, which means anything beneath her treads can be crushed.

level 4 (should be noted that the lack of mobility brought this down slightly)

Intelligence: Due to a freak thunderstorm, Tankita has gained the ability of sentience and telepathy, so she may communicate with those on Althanas. She can only use the telepathy to talk and will only ever use the telepathy to talk.

Level 2

Precision: Tankita, being a tank, has a long barrel on her 'face', capable of sending a magical blast that can at the moment level a tree in a single shot. She can only use this ability once every ten minutes in order to give her an ample 'reload time

Level 4

4 +4 +2 -1 = 9/3 = 3

06-30-14, 08:51 PM
Lloyd Orlouge Level 1: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27709-Lloyd-Orlouge-(Just-one-of-the-Litter))

Shadow Magic- Shadow Surgery- Studying the Mystic's shadow magic Lloyd has become so proficient with his medical work he has learned the key to keeping his patient's BODY living for up to year. (2 Threads before needing to re-operate. This could take as long as needed, but cannot not be rushed. Quickest 1 post.) - PL 1

Dead Familiar- Whoever Lloyd has performed the Shadow Surgery on is able to fight for him and listen to every order he makes. They don't retain their soul and are simply thralls, but they do still have the skills they had in life. (2 Threads) (1 Thrall at a time, They are as strong in live as they are in death. No Abilities) - PL 5(acknowledged that these are only as strong as lower than the character's level, so for now, it has the strength of a level 0.)

Mystic Protection- Any attack shatters the Mystic shield of glass around Lloyd, the glass once shattered it disintegrates to near microscopic particles. These particles create a vortex around Lloyd by circulating around him at intense speeds, it creates a slight repelling effect. Able to repel a second arrow or even slow down a swing from a weapon. This lasts for only 5 seconds. (1 per day) - PL 3

1 + 3 + 5 = 9/3 = 3


06-30-14, 11:04 PM
That mystic protection would be higher than 3, he has written the wind can deflect a second attack, so the shattering glass deflects one just like normal mystic protection.

black shadow
07-03-14, 10:31 AM
GhostPine (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27737-Through-the-Trees) approved with no abilities.

07-03-14, 03:23 PM
Would you like to audit him, or let it slide? He doesn't even have a real attack with his mystic protection, just one more tiny chance to block for 5 seconds.

black shadow
07-03-14, 04:02 PM
Audit? (Sorry, haven't heard that before.)

07-03-14, 04:15 PM
Means we review his profile and possibly ask to change it.

black shadow
07-03-14, 05:24 PM
Thran Iavas (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27738-The-Nomad-Prince-Iavas)

In order to “survive” in a normal world Iavas has learnt the art of Puppetry. He is able to assert telepathic authority over very weak-willed individuals and essentially control what they do and say. This ability only works on non-heroes so can not be used on any other player characters, and it takes him at least four posts to fully insert his dominance over them. They must also have some traumatic past to weaken their hearts and allow him to enter. Main “puppet” is his white-haired elf companion (and familiar) Dwell, and years of their companionship has left Dwell fully controllable by Iavas. For now this includes very basic animals, such as pigeons and rats, and not those above a certain intelligence. In battle he can only take control of one animal, if they are in a setting that allows such. Cannot include other heroes familiars. ~PL3~

Strength -
As a racial trait Iavas has spectacular strength, x2 of that of any normal humanoid. He can hold back a man with his antlers, which themselves have never broken. He can stand his ground well, and buck also, which would send a being at least three feet flying. ~PL3~

Light Of Dawn -
For whatever reason, whether for his nobility or his courage in taking the title of Thran, Iavas was blessed with the ability to bend the element of light. Despite his “dark heart” he was gifted by the gods, which he claims is therefore proof his works are for good intentions, and he can currently twist light to be used in the following way - when using any of these his antlers glow with a strange dim white light and the object that is being summoned or enchanted is also bathed thusly:
A form of telekenesis THAT ONLY connects with things that fulfill the following criteria;
~ made of a thing that has bathed in sunlight for ten constant years (material or the thing itself)
~ has been constantly held for at least 24 hours by a creature that Iavas has full Puppetry control over
~ has been blessed by the Gods of Light via Iavas visiting one of their shrines and asking the item to be done so ~PL3~

3+3+3 = 9/3 = 3


07-03-14, 06:01 PM
Means we review his profile and possibly ask to change it.

We can catch it next update if he levels up.

07-04-14, 03:23 AM

Approved with change to items.

07-04-14, 07:23 AM
Krausus Mid-level update: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27741-Sirius-Willfire-Mid-Level-Update)

Approved with change to items.

07-05-14, 09:46 PM
Different From the Rest(Haruka Level 1): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27747-Different-From-the-Rest)

- Saibankan Basics: Heal: She can transfer her own health over to another person by touching their forehead, restoring any wounds, exaustion, and/ or injuries they have. She can only use this on characters levels 1-3 for now, she gains extreme exhaustion, enough to faint over, after one critical injury from that other character (PC and NPC alike) after she performs this feat. She has to keep the forehead touched and her body still for ten seconds for it to work. - PL 3(I was hesitant to give it a 3, but I think it's fair.)
- Saibankan Basics: Drain: By touching their forehead, she can suck any power from any NPC or a character of levels 1-2 and gain extra energy from doing so; meaning she can restore her own health, killing off any exhaustion and tiredness she has.This extra burst of health and liveliness can last for two posts before she gains her former exhaustion. She has to keep the forehead touched and her body still for ten seconds for it to work. - PL 3
- Hametsu Main Powers: Telepathy: She can speak telepathically with another person within the levels of 1-2, being able to read their thoughts and respond with her own. Anyone with willpower can resist at will. - PL 2

3 + 3 + 2 = 8/3 = 2.67


07-07-14, 09:38 AM
Dark Blossom(Lilith level 1): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27765-Rough-Begginings-The-Strife-of-The-Dark-Blossom)

Enhanced Agility- She is able to gracefully make leaps far beyond a regular human, easily clearing 15 feet at full speed. She can hand from anywhere she can get a grip and dangle for a long wile without fatiguing. She possesses an seemingly internal balance. - PL 3

Enhanced Speed- Able to run at speeds of 20 mph with relative ease, 30 mph at full speed. - PL 3

Muffled Movement- Lilith is able to move almost 100% silently, her foot steps are completely silent. Despite anything on her person that might make a sound, almost like an aura of silence around her. - PL 3(I wasn't sure to give this a 3 or 4, but paired with her other abilities and the fact that she seems like a good writer, I'll let it slide at 3.)

3 + 3 + 3 = 9/3 = 3



07-08-14, 12:53 AM
Wandering Killer(Nyric Draug Level 1): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27763-Nyric-Draug-Wandering-Killer-(level-1))

Elven Sight: Nyric's heritage grants him an important boon: enhanced sight. While the dark might obscure the vision of others, he can see perfectly, even in the dead of night. - PL 3

Elven Reflexes: Through practice and natural talent, Nyric has become exceedingly quick. He can move 2x as quickly as a normal person. This allows him to make two attacks in the time it takes an ordinary opponent to make one. It also makes him better at dodging, blocking, and fleeing. - PL 3

Deadly Accuracy: Nyric is an expert on the anatomy of the living. He knows what makes people move and talk and breathe. More importantly, he knows how to make all of it stop working. When Nyric strikes, he hits where it hurts. An attack that lands successfully does 2x the damage a blow from an ordinary man would. - PL 3

3 + 3 + 3 = 9/3 = 3


07-08-14, 06:37 AM

10 : 8.33(av.) : 16 (no.)

6, 4, 9, 8, 7, 4, 6, 8, 6, 3, 3, 5, 5 = 74/13 = 5.69 (approved, even without empty spots)


Karuka is 5x faster and more agile than the average person.

Level 6

Rune Magic: (I’ve been waiting to give her this stuff back, only better, for YEARS. Never thought I’d get there.) The profile where I took these powers (or their great-grandfathers, anyway) away from her.)

Karuka can use up to 20 spells per day. She has a belly-button ring that lets her combine spells three times a day. After that, combining runes or using blood to enhance the spell makes it use up two spells.

Rather than using the actual stones, as she did in times past, Karu uses gestures to call on their powers.

Some spells can be enhanced by the use of the caster's blood, so she might cut herself or use a cut to do so (runes that take it -- Thorn, Sigel, Ken, Rad, Eohl, and Is)

+ Line-of sight spell. She has to be looking at the target to attack.
~ Touch spell. She must be touching the target for the spell to have a chance at working.

Basic descriptions of how Spells work

+Thorn -- This rune is used to control plants. In areas where vines and brambles exist, she can use them to ensnare an enemy, and flatter, more grassy areas, she can call up brambles around a person’s feet. In shallow water, she can call on the kelp. Thorn does not work in desert, open water, or deep snow.
with Jara - No plant matter present? No problem. If there was ever plant life there, Karu can still call up the brambles. If used under normal conditions, she can call up a 100 foot square unkepmt maze.

Level 4

+Sigel -- The rune represents a sun ray, but it's used to call down a bolt of lightning. Without blood, the most damage it can stun an average opponent for up to ten minutes. With blood, it can heavily stun. If the opponent is wet, or standing in water, though...it could be lethal (on PCs and other peoples' NPCs, amount of damage determined by other player). This rune is weather dependent. Without clouds, is impossible. With light clouds, a small bolt can be summoned. During a severe thunderstorm, she can call down a bolt powerful enough to kill.
with Jara - By adding Jara to Sigel, Karu can call down up to five lightning bolts, and if there are no clouds, she can use Consequence’s enchantment instead of the sky as a focus.

Level 9

+Lagu -- An amount of pre-existing water (up to twenty cubic feet, or the size of a large swimming pool) may be manipulated within a radius of 50 feet from the caster. At this level, if the conditions are humid enough, she can pull some water from the air (up to ten gallons, depending on conditions). This can take the form of either a few concentrated blasts or one rushing wave.
with Jara - By combining spells, Karu can manipulate up to a hundred cubic feet of water or create fifty gallons. She can manipulate it just as well, but the radius of effect only extends out an additional ten feet.

Level 8

+Ken -- Fire. With this rune, Karuka can create a flame. She can do something as specialized as light a torch, or something as grand as throw a fireball big and hot enough to seriously injure a person or turn sand into glass. She can’t melt metal yet, but give her time and/or motivation.

Level 7

~Beorc -- The rune represents mother-love, she uses as a healing spell. It can currently heal mild wounds over a course of about a minute, moderate wounds over a period of a few minutes, or serious wounds overnight. Serious wounds cost 2 or 3 spells to heal, depending on the severity.
with Jara - Karuka can combine Jara and Beorc to cure even life-threatening wounds over only a matter of hours. This still costs more than one spell.

Level 4

Rad -- The rune means movement. As a spell, it’s used to call up winds with a strength of up to 100 lbs/ft^3
with Jara - Adding Jara to Rad can create winds with as much force as a weak hurricane.

Level 6 (sustained strong push)

Eohl -- Provides a shield against attack. The duration of the shield depends on what it’s being attacked with, and the ferocity of the attack. A barrage of magic or serious pummeling with a strong weapon will wear it out fairly quickly, while weak blows from inferior materials will take time to wear it down.

Level 8

+Is -- Creates ice. This can range from having crystals form on and around an opponent, creating anything from slightly limited mobility and discomfort to movement-obstructing chunks (no blood), to creating a large, thick layer of ice on a person or object (blood). The ice melts at a regular rate. This spell is also weather dependent. It works about 5x as well during a snow storm, and very slightly on a hot and arid day.

Level 6

+Jara -- This rune means “fruition,” and can be combined with other spells. On its own, it can be used to pull things to her or push things from her, up to about half a ton and up to 50 ft/second. The more it weighs, the slower it is and the less distance she can drag it. On its own, Jara is perhaps the most passive rune in the Futhark, and while it can be used on living creatures, it's only about 1/10 as effective. It might be the equivalent of a rough shove or a strong tug, but cannot be sustained.

Level 3

Name: Taodoine
Species: Phoenix
Age: About 10 (That awkward stage between juvenile and adult)
Weight: About as much as a fully grown female eagle owl
Wing span: About 6 feet across.

Appearance: He has red, orange, and gold plumage on his body, with indigo and violet on his wings and tail. His eyes are bright blue, and his beak and talons are powerful weapons.

History: Taodoine is a phoenix whose egg Karuka has had since she was 17, and he hatched just weeks before Karuka vanished from Althanas. She trained him as a loyal, capable companion as he grew, and he is a strong, talented bird today.

He’s a bird. He can fly.
Dive bomb: From high in the air, he can select a target - whether it’s food or foe - and plummet to it at speeds of up to 90 miles per hour. Should he collide, he can inflict devastating injuries.

Fire Soul: He’s a phoenix. At his option or Karuka’s instruction, he can ignite himself to add extra damage.

Level 3 – Base Ability for a familiar
Level 5 – Dive Bomb
Level 5 – Catch on fire, boost attack (no use limit, small bonus)

07-11-14, 12:53 PM
Hys, how is a Lightning Bolt with a 10 minute stun only a level 4 ability, even with those limitations? Same with her possible Hurricane Force winds?

Spinning Tales and Drinking the Room Blind(Throld Level 1): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27781-Spinning-Tales-and-Drinking-the-Room-Blind)

Spoken Rune: Shocking Words: Throld reaches into his opponent's soul with words that shock them to their very core. The spoken rune manifests as a jolt of arcane electricity arcing directly through their body, causing minor nervous and physical damage and stunning them in place for a couple of seconds. The number of times Throld can use this rune is tied to how well he knows his opponent. For example, if he has only had the chance to observe his opponent for a minute, he might be able to come up with a single word. Given the chance to gather intelligence on an opponent beforehand, however, he may have two or three such words up his sleeve. - PL 3


07-12-14, 05:57 AM
Levels are below the quote, I gave it a 9 :p

07-12-14, 06:02 AM

Nosdyn Krotar

Level 3 x2. Mantle of Fear sounds stronger than it is. In practice these abilities are very weak.

1-Mantle of Fear (Passive)-Being near Nosdyn triggers this passive effect. For non-Demons or those with STRONG fortitude, people become instinctively afraid of Nosdyn. It is almost as if he is a physical incarnation of fear itself. Demons give off panic auras, and most other races do not like them already. Nosdyn is a particularly nasty individual and has this added effect as a result of his training into the dark arts. The Mantle is a passive ability, but once it is broken by an affect or someone else, it has to be reactivated. It takes approximately two turn to reactivate if a strong individual or item/effect has broken it. Nosdyn does NOT have to concentrate to maintain this ability it is a natural passive as part of his race.

2-Battle Rage (Buffing)-This ability is one of the traits Nosdyn has acquired in his military training. For about one turn after it's activation, Nosdyn goes into a berserker rage. As long as he is under the effects of it he can hit harder and faster with his beam weapon. His capacity to deal damage is increased to about 2.0x's it's normal base capacity. Further his chance to land critical strike is increased by the same amount. The effect currently only last for one turn. It can be reactivated afterwards, but it requires concentration for each consecutive use. Further, the ability has a 3-turn cool down.

07-12-14, 05:26 PM
Gavner Nahs(Level 2): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27757-Gavner-Nahs-Level-2)

Vampric Strength (3x): At age 14 Gavner Nahs was blooded into a full vampire. Vampires have strength which is supernatural to that of a normal human. Gavner has 3x the strength of a human. He can headbutt enemies and cause minor concussions, and on rare occasions, unconsciousness. His jaw is strong enough to bite cleanly through steel and his fingers, hands, and arms are strong enough to force his nails through solid steel, slicing through the metals cleanly as well. Gavner can hold a handstand position for 30 minutes straight and 15 of the thirty minutes can be on his fingertips because he does not neglect core or finger strength. He can lift up to 130 lbs and break bones with full force attacks. He can hang from buildings, poles, or ropes easily and can play around with his weight with ease. Gavner can kick a man back several steps, and jump 10/13ths his own height at a standstill. With a running start of at least 10 feet he can jump mostly onto a one story building. He can long jump 34.666666(repeating) feet with a running start of at least 10 feet. - PL 4

Vampric Speed (x3): Vampires naturally have speed which is greater than that of humans. Gavner's speed is advanced for a vampire of his age, and is 3x that of a human. He can run a 4:30 mile and quickly dodge sword blows and knife assaults. With no weapons he can strike an enemy 4 times in one second. Vampires have the ability to flit, or move at a supernatural speed (approximately 100 mph) ONLY to travel places. This can NEVER be used in ANY battle or battle thread, and can NEVER be used to gain any sort of advantages. This does NOT affect any other character in any way shape or form (unless permitted to carry them on his back while flitting to get somewhere faster), it is simply a method of transportation. - PL 4

Intermediate Hearing: Vampires have heightened senses, and hearing is Gavner's strongest sense. His hearing is 3x more sensitive than that of a human, and he can pick up on sounds way easier than others. He can hear normal talking from 150 yards away, soft talking from 125 yards away, and whispers from 100 yards. He can hear through thick walls when standing right next to them, and he can hear through thin walls from up to 250 feet away. - PL 3

Tooth and Nail: Vampires have teeth and nails which are very strong. Gavner's black teeth and nails have the strength equivalency of steel and can gouge the metal when scratched or leave deep teeth marks when bitten. They can slice or cleave through anything weaker than steel. - PL 5

3 + 4 + 4 + 5 = 16/4 = 4

4 > 4.25


07-12-14, 08:28 PM
Black Shadow(Level 3): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27740-Black-Shadow-(Level-3))

Strength: due to heavy training, and the draw strength of his bow, he has strength 4x that of a normal human. this allows a punch of his to send a normal human flying 7 feet, shatter bones, and deadlift 600lbs - PL 6
Speed: He is 4x the speed of a normal human due to his training, allowing him to run at speeds of 100mph and dodge a bullet from 85 yards - PL 6
Agility School: - PL 6
His Agility is 4x that of a normal human, allowing him to dodge attack with ease, moving his body is ways no normal person can. (but no jelly arms, that's just weird.)/Balance: His balance is 4x that of a normal human, allowing him to run across a rope suspended over a cliff with ease, even firing his bow while doing so.
Perception School: - PL 6
Hearing: His sense of hearing is 4x that of a normal person, allowing him to hear a whisper from 10ft away
Eyesight: His eyesight is 4x better than a normal human, allowing him to see something from 60ft away that it normally takes someone 20ft to see.
smell: Whenever he chooses, Shadow can smell an aroma from 75ft away that would normally take 20 ft. He can also use smell to track opponents (4x smell)

6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24/4 = 6

3 unused ability slots(due to schools.)

Allowed APL = 5.75

Gonna let it slide. Maybe not at next level if he updates every single stat.


07-13-14, 07:59 PM
The Remedy Sale(Remedy Level 1): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27803-The-Remedy-Sale!)

Blue Blaze:
On Remy's leather cloths are pouches and tubes that connect and regulate her flames. There are two modified 'overflow' pipes on her wrists from which she can release at most three blasts of are two pouches of her own blue flame. The flames extend for about two metres from her and can cause light and quite painful burns to anyone they hit. Three direct hits against an exposed target could be life threatening. She will normally not use this ability, preferring to pocket the extra produced magic and sell it later. - PL 3

Smoke Bomb:
Remy always keeps thee smoke bombs on her all the time. By throwing on on the ground, or any hard surface, they admit a sudden burst of smoke that can fill a 20 by 20 metre area with think dark smoke. - PL 3

Zap Glove:
An invention of Sylus, this glove connects to a small copper winding mechanism. When wound it produces an electrical charge held in a small quartz battery. The glove can admit this electrical charge with enough force to shock a person, temporarily numbing the effected limb and making it difficult to use. Lasts a short (two posts) amount of time before the effects wear off and can be channeled through a small amount of metal, although this does dissipate the effect somewhat. The glove holds enough charge for two strikes, but if Remy spends enough time (one post) winding the cogs she can restore a charge. - PL 3

3 + 3 + 3 = 9/3 = 3


07-15-14, 10:01 PM

Koli (Level 1) : 3, 4, 2

Being raised to the brotherhood, Koli has been taught the lore of the Priests. One of the brotherhood's most valued techniques is the power of illusion. Koli can create illusion so powerful as to be visible, audible, and giving off odor. He can create an illusion the size of a dog with sounds and odors visible, audible, and smell-able from about 15 feet away from the projected area.

Level 3

Soul Forged Weaponry:
Another valued art of the brotherhood taught to Koli is the power to create weapons out of mind, energy, and willpower. Koli can use this technique to create any particular weapon suited to his liking or fighting style. Any weapon he creates will have the strength of iron, and can only be used for 9 posts, at which point Koli must wait another 9 posts to use again. The weapon can either be dispelled by Koli, or disappears when moved more than 10 feet away from himself. Koli cannot create any ranged weapons that are not thrown. (So he can create throwing knives or javelins)

Level 4

Eyes of a Hero:
Because his parents were part of a rare heroic species, their bodies each have unique powers added to them. Koli's special powers are added to his eyes. Naturally his irises are plain white, but when he needs assistance with his work he will draw upon his innermost power called heroism to gain techniques or advantages. When he draws heroism power, it alters the very physics of his body. The colors of his irises change according the advantage or technique he gains.

Calming (Bright Green)-
When Koli meets any person in a traumatized, shell shocked, panic stricken, or grief stricken state he will draw upon his inner heroism which will turn his irises bright green. Upon drawing from his heroism and using the power in this manner, victimized characters will be calmed upon looking into Koli's eyes. If the victims need assurance, Koli will speak and the sound of his voice will soothe the agitated. Koli can calm angered, or irritated characters with his voice, and soothe the pain of wounded characters by looking into their eyes and speaking softly to them.

Level 2 (similar to having a calming personality).

black shadow
07-16-14, 01:35 PM
Urei (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27817-Reborn-Leir-returns&p=233671#post233671)

Lich’s Touch:The Lich’s Touch is the only remnant of his old powers that Leir can hold onto. Once, long ago, he was able to change into the infamous Lucaviafate true form, the Lich. Now, instead of full body, he can only transform his hands into the demonic skin. When this is done, his skin becomes a black fire-darkened metal and grows into a cruel and demonic gauntlet. Each finger becomes a long claw that is able to grow up to six inches long, except the thumb, which can only grow to four inches. They can also retract to have a one inch claw. At this point, the metal of the Lich’s Touch is only equivalent to iron, but he can keep it out for as long as he wishes. Just like any other part of his regeneration, the metal of the Lich’s Touch can be grown back, but at half the speed. A lost claw can be regenerated without needing the claw that was broken off. ~PL3

The Binding Immortality: Lucaviafate are in a sense almost completely immortal. There are ways to kill them, but their soul will forever remain attached to the mortal realm unless it is somehow directly assaulted and destroyed. Beheading or burning a Lucaviafate will disable them for quite some time, sometimes centuries. Eventually their spirit will collect nutrients, earth, and raw elements to slowly forge a new body. Wounds that would kill a mortal will also disable them, but they will slowly regenerate unless they are burned or beheaded, and will be able to return to a waking state on their own. A part of this immortality is that their soul lends a hand in their physical regeneration. However, if the Lucaviafate is tired or their soul is wounded, then the slow regeneration speed can take up to four times longer. A good thing to note is that Lucaviafate cannot bleed to death, but they will grow incredibly tired and weakened if all their blood is drained. They won’t be able to move or function, but their minds will remain active. Even a single drop of blood given to them in this state will revive them, for their bodies change to accommodate even the smallest addition of energy. A single drop will only sustain them for a few minutes, though. (For 100% clarity, regeneration will only be a factor BETWEEN threads at this current level, not during. Unless in cases of threads that last "years" in-character) ~PL1

Darkened Strength: A normal Lucaviafate would have the strength of ten men and enough speed to cause every movement to leave an afterimage, but after being asleep for such a long time Leir's muscles have deteriorated. His strength is around the high end of an average human, and his speed just above the threshold of human agility. He is quite dexterous, and has great ability to perform tasks that require speed and agility. His nimble fingers are good for smaller tasks, but are foreign to the touch of a blade's hilt. ~PL3

3+1+3 = 7/3 = 2.33333 (Repeat)


2.33333 (repeat) < 3


07-20-14, 08:20 AM
Vile Anatomy: Cronen's bones are at an equal strength with tier ten bone, making them nearly indestructable. His flesh, though ordinary to sight and touch, has a similar strength to tier ten leather.

Level 10

Imbue strength: Breaker may imbue the strength of his bones into any one object within his immediate possession. The object will lose its (prevaldia equivalent) strength 5 seconds after it leaves Breaker's hand. In other words, he can throw it at someone but not give it to an ally unless it's in a swift co-ordinated assault.

Level 10

Regeneration: So long as he has had access to proper nutrition and the ability to rest, Cronen heals at a much faster rate than ordinary humans. He is capable of recovering from crippling or near-fatal injuries in a matter of weeks, and grievous wounds in a matter of days. This applies to combat only insofar as his blood clots rapidly and the first stages of the healing process occur within a matter of minutes. For example, a cut that would cause most people to bleed out would weaken him for only a post or two before regenerating enough tissue to keep him alive.

Level 3

Clean Living: Cronen’s body produces adrenaline at an unusually high rate and this causes toxins to break down faster in his blood stream. Whether it is a deadly poison or alcohol, external toxins affect him only half as much as they should. This can be an advantage and a disadvantage, for while he is less likely to succumb to poison, healing elixirs will not help him as much. Recent events have shown that the Demigod is capable of impregnating female members of most sentient races on Althanas.

Level 4

Healing Hands *not usable on self*: This is a type of massage which serves to ease and relax the recipient. It can temporarily restore functionality to a damaged part of the body (for perhaps ten minutes), open and clear energy pathways, heal strained muscles and eradicate emotional stress.

Level 4

Endless endurance: Cronen can push himself far beyond the realm recognizable by mortals. He recovers from physical output of energy extremely quickly and can remain fully alert for up to forty eight hours without rest if pressed. He is also capable of stopping the function of his heart and lungs for up to five minutes while unmoving, appearing dead (10x).

Level 10

Endow endurance: Breaker may give away up to half of his functional endurance for a period of twenty four hours. Requires physical contact and can be used on an unconscious person. Usable once per IC week.

Level 7

Strength: Josh is capable of destroying materials up to delyn with his bare hands and denting or disfiguring up to mythril with strikes from the bonier parts of his body. His strength allows him to leap and grab the edge of a two story building and perform other similar feats of physical might. (x10)

Level 10

Speed: Josh can perform actions which he is skilled at with extreme speed and efficiency. This includes athletic skills such as parkour and martial arts as well as more mundane skills. While moving at maximum speed his actions become a blur to a normal human observer. Although he can only "sprint" in this manner for 20-30 seconds, Cronen is well known for outrunning some of the fastest horses on Althanas. (10x)

Level 10

Partager: Breaker can share his speed with an ally for a period of up to two minutes or two IC posts. During this time the ally will be imbued with 10-90% of Breaker's speed, which he must function without during this time. The total speed of the ally while imbued cannot exceed Breaker's own attribute. Requires physical contact to activate.

Level 7

Agility: The same physical practice that allows Josh to perform activities at such speeds without injuring himself makes him flexible and pliable in ways that many people find disconcerting. This allows him to perform physical attacks that would seem impossible to ordinary humans. (10x)

Level 10

Perception: Rangers who have tracked alongside Breaker have joked that he could out-hunt a pack of hounds teamed with a falcon. Cronen's hearing, eyesight, and sense of smell are powerful enough for him to detect life signs up to twenty yards away (breathing, heartbeats). He is also capable of detecting significant disturbances in the air within several yards. (10x)

Level 10

Impact Grenade: Breaker can channel pure energy into any inanimate object, the result of which being that as soon as the object suffers an impact of reasonable proportion, it explodes with the concussive force of a hand grenade. The blast radius of these is approximately five yards. This means that anyone standing within three yards of the explosion would be liable to be killed or at least lose a limb, and anyone four to five yards away would probably be knocked over and/or heavily winded from the concussive impact.
Directional blast: Can be concentrated into a thin beam of energy or unleashed in a conical spray. A fully concentrated blast has a range an penetrating power similar to a mythril-headed crossbow bolt, while the least concentrated would be more similar to an ordinary discharge from a shotgun.
Josh has enough raw energy for 7 combined uses of these attacks in a day, however exceeding 5 causes severe fatigue.

Level 10

Lightning Rod: Once per day Cronen may discharge an electric current capable of killing several people into anything conductive touching him. The only way to use this ability more than once in a day is by accumulating external energy. Josh is a veritable lightning rod for all electricity. Rather than hurt him, electrical attacks give him a almost narcotic rush. A low level electric attack might cause something similar to a caffeine rush, whereas a bolt of lightning would feel akin to a cocaine rush. After using his initial attack he can only dish out half as much voltage as he absorbs.

Level 10

Air affinity - Cronen is capable of controlling small amounts of air within 20 yards as an extension of his subconscious. Generally this is used to alter or reverse the course of an incoming projectile, boost or alter the course of his jump, and quickly altering his appearance (mussing/fixing clothes or hair, cleaning skin or caking dust on etc.) In combat;
-Push: Cronen executes a physical action which causes a gust of wind capable of knocking several strong men off their feet.
-Airrow: Cronen exhales powerfully, shooting an invisible spike of air at his target. The airrow is of comparative strength with bronze and dissipates if it strikes anything it cannot pierce.

Level 8

Water affinity - Cronen can create and manipulate up to 200 pounds of H20, as well as change it instantly from liquid to solid (ice) to vapour (steam) and back again. (special uses of this ability listed below take from 3-10 seconds to perform.)
-Craft: Cronen can make items such as weapons, tools, and armour out of ice. These melt at a slower rate than normal ice and have similar strength to steel. He can do the same with water and steam, but such items dissipate the moment he stops focussing on holding their shape. Cronen may craft 1 permanent item per day which effectively becomes a steel item that looks like ice, and maintains any properties absorbed or imbued into it.
-Encase: Cronen is capable of covering a part of his body (or his entire body) in water, ice, steam, or any combination thereof. Once per day this may happen without Cronen's awareness, protecting him from an unseen attack.
-Blend: When water that Cronen is actively controlling successfully absorbs something (be it solid matter or energy based magic) it rapidly breaks down the matter so it becomes as liquid and changeable as the water itself. In doing so it takes on some of the matter's inherent properties. For example, if Josh were to absorb a considerable amount of stone into the water before freezing it and encasing himself in a suit of ice, the armour would be stronger, heavier and less prone to shattering than usual. Works on anything other than living organic substances.

Level 7

Water Based Healing Magic: Cronen can cast a healing spell by imbuing magic into water and then causing the water to touch an ally's skin. Upon even the slightest contact with the ally's skin, the magic is absorbed.
Heal One: Using memories of an individual or even their scent, Breaker imbues a healing spell which will effect only the ally it is intended for. Heals the recipients most grievous injury. Usable thrice per day.
Heal Group: Breaker imbues a healing spell which will effect anyone whose skin the water touches. Can heal 1 moderate injury or partially heal (approximatley 50%) 1 grievous injury.

Level 6

Blessing of the Tap: Breaker is a magical being and as such may interact with any force which stems from the Eternal Tap. This allows him to use magical items and interact with some magical or ethereal creatures. It also offers him a certain level of influence over any magic within a twenty yard radius. For example, if a mage cast a fireball at Cronen he would have an excellent chance of deflecting or dissipating the attack. However if the same mage cast many fireballs, Cronen would need to use a different ability (such as evasion or water magic) to counter. If a powerful earth mage or group of earth mages attempted to open a bottomless crevasse beneath him, Cronen might manage to hold the ground together just long enough to throw himself clear, or grasp the edge. When the assassin Kron Sha'keth used shadow magic to block off Cronen's nose and mouth in an attempt to suffocate him, Cronen was able to gradually repulse the invasive matter and convert it into an energy to attack of his own. Note: had Kron Sha'keth been a Player Character, this use of Blessing of the Tap would have required said PC's permission.

General resistance to all magic. Level 10

Detect Magic: Cronen has developed a sixth sense that allows him to detect magic. When a person, creature, or object is using/performing magic within a hundred yards of him, he feels the presence and knows instinctively where it is coming from. He can discern the nature of most magic even as it is being performed. For example, if a mage were to shoot a fireball at Cronen, he would know the fireball was coming even before he could see it, much the same way he can tell a person is going to punch him by the way they draw back their hand. This ability has developed to the point that only the most powerful and complex magicks are outside of Cronen's comprehension.

Level 6 (magic radar)

Adamantine Will: Cronen has an incredibly powerful mind, making it difficult to influence him by hypnosis, seduction, magic, compulsion or pharmaceuticals. While it is possible to crack his resolve, the process is exhaustive and by no means a guaranteed success. This also makes him far more likely to see through illusions and manipulation. Having battled and defeated many powerful psions/telepaths, Cronen's mind has developed to the point where it offers him some protection from most direct telepathic and telekinetic attacks. He is aware of and able to actively fight against any attempt at telepathically invading his mind. He is also able to see and resist telekinetic attacks as if they were ordinary physical assaults. This same learning has made it possible for Josh to interpret any telepathic communication taking place in his general vicinity, even if it is not intended for him.

Partial resistance to telepathic and telekinetic attacks, level 9

10, 10, 3, 4, 10, 7, 10, 10, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 7, 7, 10, 6, 9 = / 19 = 8.3

07-22-14, 04:28 AM

Black Jack

- Black Cat is Bad Luck: Any opponent who faces this kitty gets "bad luck" in battle, meaning that they are prone to miss hits no matter what their skill in combat, and their abilities loose 20% of their power upon impact. This can be used three times per thread. Meaning if somebody uses a melee ability with the strength of steel, the power are reduced to iron upon a taken hit instead.

Level 3: This is an odd one, I think it works at Level 3.

- Cats are Liquids Right?: Small little guy is currently agile enough to dodge attacks easily, fit into small placed like a good sized pipeline, "always land on his feet", and fit into the usual kitty positions. (I'm not going to go by the "2xs" etc. thing with this account, just descritpions...)

LEvel 3

- Night Eyes: Like all cats, this scrawny feline can see in the dark. He is able to use night vision to figure out what's happening in the dark and to track any threats or his dinner even when the lights are out.

Level 4

- Curiosity Killed the Cat: He can be curious a lot, often times finding himself in a heep of trouble!
- All Cats Love Food: And this guy is no different! bring out a slice of chicken and he's all over you without a care!
- Small: Still within the kitten stages, this poor fellow can easily be kicked, thrown, and whatnot by even a small child.
- Don't Pull the Tail!: He is extremely sensitive with his sleek tail. Pull or step on it, you're in trouble...

I'll attribute -1 for this, only really because most of 'Cats are Liquids Right?' has her small size as a positive.

3, 3, 4, -1 = 9 /3 = 3

black shadow
07-26-14, 01:36 PM
Zeva (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27848-Unlucky-Heir&p=233956#post233956)

- She has enough brute strength to carry and use heavy weapons like her claymore with ease. She can also lift heavy rocks that most people struggle to lift with both hands. She can't yet lift boulders. She can bear up to 200 pounds. ~PL3

- She has a strong pain threshold to where she can resist pain of most kinds from an arrow stuck in her shoulder to the discomfort made by a poison (although other symptoms of poison like blindness and nausea cannot be resisted at this level). She can be struck with up to three arrows in a place aside a vital organ and her knees and still keep going. ~PL3

- She has a large amount of stamina to where she can keep going in battle even with her heavy iron armor and even in heated places like Fallien for about twice as long as normal. She can run up to a mile (I can lower it to half a mile if you want) and not be tired. ~PL3

3 + 3 + 3 = 9/3 = 3




07-26-14, 06:46 PM

3 x 3

I let Animus Productivity slide as more of a plot device on non-competative RPs. Defender is an interesting on, should be find as a moderate deflecting device.

Attracting Point-Brand can summon and hold up to two points in the air where matter where be attracted and compressed. These points can last for up to 15 seconds, and attract matter that comes within 10 feet of their center. The pull on humans is akin to a persistent tug on a rope tied to your arm. Anything such as dirt and sand is drawn in at a rate of 1 cubic foot of sand or dirt per two seconds. The compression of matter is LOCKED until level 2. The former part of the ability can be used up to three times per thread.

Telekinesis-Brand is trained in the time known, and honored, art of lifting things with his mind. He can currently lift up to two times his weight in NON LIVING matter. Any living matter has enough parts that he can only lift up to one hundred pounds. This control is finite, and can be held for 20 seconds, and he can use it up to three times per day.

Arcana Animation-Brand is capable of animating up to (2) golems, at any time. These golems have two purposes, each of them designed for what type of situation he is in. Structures/Golems are vulnerable to frost attacks. He cannot have one golem of each type, both must be of the same kind.

Animus Defender V1-Brand animates any type of matter to form into 2 towers which project a sort of webbed field of repulsing power. These towers last five seconds, or until a medium power (at most) attack hits the matrix of force. The attack is rebounded against the field, and ricochets off depending on where the attack hit. This barrier envelops only the front and sides of whomever it is directed to. 2 uses per thread.

Animus Productivity V1-Brand animates any type of matter into two golems that glow with an arcane light. These constructs can lift up to 150 pounds, and are imbued with the same knowledge that Brand has. These constructs can only be used in ----Non-Competitive---- situations. When commanded, they activate, and can build basic structures, including small homes and forges. As soon as their commanded activity is complete, they fall back to their base elements. 2 uses per thread.

07-26-14, 07:24 PM
Building Snatching: Alydia is the world's most unique crook because she tucks large things into an extra-dimensional pocket where only she can access them. Currently, she can steal items that occasionally range to the relatively significant, like a minor NPC's house, a major public monument, REALLY big rocks or an item/items worth up to 12,000 gold. If caught, she must return the item or house, by the rules of her own game. She cannot pull living beings into the pocket, so a house with people in it would vanish, leaving the people on the ground. If Alydia is killed, anything in her pocket dimension will disappear forever. She also has a secondary pocket in which she can store some heavier/bulkier personal items, like books, maps, etc, while still remaining light enough to run and travel.

Level 6 (like Talen's Symphony)

Shadow Running: Since she needs to be able to make a quick getaway from time to time, Alydia learned how to use the shadows to help her escape. She can currently Shadow Hop up to a distance of 60 feet 12x/hour. She uses this to help her get away from otherwise too close/too dangerous pursuers.

Level 10

How the HECK Do You Even Steal That?: Alydia can take one intangible item from a person, such as an idea, a talent, or a power. She can do this multiple times per thread, but can only hold on to one intangible at a time, so the first intangible must be either returned or lost before she can take a second. (Obviously, I have to have permission before doing it to a PC or a player-owned NPC.)

Level 10 (because it could theoretically cancel a level 10 ability?)

Darkvision: Aly can see well in the dark, as befits her race, but she has a little trouble in low light, since it confuses her two types of vision.

Level 3

Senses: Alydia can hear and see 2x better than the average human.

Level 3

Agility: Aly keeps herself alive, if not completely out of trouble, by being able to outmaneuver people who are right on her tail. She has developed agility 3x the ability of the average athletic person.

Level 4

36 / 6 = 6 (< 5.5 + 0.5x3 (vacants) = 7)


black shadow
07-30-14, 11:59 AM
Memento (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27864-A-Sombre-Song)

In a Blink:
Chandra slows down time, allowing her to perceive what’s going on around her much easier. She moves at the same relative speed as everything that is 'slowed', she is just better able to react to what happens. At the moment everything is slowed to half speed for a maximum of three posts (either together or in one post parts). ~PL3

Liquid Time:
Chandra can change the time in small isolated areas. This manifests as being able to speed up anything passing through an area about the size of a watermelon. Any object passing through the effected space is sped up by about a third. The sped up 'zone' can last for two posts, or five minutes (whatever comes first). She can use this ability three times a day. ~PL3

Chrono Fling:
This ability focuses on Chandra's ability to create small areas of sped up time. Rather than increasing the speed at which things travel through it like Liquid Time, it ages anything it touches doing a small amount of damage to the effected area. Used on a person they would find the affected area becoming sore, joints aching and the like. If however it is used on a wound, it will increase the effect of the wound by about a quarter. Chandra can either attach the magic to a weapons for a single boosted attack, or throw it at someone a maximum of ten feet away. Usable three times a day ~PL3

3+3+3 = 9/3 = 3




black shadow
07-30-14, 12:56 PM
Hysteria (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27880-Talen-Shadowalker-Chapter-10)

I'm going to post this now and edit it when I need to.

(Could I get someone to look at this for me to see how I did? I feel as though I might have overrated a few abilities. Thanks)

strength: 10x
talen can exert extreme amounts of force at will. A punch is enough to send most men flying a few several metres, while he can smash through most wooden objects with ease. Armed with something like a sword or hammer he can smash through steel and slightly stronger metals easily. Talen can lift and throw objects in excess of 160kg. ~pl10

speed: 10x
talen's actions move like a blur. He lash out with his limbs like a blur, striking with a weapon or his fists he can strike at around 12 times a second. Heavier weapons he is considerably slower. He lacks the stamina for long sustained speed, but he can do bursts, generally in conjunction with his agility. ~pl10

agility: 10x
talen has exceptional balance and coordination. He can move easily around himself and off other surfaces. He can jump off walls, run along fences, even performing multiple flips and twists without becoming disorientated. He can generally position himself to fall without hurting himself and make quick and sudden moves with ease and grace. ~pl10

perception: 7x
talen's eyes are razor sharp, able to pick out details from upwards of a kilometre away. More importantly in close distances he is aware of nearly everything around him, including smell, touch taste and hearing. When he is focused, he is able to hear tiny noises, making him very hard to sneak up on. ~pl7

talen is completely unaffected by gravity. He moved of his own free will, and can stand, walk, etc, on any surface as well as fly. ~pl9

symphony of life
talen has learnt how to change intimate objects into shadows and back. Items that have been in his possession for a long time (ie, in his character sheet, or granted as spoils in other threads) can be summoned from the shadow realm, or sent back. Talen has learnt how to integrate the energy of the items into his own, causing them to protrude from his flesh. An example would be his sword blades growing out from his forearms so he can slash at his target. Special limiter, talen can only use this skill to provide protection to his arms, he can’t cover his entire body in metal/items. ~pl6

darkness around
talen extends a tiny amount of his body out in a fifteen metre radius effectively creating a radar around himself he can detect everything in or entering the area around him. Can be used three times a thread/day, lasts for three posts, including the post used. ~pl6

arms of n'jal
talen can produce up to eight limbs composed of shadow energy (and made physical like his body and as durable as leather). Each limb is one metre long but can stretch to a maximum of ten. They can grab onto things, but also strike and lift with a the same force as talen. They last until destroyed (physical or magical damage) but only eight can be made a per battle thread or once a day. Talen can summon them individually or all at once. ~pl9

crow to the wind
talen is a master of darkness. He can turn day into night, the brightest day into pitch black darkness. He can create within two hundred metres of himself any sort of black illusion, shape or the like. He can maintain this darkness for about 45 minutes (or 6 posts), six times a day. ~pl7

little rose
once a thread / day talen can release all the energy stored within and explode doing a huge amount of damage in a hundred metre radius around himself. The explosion is a blast of fire, strong enough to burn an unprotected normal person to a crisp. Someone with decent armour might only suffer third-degree burns. The explosion takes a few moments to happen, and it would be possible to duck for cover or some similar thing before the flames struck. The ability will kill talen on use. ~pl10

talen can manipulate shadows, either from the surrounds or more commonly from his own body. Due to his extreme control of the shadows, he has learnt to create solid shadows. The youth can create these types of shadows and control them within ten metres of himself. At its maximum, the shadows can be condensed to strike with the strength of steel with a volume of 80cm squared, or expanded to eight metres and be as strong as a very powerful gust of wind. Can be summoned twice a thread for three posts. Only one active at a time. ~pl10

song of forms
talen has the ability to change his form into a multitude of different things (as long as they are humanoid and there is no benefit to battles; purely cosmetic). The main three are listed above. ~pl4

whisper of the night
talen can completely regenerate himself over the night. If he is killed, maimed, etc, he will come back the next day. If he is killed his body will melt away into the ground along with any items he had with him. This ability can’t be used to suddenly regenerate during a fight, if he is hurt at night he wouldn’t regain his original form until the end of the following night. By expending additional effort he is able to heal moderate wounds (clean break, non-life threatening damage) within a matter of seconds. Usable twice a day/thread. Talen has now learned how to regenerate himself completely to the state he was in at the start of the day. He can do this once a day even from death. ~pl10

hum of darkness
talen dematerialises and travels through the shadows to materialise at his destination. Talen can travel short distances, up to 15 metres instantaneously (minimum of one post cool down). Longer distances require meditation for up to 30minutes (ie, quest use). At the moment he can only use this skill three times a day/thread. ~pl8

talen can create a shadow that homes in a target and explodes. The particular shadow construct can take many different forms, includes things like a crow, versions of himself, etc. He can make up to three such constructs at once a maximum of three times a day for a total of nine. Each construct can explode doing enough damage to disable a normal person, including breaking bones and/or knocking them unconscious like a powerful blow if they are within half a metre of them. If talen creates one construct rather than three it will have enough force to tear a limb off an undefended person. ~pl7

click click boom
“i am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” - dr. J. Robert oppenheimer

when talen unleashes the energy stored in his body his every touch becomes an explosion. Punches, kicks, even pats on the back could kill someone. For 5 posts, or 10 minutes (whichever first) talen can cause an explosion to whatever he touches. The damage is enough to shatter rocks, bones and to cause fatal damage to a normal person. The force is directed outwards from talen with the main blast area half a metre in radius from the point of contact. Talen is limited to three blasts while this effect is active. Any unused blasts at the end of the time limit are lost. ~pl10

10 : 8.33 : 16

10+10+10+7+9+6+6+10+7+10+10+4+10+7+7+10 = 133/16 ~ 8.31



Max Dirks
07-30-14, 01:52 PM
Talen's abilities are well documented earlier in the log. If he hasn't changed anything, just use the same rating as before.

08-02-14, 10:06 AM
That's some good work with Talen. I'd have given Arms of N'Jal a 9 and upped Hum of Darkness slightly, but overall pretty much the same. I actually thought I had one ability less than allowed, but was using the old levels in the Power Level thread. I've updated it with the same one from the guide.

black shadow
08-02-14, 07:10 PM
Zeva (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27848-Unlucky-Heir)

- She has enough brute strength to carry and use heavy weapons like her claymore with ease. She can also lift heavy rocks that most people struggle to lift with both hands. She can't yet lift boulders. She can bear up to 200 pounds. ~PL3

- She has a strong pain threshold to where she can resist pain of most kinds from an arrow stuck in her shoulder to the discomfort made by a poison (although other symptoms of poison like blindness and nausea cannot be resisted at this level). She can be struck with up to three arrows in a place aside a vital organ and her knees and still keep going. ~PL3

- She has a large amount of stamina to where she can keep going in battle even with her heavy iron armor and even in heated places like Fallien for about twice as long as normal. She can run up to a mile (I can lower it to half a mile if you want) and not be tired. ~PL3


3+3+3 = 9/3 = 3



black shadow
08-02-14, 07:12 PM
Fuzzball (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27885-Fuzzball)

Acid Coating - Able to manipulate the stomach acids inside it's body, Fuzzball can coat objects inside it's mouth first with the substance that is it's stomach's protective lining, and then with the acids inside of it's Stomach, thus acting as a corrosive acid. It can also spend time to coat it's tongues in this corrosive acid to lick or lash at things with. Fuzzball can coat up to 12 small objects every hour or 7 medium (basketball sized) objects an hour. It's tongues count as a medium object. Fuzzball can also launch the acid itself if no available object is available to coat, and depending on the size of the acid used can either cost as much as a small object, or a medium object coating (this counts as the same size determination for limited uses as well). The size of the acid launched determines potency of corrosion. Objects coated with the small object potency will corrode at a normal rate of half an inch per 4 posts, while medium potency will double the corrosion rate down to 2 posts. Fuzzball can launch small items and small acid balls a range of 50 feet, and medium items and acid balls a range of 30 feet. ~PL3

Elongated Tongues - Fuzzball's anatomy consists of two tongues separate of each other that lay wound up inside small chambers that lead to it's throat and mouth. Fuzzball has learned to extend these dual tongues out of the chambers and to great lengths out of it's body, up to a foot and a half outside of it's mouth. ~PL3

Size Manipulation - Fuzzball having no bones inside of it has learned to compress and expand it's body. By flattening it's body it can get through spaces twice as small as it is, and by inhaling large amounts of air can effectively double it's size. This doubling of size also provides the extra benefit of allowing it to bounce up to 8 feet in the air. ~PL3


3+3+3 = 9/3 = 3



black shadow
08-02-14, 07:40 PM
Button (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27889-Forgiveness)

Fire!: Teddy will be almost immediately destroyed by fire, even a small one. Even if he currently weaved by Dreams, he will burn up as if made of thread and cloth. (Weakness) -2

Tearable Demise: Due to his construction, even a normal human could easily tear Ted apart at the seams, rendering him useless. (Weakness) -1

Stuffed: With the lack of internal organs, he cannot sustain himself by normal means. Ted must be around people who believe in him or trust him or else he will slowly grow weak until he cannot use his metaphysical abilities. (weakness) -.5

Other Notable Weaknesses: No matter his form he still has the strength of a small teddy bear and cannot use normal weapons or armor for he would be unable to carry/wield them. He can use his dream weaving to reach tall objects or become larger, but only around people who trust or believe on him. If he is on his own, it will be difficult to move around in a world designed for larger beings. (weakness) -.5

Weaknesses = -3

Stuffed Body: A) Without bones or organs, Ted can survive long falls with fair ease, for there is little inside him to break or squish. B) Cold also doesn’t affect him until it becomes extreme enough to freeze the moisture on his cloth. C) Pure heat has the similar results, not affecting him until it is hot enough to make him combust. Of course open flame will ignite him like a torch. (3 separate abilities) PL 3,3,3

Dream Weaver has less limitations on size or complexity, but is required to be entirely pleasant or passive. The Dream cannot be harmful to anyone who is experiencing it. Currently the largest thing he can summon is around 10 foot square. He can also use this ability to change his own appearance very quickly (around 1-2 post). ~PL3

Nightmare Fuel is far more limited than Dream Weaver, but some could say it is more useful. At his current moment Ted can only manifest one nightmare at a time. With these nightmares he can create a weapon or offensive creation of less than 3 square foot. Keeping in mind the space created could be elongated to make a sword, widened to make a shield, as long as the total interior remains the same. The Nightmare may appear to be anything he wishes, but will have the hardness and sharpness of iron. It will take damage and react the exact same way as a weapon made of iron would, and if destroyed will prevent him from making another for the day or thread (whichever comes first). Nightmares must be simple objects, not complex, with no moving parts. They cannot in turn perform magic or have any special properties, other than visual ones. If Ted summons a flaming sword, the flames will be an illusion, for example. ~PL3


3+3+3+3+3-3 = 12/5 = 2.4


Too many abilities at this level.

08-07-14, 06:33 AM

Magical Negation:
A racial trait, Yakob is partially unable to be directly affected by magic. This accounts for spells, charms etc, including mental magics. This does not include any weapons that are enchanted, they will still work upon him, but a magically summoned ball of fire, for instance, will not burn him. Normal fire will, but anything magically summoned comes into contact with the Void that lurks within this Void Halfling's heart and is cancelled out of existence. This also includes telepathy and magical attacks on his mind. If an item is being thrown at him, however, telekenetically, it will affect him as the magic is focused on the object, not on Yakob. It also means he cannot himself activate any magical devices on a weapon, as his negating skin needs to come into contact with it.
Stats are as follows:
For any level character same level or below as Yakob the spell is 50% affective. If the magic wielder is above Yakob then the spell is 50% affective for 2 posts, or three spells (whatever comes first). After that he feels the full effect of anything thrown at him.
Its works as a microscopically thin layer around his skin acting as a naturally guard. If this layer is broken, i.e. if he receives even a minor cut, the barrier is broken and he can be affected by magic. This does not count for his scars.

Just to be clear, with 50% reduction of all magic, it refers to level 1s. So at level 2, 3, etc, it would be different.

I'm going to say that I am unsure about this. It could either prove effective, or not effective at all, we'll have to see how it plays. (a bit like how passive AOE effects simply don't do anything.)

Level 5

Technically not being a magical ability but something of a natural one of science, the Void within Yakob can take over his body once per battle thread and as many times as wanted in a quest thread, and turn him from visible to near-invisible. It literally melds him into the space between things and places, atoms and air, the Void, changing his body from state of physicality to one of between dimensions. Almost a sub-dimension in itself. He can only move at half-speed when in this state and loses his Magical Negation ability, but cannot be seen and hardly heard because of the change of dimension. It allows him to move from place to place undetected by normal means, for a maximum length of three minutes or three posts, whatever comes first.

Level 3

Yakob cannot die.
Whether it is due to his strange Halfling nature, or his personality, Yakob is immortal. Others of his kind can die of natural causes, but Yakob cannot. For some reason the strength of the Void in his heart has not only allowed him the re-use of his hand, but also for him to never have his heart or brain fail. Yakob hurts and heals like any normal being, but once he loses all his blood his systems will just keep going, running on pure Void energy. In this case he cannot keep walking if the pain is intolerable, and he falls unconcious like any other being, but he will never be able to be killed, drowned, etc.
When he gets to a point where he begins to recover - for instance, regain conciousness - he awakes very weak and only 20% healed. He is also incredibly hungry.

Level 1

08-17-14, 09:37 PM

Wind Elemental Flight- Being part Wind Elemental Kira has the ability to levitate her body in the air. This is completely effortless and she is capable of soaring through the sky at speeds of 30mph. She is also able to sustain this indefinitely due to her heritage.

Level 5, but single ability so I'm letting it through. The other two abilities were locked.

Technically, 5 > 3.5.

08-17-14, 09:40 PM

Werewolf Form- Regal was a child of two human Werewolves and as such is able to freely turn into a Werewolf. Regal as a Werewolf stands 7'0 from nose to foot weighing 250lbs. If willingly triggered Regal still maintains a slightly depreciated level of consciousness. Rather if the transformation is pushed upon him he hold very minor consciousness. In this form he takes on all characteristics of a Wolf, fangs, claws , and enhanced speed and strength. The transformation takes only 30 seconds to preform tearing through his cloth as he grows. (1 per day and lasts up to 6 hours)[2x speed and strength werewolf body]

Claws – 3
Speed – 3
Strength - 3

08-18-14, 07:10 AM

11 : 8.66 : 17

4, 4, 4, 6, 4, 4, 2, 5, 4, 7, 4 = 4.3

Agility – Izvilvin's agility is at its peak. He is comfortable in his ability to evade attacks, so much so that he does not fear being struck by anyone below a masterful area of skill. The drow can run along walls, flip effortlessly and accomplish feats of agility that are far (just) beyond that of a human.

Level 4

Reflexes – Izvilvin's reflexes are incredibly sharp, beyond that of any typical humanoid. He can dodge or deflect projectiles from close range (around four feet), and from a larger distance, could even dodge them if he only perceived them in his peripheral vision.

Level 4

Stamina – Having an uncanny amount of stamina, Izvilvin can run, fight, climb or engage in any other high-energy activity for long stretches of time. It takes several minutes of energetic battle for the first beads of sweat to appear on Izvilvin's brow, and he can push himself to continue at a fast pace for at least an hour.

Level 4

Poison Resistance - Izvilvin's body is immune to sickness and poison. Poisons take a mere moment to be filtered from his body, and sicknesses do not affect him.

Level 6

Darkvision - Izvilvin can see in the dark, even in the pitch black. Rather than colors, when his eyes shift to the infrared spectrum, he sees heat. It is almost as natural to him as seeing in the light.

Level 4

Advanced Senses - Reaching adolescence, Izvilvin's senses have improved. He has triple the typical hearing and visual range of a human. Izvilvin has learned to focus his senses, so loud noises do not always hurt him as much as they once did.

Level 4

Perception – Related to his advanced senses, Izvilvin can perceive things under magical cloaking or invisibility, even if their heat is masked in some way. This ability is limited, and Izvilvin can rarely detect anything specific - it is more of a sense that something is wrong.

Level 2

Force of Will - Through sheer willpower, Izvilvin can fend off attacks against his mind, spirit or heart if they are of magical nature, such as a spell that makes him angry or otherwise manipulates feelings or thoughts. It nearly always works, and has a higher success rate against skills that are used by someone of level 5 or lower.

Level 5 (100% I'd say 6)

Magical Fortitude – When it comes to magically inflicted wounds such as fire, ice, acid, lightning, and any other kind of elemental strike or spell, Izvilvin has a chance of limiting the effectiveness of (overcoming) the spell through sheer determination, dampening the effects of it and fighting through the pain.

Level 4 (like a toughness ability)

Powerful Heart - Izvilvin can overcome great measures of discomfort and pain, whether it be intense heat or cold, or a stab wound to the chest. Unless he is disabled by some means, Izvilvin will never collapse from heat stroke, loss of blood, or similar injuries.

Level 7

Wild Sense – Izvilvin has a keen awareness of his surroundings that extends beyond his hearing and vision, bordering on magical awareness. This allows him to sense incoming danger or people, but not identify what, specifically, might be approaching.

Level 4

Icarus Ring – This ring was obtained in the city of Gillette Sensor Excel, when Izvilvin snatched it from Rappa’s treasure room. It has the power to sprout magical wings of flight when Izvilvin pumps his fist into the air. The ring's ability lasts for a short time, and is only powerful enough to slow a fall, glide momentarily, or lift him several feet into the air. Izvilvin can use this ring twice in a battle or quest.

08-18-14, 07:12 AM

7 : 7 : 13

3, 5, 6, 3, 7, 7, 4, 6 (8 abilities) = 5.1

Soulpunch: A concussive blast of energy, manifested in the form of a man-sized fist outlined by blue sparks. Strikes with enough force to knock the wind out of someone and throw them backward. Fabien can use this twice before being unable to again. Has a 30% chance of failing.

Level 3

Cauterize: A searing beam of magma-like energy fired from Fabien's hand, 3 feet in diameter in a cylindrical shape. The line of the spell manifests and travels at an incredible speed, however cannot be used within five seconds of Fabien moving any part of his body in any significant way, or attempting to aim the spell in a different direction than his hand is pointing. Fabien can use this twice before being unable to again. Has a 30% chance of failing.

Level 5

Skull Squeeze: Instills an immensely painful headache on the target which lasts for three seconds. Can be used twice before unavailable. Has a 30% chance of failing.

Level 6 (a bit of a toss up, a trade off between damage and instant effect)

Absorb: Fabien is able to absorb energy from natural sources such as earth and healthy plants. At the most, this is capable of repairing a broken limb or major laceration. He can use this spell once per day, and has a 30% chance of failing the cast.

Level 3 (minor healing)

Golem: If Fabien is in an area with soil, rock and other natural elements which can be narrowed down to "earth", he can attempt a spell which animates a golem that is twice Fabien's height and build, but with skin as tough as tree bark. This golem behaves as a familiar for two posts before it crumbles. This spell can be attempted twice per day and has a 30% chance of failing. The golem is controlled by the owner of the Fabien Kaan account.

Level 7 (powerful, short term summon)

Mud Circle: Fabien selects a spot on the ground within 20 feet of his position, and wills it to become deep, thick mud. The change takes a moment to fully materialize, but affects a circle of ground with a diameter of 10 feet which is 15 feet deep. Only works on organic matter (earth, grassy terrain, etc). Fabien can use this twice before being unable to again, and it has a 30% chance of failing.

Mudwave: Once per day, Fabien can attempt to manipulate the earth around him into a tidal wave-like attack. The soil rises up to 20 feet and rushes forward like a wave, before crashing down. This requires natural ground to be around Fabien, and also works with sand. This has a 30% chance of failing.

Earth School – Level 7

Clay Blades: Fabien creates a sword out of the earth. These blades are as sharp as a steel edge. However, they are not suitable for blocking strikes from anyone who has above average human strength as they will not endure the force. This spell requires organic material such as dirt or mud to be within Fabien's reach. Can be used 6 times per day, and has a 20% chance of failing.

Boulderflesh: A shield which protects Fabien from three weak attacks (punches with normal human strength), two medium attacks (sword slashes from an average human man), or one strong attack (gunshot, sword slash from from humans who have higher than above average strength). Fabien can use this once per battle, otherwise once per day. Has a 30% chance of failing.

Mould Earth School - Level 4 (pretty weak really...)

Mudwalk: This spell allows Fabien to travel between two spots of certain types of terrain, such as dirt, sand or rock, and reappear within 20 feet instantly. There are limitations to this spell: Clay Blades cannot pass through with Fabien, and Fabien's entire body must make the trip. This can be used once per day, and has a 20% chance of failing.

Level 6, single teleport, limit on the surfaces.

black shadow
09-09-14, 06:30 AM
Whateverweather (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27963-Thael-Wayloft&p=235230#post235230)

Running from guards and angry homeowners has made Thael quite fast and enduring. His top speed is currently fifteen miles per hour, and he ran at that speed for five minutes ~PL3 Average man speed is 15 mph, though 5 minutes is a long time for that speed to be maintained. I'm counting that as endurance.

Two separate abilities

Thael has the ability to move objects with his mind, telekinesis. As it stands, he can either move an object directly toward him or stop its its movement altogether, and only from thirty feet away. It must be, at most, twenty pounds, and it must be dropped after twenty seconds. This can be done up to five times. He can also, when attacked, block the attack with his mind, stopping the attacker for no more than two seconds. The attack cannot exceed a momentum of fifty pounds, and he must know he's about to be attacked. This, however, can only be done once per thread, and after doing so, he can no longer use telekinesis until he’s rested. ~PL3,3

3+3+3 = 9/3 = 3



09-10-14, 12:25 PM
Child of Two Worlds(Level 1): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?27974-Child-of-Two-Worlds)

Clairvoyance: As a female member of the O'Sheean line, Taische is a clairvoyant. This has only kicked in recently, and so far she only gets occasional glimpses of big events or events that are immediately and inherently dangerous. Getting random visions is scary, so she's looking for a way to use her gift deliberately. - PL 2(not able to use deliberately)

Tenalach: Taische is very in tune with the world around her and can identify natural terrain elements (sinkholes, water, hills, mountains, etc) up to a half mile away, even if she can't see them. She considers it an extension of her sense of hearing. She also doesn't like or need to wear shoes unless she's in a town or she's walking in thick snow or burning sand. - PL 3

Fire Princess: Taische's abilities with fire are the only thing she's been told she inherited from her birth father. Up to six times a day, she can produce a spark sufficient to light a candle, lantern, torch, or heap of kindling. Up to four times a day, she can produce a bright but harmless flame in her hand to let her see in dark spaces. Up to three times a day, she can produce a major flame event, like a fire burst that extends three feet around her, a fireball that she can launch up to twenty feet, or a fire lash that lasts up to fifteen seconds and extends up to fifteen feet. - PL 4

2 + 3 + 4 = 9/3 = 3

3 APL at Level 1.


09-21-14, 03:50 AM

Body Manipulation
As the entity is most vulnerable when exposed, a trick that it learned early on was to hide inside other creatures. It would flow into any exposed orifice and use the body's own systems to control it. This is difficult enough as it is, so corpses are its preferred host. These are not the undead, simply grotesque marionettes. This means that although they do not feel pain from wounds, they grow more difficult to control as muscles and tendons are severed. The bodies are more resilient, as they do not need to eat or sleep or heal, but they are also clumsy and lack fine motor skills as they are difficult to control. Though the entity does not rely on eyes to see, and so is unaffected by lighting conditions, it does make it easier for it to make sense of the physical world. Without eyes it can make out shapes and forms, but not colours or markings (it could see a scroll, but not the words or images printed on it). Once a body grows too decayed or damaged to use, it is simply discarded and another is found. If a body must be shed involuntarily however, it takes some time for the entity to recover enough to return to the physical realm.

Endurance (but less fine motor control) 2
Doesn't die - Level 1

Darkness Imitation
The entity can still act outside of its host, but only to a limited degree. It can spread itself outward to appear as darkness, obscuring vision but not actually snuffing out lights. This is easier to do in areas that are enclosed or darkened already, and can be countered by intensifying the light in the area, as it is more difficult to sustain when exposed.

Weak darkness - Level 3

black shadow
10-01-14, 06:40 AM
Raven Call: Leopold can conjure a raven of shadow equal to the size of his fist. It strikes with concussive, silent force. It strikes at X2 strength and X3 in dusk/night. Useable thrice per post, up to three times per thread. ~PL10~

The Aerie: Leopold can conjure and exile items into a space he calls the Aerie. It has no physical properties or presence. It cannot be or accessed by anyone except Leopold. He cannot store perishable, magical, or living items in the vault. ~PL2~

Old God: Leopold is immeasurably old, born of Berevar’s hopes and dreams. He does not age physically. When he succumbs, he reincarnates, and he is 75% resistant to magic that is directly from The Tap. ~PL9~

5 : 6 : 11

10 + 2 + 9 = 21/3 = 7

(sacrificing abilities for PL) 5 : 10 : 3


10-03-14, 10:44 PM

3 : 5 : 7

9 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 4 = 4.8 (passed, even without empty spots)

Mystic Protection: Like his brothers, a single attack will cause a shield of glass to shatter around his body. Unlike his brothers, however, Ciato's MP has precision and finesse to its attack. The glass shards will target the one body part that is the weakest on his opponent, sending a very painful message to his foes. Upgraded to 2 uses a thread/day.

Level 9 & Level 3 (basic range glass attack)

Shadow Weapons: This is the basic abilitiy of any Mystic who passed the Shadow trials. Ciato is able to conjur up any melee weapon simply out of shadow magic. This includes swords, pole arms, daggers, axes, whips, chains, Akashima based weapons like scythes and kusari-gamas, etc etc. The limitations is that Ciato can not create shields or long-range weapons yet. The weapon lasts for as long as Ciato is conscious, or the weapon 'breaks', as they are the same tier as steel. He may only summon one weapon at a time, however.

Level 5 (increase due to 'as long as concious)

Impromptu Chaos: Ciato uses his shadow magic to coat his entire body, and cause large, three foot spikes to pop out of his form at will, akin to a sea urchin or a puffer fish. This can be used twice before Ciato uses up all his magical prowess.

Level 3

Ligature of Destruction: Ciato Makes several curved slashes with his sword or shadow weapon, which form invisible, spider-like webs around where he made the slashes. The web traps an opponent for five seconds but remains until the web is destroyed or catches a prey. He can create two webs like this.

Level 4 (not much stronger than a blast/knock ability)

Max Dirks
10-06-14, 03:35 PM

True Vision – Heritage - Taviri was gifted from birth with the gift of true sight. Unlike others who may only see what illusions the demons and undead throw up, Taviri can see past them in order to see what lies underneath. It is this gift that allowed him to see Amiya’s true visage, and this gift that plagues the hunter. Unless he is wearing his glasses, he will see the ugliness that people hide within them. He will see the true form of everything, including shape shifters and illusionists. This sight is not perfect and so illusions from strong foes may take a full minute of observation to pierce. All he will get is a feeling something is not right after ten seconds of observation. 5 due to user imposed limitations, otherwise 8

Word of Banishing – Divine - Upon invoking the word of Banishing Taviri can attempt to unsummon a demonic minion, or destroy outright and undead one. At his current level he is fairly weak, and unable to garner much command over the Demonic or Undead, but it can also be a useful tool for dissuading such creatures from attacking, or even temporarily stunning them. The progression of this skill is based on the users willpower compared to his opponent's as such;

Opponents with no will to fight the banishing are destroyed if undead or banished to their native plane if extraplanar entities.

Opponents with a modicum of will power will be shunted away up to ten feet as if tackled by a strong man. If they connect with something this may cause physical harm the shorter a distance they have traveled.

Opponents with equal will power will feel a strong shove which may disorient or knock off balance a for. Player characters are assumed to be of this level at least.

Opponents of stronger willpower will feel a strong breeze against them signifying an attack but otherwise causing no damage.

The word of Banishing is draining and therefore Taviri can only use it once a page (or 10 posts). This means if used the first post of a quest, Taviri cannot use it until the first post (post 11) of the next page, as he has exhausted its use until then. 3 due to user imposed limitations; very rarely will this be anything greater than a shove on a PC due to set limitations.

Healing Hands – Divine - Taviri can chant the words "Kal Mani" and lay his hands upon a person healing light to moderate wounds. Deep cuts provided they do not cut veins or arteries and minor scratches can be healed over time so long as his hands remain in contact with the person. This skill cannot be used on himself, as it is to be used for others. May be used 3 times a thread. 4, on point abilities in WL.

Refresh – Divine - By chanting the words "Bet Ex" Taviri gains the ability to refresh a person, allowing him to give them a tiny offering of vigor. Him or any person within line of sight he chooses, may gain a second wind of sorts. This allows a person suffering from fatigue or exposure to the elements the ability to shrug off these effects for three posts. Immediately after these posts are done, they will feel even more tired, as it does not cure the fatigue, merely lets them ignore it for a short duration. 4 - this is a combo ability; part one is in the same school as healing above; part two is the boost, which is a 4 (generally weak boost to endurance)

Glyph of the Mouse – This rune allows Taviri to shrink Fury to the size of a baton, and re-grow it when needed. Upon using this ability it has a cool down of five posts. (In the case of multi person quests yes, their posts count towards the cool down time.) Each use of it whether resizing to the normal size or shrinking requires the aforementioned cool down time, activated with a thought. Though technically this should be counted as an ability because he is unable to provide proof of where it was earned/purchased, I will let it slide because his earlier profile update indicated this was grandfathered pre crash.

Total: 16/4 = 4. Amount allowed 5 (+.75) due to open slots.


Character is approved.

10-15-14, 06:28 AM

*** Bark-skin – Silara has the ability to change his skin to wood. It can cover a small area, such as his hands up to his elbows, and can only be placed in two places at a time. So, if he uses it to cover both hand and forearms he cannot have it appear anywhere else. The wood is Trakym bark, making it light, somewhat soft, yet resistant to magic.

Resistance to magic for a small part of his body - PL3

*** Natures Strength – Silara’s connection with nature gives him the ability to be stronger than he appears, as is not uncommon in nature itself. He is currently twice as strong as his stature would imply.


*** Natures Wrath – The very essence of nature is not simply beauty, slow growth, and aesthetically pleasing. Underlining the placid visage is decay, death, and anger. Once a day Silara is able to transform into something dangerous and malevolent. His connection with the spirits of nature will take on the different forms he can assume, but for now there is only one.

--The Horned God—
Click image for larger version. Name: berg.jpg Views: 2 Size: 10.8 KB ID: 3440
Silara assumes the form of the mythological god of nature, The Horned God. His size does not change, but his appearance does dramatically. The head of a goat-like demon on a human body covered in coarse brown hair, the Horned God is a terrifying thing to behold. It grants him the passive ability of unsettling the enemy with his appearance, but the truth strength of the transformation is the speed (x2) that he is granted and the blind rage that allows him to ignore minor wounds.

I didn't bother to count ignoring minor wounds, most characters would do the same. So just Speed boost, PL3.

10-15-14, 06:32 AM

Water Magic:
Breathing Bubble - Just creates a bubble around his neck to cover his holes and gills so he can breath outside the water

I didn't count this, it is effectivly nullifying a weakness he has, so cancells out.

Gills - For breathing under water


Coral Regeneration- While wet Alex heals at 1 mm every ten seconds via Coral Regeneration lasts as long as he is wet. While dry it takes about the same amount of times it would any normal human. While active, ability absorbs water at 2x normal rate drying him five seconds after water source stops.


Survival Instinct - All coralian children under 15 has a natural sense of danger and will usually avoid it like the plague. In Coralians this instinct is heightened when they are alone and usually they can tell exactly where that danger originates from.


Coldblooded - Coralians are cold blooded so they are extremely slow in the cold, however, they will not hibernate.


No Groin Shot - Coralians do not reproduce from the groin so they are not sensitive in the groin area.

3 + 3 + 4 -1 = 3

10-15-14, 06:37 AM

Enhanced Reflexes- Instinctively Vanessa is able to perceive physical attacks and react to them accordingly. Plotting courses of projectiles and anticipating magical strikes. Almost as if she has complete control of her entire muscular system. (2.5x Reflexes)

Enhanced Speed- Having gone through heavy weight training Vanessa is able to as fast as Usain Bolt *Google it* Roughly 30mpg. (2.5x Speed)

(4 & 4/2) 4 > 3.5 (.5 for two abilities)

I'm going to let this one go due to the two abilities are both speed related.

black shadow
10-21-14, 08:17 AM
Ioder 2 (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28075-Ioder-2&p=236456#post236456)

Transcendent Appeal- Ioder as a Seraphim has the capability to morph his shape into other humanoid forms. This is used to cover his identity and come across as another. His favorite form is his former appearance as a child in life, he uses this to appeal to the senses of others. (4 per thread) ~PL2

Seraphim Flight- Gifted with a pair of wings, Ioder has the ability to fly at speeds of 20mph and slower for an undefined amount of time. Their wings can disappear and reappear on command in order to hide them if needed. ~PL5

Seraphim Glimmer- Seraphim are blessed with a unique offensive and defensive power, a glimmering aura can surround them to be used as shield or spear. This glow is very dense and powerful, if used for defense it can be made into a wall for large coverage or a cocoon for personal defense. Able to stop projectile and physically manifested magical strikes of the same strength or lower. The Wall/cocoon can defend one strong magic attack like a fire ball, or two week attacks like a punch or kick be considered being used. The projected wall is large enough to cover one side of two people and the cocoon is conceals all sides around Ioder. And if used for attack the glow can wrap around Ioder's arms or legs to increase strike force and armor piercing, able to pierce iron and easily dent steel. The defensive and offensive skills will continue to be present as it is an uncontrollable effect of being a seraphim though they will be considered used once per attack defended or dealt with it. ~PL5/4

5+4+5+2 = 16/4 = 4


4 + .25 = 4.25

4 < 4.25


10-25-14, 07:34 PM

Alyssa is exceptionally nimble. She is capable of manipulating her body beyond the limit of the average Althanian woman. She can do several aerial flips and spins. On the ground, she can roll, dodge, backflip, and cartwheel repeatedly with precision. She has focused on training her flexibility as well, allowing herself unusual angles with her firearms and confusing maneuvers with her garrote wire. This training also includes the ability to maximize her muscle twitch response and gain an additional height to her jumping ability. (9’ High Jump, 5' Long Jump)

Level 4

Combined uses of 18 for abilities below:

Magical Conduit:

Alyssa is a freak. During her conception in a lab, her spine was fused with a rare magical artifact. Its original properties and functions are unknown, but the experiment to fuse a living person with the artifact was a success. The result is a human being capable of acting as an energy conduit with the natural world. This allows the girl to “pull” energy from her surroundings and “store” them into specially constructed catalysts to which can be “fired” from prototype weapons known as M-class Firearms. She is even able to draw and expel energy from her own body as normal mage might use spells. The process of charging one of these specialized catalysts is dependent upon desired effect, strength and element:

Alyssa can channel energy from nearby sources of water or vapor in the air. The time needed to charge one of her revolver shells is two (2) seconds per shell while drawing from a nearby body of water or five (5) seconds per shell if drawing from humid air. In a place like the deserts of Fallien or near incredible sources of heat, the time can extend all the way up to thirty seconds (30) per shell or not at all. It is possible for her to directly convert five milliliters (5ml) of water into pure energy in the same timeframe needed near a lake (see above).

((UNLOCKED)) The time needed to directly charge the artifact in her spine is only ten (10) seconds per burst near a body of water, making her a force to be reckoned with near a lake, river, well, shore, or during/after a storm. In humid air, she can charge enough for one burst within ten (10) minutes. She cannot charge this in dry climates.

Water magic:
2 to 5 seconds (in normal circumstances) charging time
Ice Arrow attack, normal bow equivalent
If near water she can use a Ice Cone attack, several ice arrows, plus concussive and some freezing damage.

Level 4

Wind (Charging):

Alyssa can charge a round with the energy inherent in the wind. This is her fall-back whenever previously stored spells go awry because of its accessibility and rapid charge speed. For a revolver shell, she can charge it in less than a second. In a dust storm, thick smoke, or fog, this time increases to 2 seconds per round. The only time this becomes a problem is in areas that are sealed off from open air such as a collapsed cave or air pockets under water. In those circumstances, she cannot charge her rounds without penalty. Doing so would create a vacuum or slight pressure differential that would cause internal bleeding, suffocation, headaches, and heart failure.

((UNLOCKED)) The time needed to charge her artifact is continual. No other charging or activations can occur during a continual draw. She can continually draw even in a dust storm, thick smoke or fog with great effort.

Firing Effect:
.357-M (Revolver):
When fired, the chamber focuses the energy into a concussive blast of air. This is equivalent to a strong punch from an average man. The maximum effective range is two feet (2’) after which the blast of air is too dissipated to do any meaningful damage. This is designed to work in tandem with her martial arts to extend her maximum threat range.

Artifact (Raw Spell): ((UNLOCKED))
When channeled through the artifact fused with her spine, Alyssa can manifest a localized vacuum around her hands. This effectively turns her arms into wind scythes capable of rending flesh and leather as easily has honed steel and against iron, it is capable of leaving 1/4 “ gouges into the surface.

Wind Magic:
Very short range concussive attack
Wind 'blades' around her hands, as strong as slightly above steel.

Level 5

Earth (Charging):

Alyssa can charge a round with the energy from the earth at her feet or stone around her. Since this material is nearly always available, she is never without resource. Unfortunately, out of all the elements, earth is the least lethal. Given its placid state, high density, and low state of energy, earth magic has limited applications. For her pistols, she can charge a round in 15 seconds. Again, even though the material is always available, it is difficult to draw energy from. The only exception being soil charged with magical energy (Red Forest) or soil rich in raw minerals (crystals, ore, marshlands etc). Under those conditions, she may draw a capacity charge in under 5 seconds. She is unable to charge a round at sea.

Earth is the one energy that has a passive effect and is always active. Unfortunately, it only effects high density magical crystals or ores. So long as she is in direct presence of an earth element, her artifact will passively resonate energy from it. Only at sea has she found it useless.

Firing Effect:
.357-M (Revolver):
When fired, the energies are released invisibly in a linear path. These energies are harmless and will pass through all materials except those of an earth affinity. Once it penetrates back into an earth element, the generic effect is a column of earth with jut forward with a great amount of speed. Alyssa typically uses this by firing into the ground at her feet to propel herself exponentially higher into the air. This can also be used to help traverse cliff sides, provide support in collapsing tunnels, as a crude battering ram, and occasionally to catch an enemy off guard. In soft or moist soils, this round will only surge the earth upward then re-settle similar to how a bubble would rise to the surface of water before popping. This can also create a propelling effect, but with diminished returns. Unlike traditional rock or earth, soft soil will not maintain its form after the initial effect. In mineral or crystal rich environments, occasionally a spire of raw ore or translucent crystal will jut from the earth instead.

Artifact (Raw Spell):
This is always active. So long as Alyssa is in the presence of an earth element, she can freely manipulate her ammunition crystals through will. This helps her expedite the reload process in high speed, limited space, and/or high risk combat. This ability also allows her to constantly collect and maintain close possession of any expended crystals ejected from her weapons. So long as this is active, Alyssa does not need the use of hands to move her ammunition crystals or any similarly small crystals. The maximum number of free-floating gems she can manipulate is 22, no longer than 5" and wider than three quarters of an inch. This ability is useless on the sea (unless at the sea bottom), or exceptionally high in the air (500'+ off the ground).

Earth Magic:
Earth column strong force
Doesn't lose the crystals once shot (I don't think this increases the PL)

Level 3

4 + 4 + 5 + 3 = 16/4 = 4 approved!

10-27-14, 03:38 AM

19: 10 : 23

Mystic Protection: This spell can be cast 4 times. It surrounds the user with a shield of clear glass, which shatters upon a decent blow with it's opponent. The shards that the shield become instantly explode out in a dome radius all around the child. There is one small point that the glass does not cover upon explosion. A clever man can easily avoid it a second time, provided he payed attention or got lucky the first time. Also if someone is directly touching the target of the spell, the glass breaks around their form as well. So if Person 1 was touching Sei as he cast it on himself, and Person B attacks, the glass shatters around person A and Sei, protecting them both from the subsequent explosion.

Level 10 – blocking the attack
I've included the glass shards in a Glass School ability below.

The Sound of Madness: An ability in which Sei can temporarily unlock the psychic potential in a person. Unfortunately, with many people not being as well trained to quiet the thoughts around themselves as Sei was have a 75% chance of becoming distracted from listening to 'the voices', with a 50% chance of going insane from hearing the thoughts of others.

Level 6 (single use per target, dependent on will power).

Octopus' Garden: Learned from a spell book found in his tomb, Sei raises a hand and begins to concentrate. Seaweed rises from the ground and ensnares the target, setting them up for the second portion of the spell. For roughly eight seconds, volleyball sized rocks rain down towards the foe going anywhere from 30 to 50 mph. The seaweed is incredibly resistant to most types of attacks, but weak against the tiniest bit of fire magic, which makes the seaweed retreat back into the ground. Learned from The Beginning. Can be cast four times a thread.

Seaweed hold – level 6 – hard to dodge and destroy seaweed
Rocks – level 8 – pretty deadly

Force Persuade: Sei can wave his hand and forcefully persuade his targets mind to do what he says. Kind of like hypnotisim, but different. There has to be an inkling that the target wishes to do the given task, so the target can overcome the mental push. There is a 70/30 shot of this working, and can be used in in combat and the bazaar to give discounts, no freebies. Of note, this was a former ability Sei had that was recently unlocked during his altercation with Talen Shadowalker.

Level 5 – plot device for pesuation, some use in battle.

Evenflow: Sei matches the brain pattern of his foe, causing his muscles, reflexes, and other attributes to match that of his opponent. Meaning if somebody has 6 x strength, casting Evenflow will grant Sei 6 x strength as well. The disadvantage to this technique is that the only ability Sei can use in conjunction with Evenflow is Mystic Protection and his light based abilities[/colors]. Also, this ability takes one full post to complete. This effect lasts for the rest of the thread, or until Sei cancels it himself, which in and of itself takes another full post to accomplish. With Sei's newfound power boost, he is now able to also temporarily take 1 technique of the target used for Evenflow. The condition is that Sei has to have seen the technique used at least once, and he is able to use the ability as many times as the original owner is able to.

Possible to gain between 1 and 5 abilities, given the characters on the site, most likely 3. To round off that these abilities would be below or equal to level 10, I picked PL of 10 x3

Would?: Sei would have to use the phrase 'If I would, could you...' followed by what he was challenging someone to do (IE 'If I would, could you walk towards me?') if said target performed the task, a random effect would happen. It could do anything from turning Sei into a knight to having it rain gumdrops. Sei only uses this ability once per battle due to it's wild card-ness. On levels higher than Sei, the spell will have a 20% chance of benefitting Sei.. If a target is Sei's level, there is a fifty fifty shot Would could work good or bad against the Mystic. Lower levels have about a 80 percent chance of Sei's spell favoring what he needs however, though a 20 percent rate is still a good chance it will prove useless.

Level 10, (but would probably be used at more like 6.)

Powerless: Sei is able to cast a spell that renders all magic, enchantment, technological, or cast, completely nullified. This does not affect innate abilities such as naturally increased strength or speed, nor does it affect racially granted defense mechanisims, such as Mystic Protection. Furthermore, this spell does not affect Sei himself, but will affect his allies. This effect lasts for color=green]twenty feet, for five minutes or three posts, whichever comes first. Able to use twice a thread.

I'm counting this as two level 10s, one for eliminating all abilities within 20feet, the other all technology (ie, items and abilities). I'm not 100% sure on this one. I think in practice it might not be so effective as people will in most cases be able to leave the area.

Third Eye: Sei is able to see the microscopic spectrum of things. From over three miles in the air, he can find a single ant twitching its legs. This gives Sei an insane level of details, even to how someone carries themselves. Note that this ability does not give Sei an actual third eye, but just allows him to zone in on areas of interest at will. Can also be used indefinitely. Sei can now also view the various planes that people can travel across, which allows him to track those who shift dimensions in order to escape. Upon slight concentration, the Mystic can also see particles and atoms in the air.

Level 10 – Crazy eyes, a max perception ability.

I’m Looking Through You : Essentially, this is X-Ray vision. Sei can see through walls, bodies, the ground, almost anything that isn’t made with the metal lead. Even the tiniest trace of lead will stop Sei from being able to see through things. Can be used at will and indefinitely.

Level 8 – advanced version of things like detect life and 'extra senses'.

Here Comes The Sun: Doo doo doo doo! Sei uses the power of the sun to amplify his Light magic, creating heat vision. Sei can control the temperature at which he uses this laser vision, as well as how powerful the ability is. It can be completely invisible, or bright red, and be able to catch cloth on fire instantaneously. This move feeds off of any light Sei has absorbed through the days since he last used the technique.

Level 8 - Set fire to things instantaneously, no use limit. High level fire magic.

It's Raining Sunshine: Sei has the ability to call forth shadow destroying sunlight at any time. This move not only makes all shadows within a fifty foot area completely vanish, but it also recharges Sei's as well as other light based characters solar based powers (His internal light, Here Comes The Sun, etc etc) This effect lasts for as long as Sei is within the fifty foot radius from where he cast the spell, and the area returns to normal once Sei leaves the area of effect.

Level 5 - Creates an area of sunlight, i've already taken into account that the eye beams are continuous, so just treating this as getting rid of shadows.

Gemini Duplicates: Because I'm not sure if you guys caught them during the last update, the Gemini Blades posses the ability to make a duplicate of Sei. Well, now that duplicate has become duplicates. Plural. He is able to make up to 3 other Seis for a total of three posts, or unless Sei wills them away. He cam summon the duplicates all at once and spread each of their powers thinner, or he can summon one at a time and have them be on par with Sei Prime. If all at once, the duplicates only share Sei's light based powers (Turn Up The Sun, Raining Sunshine, Here Comes The Sun). Only one duplicate will have Mystic Protection, and two duplicates receive Octopuses Garden only.

Summon duplicate.

Summon Itself – Level 10 (1 or 3, nine posts in total)
Now, due to the limited post limit, I've taken into account the number of abilities they can use is limited.
10 – The light abilities
10 – The mental abilities
10 – The other random ones

I believe this works, the issue is that as Sei has levled up, the original fairly easy to judge summon has gotten more and more powerful. At the moment this is the most powerful summon ability as well, and most characters wouldn't be able to have something like this.

Turn Up The Sun: Sei has become a self-sustaning solar battery at this point, his own radiance rivaling that of the sun for days when he is exposed to any type of light, be it torch light, sunlight, light bulbs, hellfire, etc etc. The lights serve as a minor regeneration on the mute, healing minor wounds in thirty seconds, medium wounds in three minutes, major wounds in five, and fatal wounds in ten, should he survive that long.

Level 6: medium healing from a light source (that he can cast).

Glass Shatters: With this ability, Sei shatters all glass in an area and sends it flying out in every direction as if his Mystic Protection just activated. Because of the nature of this ability, it costs 2 castings of Mystic Protection to use 1 Glass Shatters.

Hurt: Sei uses the glass from 1 casting of his Mystic Protection to form smaller, condensed balls in front of him that shatter upon command or upon impact. The glass itself is razor sharp, but there is much less of it per ball than it would be if hit with a full Mystic Protection. Sei can not control the balls other than keeping them levitating in the air. Kind of 'Mini-Mystic Protections'[/quote]

Glass School, level 7 (includes glass attack of mystic protection)

Livol Band: Weak against fire, takes 15% off of one magic attack per battle, weak against fire. Unless the first ability is used, it allows for 5% overall magic resistance.

Level 3

The Feet of Y’edda: Since gaining another Thayne item, Sei is now able to run at 4 times the speed of a normal person while wearing the Feet of Y’edda. Also, as long as Sei is touching natural ground, he can heal moderate injuries in minutes, minor injuries in seconds, and major injuries in hours.

Level 5 speed (healing not included, item based)

The Sound of Madness: 6
Octopus' Garden: 6, 8
Force Persuade: 5
Evenflow: 10, 10, 10
Would?: 10
Powerless: 10, 10
Third Eye: 10
I’m Looking Through You: 8
Here Comes The Sun: 8
It's Raining Sunshine: 5
Turn Up The Sun: 6
Mystic Protection: 10
Glass school: 7
Livol Band: 3
The Feet of Y’edda: 5
Gemini Duplicates: 10, 10, 10, 10

Total 23 (Av needs to be less than 10, which it is)

Approved @ Level 19

10-30-14, 06:34 AM

Speed: excelled speed when running, to the speed of a deer bounding away from predators, based on an African springbok - short bursts of up to 50km/h and leaping up to 10 m through the air in a single curve.

Earth-Sense (was called "Nature"): Her species gives Philomel an acute connection to the earth. Whilst touching earth, or dirt, etc, she can sense what is around her, up to a fifty metre radius. The passive abilities this provides are a detection of animals of un-rational thought (i.e. not humanoids and sapiens) and other rough objects in her way - such as rivers, trees, buildings, and a rough idea of edible plants. She MUST be touching the earth for this to work, with no covering - i.e. via hoof or hand, not through a glove. To advance this to degrees of being of rational thought, Philomel can tell what rough direction they are (within 20 degrees) with a very rough distance (within ten, twenty, thirty or fourty feet, basically). For this part to work she must focus solely on this for two full seconds, losing valuable time. This ability is enhanced somewhat with Veridian, but was naturally hers.

Limited direction, but always on when she is touching the ground. PL5

Earth Magic: Due to the development of her connection with Veridian, Philomel has developed an "awakening" to earth magic. Though very rare in fauns, her linked mind with this Earth Spirit and her dutiful worship of the tree-goddess Drys, has allowed her to be opened up to a world of possibilities. Over time these will develop into something beautiful.
Dusty, Stormy Day (previously called Minor Earth Magic): Philomel can summon a dirt cloud, either from the dirt around her, or from the dirt she carries in her vial around her neck. The dirt has to be soil, or common dirt with up to 50% of it being dust. By flattening her palm she can create clouds, up to two feet in diameter, of a swirling form (gentle breeze to begin). This can be used up to four times per day. There is no minumum amount of dirt that has to be in this, however there are stages of the use.
1; If Philomel decides to use the dirt storm straight away it remains as dirt, and is used as a distraction, to get in eyes, etc. Veridian does not need to be in any way close by.
2; If she keeps the storm brewing (for this she must have a hand solely concentrating on it, with palm flat at all times) for three seconds, the elements of dirt begin get faster in their swirling, and also heat slightly. If released these cause all the effects as above, plus the damage of a minor cut where the dirt catches flesh, and can rip through fabric. For this stage, and stage 3, Veridian must be within a range of 30 metres.
3; If held for six seconds, the dirt will reach degrees capable of singing, the speed will get to the point of denting steel armour, and cabable of a major knife wound on direct flesh.
4; If held fully for twenty seconds (very rare) the effects are as above, be able to penetrate steel armour, and minorly dent any above, with degrees reaching 40 and capable of a minor burn. For to fully achieve this state, Philomel must give up her sword and fighting after ten seconds and fully concentrate on her dirt storm. Also, for this Veridian must be within one metre.
Level 6, high level damage but slow speed on casting the stronger stuff.

[B]NEW! Cracking The Earth: Up to three times per day Philomel can essentially cause a minature earthquake by slamming her hoof on the ground. What this does is immediately crack the earth in a line of five metres, or a web (circulating outwards) of three metres, depending on how her hoof is placed and directed. It upsets ground and plants, cracks concrete and if used against foundations, could destroy buildings. It causes a shake in the earth for three seconds before abating. In the very centre there is no damage exactly where Philomel places her hoof, but three inches from that the damage spreads rapidly out. It can easily cause a praticised fighter with no agility ability to lose their balance and slip, and knock any oncoming blade attacks out of balance with them. If very unstable and at the outermost edge of the crack (i.e. at the worst part) an opponent has the danger of falling over and hitting their head. On a Richter Scale this measures from 0 at the point of incarnation to 6 at the edge.

Level 5, variable depending on situation, could cause large indirect damage to people.

NEW! Through the Earth Portal (aka, down the rabbit hole): Essentially a form of teleporation, this ability allows for the transference of Philomel in an almost instance. It creates a portal in the ground, opening up the earth and creating a direct link to another place, but not in a physical way, more like a phasing state of metaphysics. Only creatures who are connected to the earth (fauns, Earth Spirits, possibly men) can use this portal. There are stages and limitations, also, on how close Veridian is to Philomel. This ability can be used up to three times an hour.
By herself Philomel can portal-jump to a distance of 10 metres.
Either Veridian or Philomel (though Philomel is the one operating the magic) can jump to join each others direct side so long as they are within 5 metres of one another.
If side-by-side Veridian and Philomel can jump together, pouring in her magic, plus his Goodwill enhancing, to a distance of 25 metres. This take two seconds to operate, however, and can be interrupted by a loss of concentration. They must be within half a metre of one another.
As a latent ability, one other person can be joined to the party, so long as they are not water-based or fire-based, and travel with Philomel and Veridian, or just Philomel by herself, to an extent of twenty metres. The subject MUST be willing, therefore this cannot be used against people as a weapon, only as a form of moving people out of situations (innocents, allies, etc). It cannot be used in direct combat, in the citadel or places officially battles (can be used in wars, such as Eiskalt, so long as out of combat with another character directly).

Medium range teleport. PL 7

NEW! Form To Form: To an extent, Philomel is able to manipulate the density of earth. This comes in the form of compressing or smoothing out earth - in essence, to turn a small mound of earth into a harder, rock-like material, or to make a rock a softer material. It is to do with compressing the element to make it stronger, or interrupting the segments to ease them back apart. This can either be a piece of soil (or dirt) a 1ft cubed maximum to be compressed, or a piece of rock around five inches maximum to be softened. Once a material is softened, it cannot be automatically compressed and vice-versa. Mud, for instance sinking mud, can be hardened in this way, but if softened again it will turn to soil. A time of ten minutes of "rest" occurs. This action also takes time, around three seconds per softening or compression, and can be done a maximum of three an hour. Uses for this include making a bed of soil to plant a seed, or hardening an area to make it easier to walk on and making a rock out of soil as use of a rudimentary weapon.

Level 6

Familiar: Veridian - a fox formed earth-spirit. Can be used in combat - his weapons include (and are limited to) a single bite per post that is harsh and brutal, and capable of ripping out large chunks of skin and flesh, down to muscle, causing a major wound. His claws are more or less kept sharp and a scratch will cause a minor wound.
Veridian is immortal, but when he dies he is out of extistence for ten minutes then reborn back under the ash tree Philomel met him in Concordia Forest. So once dead in a battle he cannot return.

The Darling:

An Earth-Spirit in the form of a fox, called Veridian, now with a surname of Ryuusan. He has been with her for a number of years, now, and is entirely devoted to Philomel, whom he calls his "beloved". The two share an intense connection, through which now they can communicate by words, and also show each other what the other is seeing and sensing. They can also cut each other off from the other's mind, if they wish.

Appearance: Fox in form, russet in colour, about the size of a terrier. He has a white-tipped tail and black ears, with brilliant golden eyes.

Power of Goodwill; all Earth-Spirits carry with them a natural sense of Goodwill, essentially enhancing the growth of plants around them and blessing the earth they walk upon. Though they cannot operate magic themselves, the people they bond with (i.e. Philomel) gain this Goodwill and are able to perform wonderous feats. Veridian enhances many of Philomel's abilities, as he is the source of her magic. There are various needs to some abilities, such as Dusty, Stormy Day for states 2, 3 and 4.
Immortality; Veridian is essentially immortal, being a creature of Spirit and Earth, that always has rebirth cycles. When he dies, however, Philomel feels the pain and emptiness, and a sudden loss. Her biggest fear (aside from her father) is being in an empty world, alone, and with Veridian gone she feels that fear, and so fears him dying. Veridian is then reborn in ten minutes, under the same ash tree near the bottom of the Jagged Mountains where Philomel found him first. As soon as he dies, also, all of her Earth Magic abilities stop in process, and only will work again when Veridian is reborn (not Earth Sense, as this is an ability latent to her species as a faun). Their telepathic connection will not be reset, either, until they are within a mile of one another.

Familiar: PL3, a small fox
Comes back to life 'eventually' PL1.

4, 5, 7, 6, 5, 6, 3, 1 = 30/6 = 5.2 <5.5 approved

10-31-14, 08:19 AM
Madison Freebird Level 8: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28140-Madison-Freebird-Reborn-Again-(Again-(Again)))

"I was trained in the art of kicking your ass!": Madison had been training in hand-to-hand combat since the age of eleven, and has a legendary level of skill in the art. Dodging and parrying the attacks of someone of equal skill is no great feat for her, even if they are wielding a weapon. Her strikes hit with enough force to knock most people down, stagger tougher/bigger foes, break bones and wood, crack stone, and dent metal anything weaker than delyn without sustaining any damage to herself. - PL 9

Poison/disease resistances: Madison is immune to all poisons, diseases, drugs, aphrodisiacs, and any other sort of chemical or compound that would otherwise have a negative effect on her. - PL 8

One tough bitch: Due to a rather extreme endurance regimen and her own stubbornness, Madison can take and shrug off most hand-to-hand blows and strikes from blunt weaponry and still get up to fight back. Several bones need to be broken before she even considers staying down. Also, her stubbornness has granted her additional defenses against psionic intrusions and attacks; any sort of spell, potion, rite, or possession that directly affects her mind (say, in an effort to destroy her sanity, browse for secrets, or control her thoughts and movements) is one-third as likely to succeed.
- PL 6 for Psionic Resistance
- PL 7 for Endurance

Maneuverability: Madison is able to run at about 20 mph for several minutes without breaking a sweat, and uses that ability on the battlefield to run circles around her slower opponents. Also, thanks to her extensive hand-to-hand training, she is agile to the point where she's able to duck, dodge, deflect and counter most close-range physical attacks from adversaries even slightly faster than her.
- PL 5 for Speed
- PL 5 for Agility

Poisonous breath: Seven times a day/battle, Madison is able to inhale sharply and mix the oxygen in her lungs with a poisonous substance that infects the victim with intense, debilitating headaches, blurred vision, fits of vomiting, greatly dulled senses, and halved speed, power, endurance and agility. The symptoms of infection take roughly one minute (or the length of a post) to settle in. Infection can only occur if the gas is inhaled or makes contact with open eyes or exposed wounds. Infection will begin to take hold the instant contact is made or it is even inhaled slightly. She can exhale a focused jet of poison that can travel fifteen feet in the direction she exhales, or a cloud four feet in diameter that only travels seven feet in the direction its exhaled in. The cloud will linger in the air for a minute or the length of a post before dissipating. If the victim is not treated within four days, the infection will kill them. - PL 10

Acid cloud: Twice per day/battle, Madison is able to store up enough acid to create an acidic burst that surrounds her in a small, misty cloud of acid droplets that has an effective radius of three feet. She's immune to her own acid; but anyone else caught in the cloud will find that the acid droplets severely burn any open skin it comes into contact with. - PL 7

Acidic touch: This ability can be used four times a day/battle. Through any point on her physical being, Madison is able to excrete a thin layer of a clear acidic liquid that she herself is immune to the effects of. On other organ matter, however, it begins burning and rotting away flesh, muscle, and plant matter in a matter of seconds. The pain a victim feels severe. Contact with a victim's skin will first cause blisters and reddened skin, but in a matter of minutes (or over the length of one post), the victim's skin will start rotting away bit by bit. The damage will only spread to within three inches from where full contact was made by Madison. - PL 8

Shrapnel Blast: Four times a day/battle, Madison can fill both of her hands with pools of acid, which quickly crystalize into extremely brittle, razor-sharp, amber-colored shards very similar to Mukakkannati glass. She can then throw her hands forth and use a pressurized burst to propel the shards forward at 75 feet per second in a scattershot pattern that quickly fans out to being ten feet in diameter if pointed in one direction, or five feet if she aims in two directions. The shards will shatter if they hit metal or stone, embed themselves in wood, and make quick work of flesh and other organic matter. The crystalized shards, being made of acid, will only cause an itchy, burning sensation if they come into contact with the victim's skin. - PL 8

Hands of the Puppeteer: Through fungal pods that can be extended from and retracted into the palms of her hands, Madison is able to shoot out three bursts of spores (per day) that contain a special strain of cordyceps fungus named Nemo’s Marionette. The bursts fire simultaneously from both hands in little blue clouds that travel three feet in whatever directions her hands are pointed. When the spores are inhaled or ingested by their new host, they undergo half an hour of torturous pain as the fungus begins to take control of their physical form. The process is complete when small stalks with a blue base and oily purple tips start bursting through the skin of the host, usually in and around the neck area, as if they formed a crude collar. Once the fungus is in full control, the host can operate well beyond its normal capabilities (1.5x strength, speed, endurance and agility). However, this bump in ability comes at a cost; the host body will cease to function after roughly one month, once the fungus has completed its life cycle and is able to release its spores, the host will drop dead. Due to the biological means of production, Madison is able to give direct orders through telepathy and vocal commands to all infected hosts or single creatures within a one-mile radius. The Nemo’s Marionette that Madison can naturally produce is only able to infect living and dead insects, beasts, and lesser kinds of monstrosities such as Fallien harpies, trolls, goblins and ogres, as well as dead human and human-like beings at this point in time. - PL 10

Ashling's Gift: Three times per day, Madison can summon a small, fist-sized cloud of gray spores from a fungal pod embedded in her hands. She can then blow the spores at the victim, assuming they are within the four feet range the spores can travel before dissipating. Infection begins immediately on contact with open skin. Ashling's Gift spores work quickly--within one post--to turn the infected area gray, before splitting and blackening the area, giving it the appearance of a burning log and exposing the muscles and tendons underneath. The infection can spread at a rate that will engulf the entire infected limb within the span of three posts. The pain suffered by the victim is obviously severe; the levels of pain will increase with continued usage of the infected limb.
- PL 8

The Briarheart: Over the course of events that she cannot recall for the life of her, her human heart was replaced with a symbiotic, plantlike entity known as a Briarheart. It is the source of her newfound plant-based powers; and as such, it acts very much like a human heart. If it is pierced, torn from her, or otherwise destroyed—it will kill her. On the bright side, however, exposure to sunlight will augment Madison’s speed, strength, agility, and endurance; boosting them by anywhere between fifteen and thirty percent of her standard capabilities, depending on how much exposure to solar energy she has. One downside of having the Briarheart is she is now slightly more susceptible to fire--it won't make quick work of her, but it will burn her plant-based skin faster than it would normal human flesh. - PL 10

Vines: Madison has discovered that she is able to sprout up to four different vines from anywhere on her body simultaneously, which can be commanded to fly through the air, grab onto things, pull her towards objects and vice versa, and tie up potential victims. The vines are roughly half an inch thick, and have the defensive strength of mythril. They can travel through the air and react to her thoughts with incredible speed, easily outmaneuvering humans with higher than average speed and agility. Each vine has a maximum length of 20, and can be retracted at will. - PL 8

9 + 8 + 7 + 7 + 5 + 5 + 10 + 10 + 8 + 9 + 9 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 8 = 125/15 = 8.3

7.5 < 8.3

1 ability too many: 14<15

Andy needs to remove one ability and nerf a few others.

Edit: Andy removed Poisonous Touch ability. Math is now as follows:
9 + 8 + 7 + 7 + 5 + 5 + 10 + 8+ 9 + 7 + 10 + 10 + 8 + 7 = 112/14 = 8.06 APL

Looks like Andy still needs some nerfing.

Andy has nerfed the following abilities in the following ways:
-Reduced mental attack made against her back down to half as likely to succeed
-Briarheart boosts reduced to 10-25%
-Vines' defensive properties reduced back down to Delyn as it was in previous update
-Poisonous Breath back down to five times per day/thread.

9 + 8 + 6 + 7 + 5 + 5 + 10 + 7 + 8 + 7 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 6 = 106/14 = 7.57 APL

I'm going to let the .07 APL slide.

Andy is approved.

11-01-14, 02:23 AM
7 : 7 : 13


Under APL, approved.

Sand Manipulation:
“Rizak”. The skill that defines my people. Everyday life is built around it, and the pride of every Farohtian is linked to their own use of it. One of Akashere's phrases of wisdom applies here. “If you love your craft, give it a name. If you really love your craft, give it a thousand names. But for the love of Roh, don't expect me to remember them all.” That last part is not heeded by most of my people... though I have grown quite sick of remembering it all. What follows has been edited to simple, logical Tradespeak.
A sand “pool” is a distinct section of her total familiar sand. It designates a difference in properties, and can consist of varying amounts, measured in “drifts”.

A sand “drift” is approximately ten heaping handfuls, uncompressed.

Sand Pools:
Name – quantity in drifts – color – passive location

Thirsty and Drowning – two – gold and brown, burnt gold when mixed – staff
~ One drift comes from her travels over the expanse of Fallien. The other was accidentally given to her by the Mystics while they were magically drying her sand from the flooded ruins of the Ella chamber.

Mask – one – all natural skin colors – tattoos or any disguise that has been held for over an hour
~ Gathered with the help of Akashere many years ago. It has enough Fallien skin tones to do a full body disguise, and enough Corone and Salvar color to do head-and-hands disguises for three people.

Victory – one – granite gray – tattoos or under clothes
~ Gathered from the rubble of the Armonia chamber as her sand was, once again, returned to her.

Failure – two – black – under clothes
~ The crushed remains of Eiskalt's unique architecture, collected from the ruins of Unum. It is slightly stronger than her other sand (half-tier boost).

Jump – miniscule – sapphire pendant
~ The powdered remains of one half of a teleportation crystal duo.

Background, doesn't really seem to have any effect. (the strengths are all stipulated in the abilities)

-- Utility --

Farohtian Scribe – Manipulation of ink and wax.
~ (Adept) Create or alter any document not protected by magical means. Ink and wax seals must be dry. Physical contact with the paper is required. Alterations can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes based on complexity. The presence of ink can be sensed, even when invisible or otherwise hidden, as long as the page is in hand.

Displace – Detect if sand is moved by another force or body.
~ (Apprentice) Only personal sand can be sensed. Reaction time is slower than that of the physical senses, and much slower if the sand is a great distance away (up to forty meters).

Level 1 & Level 6

-- Disguise --

Skin – Sand worn as a disguise. Personal sand of various hues is often used.
~ (Adept) Skin color can be changed completely. Facial features can be molded to a large degree. Changes to body shape are believable only with clothing over top. A single drift can be applied to the entirety of one's own body. Limiting the disguise to face and hands will not use an entire drift, allowing for weakened forms with the remaining sand.

Voice – Swallow sand and manipulate it against the vocal chords to change one's voice.
~ (Adept) The manipulator can change their voice to any pitch that is within the normal human range. It is uncomfortable (though bearable) with extended use and cannot be sustained for more than one day.

Level 4

-- Movement & Control --

Puppeteer – Form and manipulate non-solid shapes.
~ (Apprentice) A game played during any typical Farohtian childhood. The puppets must be human-sized or smaller to retain control, but can be sent up to 20 meters away. They have very little physical mass and little direct application in combat.

Paw & Wing – Use sand as a medium for precise movement.
~ (Apprentice) When a layer of sand separates the body from the ground, it can be shaped to either increase or decrease friction. It has little affect on smooth surfaces (metal) and cannot be used to defy gravity. While the manipulator is airborne, sand can be forced below the body to cushion a fall. It takes one drift per ten meters fallen to remain uninjured, albeit with some bruising.

Veil & Storm – Spread sand into a cloud around the manipulator, then grant it movement.
~ (Adept) The cloud has a radius of two meters per drift. It barely affects vision unless it catches other material up in it. Others entering it will feel skin, eye, and throat irritation. When in motion, the cloud moves in response to the caster's movement. A thrust of the body will elongate it in one direction. A spin will set it swirling enough to abrade bare flesh and damage sensitive areas. A long piece of lataro (such as the staff) is required to get the storm up to full speed, which can push opponents, moderately damage unprotected flesh, and obscure the caster to a single patch of darkness at the center. The storm can only last as long as the caster's body or lataro pieces remain in motion. If allies are in the range of the storm, it will divert around them, minimizing damage.

Burst & Capture – Strike or grapple an out-of-reach opponent with sand.
~ (Novice) With body motions, the manipulator throws forward a dense, spherical mass of sand (one-quarter meter in diameter for every drift used) that can, at its strongest, knock a grown man off his feet. For full power, the sand must coalesce near her striking limb for a few seconds before release. It will begin to dissipate after striking something or travelling four meters. Before dissipating fully, it can be willed to seize tight, coating one or more sections of the body and affixing them to either other body parts or objects nearby. The target can struggle free with some effort. To try to stall this, the manipulator must remain almost completely still and focus on holding the form.

Recall – Exert a pull on distant objects either made of lataro or woven with it. A miniscule amount of sand must remain in the object.
~ (Expert) Pull a familiar tool to oneself from up to thirty meters away. The tool can break from heavy resistance such as a strong grip and will return with force equal to two times what the user could impart with their own strength. In extreme desperation, the force and range will be stronger. The arc of a returning object can be altered by up to 70 degrees.
Current items that can be recalled: staff, bracelets/anklets

Collect – Draw all personal sand back to its passive locations.
~ (Adept) Complete collection at a moderate pace, either at will or upon falling unconscious. Sand being collected can travel along the ground or through the air. It must be physically captured to prevent this effect.
Note: Saturated sand, while useless for forms, will return at a slow pace.

Useful, but not very damaging. Mostly moving the sand around, but can grab someone and stop from falling from a high point. No Limits on uses – Level 7

-- Hardening --

Buffer – Creates an unstable airborne shield close to the manipulator.
~ (Apprentice) When formed to shield a whole body, the sand can block a grenade blast for every two drifts used. Reducing the width increases the thickness, enhancing the affect at the cost of coverage. The sand is designed to absorb and scatter the force, often resulting in it being flung out of range for immediate use. Blunt weapons will be slowed in contact with the buffer. Bladed weapons will cut right through with minimal resistance. If struck by less solid forces (such as elemental spells) the majority of the spell can be diverted up to 30 degrees from its intended trajectory. This quickly breaks down the buffer.

Carapace – Sand forms into protective plates on the body.
~ (Expert) One body part gains two tiers of protection per drift. (Up to the strength of delyn, tier 4.) Solidifying the sand over joints will greatly decrease flexibility. (Note that wearing the sand as a tattoo provides a small amount of protection, but only if it is willed to harden in time.) This protection can be applied to nearby allies and will remain solid up to thirty meters away from the manipulator.

Claw – Form sharp extensions on weapons or body.
~ (Adept) Create medium (2.5') weapons as strong as one tier per drift, or stronger if forming a smaller blade. (Up to the strength of dehlar, tier 3.) Blades can remain on weapons away from the hand as long as they are willed to, but cannot be altered aside from returning to their passive form. The form can be adjusted to grant either slightly-above-tier penetration or a serrated edge that heavily damages flesh.

Level 8

Other Abilities:

Layers - Deception to keep telepaths at bay.
~While deep in a persona, her mind is layered with the persona at the surface and her true self buried underneath. A telepath of moderate skill attempting to read her mind will have to determine that the persona is false before delving deeper. Stronger telepaths will power right through the deception if they try to go deeper.

Level 3

Polyglotism - Voices of the world.
~ Astarellle can learn new languages with incredible speed, including distinct dialects as she comes across them.
~ If she knows she is travelling to a foreign land and has time to prepare, it can be assumed that she will arrive with the ability to converse with the locals.


Dehlar Lady of War – A duet upon the battlefield.
~ When Astarelle wields Crozius, she it able to make full use of its power. This amplifies both strengh and, to a lesser degree, endurance.
~ Her magically enhanced strength is disproportionate to her mass, allowing for seemingly physics-breaking moves.
~ She also talks to it... No combat benefit other than making her look rather creepy.
From the profile of Jensen Ambrose
Crozius: A Dehlar Master crafted maul that is the length of an average human arm, with a red leather grip and a bronzed Heraldric Cross at the tip inscribed with passages from the Tome of War. The weapon is enchanted to increase the Strength of the user by 5X their normal capacity. Usually in the care of Jensen's friend Adolph Gretzle, the weapon has been known to be used by Jensen himself.

Level 6

11-02-14, 09:46 AM
Between Worlds - Gemma(Level 1): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28151-Between-Worlds-Gemma-Level-1)

Increased speed- Gemma can run 1.2 times the speed of an average human. While this isn’t enough to say, kill a bunch of people without them knowing who did it; It does come in quite handy in a game of tag. - PL 3

First aid- Gemma spent two years underground in a hospital, where she learned basic first aid and healing. She is able to mend basic wounds, and heal minor injuries. She can heal a minor cut or scrape instantly, but anything more substantial is currently beyond her abilities. - PL 3

Half-breed bite- Gemma’s bite is not able to transform others into vampires, it does however pack a bit of a punch. Her teeth are not sharper than normal, so she is only as likely to get through the skin as an average human. If she does though, the target will slowly begin to feel drained of all energy. Her teeth contain a venom that has no effect on the body, but sends messages to the victim’s bran. These messages make the person feel a sense of euphoria, and a groggy feeling. This is currently very weak, but is believed to get stronger as she does. At this point the average person will become very tired from the effect. - PL 2

3 + 3 + 2 = 8/3 =2.67



11-03-14, 08:31 PM

4 : 5.5 : 9 ALP = 4.7

Mystic Protection: Like his brothers, a single attack will cause a shield of glass to shatter around his body. Unlike his brothers, however, Ciato's MP has precision and finesse to its attack. The glass shards will target the one body part that is the weakest on his opponent, sending a very painful message to his foes. Upgraded to 2 uses a thread/day.

Level 9 & Level 3 (basic range glass attack)

Shadow Weapons: This is the basic abilitiy of any Mystic who passed the Shadow trials. Ciato is able to conjure up any melee weapon simply out of shadow magic. This includes swords, pole arms, daggers, axes, whips, chains, Akashima based weapons like scythes and kusari-gamas, etc etc. The limitations is that Ciato can not create shields or long-range weapons yet. The weapon lasts for as long as Ciato is conscious, or the weapon 'breaks', as they are the same tier as steel. He may only summon one weapon at a time, however.

Level 5 (increase due to 'as long as concious)

Impromptu Chaos: Ciato uses his shadow magic to coat his entire body, and cause large, three foot spikes to pop out of his form at will, akin to a sea urchin or a puffer fish. This can be used twice before Ciato uses up all his magical prowess.

Level 3

Ligature of Destruction: Ciato Makes several curved slashes with his sword or shadow weapon, which form invisible, spider-like webs around where he made the slashes. The web traps an opponent for five seconds but remains until the web is destroyed or catches a prey. He can create two webs like this.

Level 4 (not much stronger than a blast/knock ability)

Foresight's Crescendo: Ciato has gained the ability to predict with 50% accuracy exactly where a teleporter is going to end up. This ability is upped to 75% if the method of teleportation involves shadows. This is a passive skill and works kind of like a continuous sixth sense for Ciato.

Level 4, like heightened senses.

Encore Petrify: Due to being exposed long term to a Cockatrice's body, Ciato has picked up the ability to turn inanimate objects into stone. He only needs 5 seconds of concentration for average sized items (Anything three to five feet high), 3 seconds for small items (smaller than 3 feet) and a whole minute for bigger items (above five feet high. This -only- works on inanimate objects. This ability can be used three times a day.

Level 5 – petrify weapons and items.

11-04-14, 01:31 AM

No real change from last one.

11-06-14, 07:58 AM
Gavner Nahs(Level 3): (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?28178-Gavner-Nahs-Level-3)

Vampric Strength (x4): Gifted with the strength of the vampires, Gavner has strength 4x that of a normal human. This allows a punch of his to send a normal human flying 7 feet, shatter bones, and deadlift 600lbs. Headbutting enemies can cause unconsiousness, concussions, and on rare occasions skull fracture. His jaw is strong enough to bite cleanly through steel and his fingers, hands, and arms are strong enough to force his nails through solid steel, slicing through the metals cleanly as well. His grip is strong enough so that he can stop an arrow from a bow with medium draw. Gavner can hold a handstand position for 60 minutes straight and 30 of the thirty minutes can be on his fingertips because he does not neglect core or finger strength. He can hang from buildings, poles, or ropes easily and can play around with his weight. Gavner can jump 1.25 times his own height from a standstill. With a running start of at least 10 feet he can jump just over 1 story. - PL 6

Vampric Speed (x4): Vampires have supernatural speed. Gavner has honed his speed in, allowing him to run at speeds of 100mph and dodge a bullet from 85 yards. He can catch an arrow from 80 yards away. With no weapons he can strike an enemy 5 times in one second. Vampires have the ability to flit, or move at a supernatural speed (approximately 600 mph) ONLY to travel places. This can NEVER be used in ANY battle or battle thread, and can NEVER be used to gain any sort of advantages. This does NOT affect any other character in any way shape or form (unless permitted to carry them on his back while flitting to get somewhere faster), it is strictly used as a method of transportation. - PL 6

Intermediate Hearing: Vampires have heightened senses, and hearing is Gavner's strongest sense. His hearing is 3x more sensitive than that of a human, and he can pick up on sounds way easier than others. He can hear normal talking from 150 yards away, soft talking from 125 yards away, and whispers from 100 yards. He can hear through thick walls when standing right next to them, and he can hear through thin walls from up to 250 feet away. - PL 5

Enhanced smell: Whether or not he choses, Gavner has a heightened sense of smell. He can smell an aroma from 75ft away that would normally take 20 ft. His smell is most sensative to blood, which he can sometimes pick up from further distances. He can also use smell to track opponents (4x smell) - PL 6

Tooth and Nail: Vampires have teeth and nails which are very strong. Gavner's black teeth and nails have the strength equivalency of plynt and can gouge the metal when scratched or leave deep teeth marks when bitten. They can slice or cleave through anything weaker than plynt - PL 7

Combat Telepathy: Being a wolf and a vampire, Eva's mind has grown extremely powerful. Not only can she mentally communicate with anybody within a 15 foot radius but she can mentally assault enemies within a 10 foot radius. She can temporarily break concentration, distract, and even cause headaches in the minds of her foes. Stronger willed enemies can block her out. - PL 3

6 + 6 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 3 = 33/6 = 5.5

5 <5.5

Not approved. Needs a nerf or two.

11-07-14, 05:37 PM

Gyspy's Sense: An ability inherited from his gypsy mother this is so subtle that Dmitri doesn't know it actually exists. He has an innate sense of direction and the of future. This means in no way means he actually knows what the future holds but he can often tell if something is a generally good or generally bad idea, roughly where he is or in what direction something is and has a generally good sense on how somebody is going to act. This is obviously effected by things such as his ability to think clearly or somebody's ability to mask their intentions on a magical level.

Low level Clairvoyance, Level 3

11-07-14, 06:37 PM

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Life Goes On: As much as Alex would love to sometimes, he can't seem to stay dead. Though he'll die as any normal human would, something will collect and reconfigure the pieces so that he'll breathe once more, scream and writhing for nearly an hour after he reawakens. The process to come back takes time. Minor deaths (exsanguination, asphyxiation) that leave the body intact could be anywhere from two days to a week, while losing his head could take several weeks. Complete destruction of his body takes upward of a month before every atom can muster back to its proper place.

Level 1

Keti: John Alfons has spent some time as a 'cook' when his prospects for scoring were low, so he had some experience experimenting on chemicals to find out their properties. Keti is a stimulant of his own design, and Alex has managed to copy the recipe into a true wonder. Whether it's because of his unique qualities or not, when heated and inhaled, Keti grants Alex an inhuman amount of strength and endurance. These affects last for roughly eight hours, though they diminish with time.
Strength: Is heightened to that of 2x that of a normal human, allowing him to deadlift 300 lbs and punch with the strength of 500 PSI. Because of the increased strength, he can also jump nearly five feet higher while under the influence, but his lack of grace means it'll end up falling flat.
Endurance: Pain felt lessens to around half what it should be, but any injury that damages his body will still stop him if he'd be unable to control it. The broken arm wouldn't hurt as much, but Alex would only be able to swing it weakly around. Alex can also run for longer periods of time without becoming winded, and won't tire as easily.[/quote]

Strength Level 3,
Endurance Level 3