View Full Version : [SOLO!!!] The Wylde Saga. (Chapter 1)

10-21-13, 06:36 PM
The lake was clear and blue. It was roughly four thirty, and it was mid afternoon. The sky above was clear and only a few clouds loomed. The day was Tuesday, and Avus was out on a hunting expedition. He was tasked by the Scara Brae guard to gather some fish for them, a humble task. One that Avus gladly accepted. He knew that work meant coin, and coin made the world go round. Avus had some fishing supplies with him, and worked to gather up a good amount of fish for himself and the watch.

As he gathered fish, he pulled his fishing net back in. Sorting through the fishing net was a process in itself. He carefully picked out the juiciest looking fish and would place the rest back in the lake. In that fashion, he'd gathered a decent amount of buckets full of fish. He'd been fishing for the better part of a day or two since arriving at Scara Brae. The fish in the lake were similar to Sardines. There were some other varieties too, like Herring and Mackerels. All had some sort of a value in place.

Avus tossed his net back in the lake, and felt his muscles tighten from the movement.

He was particularly strong. He stood there half naked, his scale covered physique reflecting the sunlight. Avus was a beastfolk. Most importantly he had the characteristics of a grasshopper. His scales were colored in earth tones and were quite sturdy. He had muscular definition, and his well defined hands gripped at the rope that was attached to his fishing net. He stood about knee deep in the lake as he worked his nets. His chest muscles bulging. Avus had an armored carapace that served as his primary line of defense. Further, his weapons were also organic in nature as they were long claws that protruded from his hands. He had three prehensile claw like fingers in each of his hands. His eyes glowed with an energy as he stared at the lake.

Fishing calmed Avus down.

He waited some time for his net to get full. It was a sturdy hemp material that produced a nice and thick rope. Avus waited until he felt that his net was heavy with the bounty of the lake. After that fact, he pulled his catch in and began to shift through the fish once more. In that fashion he worked all day until it was time to prepare his catch and head back to town...

10-27-13, 08:10 PM
Once the last haul was done, Avus filled his buckets and released the rest of the fish back into Lake Valeena. As he worked there, he organized his buckets and made certain all five had only particularly fine specimens of fish. There were other fishermen gathered at the lake that used various implements such as rods or nets. A few boats were out on the water as well. Avus greeted a few of the more familiar fisher folk as he walked past them with his buckets. The buckets of fish were meant to be handed over towards a guy named Riktyr. Riktyr was a standard Human of Gisela origins. He was an expert of fish, and their proper management after a big catch. Avus walked over towards Riktyr's position and nodded towards him. Avus spotted the man right away, he wore a large brimmed hat that warded off the effects of the brilliantly shining afternoon sun.

Avus noticed that the wide brimmed hat hung low and cast a shadow across Riktyr's face. "Aye, Avus lad." Riktyr called out. "You filled up five buckets already?"

"Yessir." Avus held the buckets by the handles. He walked carefully, so as not to trip and drop any of his hard caught fish. "Filled up the last bucket about twenty minutes ago." Avus said. "Here is my catch. I got more work to take care of later today, but that's the fishing haul at least."

Riktyr looked at the buckets with an analytical eye. "Very good, mi'boy." He took the buckets from Avus, and placed them over by his camping gear. Several other fisher folk were present that were cleaning fish, or putting them in small and portable cooling units. Alerar make. "You can expect your pay at the end of the week." Riktyr said casually.

"Thank you." Avus responded, and looked at Riktyr carefully. "I appreciate everything you've done for me."

"The town needs fish for food, and other things in the area. Guys like you, the hard workers, make this world go around. Ain't no shortcuts in life kid. Take that from me." Riktyr continued. "You want to eat, you got to catch and prepare the food yourself."

"I am aware." Avus said. "What time tomorrow?" Avus asked, he was making sure that where there was help needed, he would be there.

"Don't matter. There's always fish in the lake." Riktyr said. "Now go see the Captain. Said he had a message for ya, or something of that nature. Don't wanna keep him waiting ya know."

"Very well." Avus said. He gathered his equipment and brought it back to Riktyr, then, once he was done with that he went to see Captain James Angle.


"Ah. Avus." The Captain was a shorter fellow who was Scara Brae in origin. He wore a helmet made of steel, with the visor positioned up. His older face was revealed, he had an aging appearance and was in his late forties. He had a thick black beard, and long matching hair. His hair was in braids, notably, he had a scar on his face. But it was not near one of his eyes. He was a stocky fellow, and was constantly seen in his full combat gear. He wore an outfit made of masterwork steel alloy. A broadsword sheathed at his hip in an elegant scabbard. He was a Captain of The Watch. "How was the fishing haul?"

Avus looked carefully at the man and greeted him with a deep nod. "Captain." Avus said in response. "The haul was good, filled my quota and now I'm here."

"You're a hard worker, kid." James said. "We need more like you."

Avus nodded. "What is the next job?"

"Don't you ever get tired?" James asked, and the two of them laughed.

"I don't have the same metabolism as you Humans do." Avus confessed.

They were in a large tent with a table set up. There were various documents on the table, and a few maps. Some had marks on them. There were also several crates of gear in the tent. Avus noticed several other soldiers of The Watch getting ready to start their nightly patrols.

"Either way kid, you're a hard worker like I said. You've proven your worth to us." James nodded towards the table. "Maps that we recently obtained from our scouts. Seems something big is happening out in Brokenthorne."

"What seems to be the trouble?" Avus asked.

"Something out there is aggravating the monster population. Monsters are getting aggressive for no damned reason. Lost a few scouts this week alone." James shook his head. "Can't send more out until the situation is under control, we could use outside help for this."

"I'm interested." If it concerned monsters, it concerned Avus. Humans didn't have the same sensitivity towards beast folk that he had.

"Good." James walked over towards the table and motioned for Avus to follow. "This red circle marks the camp where one of our patrols were attacked. We noticed a pattern right away. The monsters started to attack camps almost right away after the first week to the point we weren't able to build camp out there anymore. You get what I'm saying? I need someone from the outside to investigate what's causing the monsters to act wild."

"What happens when I find the cause of the uprisings?" Avus asked.

"Neutralize it."