View Full Version : Open Battle

09-06-06, 09:34 PM
I'm looking for someone to practice my fighting skills with since The Cell taught me I've gotten very rusty.

There is no level restriction, the only condition being that you must be able to post at least twice a week. I might do more than one battle if multiple people are interested in battling me. If you are post here and wait for my reply, after you get it...

...you may post here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=35779#post35779)

One on One

1) Artifex Felicis
2) MetalDrago

Team Battles

Team 1


Team 2

Cyrus the Virus
Hell Scream

Happy battling. ^^

Artifex Felicis
09-06-06, 09:37 PM
I wouldn't mind joining in for a good battle if you'll have me. Though, I won't be able to post till tomarrow, but I'm sure I can fire off at least 2 a week.

09-06-06, 09:38 PM
Although Z-Man has no poison this time around, he's more than ready for a rematch.

If I'm approved...it's on like Donkey Kong.

09-06-06, 09:43 PM
OMG Donkey Kong!!! I can't believe you had to bring up the Donkey Kong.

*glares evil look of death and destruction that would mutilate you soul and make it burn in eternity for all time.*

Artifex I'll battle you first, then it's on Z-Man!

Cyrus the virus
09-06-06, 10:15 PM
Mmm, Luc beating women down...

I'll pass ;) But I'll be reading! :D

09-07-06, 07:57 AM
Heh, pussy :p

Any other takers?

09-07-06, 08:10 AM
I'd be interested, if you have time for a petty little level 0 ;)

09-07-06, 08:20 AM
Heh, I was level 0 once too ya know. :p

You are slotted in!

09-07-06, 02:41 PM

Are we waiting until you are done the other battles?

He'll Scream
09-07-06, 03:04 PM
Room for one more?

09-07-06, 04:34 PM
Oh, come on! I've been waiting for a chance to pit MD against your character for ages, and I'm not passing up this chance. I'm in!

09-07-06, 06:31 PM
Bah I'm late. Expect a post within the next few hours, probably a lot less.

((This is Artifex))

09-07-06, 07:29 PM

Are we waiting until you are done the other battles?

As it stands right now, yes. Some of my quests may be wrapping up soon and freeing up some of my posting time, if so I might do two battles at once.

Room for one more?

Sure, I'll slot you in after Arvis.

Oh, come on! I've been waiting for a chance to pit MD against your character for ages, and I'm not passing up this chance. I'm in!

Well, right now you're standing at last on the list, but you're definitely on it. :p That should be an interesting fight.

Bah I'm late. Expect a post within the next few hours, probably a lot less.

Better move it, fluff ball. :rolleyes:

He'll Scream
09-07-06, 08:06 PM
Just a thought, but maybe instead of fighting all of us one on one which would be rather time consuming i would think, maybe we could do three ways........that sounded wrong. Just a thought.

Artifex Felicis
09-07-06, 08:15 PM
Posted Ma'am!

Please don't kill me yet, I want to get a few good licks in ^^

Iriah Caitrak
09-07-06, 08:27 PM
Just a thought, but maybe instead of fighting all of us one on one which would be rather time consuming i would think, maybe we could do three ways........that sounded wrong. Just a thought.

That sounds naughty and fun. ^^ I'll think about it.

Posted Ma'am!

Please don't kill me yet, I want to get a few good licks in ^^

Depends on what you're licking. ;)

Just, don't ever call me ma'am again if you want to live to see your next birthday.

Roscar Palidyne
09-07-06, 11:56 PM
What about team battles? Have those been done before? Two on two or hell, more? Just wondering, I think that would definitely be an interesting idea.

09-08-06, 07:47 AM
Well, who wants to do a one on one style battle and who's interested in doing an all out match or teams?

09-08-06, 12:13 PM
Well, who wants to do a one on one style battle and who's interested in doing an all out match or teams?

I'll try anything once ;)

Cyrus the virus
09-08-06, 12:19 PM
If you do a team battle, I need to be in it as well, fighting on Arvis' side, for old times' sake :p Last time we did something like that was like 5 years ago.

And I'd use Artume, my level 0, most likely.

09-08-06, 12:34 PM
If you do a team battle, I need to be in it as well, fighting on Arvis' side, for old times' sake :p Last time we did something like that was like 5 years ago.

And I'd use Artume, my level 0, most likely.

Can we powergame and fuse ourselves into a giant dragon and destroy a whole army again?!?!?

Bahahaha, the good old days....

Sorry, off-topic :S

09-08-06, 12:39 PM
If you do a team battle, I need to be in it as well, fighting on Arvis' side, for old times' sake :p Last time we did something like that was like 5 years ago.

And I'd use Artume, my level 0, most likely.

I'd love to be part of a team battle. Of course that would probably mean I'd be on Witchblade's team, but I think it'd be alot of fun.

Besides, this way I don't give her another reason to want to kill me.

09-08-06, 12:44 PM
Depending on how the current quest goes, Elrundir might have good reason to fight alongside Witchblade.

Roscar Palidyne
09-08-06, 12:50 PM
As much as I'd like to do a battle thread, I'm barely keeping up my other threads as is. If I complete one I'd like to join though.

He'll Scream
09-08-06, 04:48 PM
I think teams would be cool, but uh with so many people wanting to be on witchbalde's team itll end up like everyone vs. me. :P

Cyrus the virus
09-08-06, 05:22 PM
We could have Luc versus Everyone :)

I hope Witch actually wants this many people in the battle :p If not, we're excited for nothing!

09-08-06, 07:01 PM
Hahaha! No problem, it's just going to be like The Cell, only better because I'm running it. :cool:

So, let's see what we've got so far. ^^

Hell Scream
And myself of course.

As it stands right now, Zerith and Elrundir want to be on my team, which I have no problem with other than the fact that everyone else is level 0, I'm level 4, Elrundir is like level 4 and Zerith is level 1. Now, if you guys are cool with the teams like that it's your choice--and funeral--if not Elrundir and I will split up making it a little more even.

Cyrus the virus
09-09-06, 12:25 AM
Fuck Artume. It's Luc time.

He'll Scream
09-09-06, 12:40 AM
lol i vote for not getting owned please.

09-09-06, 01:03 AM
Oooh... I want in.

09-09-06, 10:53 AM
Alright, with Luc that evens it out greatly.

Check my first post for teams. I'll start the battle thread in a day or two.

**EDIT** I'm just going to stop it at three vs three, that's enough players. Anymore and we may face serious problems with people not posting.

Cyrus the virus
09-10-06, 10:04 AM
It's like the LCC battle I never got!

09-11-06, 06:40 PM
The thread is up!

You may find it through here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=36342#post36342)

Happy posting and battling and the eventual of the dying. :p

Artifex I should have the post for our battle up within a day or two, I'm pretty busy with work now, so we'll see. ^^

Roscar Palidyne
09-11-06, 07:42 PM
Oh, by the way you guys can thank me later.


Artifex Felicis
09-11-06, 07:56 PM
Awesome then,, just PM me if you don't understand anything whenever I post or anything. I can wait a few days, maybe do some homework or something for once instead.



Carry on, Madam!

He'll Scream
09-11-06, 07:59 PM
so wait, do we just SAY whos team we are on or do we just wander in and once we're all thier ull make the monk say " so the teams are as follows" er w/e?

09-12-06, 07:34 AM
The teams are in my first post as we decided. The first person from each team who posts will be the first person in the room and therefore alone and the rest will slowly come in as you guys make your opening posts. Geez, didn't think I made it that complicated. :p The teams are in separate rooms, therefore right now I'm alone but then Zerith enters the room followed by Elrundir. You can do a bit of interaction between characters if you want but keep it to a minimum and then I'll have the gates open up for the match to begin.

09-21-06, 09:00 AM
Alright people, it's been like a week. Did you all five of you just decide to roll over and die and not post in this? o.O

Cyrus the virus
09-21-06, 03:14 PM
I've been waiting for someone else to post :p