View Full Version : A new player

10-24-13, 02:43 PM
Hi, I just registered and is working on my character now. I look forward to roleplaying her even if it all seems kind of overwhelming at the moment. I hope I will manager it well, I haven’t got much roleplaying experience really, just some writing and a lot of fantasy reading.
Some personal information: I am from Norway, likes listening to music and reading all sorts of stuff and spend far too much time on the internet.
Wise me luck :o

10-24-13, 02:47 PM
Haha, good luck!

This is a great place to be if you enjoy writing, and even though we are a role-playing site, we treat it more like a workshop, so we're constantly trying to improve ourselves as writers.

If you need any help, ask those of us with the Italicized or Glittery names, we're mods and can give you any tricks for navigating this place. It can be very overwhelming to someone who has little experience in a play-by-post forum.

Max Dirks
10-24-13, 02:51 PM

It's easier than it looks. You'll be fine.

10-24-13, 02:57 PM
You'll do just fine here!

Welcome to the site!

10-24-13, 02:59 PM
Welcome! You'll do fine, it's not as painful and horrid as it looks!


Aurelianus Drak'shal
10-24-13, 03:09 PM
Glad to have you aboard, mate.

I'm sure you'll have fun here.

10-24-13, 03:10 PM
Just keep at it with an open mind, ask questions, and share your creativity. We're all gentle folk (Except for the biters - they have nasty pointed teefs) and we are always open to questions!

Welcome and enjoy your stay. :)

10-24-13, 05:54 PM
Welcome! I'm sure you'll be great! ... What kind of music do you listen too? (I'm a headbanger)

10-24-13, 11:55 PM
Thanks to all of you. This really does seems like a friendly place!
BlueGhostofSeaside: I listen to pretty much anything but at the moment it`s mostly steampunk, symphonic metal and some pop Music.

10-25-13, 02:39 AM
Welcome to the site, you'll be fine and more importantly. you'll have fun!

10-28-13, 08:49 AM
I got approved!

10-28-13, 10:28 AM
Congratulations! If you need help getting started, or thinking of quest ideas, contact me or some of the others who posted here. Another great way to start playing is to apply for one of the Power Groups. Each group will have a list of quests or jobs that your character can pick up. Otherwise, feel free to post in the Peaceful Prominade, a lovely tavern for in-character meet and greet. Just make sure you mention the thread is open and people will pop in to say hi and maybe ask you to join an excursion.

Hope to see you in the field!