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Sir Walter
10-26-13, 07:49 PM
Hello everyone. I'm Sanste just so people know. Wanted to make a warrior and this was the idea I came up with. Bit of an odd mix but hope it should be interesting and unique.

10-26-13, 07:54 PM
I like the character! Undead knight! Can't wait to see a new thread with him!
Dead&Walking now has something to worry about, lol!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
10-26-13, 07:55 PM
And I now have someone else to corrupt.

Sir Walter
10-26-13, 08:09 PM
Sir Walter will NEVER be corrupted. He has spend his whole life serving and helping others and becoming immoral just means he can serve forever. He refuses to bow down to the evil ones and will fight them to his death or their death.

Also, it seems like Sir Walter will have to be on guard of BlackAndBlueEyes trying to tempt him into drinking alcohol.

10-26-13, 08:09 PM
Only if Madison doesn't get a hold of him first, lock him up in the lab, and conduct experiments on him... for science!!

Sir Walter
10-26-13, 08:14 PM
Well, I guess Sir Walter better hopes he does not run into Madison. He is a true knight and refuses to hurt women so I could see it being hard to escape.

10-26-13, 08:16 PM
Lye and The Order will be sure to keep their eyes on this corpse. We're looking forward to seeing what his actions offer Althanas!

Seriously, I'm pretty stoked to see the story of this guy and all the awesome potential a character like this has.

[Edit] Madison has a machine arm. She is a cyborg and exempt from the "harming a woman" oath. Otherwise, think of it more as disassembly than doing harm.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
10-26-13, 08:23 PM
Is there any differentiation between cyborg and steampunk?

10-26-13, 08:30 PM
Hmm I guess whether or not it takes place in the Victorian period? Or if the world it exists in is Victorian? Still a cyborg by my definition. Part living, part machine.

10-26-13, 08:31 PM
How can he drink alcohol? He's a skeleton, he has no stomach or liver to process it and give him that drunk feeling.

Sir Walter
10-26-13, 08:33 PM
Very true. Completely forgot about that. Well, I guess he doesn't have to worry about breaking that vow anymore. Guess being dead has some advantages.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
10-26-13, 08:35 PM
Not being able to get drunk is an advantage!?

Also, Lye, Ettermire (capital city of Alerar) is definitely a steampunk setting. So we do have a precedent.

Sir Walter
10-26-13, 08:51 PM
Sir Walter only thinks of others. Getting drunk means wasted time that could be used to help others, wasted money that could be used to feed the hungry, and finally lost of control which might make him really do something completely unjust. Not to mention it goes against his knight oaths. He is righteous to a fault.

10-26-13, 09:03 PM
Let me clarify the whole cyborg bit.

All Maddy is is a woman with a bunch of gears and pistons covered in titanium slung over her shoulder where an arm should be, that it just so happens she can control as if it were her actual limb. It's more steampunk than cybernetics.

Although that will come in due time.

10-26-13, 10:41 PM
Oh well. I tried for you Sir Walter. If Madison captures you, your screwed.