View Full Version : The Fights not over!!!!!!

The Bard
09-07-06, 02:50 PM
WoW high shcool is gonna take some gettin used too so ther for Im gonna be gone for a couple weeks once I can get the flow of things but i will check althanas weekly or daily and there is one quest Im gonna finish, chdori sorry I couldnt get to you early but I will post I promise and i know I keep sayin that but I never broke a promise and dont plan to which is why I promise to come back, I love you all so much keep it real cause thats how we roll ~1~

- The Bard

09-07-06, 03:06 PM
kick ass man, it's good to see you around still. I though, for a second there, that you had disappeared. Heh.


Damion Shargath
09-07-06, 05:15 PM
Ah, glad to see you're still aspiring a return. Today I randomly thought about where you could have gone :p

The Bard
09-07-06, 05:28 PM
lol thanks guys, and I doubt you would have thought about me in that way Damion......, kidding but anywho does any one have any quick tips on how to get thorugh high school easy and still be cool or get women I cant foucs....so...many....women.

Cyrus the virus
09-07-06, 05:35 PM
Correction: Girls. You will meet women later in life. They're much less fun.

Be cool by not giving a shit whether or not you are cool. Be passive about everything :p

09-07-06, 06:11 PM
How to get women? Slap them. And make fun of the way they look. They like that.

Anyways, welcome back! We still have a thread going on in case you forgot ;)

09-07-06, 06:17 PM
*smacks with a rolled up newspaper*

Down, boy, down. Stop ogling the girls so much.

Glad to see that you've been bitten by the Althanas bug, and that it doesn't plan on letting go. :) Glad to see ya back.

09-07-06, 07:21 PM
My perfered method is to walk up to them, grab 'em by the shoulders, givem a good shake for disorientation purposes... and tell them: "Get in the car, we're going home!"


If that doesn't work, and result in a lawsuit... well, I haven't gotten that far. But Cyrus is right, they are a lot less fun than you would think. Don't worry about them till later.

The Bard
09-07-06, 07:25 PM
lol thanks for the advice cyrus,krugor and...osato(if you can call that advice) but this weekend I think Im gonna sit down and do some quest, Cause of that damn bug we need to find a cure for that thing I mean it makes people have no lives, I spent almost all the summer on my ass till august I decied I would have the best time of my life before school starts and it turned out to be a regular summer. Wow I wrote all that in under a minute, hehe

09-07-06, 07:38 PM
lol thanks guys, and I doubt you would have thought about me in that way Damion......, kidding but anywho does any one have any quick tips on how to get thorugh high school easy and still be cool or get women I cant foucs....so...many....women.
Watch the movie "Hitch" and do what he says. Lol.. sounds lame, but alot of his instructions are pretty valid. The only difference is that in real life, they don't ALWAYS yield positive results.

EDIT: As far as the whole "getting through" thing goes... don't let anyone push you around. If you're the type who bullies tend to pick on, just don't put up with it. And if you see someone else getting pushed around, put a stop to it. That generally gives you a good rep as someone who can't be picked on. You should note, however, that knowing how to fight is a good backup to these plans. But honestly, most high school kids aren't looking for a fight anyways. I've stood up to people all through my 4 years and never actually been in a fight.

09-07-06, 08:26 PM
Or you can get your ass handed to you... I used to beat up little kids that pissed me off, because somehow I was the school bully. Heh.