View Full Version : [SOLO] An Important Job (Closed)

11-01-13, 08:29 AM
Zarkin awoke to the familiar sound of weapons clanking and a bustle going on outside in the courtyard. The newest recruitments were doing their daily training, some of them preparing for a simple job. Zarkin sat up in his bed, stretched, and looked around the dimly lighted room. His roommate wasn't in the room, his bed still perfectly made. He had gone on an assassination and hadn't returned for a week. The job must've been somewhere far, Zarkin had a couple of jobs in the outlands but not many.

Putting on his normal every-day clothes and strolled out to the courtyard. He took in the sound of the steel hitting steel. He let the warm mid-day son warm up his skin. The courtyard was busy, many new recruits were fighting dummies. Others got the slim chance of fighting eachother. A match between two recruits was about to start. Zarkin wanted to witness this so he walked over to the oval shaped ring of the battle area. The two recruits looked a little nervous, being that it was the first time they had met and were already fighting eachother.

"This fight will be done how I want it" the trainer told the two. "If I tell you to kill eachother you damn well do it. Understand?" The two nodded to the man and the fight was on. They immediately rushed eachother and started swinging swords. Every now and then one of them would pull out a steel throwing knife and whirl it at the other. As Zarkin watched the trainer of this battle walked over and smacked Zarkin on the back playfully.

"It's been a while since you were in that position" he smiled at Zarkin.

"I know, sometimes I miss the thrill of a fight like this. I don't get very many job's nowadays."

"Why's that?"

"Don't know. Guess there just aren't very many hard jobs that require my skills" Zarkin said sullenly.

"Well...I might have a job for you. But only if you are up for the job" the trainer said almost as if he was challenging Zarkin.

"You know I'm up for anything" Zarkin said sternly.

"Then meet me here tonight at midnight. We will discuss the job then, also bring all of your equipment" the trainer said before he walked back into the ring. One of the recruits had a throwing knife stuck into his thigh and was yellling in pain. Zarkin had the same thing happen to him back when he did this training, but he powered through it. It almost seemed that the newest recruitments were slowly becoming more and more weak. Zarkin didn't believe that they would last in a real battle.

11-01-13, 11:52 AM

Zarkin gathered up all of his belongings and made way for the courtyard. He quietly opened the door to his room and closed it without a single noise made. He walked down the hall, each step almost inaudable, and made it to the stairs. He looked back to make sure no one had been following him. Nobody was to be awake and moving around at night while at headquarters unless it was a serious issue. Once pleased that no one had been following he walked down the stairs, some torches lit up the some of the way until he reached the doors leading to the courtyard. He quietly opened the door, closed it, and walked to where the recruitment trainer had told him. Walking towards the spot in the darkness Zarkin could make out a silhouette of a man, which upon further investigation was the trainer. He stood almost impatiently and deprived of sleep. He was wearing what seemed to be a cloak that buttoned down so you couldn't see whatever else he was wearing. Zarkin could make out his smile as he walked closer to the man.

"Ah so nice to see you follow instructions well Zark" he said.

"This is a job of course I'm going to follow instructions. You best be paying me enough for this" Zarkin said impatiently. He had been up all night, he wasn't in this if there was no money.

"Trust me, I will pay you enough for the job. Does 500 gold pieces sound good enough?"

"It's adequate. But I will do it" Zarkin said accepting the terms of payment.

"Alright down to buisness. I wan't you to eliminate a man known as Brocktin. He has been a danger to the people of Corone. The reason I brought you out here this late was because he works mostly at night. He will not hesitate to murder anyone, if you get in his way he will surely try to kill you. We have no idea on what he looks like, only that he wears a brown shirt and brown pants. The material is also unknown. I know we don't have mutch information but I hope you will still consider taking him out" the trainer replied giving Zarkin all the information he knew.

"I accept. But do you know where I can look during the day?" Zarkin asked.

"He has been spotted around the market place sitting in a wooden chair. Possibly sleeping but we don't know. This is all I can tell you for this is all I know. It would be best if you get to work" the man said.

"I'll be on my way to do this quickly as possible" Zarkin said but was stopped before he could go.

"There's one more thing I want to let you know about. I need proof of his assassination. Do it in a place in the market where it looks like it was an accident. It will spread throughout Corone quickly" the man said sternly.

"I can assure you, it will be done as you requested" Zarkin said as he scaled the wall of the headquarters gate and moved quietly through the streets. Everything was quiet and Zarkin was sure this would be an easy job. But then he remembered he didn't ask where to start. This was going to be harder than he thought, but he was going to be paid well enough. He had worked for more money but this was a trainer, a friend of his, his trainer when he was a recruit. Not only was he going to do this job perfectly, but he was going to do it so perfectly that he had hoped of being paid a little extra.

He moved as quietly as he could throught the streets listening for signs that his target was near. Everything was dead silent. Zarkin knew that he had to stay awake and be aware but drowsiness soon overcame and Zarkin found a good place to hide and sleep. Behind a caravan of boxes filled with equipment for what seemed to be a new house or shop, Zarkin fell asleep and dreamed of his target. Though the features were unclear, he knew what to be looking for.

11-01-13, 01:16 PM
Crack of Dawn

Zarkin awoke with a stiff back. He had forgot for a slight moment where he had been all night. He knew he wasn't out drinking all night, then he remembered he was on a quest. He had been searching for Brocktin, a dangerous murderer in Corone. His employer was his old trainer and he was being paid 500 gold pieces and hopefully a little extra. The caravan that Zarkin slept behind was now gone but he was still hidden behind two crates that seemed to be left behind. Zarkin quickly changed into his daily clothes to blend in with the rest of the crowd. A guard was patrolling by and noticed Zarkin, he quickly walked over and scared Zarkin.

"Stealing some loot eh'?" the guard asked seriously.

"Oh no sir, I was just changing into a fresh pair of clothes for the day. I slept behind these crates in hopes to block the wind as I slept through the night. I will be on my way here shortly" Zarkin sai hoping this would tip the guard off.

"Alright, just be on your way shortly. Don't want another guard to think you were stealing something" the guard said as he walked back on his patrol route disappearing into the bustling crowd of people. Zarkin was still a little tired from being up all night but he had to finish the job. Leaving the crates behind Zarkin walked through the streets of Corone, passing shops that had some wooden chairs near it. Zarkin walked around for what seemed to be hours before he decided he needed to get a better view of things. Walking over to a stone wall Zarkin climbed to the top unnoticed and looked around. He scanned the place moving about the top of the wall before he saw who he was looking for. It was surely Brocktin, his face was covered by a hat and it seemed that he supposedly was sleeping until he sat upright when a strange man came up to him.

The man was wearing normal everyday clothes but he seemed a little suspicious. He handed Brocktin some gold pieces before he had Brocktin follow him somewhere. Zarkin quickly climbed down from his spot of where he was looking and followed the two from a distance. They went into a corner where no one had been inbetween two buildings. Zarkin climbed onto one of the buldings and got closer to the two men before he started listening with his enhanced hearing charm.

"Great job on that murder last night Brocktin" the employer said, this was definately who Zarkin was looking for.

"Thanks boss, what jobs do you have for me today?" Brocktin asked.

"I want you to go to the local blacksmith and buy some steel daggers with the money I will give you. Then later tonight I want you to murder an assassin...." An assassin? Is he out of his damn mind! Zarkin thought. "...that is apparently the best. If he is eliminated nobody will be able to stop us from taking over Corone" the man said.

Brocktin looked a little nervous about this, as he should be. "An assassin? Are you sure boss?"

"Brocktin I am more than sure."

"Alright I'll do it, but I need to know a name and a face" Brocktin said urgently.

"Sadly we don't have a clear face on him, he's an assassin remember that. But his name is Zarkin Talker. His headquarters is here in Corone, not far from here" the strange man said.

Oh hell Zarkin thought immediately. This man now has a bounty on me!

"Alright boss, I'll get the job done. I'll start looking for him tonight at around mid-night" Brocktin said before being handed some money and walking away from the man. The man stood there, pulled out a pipe and started smoking for a bit before walking off in the direction Brocktin had. This job was going to be harder than Zarkin had previously thought. Not only was he supposed to make Brocktin's death look like an accident, but he also had a bounty on his head by Brocktin. Zarkin had to eliminate Brocktin before he was found.

Zarkin followed Brocktin to the local blacksmith. Zarkin stayed on the rooves and watched Brocktin walk to the spot of the local blacksmith. The place was small little hut. The roof was a sheet of wood held up by wooden poles driven into the ground. The wood poles looked taught and could easily be broken with a small amount of force. Brocktin stood on the left side of the hut behind the wood counter talking to the blacksmith's apprentice. If Zarkin were to make this look like an accident he would have to break one of the poles and also have enough force to drop down onto Brocktin. There were boxes stacked on top of the hut but Zarkin had no clue if they were full of heavy metals or not. There was no need to risk it but he had no choice, this may be the only chance he would get at taking out the target. Zarkin took a sturdy arrow out of his quiver and notched it to the bow string.

He drew the bow and took steady aim at the pole on his left where Brocktin stood. Once he thought he had good aim Zarkin took the shot. The arrow hit directly on the pole and snapped it in half easily. The roof fell to the left and hit Brocktin in the head knocking him to the ground. This was a good effect because one of the boxes on the roof fell showing it was full of heavy material. This caused the other pole holding up the hut to snap and cave in on top of Brocktin. Zarkin waited for a moment before getting down to inspect the area. A crowd quickly came to the area giving Zarkin time to retrieve his arrow leaving no evidence. The people moved the boxes and lefted up the roof showing Brocktin's body laying still on the ground.

"He's only unconscious!" some one yelled indicating that Zarkin had not succeeded.

Damn! Zarkin shouted in his mind as he watched Brocktin being lifted to his feet. He had become more aware of what was happening and woke up. He looked over for some reason and met eyes with Zarkin. Both of the men's eyes widened and Zarkin ran. Brocktin had found him and Zarkin knew there was going to be a quick chase before Zarkin could get away.

Looking behind him Zarkin saw Brocktin chasing after him, this man may have looked scrawny but man he could run! Zarkin thought quickly and started climbing a near by building. He reached the roof and heard Brocktin behind him coming closer. There was a big gap between Zarkin and the next building, he took his chances and jumped the gap making it to the next building with inches to spare. Brocktin also must've taken his chances and jumped, barely making it he stood up and faced Zarkin. Brocktin swung his fist directly at Zarkin's head but missed as Zarkin ducked under the swing. Standing up quickly Zarkin kicked Brocktin in the chest causing him to fall off the building and land in a pile of wooden crates.

Zarkin took no time to look as he jumped down from the building and ran towards a crowd of people. Brocktin must've gotten up and seen where Zarkin was headed because once Zarkin turned around he saw Brocktin headed straight for him. Zarkin pushed through the crowd and ran as fast as he could towards a group of salesman. Zarkin ducked, turned, and jumped his way through crowds of people before hiding behind a pile of crates behind the salesmen. Peering through a small split between the crates Zarkin watched as Brocktin lost his target and searched for any signs of Zarkin. Once he figured out that Zarkin had gone he stomped and cursed heavily. He had lost his payday kill by a short time. As he walked back towards the local blacksmith Zarkin again followed on the roof-tops again, this time making his presence unknown.

11-01-13, 08:11 PM
Brocktin helped pick everything up and apologized for something that wasn't even his fault.

That son of a bitch is trying to make it seem like he's the good guy! Zarkin screamed to himself as he watched in pure anger. This was the very first time he actually hated one of his targets and wanted to kill him immediately. He usually felt pity for the ones he killed, ones soul cannot compare to anything that can be bought in the universe. But this was different, he wanted this man dead as much as his employer. And Zarkin was pretty sure that Brocktin felt the exact same as Zarkin. This was turning Zarkin's head in a whirl, mostly of what he could do to kill this man and get payed, another part of why he was feeling the way he did. This man had to be eliminated, and not just for the sake of Corone but for the sake of Zarkin's sanity.

All of these strong emotions were gripping Zarkin, bringing him closer to snapping and losing all sanity. Zarkin may have been one of the best assassins Corone has ever seen but there are just some things that get to him. He held himself back until Brocktin got what the boss had told him to get and started walking away quickly. Zarkin's strong feeling of hatred subsided as he became bored of sitting and waiting, but as soon as he started following Brocktin it seemed to change. Brocktin came to a spot where there was a row of houses creating a long alleyway. Brocktin took off in a sprint towards what seemed to be a young boy, merely fourteen years old. Zarkin had to act fast or this boy was sure to be murdered in broad day-light. He pulled the bow off from around his torso and pulled an arrow from his quiver. Notching an arrow he took a steady aim.

Holding his breath and slowly following Brocktin, Zarkin finally took a shot. The arrow landed deeply into Brocktin's left calf causing him to fall and scream in pain. The boy looked behind him scared and ran away from his pursuer as fast as he could. Brocktin still screaming in pain he broke the arrow and pulled the remaining part out of his calf. He stood up, hunched over and limping. Zarkin was pulling out another arrow to finish him off when he looked up and noticed Zarkin. He quickly took cover between two buildings and hid. Brocktin was playing it safe, he knew that Zarkin could easily kill him and he was scared. Zarkin's pity for this man never existed, and if it had it only lasted a few minutes.

Climbing down from the building of which Zarkin was perched he unsheathed one of his throwing knives and walked quietly to where Brocktin was. Speaking his camouflage charm Zarkin huddled against the buildings on the same side Brocktin was on. Walking slowly and very quietly Zarkin approached the corner of which Brocktin was. Speaking his enhanced hearing charm in his mind Zarkin listened to the heavy breathing and fast heart beat of Brocktin. He actually was scared. This fueled Zarkin's hatred for the man and came to the corner of which his target sat. Still invisible to the man Zarkin turned the corner, still invisible to Brocktin, and punched the target square in the head. This must've scared the hell out of Brocktin because it knocked him clean out, the limp body was now shallowly breathing.

Zarkin took all of the gold pieces, 300 gold pieces, and the cheap dagger Brocktin had bought. Zarkin saw no use for such a pathetic dagger so he snapped the blade and stabbed in into both of Brocktin's legs. The man only stirred as he was stabbed both times in the thighs, but did not wake. Zarkin drug the limp body into the darkest section of the alleyway and spoke his camouflage charm. He smacked Brocktin awake and he screamed in pure terror and pain. Zarkin drug the man by his neck up the building to his right. Brocktin's windpipe was almost caved in as they reached the top. Zarkin made himself visible as he kicked some of the roof off and stared directly into Brocktin's eyes, holding him out so he was hovering above the ground.

"You were a pathetic excuse for a man Brocktin. May you live in hell for eternity for your sins" Zarkin said before throwing the man down into the dark alleyway. Brocktin screamed all the way down until he hit the ground and was killed in an instant. The reason Zarkin had broke the roof was to make it look as though Brocktin was jumping from roof to roof and the roof unexpectedly broke causing him to fall to his death. Zarkin stood there for a moment in silence looking down upon his fallen enemy. Maybe he did feel a bit of pity for this man, but not much at all.

Zarkin quickly climbed down the building and ran into the bustling streets. He saw a guard walking his patrol route and ran to him as fast as he could.

"Excuse me sir but we have a serious emergency!" Zarkin said to the guard in distress.

"What is it citizen?" the guard asked intrigued with the seriousness of the situation he knew nothing about.

"I saw a man running ontop of the rooves and he jumped onto one, some of the roof broke off and he fell to the ground with a bunch of force. I fear he may be dead"

"Show me the place of the man" the guard said. Zarkin ran with the guard following him to the spot where Brocktin lay dead. The guard came closer and inspected the dead body. "Yes sir, he sure is dead. But do you know who this....." the guard didn't finish what he was going to say because as soon as he turned around Zarkin was gone. He had already left to go back to headquarters.

At the headquarters

Zarkin walked into the courtyard and let the sound of weaponry clashing. He scanned the courtyard for the trainer, his employer, and saw him standing, watching a group of students fight it out in the ring. Zarkin walked over to the trainer and grabbed his shoulder.

"The job has been finished" Zarkin said.

"Yes I heard. You did a good job, I told you how fast word spreads in Corone" the employer said. "Here's 500 gold pieces for the job."

Zarkin had been expecting to be payed extra but then he remembered the 300 gold pieces he stole from Brocktin. He had been satisfied with his payment and went up to his room. Sleep deprived and bored out of his mind Zarkin lay in bed. Closing his eyes Zarkin immediately fell asleep. He dreamed of the assassination he had just carried out. Brocktin's soul must've visited Zarkin in his dreams because he stood in front of Zarkin in the dream and screamed and cursed at him as much as he could until he dissapated, Zarkin awoke and saw it was night out. He sat up in bed and walked over to the window of his room. Opening it Zarkin felt a cool breeze brush against his face, he inhaled deeply and sighed. Just another long time before he had the chance to carry out another job.

11-11-13, 07:19 AM
Zarkin receives 380 experience and 50 gold.

11-11-13, 07:20 AM
Experience and gold added.