View Full Version : Greetings my friends.

11-02-13, 06:03 AM
Greetings to the many amazing authors, remarkable roleplayers, and a special thanks to the particularly phenomenal personnel who have continued to run this web forum.
I first chanced upon this wonderful world four years ago where I abruptly abandoned it due to an unexpected accident.
I recently turned 18 and I graduated from secondary schooling just yesterday so I decided to create some time for writing. I do not remember any specifics but I have very fond memories of writing with other on this forum albeit it was a very short amount of time. I love writing and do it regularly but I have never been skilled at it so I would very much like to join this "writing workshop" once again. Thank you very much for reading.

Now... since that's all out of the way I'd like to introduce my self now. I like Anime, Clothes, Eating, Japanese, Reading, Sleeping and of course Writing. I only listed a few but I actually have a much larger variety of hobbies. I pretty much enjoy all forms of entertainment but the ones I listed were the ones that came to my mind first.
Actually I would much rather answer any questions rather than talk to myself. That might or might not tell you something about me. Now off to create a character profile.

11-02-13, 06:24 AM
Welcome back! I took a pretty big break from RPing myself a few years ago, then jumped back to activity here after remembering some good stuff people had told me about it.

As for questions.... erm.... what anime are you currently following? :p

11-02-13, 07:06 AM
Umm... I just started yesterday but I'm currently following:
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio, BlazBlue, Coppelion, Diamond no Ace, Galilei Donna, Gingitsune, Golden Time, Hajime no Ippo, Hunter X Hunter, IS S2, Kill la Kill, Kingdom S2, Kyoukai no Kanata, Kyousougiga, Little Busters! Refrain, Log Horizon, Machine-Doll, Magi S2, Miss Monochrome, Monogatari S2, Outbreak Company, Samurai Flamenco, Strike the Blood, Super Seisyun Brothers, Tokyo Ravens, Uchuu Kyoudai, Valvrave, White Album 2, Yowamushi Pedal, Yozakura Quartet and Yuushibu.

Urghhh, how old, how tall, how heavy are elves meant to be... zzz this is a lot harder than creating a profile for a human. Now I'll make him hysteric, a not so co-operative trait but it'll make it interesting.
Ahh, btw. Can I steal your 'Base Statistics' multiplier system? Seems like an easy way to say the character has normal strength, good hearing but bad eyesight... that kind of thing.

11-02-13, 08:12 AM
Umm... I just started yesterday but I'm currently following:
Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio, BlazBlue, Coppelion, Diamond no Ace, Galilei Donna, Gingitsune, Golden Time, Hajime no Ippo, Hunter X Hunter, IS S2, Kill la Kill, Kingdom S2, Kyoukai no Kanata, Kyousougiga, Little Busters! Refrain, Log Horizon, Machine-Doll, Magi S2, Miss Monochrome, Monogatari S2, Outbreak Company, Samurai Flamenco, Strike the Blood, Super Seisyun Brothers, Tokyo Ravens, Uchuu Kyoudai, Valvrave, White Album 2, Yowamushi Pedal, Yozakura Quartet and Yuushibu.

Wow, thats a longer list than I expected. Of those I am watching Hunter x Hunter, although I am dragging my feet at the moment because I caught up to the current epps.

Urghhh, how old, how tall, how heavy are elves meant to be... zzz this is a lot harder than creating a profile for a human. Now I'll make him hysteric, a not so co-operative trait but it'll make it interesting.
Ahh, btw. Can I steal your 'Base Statistics' multiplier system? Seems like an easy way to say the character has normal strength, good hearing but bad eyesight... that kind of thing.

Sure, its pretty commonly used, so I wouldn't call it mine. As for height and weight, that'll probably be less important once you start writing. I'd stick with what sort character you want, and then the abilities.

A hunter that needs to be quick and deadly from range should probably go with Speed, Agility and a magical ranged attack. Possibly a bow as a standard weapon, perhaps with the ability to shoot a magical arrow with a paralysing effect three times a day.

Where it gets hard is when you put your own flare on it. So maybe if this elf grew up in the city his skills are slightly more varied, with keen senses, agility and a paralyzing attack he can channel through his mace. He has a bow, and is a decent hunter, but built more for close combat fighting.

11-02-13, 08:28 AM
I was thinking of making him go blind and then force the backstory into spending years of his life adapting to his new constitution. I guess it'll be easier to just write it out and sort it out.

11-02-13, 09:41 AM
Welcome to Althanas!
I love anime! Naruto, Astro Boy, and Black Butler (I seriously need to start watching that again) all the way!

11-02-13, 09:57 AM
Welcome. I'm also into anime. Naruto, One Piece, Shugo Chara, My Neighbor Totoro, Hetalia, Ah! My Goddess! to name a few.

11-02-13, 10:02 AM
Naruto and One Piece is still ongoing but I haven't watched them both in a while. I've watched the others but I must say I surprisingly enjoyed Shugo Chara.
Oh, I really need to get started on my character.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-02-13, 10:07 AM
Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo, Gantz.

Some of my favourites out of all the ones I've seen. But, anyway - welcome aboard, cutter. If you need any help, feel free to ask; we're friendly enough. Either hop into chat or PM one of the staff (we of the italicised names), and someone's sure to be able to help you.

11-02-13, 10:25 AM
Welcome back! Good to see so many people returning. I also came back recently and am loving it. Thank Max Dirks and the older staff for keeping it alive. I look forward to seeing your writing!

11-02-13, 10:36 AM
Thanks for the welcome. Hope we can RP together sometime. It's too bad I don't remember anyone from back then.

11-03-13, 07:08 PM
Hello and welcome.

11-03-13, 07:11 PM
Welcome back to the site!!!

*offers cookies*

11-03-13, 07:11 PM
Thanks, very nice meeting you.
*fetches some milk and munches on cookies*

11-03-13, 07:14 PM
Thanks, very nice meeting you.
*fetches some milk and munches on cookies*

I think you just wrote your own death sentence....

J.M. Vallix
11-03-13, 07:15 PM
He took the cookies. Gawd. That's not good.

11-03-13, 07:15 PM
*waits for the poison to set in then whistles happily and drags his unconscious body off to The Back Room (TM) (R) (C)*

J.M. Vallix
11-03-13, 07:16 PM
He's gone.

11-03-13, 07:48 PM
And that's the story of how Witchy abducted another new member.
Hope Witchy actually comes visit me all the way in Australia. It's a bit lonely out here.

So nobody has any more questions?

11-03-13, 08:00 PM
I would love to go to Australia ^_^

I actually love travelling in general, so trust me, it wouldn't take much to get me down there for a visit.

11-03-13, 08:08 PM
Travelling is great, I'm going on a trip around China and some nearby countries in a few days. Hope I get internet access while I'm there.

11-04-13, 01:38 AM
I would love to go to Australia ^_^

I actually love travelling in general, so trust me, it wouldn't take much to get me down there for a visit.

You could visit me too! :D

Although you'd have to bring food. I've seen you're cooking.... it haunts me at night. Tempting me like some sort of succubus. I know its poison, but just one bite and... this is a good death (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w3JRz4Q8ME).

11-04-13, 03:11 AM
Welcome to Althanas or should I say welcome back! currently watching Naruto Shippuden, One Piece and Fairy Tale. My list of what I have watched is long, which also includes anime movies. I love anime too!

11-04-13, 04:55 AM
Teehee, Hysteria has discovered my ultimate skill! Cooking. :p

And if I ever came down for a visit, I would most certainly cook for you. Probably go get some Kangaroo or something, I've always wanted to try it.

11-04-13, 06:01 AM
I would love to try some of your cooking, I'm pretty sure they sell kangaroo at pretty much every supermarket so it'll be really easy to find too.
This is a good death for me.

11-04-13, 05:19 PM
Hahaha! Who says you're dead?

*slaps the slave collar on Lowell*

I do love cooking, one of these days I plan on netting me a husband with my culinary skills! So I need to keep practicing and trying new things.

11-04-13, 08:39 PM
Cooking is good, with enough skill you can make food however you like for less cost.
I really need to work on this house husband thing, I'm much too homely a person to get a wife that way and I'm not earning enough money either.
At least I'm good at cleaning, cooking and taking care of kids.

11-05-13, 05:42 AM
I usually make larger batches and then have left overs for a couple days. Makes great lunches for work or quick and easy meals when I come home.

But you're definitely a step ahead of me. I suck with kids.

11-05-13, 07:48 AM
Ahh that's fine. Taking care of kids is a skill learnt with experience.... why are we even talking about this here?

11-05-13, 03:39 PM
Because your introduction thread, like many of them, eventually evolved into a completely different conversation. :P

We can stop at any point though.

11-05-13, 04:32 PM
It happens.

11-05-13, 06:24 PM
The Prophet has spoken. Wise words should be heeded or else...