View Full Version : Getting back into the (PbP) game

11-04-13, 03:43 AM
Hey all, how's it going? New to the site, but so far what I've seen is impressive. I was lured in by lye and his crimson hand, and I think I'll stay for the party, if y'all don't mind :D

I made one character already under another name, who will hopefully be approved soon, but was itching to try something a little new (for me, anyways) and was hoping for a little advice. I would love to play an inventor type, but it looks like there are already a good number floating around, and I would hate to over saturate the market, as it were. Also not sure what would be reasonable limitations for that type of character in this setting. Any advice in those areas would be very welcome.

11-04-13, 04:58 AM
Welcome to Althanas!

*offers cookies*

Don't worry about thinking you're 'over saturating' the site, Althanas can always use more of anything, especially if the characters are unique and inventors tend to be.

I can't really recommend any kind of limitations for you, as I've never played an inventor before.

11-04-13, 05:08 AM
be wary of her cookies. rumor has it that they're always poison. ;)

On another note, welcome!

J.M. Vallix
11-04-13, 05:32 AM
Welcome, welcome!

Well, I'll leave your questions if you haveany, to the mods (Italic names)

11-04-13, 05:40 AM
Welcome to our humble abode.
Hope you settle well in and enjoy your writing.

11-04-13, 06:36 AM
Welcome to the wonderful world of Althanas where the lands are dangerous and adventures thrive.

11-04-13, 06:53 AM
Welcome!! :)

11-04-13, 07:08 AM
Good to have you! As for inventors, I would send a PM to BlackAndBlueEyes. His character is leading an R&D division with one of the PG's, and would be the most familiar with the category. Steam technology or magical contraptions would be the area to focus on. Mechanical inventions would be nice too and I have some IRL experience in that field. We have only a few blacksmiths and few (if any) alchemists.

Looking forward to whatever you come up with!

11-07-13, 12:30 PM
I was hoping for something a little steampunky maybe, i haven't ever actually played a steampunk character. or maybe an alchemist that tinkers around as a blacksmith to find some interesting delivery methods for his mixtures.

My problem is that I always see my characters how I want them to be around level 10-15, and I get impatient with the lower levels, lol.

Oh and thanks for the welcome, the cookies were delish. Not like when I joined the dark side. No cookies at all, you see....

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-07-13, 12:33 PM
You should definitely get in touch with BlackAndBlueEyes.

His character Madison is very steampunk, including her swanky new arm. :P

11-07-13, 12:40 PM
We've been in touch already. :)

And yes, Madison's new arm is rather #swag. Just you wait until I get the flamethrower, rocket boots, "Spellpuncher" magic dissipation apparatus, spore bombs, noise gun, etc. up and running!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-07-13, 12:50 PM
*groans* and guess who gets to price all of that for the Bazaar. XD

11-07-13, 12:53 PM
Oh heavens, no. I won't put you through all that.

I'm saving the airship with stealth device, death cannons, and "The Fat Lady" singing napalm dispensation unit just for you!