View Full Version : Cellebration OOC

11-04-13, 04:52 PM
It's finally over! And that means it's party time. Give your character a shine and show up with a healthy appetite for something - the Flesh Failures caters to varied needs. These three threads (set in the Hall, the Loft, and the Basement) will be all about us (and our characters) kicking back and having a good time.

Setting - The Hall
The Flesh Failures is a classy club where Cronen earned a living for years working security. The Manager Angeline has decided to throw a big party following the conclusion to the Cell. The Flesh Failures is at the pinnacle of entertainment technology on Althanas. Aside from a well stocked bar with an enchanted ice machine and bustling kitchens, it includes a stage with a magically amplified band and steampunk smoke machines, a dance floor lit by artistic illusionists, and two special secondary locations which are only accessible through the main club. The first floor has a no violence policy that will be ICly enforced via the staff if necessary, and the main thread should be kept PG13 so everyone can comfortably participate.

The Basement
Cronen's one time training ground. The basement is covered by mats and surrounded by wooden cupboards containing various training weapons and equipment. There will be several easter eggs concealed throughout the basement (including a minibar), which can only be unlocked during combat. Non-lethal violence is permitted (but if it gets too noisy the staff may intervene) and overall this thread will be rated R, so discretion is advised for all participants.

The Loft
The club's second floor is a long hallway featuring five heavy redwood doors, each concealing a room or suite. Two will be locked by ordinary means, containing the belongings of NPCs attending the club, so you can break into them if you like and take certain creative liberties with the contents. Two will be unlocked and 'vacant', containing several easter eggs which can only be found during... X-rated behavior of any kind. Reader and participant discretion is advised here. One of the easter eggs in the loft will be the key to Breaker's suite, which is behind the magically locked (cannot be opened without the key) fifth door. If anyone finds the key I will PM them the description of Breaker's room. Like in the basement the staff may intervene if things get too crazy, but the Loft is pretty much the "anything goes" part of the Cellebration.

The List - These are the characters who will be kicking the thread off. If you're not on the list, don't worry, you can still participate! The list is based solely on which characters have the greatest IC reason to be invited. If you're on the list and you don't want to participate, that's cool, just let me know and it'll free up a spot.

1. Breaker
2. Roht Mirage (owed door prize)
3. Amber Eyes (owed door prize)
4. Aurelianus Drak'Shal
5. Hysteria
6. Enigmatic Immortal (owed twenty gold)
7. Resolve
8. Warpath
9. Reine
*10. Abomination (may need to discuss circumstances for this character's participation, PM me if you're interested)

If I informed anyone that they'd be "invited" and didn't include them there, I apologize, I honestly forgot. This event is about inclusion, not exclusion, but for sanity reasons I don't want to have more than 10 characters active in a thread at once. That's why the two secondary settings are in separate threads - once people have moved to those locations, more can enter from...

The Line - Any additional entrants will be asked to stay in the "main thread" and limit themselves to a 1-3 post cameo for continuity purposes. Post here if you'd like to jump in at some point for a drink, and you'll get a place in line! Cameo appearances will be cycled through depending on how busy the main thread is.

-Mage Hunter

The Rules - are intended to keep the Cellebration moving and to make sure everyone gets a chance to participate and have fun. They will only be enforced as needed and are meant to enhance creativity, not suppress it.

1. One post is required in the Hall before and in between trips to the Loft and the Basement. Any post that involves a character exiting the Hall should specify whether they are leaving the club, or going to one of the secondary locations.
2. A loose 48 hour time limit will be imposed. If you are in the Hall and fail to post within 48 hours, you may be bunnied out of the club so someone else can come in, at which point you may rejoin the Line. If you fail to make 48 hours while in a secondary location, your character may be respectfully bunnied back into the Hall, at which point you'll have another 48 hours before being ejected
3. The only way to get "disqualified" from this thread is by repeatedly attempting to kill characters or damage property. Godmoding will be used as necessary to prevent serious damage to the Flesh Failures and unwanted character death.
4. Standard rules of RP apply other than where specified above
5. All posts must end in one of two ways: either interacting with another PC (whether it is saying something to them or doing/attempting to do something to them) or doing a generic activity such as "dancing on the dance floor" or "having a drink at the bar" or "pushups in the basement" so that you may be approached by another PC.
6. Rules may be added or changed as necessary but characters will never be in unwanted danger

Alright, I think that's about it! Post here if you have questions or to join the line. PM me if you'd like a cameo under special circumstances, though I make no promises there. This thread will also be used for OOC discussion once the RPing is underway. This is not an official function in any way, I just thought it'd be a fun way to unwind and reflect on the Cell. Also, if there's any interest in "The Line" being an actual thread, we can do that.

11-04-13, 05:07 PM
I'll have to decline my invitation on this occasion.

11-04-13, 05:09 PM

Enigmatic Immortal
11-04-13, 05:09 PM
Jensen will be there with clean clothes, good cheer, and his dance moves. Also to collect his twenty gold.

11-04-13, 05:10 PM
Hahaha I forgot to put that in...

edit: Update on the Hall. characters can get up on stage and sing if they like. The house band will be some NPCs of mine that have an ability allowing them to channel songs from beyond Althanas... so if unwinding for your character means belting out Black Velvet accompanied by a bunch of hippies, that'll work.

11-04-13, 05:14 PM
Now I need to figure out what Flint might call formal wear.

11-04-13, 05:17 PM
Let the good times roll!!!!

Thanks for making it a 48 hour time limit, otherwise I think I'd have to pass. ^_^

11-04-13, 05:19 PM
Sorish is going to have to decline and none of my other alts will be available, sorry.

11-04-13, 05:27 PM
Hey, why not. Prophet's in.

11-04-13, 05:33 PM
Let the good times roll!!!!

Thanks for making it a 48 hour time limit, otherwise I think I'd have to pass. ^_^

And it's actually a 96 hour limit if you move to one of the secondary locations ;)

Also people won't be ejected unless there's new characters who want to get in... the time limit is just to keep things moving, I'd like to see this end inside a month.

11-04-13, 05:39 PM
Yeah, that makes sense.

I'm totally going after the loots in the rooms! Woo! Can't tempts a thief with locked doors and not expect her to go for it!

Enigmatic Immortal
11-04-13, 06:12 PM
I need to dance with Roht and Reine

Roht Mirage
11-04-13, 06:15 PM
Astarelle will definitely be there. With clothes on, even. I hope people still recognize her.

And there's still some matters to attend to regarding the pre-Cell debauchery that she doesn't remember, such as reunions with misguided romantic conquests. Be gentle, Aure. The girl's been through a lot.

EDIT: I'm all for that, EI. Just don't have Crozius on him at the time. Astarelle isn't much of a pickpocket, but she'd try anyway. =)

Amber Eyes
11-04-13, 07:14 PM
Kyla will definitely be there. I've even heard she went dress shopping just for the occasion. :P

Les Misérables
11-04-13, 07:43 PM
She can afford it!

Also a note on weapons, they generally won't be allowed in. You could potentially sneak something in, but it's not the type of club where people typically carry around greatswords or warhammers :P

edit: doop, wrong account. This is Breaker.

Stormborn God
11-04-13, 08:03 PM
Wait. Not entering here, but would a sword conjureing sorcerer be allowed in? Or would there be anti magic in place?

11-04-13, 08:33 PM
There's no antimagic in place, but walking into the club and conjuring a sword would probably get you thrown out. Also as a sidenote, one account per player in the Cellebration.

11-05-13, 05:40 AM
I need to dance with Roht and Reine

I"m heading right for the dance floor!

11-06-13, 06:30 AM
This sounds pretty cool, I'm up for it. I had a look, no thread up yet?

11-06-13, 11:01 AM
Not yet! Hopefully I'll be throwin these up in the next few days.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-06-13, 11:08 AM
Aure is most definitely in.

Rocking his harmonica on stage, emptying the bar and then taking three or four ladies upstairs for flesh-on-flesh enjoyment.

Ladies, line up. There's plenty of Aur to go around. ;)

Amber Eyes
11-06-13, 01:12 PM
Jensen can have Kyla's part of Aure! I'm a good sharer like that!

Enigmatic Immortal
11-06-13, 01:23 PM
It's what I always never really wanted...

11-07-13, 10:49 PM
The Cellebration is about to begin! Threads should be posted shortly. Feel free to expand upon my description of the club, make it as awesome as you can. Also feel free to bunny conversations with the staff (other than Angeline and Doomeye) and control the actions of the servers. The bar does serve food if you're hungry, but it's gonna be a busy one so it may take some time for vittles to show up. The bar also sells cigarettes if you're in the lounging mood. The "rebel mystic" lighting wizard is also fair game for anyone who wants to flesh out that NPC and interact with him. The band is a trio of hippies who can play any song you like, hop up on stage and sing along or borrow an instrument, they're friendly. The easter eggs in the secondary locations will appear via my post when/if they are unlocked.

Questions and banter can come through here. Let's have some fun!

edit: doop, forgot to mention. Everyone on the list would have received a personal invite from Angeline via courier pigeon. You may start already in the club or RP your character walking past a long line outside to get in free with just their name.

11-07-13, 11:21 PM
Double post 'cuz it's ON!

The Club (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26269-The-Flesh-Failures-Cellebration)
The Basement (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26271-Cellebration-The-Basement)
The Loft (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26270-Cellebration-The-Loft)

See the first post of this thread for details. Recruitment for this event is still OPEN, however anyone who signs up will need to wait in line until some of the rest of us get tangled up in secondary locations.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-07-13, 11:32 PM
First character in, and already four drinks down!

Bring on the party!

(Also, apologies for the short post, but it's half five in the morning here. I just didn't want to wait to get up on stage.)

11-07-13, 11:37 PM
Haha, I love it. I should have mentioned though... I meant for this thing to be a couple weeks after the Cell, not the same day. Figured that'd be unnecessarily cruel on all our poor characters.

edit: if everyone was thinking it'd be the same day we can go with that, so long as we're all on the same page it's fine by me.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-07-13, 11:40 PM
Well, I'm going to add a few edits in to this to include Junior anyway, so if you want me to change the day too, fine by me. ;)

11-07-13, 11:43 PM
I'll leave it up to you/everyone else. I know Roht and a few others had another thread planned that would connect with this, so it probably matters to them more than it does to either of us. I'm not even sure where Breaker is at this point, he's still off hiding easter eggs.

edit: haha, don't apologize for short posts, you're already making me look bad. I'll be jumping in with guest posts from alts (didn't think I actually had an account for the band now did ye?) and from Angeline and Doomeye, plus I'll bring Breaker in at some point, so there'll be lots of turnover... and short posts will be a lot more practical once we have 5-10 people posting :D

nuther edit: feel free to continue bunnying the band, I'll just jump in with them once or twice to add more detail.

Roht Mirage
11-08-13, 12:19 AM
Our stuff works whether it's a few days or a few weeks after. I haven't looked at the threads yet, but I'll just roll with what the status quo is so far.

EDIT: If anyone tries breaking into the room that Astarelle has keys for, please run it by me first. I'm not necessarily against it, and you might even make off with something, but it's going to be a lot more interesting than a typical in-and-out theft. =)

11-08-13, 12:22 AM
Set it up however you like then, just let Aure know so he can edit accordingly.

Roht Mirage
11-08-13, 12:55 AM
I see you've referenced Breaker being up to something for the past few nights. So, let's say it's one week after the Cell.

11-08-13, 01:28 AM
Sounds good! Also Aure the invite would be from Angeline not Breaker, but she might have signed his name so play that however you like.

11-08-13, 05:04 AM
I'll throw a post up sometime today! Im going straight for the dance floor if someone wants to try and keep up with my characters.

Maybe a couple well placed moves will bring about the notice of some of the men in the room. ;)

Question, Reine's boots are enchanted, and can be classified as weapons, but they just look like boots. Would the doormen notice and force her to remove them?

EDIt: Nice posts so far guys. ^_^

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-08-13, 07:58 AM
Editted accordingly, and Roht, Aur has first dibs on your room, and your flesh. ;)

Roht Mirage
11-08-13, 08:43 AM
It's my party and I'll cry if I want to... cry if I want to...

11-08-13, 10:46 AM
I'll throw a post up sometime today! Im going straight for the dance floor if someone wants to try and keep up with my characters.

Maybe a couple well placed moves will bring about the notice of some of the men in the room. ;)

Question, Reine's boots are enchanted, and can be classified as weapons, but they just look like boots. Would the doormen notice and force her to remove them?

EDIt: Nice posts so far guys. ^_^

They probably wouldn't notice... they're not searching people, they just expect visible weapons to be left outside or get stored in the tickle trunk.

11-08-13, 02:19 PM
Sweet, she'd feel all naked without her boots on. :p

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-08-13, 02:34 PM
If I have my way, she'll be naked before the night's out. ;)

11-08-13, 02:36 PM
Hahaha, hate to disappoint you Twitch, but at the end of the night Fae will still be a virgin, no matter how much you go after her. :p

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-08-13, 02:38 PM
:P disappointing!

11-08-13, 03:01 PM
Hahaha! You already get A'rai, how many more of my characters do you want?

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-08-13, 03:04 PM
All of them.


11-08-13, 03:25 PM
Witchblade would rip it off and make you eat it.

Roht Mirage
11-08-13, 03:31 PM
He's going to develop a fetish for that if it keeps happening.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-08-13, 03:34 PM
Going to?

11-08-13, 04:46 PM
I want to do this so bad but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up! I have until tomorrow to post and enter, right?

11-08-13, 04:49 PM
Yep.. you can do it! They don't have to be long or good posts, just jump into character and let that crazy hair down :D

I'm just assuming Resolve has crazy hair...

Enigmatic Immortal
11-08-13, 04:56 PM
She does. Or will......

Bum bum buuuuuuuuuuuuuum!

Enigmatic Immortal
11-08-13, 05:35 PM
Hope everything is kosher with my post?

11-08-13, 05:39 PM
I liked your post and mine is up too! Fae is free to interact with on the dance floor and looking really sexy. ;)

11-08-13, 05:51 PM
Looks like there's gonna be some jaws hittin the dance floor along with all the feet...

(yeah everything's fine, adding the coat check was a nice touch)

11-08-13, 05:52 PM
Thank ya, any good lounge needs a coat check. ;)

Just as a warning, she'll be looking to corner the Cronen at some point during the celebrations. Hopefully she gets to him before she starts drinking. XD

Roht Mirage
11-09-13, 10:33 AM
I'm releasing my NPCs to the wilds of the Flesh Failures. I'll only control them in passing, so everyone else is welcome to use them if they're lacking in other interaction opportunities. Keep in mind that they won't do anything splashy. Tabin and Raylene have the street smarts to not be taken advantage of (most of the time) and the discipline (from Kotra's training) to not stir up any trouble on their own. Tabin is a teen-almost-man who wants drinks and a chance to feel cool. Raylene wants a chance to let loose and not have to worry about some of her baggage, the scar being a big part of that. Kotra's just looking to pass the time and have some fun playing the enigmatic Fallien elder. PM me if you have any questions about them.

11-09-13, 12:52 PM
Aw, Aure stole my chance to have some fun with you, Jas. :p

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-09-13, 01:00 PM
:P she wandered too close.. now she gets to have another night full of shame and regret.

After orgasms, of course. And lots of alcohol.

11-09-13, 01:06 PM
Maybe Jensen or someone else will dance with me then. :(

Enigmatic Immortal
11-09-13, 01:10 PM
I'll dance with you

11-09-13, 02:34 PM
Yay! I get love, let's rip apart the dance floor. ;)

Enigmatic Immortal
11-10-13, 10:53 PM
Hey, who all is in for a down good Slam the drink game? Also, Roht, we need to connect so you can get your letter from me.

Roht Mirage
11-11-13, 12:27 AM
If Jensen heads to the bar with his spending money, she'll catch up. She doesn't know anything about Coronian drinking games, so some education may be in order.

11-12-13, 04:08 AM
apologies for being a bit late.

Also, if Aurelianus and Jensen don't win best couple this year I'll eat my shoe.

Mage Hunter
11-13-13, 02:33 AM
Still too late to get on the list of this shindig?

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-13-13, 04:42 AM
I will not be able to post tonight because I have a show to attend in Edinburgh, but I would ask only that I am either not ejected from the club, or that someone bunnies me joining them up or downstairs if possible.

If not, I understand.

11-13-13, 10:59 AM
I will not be able to post tonight because I have a show to attend in Edinburgh, but I would ask only that I am either not ejected from the club, or that someone bunnies me joining them up or downstairs if possible.

If not, I understand.

Don't worry about the time limit, I never really intended to enforce it. Depending on who posts/how things are going by tonight I may do some light bunnying to keep the action flowing. Enjoy the show!

11-13-13, 01:39 PM
Come on, Jas! I can't do anything until you post again! lol

Roht Mirage
11-13-13, 02:51 PM
I'm buying you drinks. Happy now? =P

Hysteria, you can bunny some dialogue out of Astarelle if you're close. Just don't divert them from their all-important mission. She'll be very confused when she sees Talen, and then assume that he must be an older brother or something like that.

11-13-13, 03:01 PM
It's time for body shots! Body shots! lol

11-13-13, 08:30 PM
Double post!

Pat, you should definitely come into the bar, Fae would love to have a moment with Dru and talk to her about the whole stabbing her in the heart thing. XD Then maybe buy her a drink or something.

11-14-13, 12:21 PM
Still too late to get on the list of this shindig?

Sorry, I missed this till Witchy pointed it out. This thread has taken off in rather a different way than I expected, and I want to avoid introducing any more "main characters" than we already have. I'm going to ask anyone else who jumps in at this point to limit themselves to a 1-3 post cameo, and stay in the main thread.

So, Prophet and Mage Hunter are cleared to join the fun in the Flesh Failures, please ensure you have checked the rules in this thread and are OK with them before posting. The bar staff can probably whip Drusilia up a cocktail that'd keep her from getting all vomitty from the magic in the air. And please don't try to drain or alter any of the arcane effects in the club - it won't work.

Once Prophet and Mage Hunter have concluded their 1-3 posts we'll see about getting some fresh cameos in. Body shots!!!!

11-15-13, 08:41 PM
The thought occurred to me of Flint yelling "COCKBLOCK" as he dropkicked Josh, and I'm still laughing about it.

11-15-13, 09:41 PM
Haha, that worked out wonderfully, great job with Doomeye.

If you and EI could both edit links to the basement into the end of your transition posts, that'd be great (it's important for mod/reader clarity, guess I forgot to put that in the instructions). Also EI please wait for Amber and me to get our posts in before you enter the basement, so the passage of time doesn't get too skewed.

Another thing I probably should have clarified - Doomeye is guarding the stairs, but anyone can go up/down at any time, I just ask that you actually RP getting around her. That's as easy as going down the stairs while she's looking the other way, but it keeps her present in the story which is the important part.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-15-13, 10:03 PM
Can do sir, and just post here when you're ready for me to come on in.

Roht Mirage
11-16-13, 10:38 AM
I'll enter right after EI. Team Cockblock, assemble!

11-16-13, 01:32 PM
Haha, it's like Doomeye is playing lemmings in there.

Any chance we're gonna see some romance spring up between Fae and Aure? That forked tongue can lap shots from the deepest navels ;)

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-16-13, 01:37 PM
Hehehe I'm going to get a post up later tonight hopefully. I remember there are unattended rooms upstairs, just begging to be relieved of valuables.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-16-13, 01:45 PM
Assuming all is well to post?

11-16-13, 01:47 PM
Angeline is also upstairs right now, if you want to bunny her just shoot me a PM with any questions about her personality/whatever. You can always just sneak past her too, as she'd be at the end of the hall furthest from the stairs knocking on Josh's door... but it'd be fun to get her more involved in the debauchery :P

edit: ninja'd by EI. yeah, go nuts. Me and Warpath were working on setting up Josh v Flint II in the ring, but I'm curious to see what you guys have got planned and I want this to keep moving. Maybe we can hit some tag team action :D

11-16-13, 02:31 PM
Haha, Aure is not allowed anywhere near my character unless under close adult supervision.

I shall be heading upstairs to do some pillaging in my next post, unless someone grabs my characters attention.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-16-13, 02:33 PM
So they will run into each other. :P

And don't fret dearest... Aur is an adult. ;)

11-16-13, 02:36 PM
lol, Fae is not. XD

Actually, it would be funny if they run into each other and Aure corners her and she either tries to beat the crap out of him to get away, or freaks out and calls for help.

Let's arrange this!

Enigmatic Immortal
11-16-13, 03:59 PM
Tag team sounds good to me. But we must be wary of....


11-16-13, 04:09 PM
Haha, I'm looking forward to whatever drama goes down.

11-16-13, 11:57 PM
Double post because, this is getting a bit silly. The whole purpose of multiple threads and multiple locations within most of those threads is so that posting order doesn't pile up like this. As things stand I think Warpath deserves to have the next post in the basement, and since I can make that happen, I will. Apologies to EI since I'm going back on what I said earlier.

My request is that we proceed as if the waitress who gave Jensen his info said upstairs instead of downstairs. Meaning Jensen went upstairs, and Astarelle and Talen followed. You guys can regroup up there and come back down - that'll give Amber Eyes/Warpath/me time to finish our little scene.

I was considering having Doomeye stop a few people, but figured this might be more fun for everyone and play off the idea that the club is noisy and dark and crowded, and things are confusing. Thanks for your co-operation :D

Enigmatic Immortal
11-17-13, 01:13 AM
Works for me sir.

11-17-13, 05:52 PM
I'll stay at the bar and wait for Pat to show up with Dru, since both the upstairs and downstairs is pretty busy at the moment. It would be hard to pillage rooms with a bunch of Ixians wandering around.

11-17-13, 07:01 PM
The Loft is a lot more liquid than the Basement because of all the rooms, but I appreciate the effort to keep all threads moving :) don't stop the party!

Roht Mirage
11-18-13, 12:29 AM
I made my edit to specify the loft. You folks might want to make yours. :)

I'll wait on you, EI, to post first up there. Also, you seem to have double-pasted your last post.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-18-13, 12:41 AM
Ya, Hysteria tried to warn me. But like a fool I haven't gotten to it. I'll try to post tonight.

Mage Hunter
11-18-13, 03:57 AM
Alright post 1 is done! guess I get two more, anyone who wants to work with me, feel free to post I'll try to fit you all in in the limited time I have in the thread.

11-18-13, 11:37 AM
Thanks for the edits everyone, I just got mine done.

Roht Mirage
11-18-13, 01:39 PM
Oopsie. I forgot to acknowledge Angeline upstairs, but I edited to establish that Astarelle did not look into the second of the unlocked rooms. So, I guess she's there by process of elimination. =)

EDIT: That works. Shame on those two, embarrassing the poor woman.

11-19-13, 11:57 AM
Come on, Aure! Get back in there!

11-24-13, 12:10 PM
*pokes everyone*

Alright guys, I'd like to submit this for judgment by December 10th. Anyone who hasn't posted by the 5th will be respectively bunnied out of the storyline at that point in time so we can have a decent conclusion. The night is still young!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-24-13, 12:18 PM
Sorry, but I think I'll have to call it quits here.

Feel free to bunny Aur getting into a drunken brawl and being thrown out, etc etc.


11-24-13, 04:26 PM
I'm struck waiting on Pat...

11-25-13, 10:18 AM
Now you've got some options ;) if Pat jumps back in I'll just have Aure intercept Duke with some drunkeness and get thrown out as a result. Duke will probably head back to the stage before long anyway, unless he's convinced to go elsewheres :P

11-25-13, 05:34 PM
Awesome, I'll give Pat another day or so, as I'll be too busy to post tonight anyway, and then go from there. We'll see who gets to take the short brunette with sparkling golden green eyes yet! ;)

11-25-13, 08:28 PM
I'm still up for playing more, I just cannot get a decent chunk of time to write in lately. If you need to boot me I understand, but if not I'll be posting again as soon as I can.

11-29-13, 04:47 PM
Not planning to boot anyone (except maybe Aure, since he asked) I just don't want this to drag on too much longer. Looking forward to your next post!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-29-13, 04:52 PM
Aye mate, that's fine with me.

I've been having a hellish time lately, and only just managed to churn out a post today to try and get myself back into my backed up workload, so it's unlikely I can make another for the Cellebration. But, thanks for having me, and I enjoyed it.

11-29-13, 05:22 PM
Yeah, I chatted with Pat and he and I are planning on concluding the Dru and Fae interaction this weekend. We've both just been really busy with work/school and social lives, lol.

Sorry, Alex.

Enigmatic Immortal
11-30-13, 11:25 AM
I apologize for the lack of action here, I got a new job and well, that's priority. But I am trying to move this along! Thanks for the patience!

12-10-13, 09:27 AM
Weeeelp, so much for that deadline. Come on guys, let's finish strong!

12-10-13, 01:52 PM
Sorry man. While no longer in retail, my job is still dictated by what happens in the store, which means stupid-busy lately. Definitely haven't forgotten about this, just struggling to set aside time!

02-20-14, 08:20 PM
I'm back baby doll!

Hoping to put a bow on this whole thing, so anyone who was in it/is still around, feel free to have some fun wrapping it up! If you were the last one to post in a thread and need someone to respond before continuing, let me know and I'll jump in with an NPC.

And I guess, if anyone reading this has a different old project with me you'd like to finish, let me know.

Judo Write!

02-21-14, 10:53 AM
Whoa, welcome back, Numbers!

08-11-14, 02:51 PM
Warpath and I have decided to make sure this thing gets finished, but anyone who still has a character involved is welcome to jump back in! Contact me if you need any details. Also note: the thread will conclude with the party still going strong, so you don't actually need to leave the club, however getting as many PC conclusions as possible would be awesome!

Enigmatic Immortal
08-11-14, 04:44 PM
I think Jensen and Astarelle are staring at each other upstairs. A neat little bow to wrap things up should come from the both of us soon.

10-03-14, 01:59 PM
That'd be awesome... quick shout out to all involved: I'm probably going to post the final conclusion for this thread over the weekend. If I post before you and you still wanted to post a conclusion for your character, just shoot me a PM and I'll temporarily delete my post so we can get them in the proper order. The thread will be submitted for judgment on Wednesday... only took most of a year! Thanks to everyone who participated :)