View Full Version : Remember, remember...

11-04-13, 11:20 PM
This is recruitment and OOC for the thread 'Twenty Days Too Late' which will hopefully be getting started after me and Roht finish the Nomad Process.

Inspirational sources for this quest include this urban legend (http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/The_Russian_Sleep_Experiment) and the movie V for Vendetta.

Although we haven't discussed the details this thread will take place in Alerar and Cronen and Astarelle will be infiltrating a military experiment which goes horribly wrong. I'd like to make this more involved with the country as a whole, and I figured why let me and Roht have all the fun.

If you'd like to play either a villainous role of someone who has a hand in this and other nefarious government dealings, or even as someone who lives/is in Alerar and gets impacted or dragged into it somehow, post here. I'm hoping to find one or two more people who find the source materials inspiring and see their character having an interesting role to play here.

Roht Mirage
11-05-13, 06:58 AM
I'm Roht Mirage, and I approve this message.

11-06-13, 01:26 PM
Really? No one? Let's try some buzzwords... this quest will be edgy and extreme! It will push your character to the limit and beyond!

I thought the V for Vendetta allusion posted on the 5th would do it for sure...

11-06-13, 01:41 PM
I'll bite.

What are you looking for in this "villainous role"?

11-06-13, 01:59 PM
Hmm, based on what little I know about present-day Madison... perhaps she could be a contractor hired to maintain some of the machines utilized in the experiment. She would have the option of discovering Josh and Astarelle's plot, and be party to some pretty horrific experiments, probably have to make some harrowing decisions and such. Whether she's portrayed as villainous or noble or somewhere in between is fairly moot, we're hoping to blur the lines between good, evil, and insane.

Option of course to have her head shaved and dance on a rainy rooftop at some point, although you may have to share the razor with Roht :P

11-06-13, 07:47 PM
I'm thinking about sleep as I write this, but I think this would be jolly good fun to get into. Madison's "alignment" is vague enough where we could definitely have her fill in any role necessary. That said, it would be fitting of her character post-rewrite to be a contractor and such for the experiment. Count me in!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-06-13, 07:53 PM
Villain role.

Tell me more. :P

Or, possibly better yet, Aurelius would be happy to have signed up/ been captured for these experiments.

11-06-13, 08:00 PM
Madison gets the chance to see Aure and Josh tortured?

Subtitle for this quest: "...In which our hero has the best day ever!!"

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-06-13, 08:02 PM
XD She has no reason to hate him... yet.

11-06-13, 08:10 PM
Breaker, it's occurred to me that Madison would take a deep personal interest in the outcome of a sleep-deprivation experiment, as she's conducting some research of her own in regards to outfitting constructs with what are essentially brains-in-jars, because science!!

So having her hired as a contractor to keep the equipment up and running would give her a reason to be there, while her own morbid curiosity and research would give her reason to be involved in this quest. So yes, count me in.

Heads up, though; I'm going to be rather busy over the next four weeks or so. I'm in the process of packing up my stuff and moving to a new town for a job. So there's that. I'll be available to post; just it'll be slow, even by my standards.

J.M. Vallix
11-06-13, 09:43 PM
I wonder what would happen if JM here got tortured more.

Sure. I'm in, you can do anything. He even collapses on command!

11-08-13, 12:53 AM
Sorry JM, we've got all the roles filled for this one... maybe next time!

Posting can be pretty lax on this, but we'll definitely get it started during November to take advantage of the delicious Alerar exp modifier. If you guys want to give me an idea of how your characters would end up doing what they're doing, and a better idea of exactly what that'd be in the context of the thread, it'll help me piece the setting together. Post ideas here so we can discuss or PM me if you feel like being secretive about something.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-08-13, 08:03 AM
Well, Aure is always doing something seemingly stupid or self-destructive when he has something to gain from the situation.

So he'd more than likely have signed up to be one of the test subjects for the experiment. Whether that's still the sleep deprivation as per the urban legend, or something more Althanas-y, I'm happy to be a guinea pig either way.

11-08-13, 08:45 AM
Madison would be better placed behind the glass, helping conduct the experiment with whomever may be behind it (because science!!).

She'd be willing to help out with the experiment, because the majority of it will run parallel to her own. She would love to know about how the lack of sleep affects the human (or elf, or demon, or what have you) brain, given that she has plans to somehow hook up brains to her constructs in order to give them true humanoid intelligence. And we all know that robots don't sleep; so she would want notes on how long they would last before they would have to be... "decommissioned". Just because finding a way to simulate sleep's effects on a brain would be too much work for her.

So we could have her being on the other side of the glass, watching, taking notes, and digging deep into the research to begin with.

Roht Mirage
11-08-13, 10:09 AM
Astarelle will be on the outside of the glass, disguised as a researcher (maybe even as a drow). Her stated expertise will be monitoring the subjects' health to ensure that the experiment yields the most data possible. Keeping them alive and healthy (aside from the affects being researched) and such.

She is really there to conduct espionage on the people running the experiment and to break Josh out if things go wrong. She's his safe word. =)

11-16-13, 03:34 PM
I'm going to try to put the intro for this together soon. I'm thinking about subbing Phyr (Les Miserables) in for Josh. I'll do a prologue with Breaker and an initial post/description of the facility with Les Miz. The baddies behind this business will be connected to his backstory, I think it'll all work out a bit better with Phyr in play.

For Aure's entrance, I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind doing a few posts on the streets of Alerar before becoming a late addition to the experiment. It's not the kind of thing that there'd be a signup for, it's incredibly secretive stuff and the subjects will all be prisoners (Phyr is wanted for treason in Alerar). So if Aure did something bad enough in your first few posts and pissed off the wrong (right) dark elves, they might throw him in with the others. Other forms of approach would be fine as well, but it's gotta be all cloak-and-daggery.

The testing chamber will have glass on three sides - the control room (Madison's starting place) the main viewing chamber (I'll have some NPCs in there) and the infirmary (Astarelle's position). For this first bit we'll all be separated, but I imagine that when things start going wrong Madison and Astarelle will meet, and at some point Phyr or Aure may get brought out for medical attention or.... experimentation. We can have some frankensteny fun with the fact Phyr is missing an arm.

As to the source of the sleep deprivation, I've settled on a form of alchemical radiation that's designed to inhibit and eventually destroy the need for sleep (over the course of twenty days). I have some more details in mind but they're still taking shape. And of course they're be disastrous side effects, but we can figure those out as we go. Let me know what you guys think!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
11-16-13, 03:38 PM
As per the events in Child of Darkness, Aur has already pissed off some major criminal elements in Alerar. Ettermire, to be specific. So I'd be happy for them to catch him, and hand him off to the experiment.

11-16-13, 03:46 PM
Ahh, that'll work out well. And I hadn't decided which city to place this in, so Ettermire it is!

11-16-13, 04:11 PM
Will we be starting the thread from Day 1 of the experiment, so Maddy can discuss with the others helping to run the experiment how to develop the alchemy mixture that would inhibit sleep? I was thinking for Madison it could be a cold open in the control room, discussing the process and providing a bit of exposition before diving right in.

11-16-13, 05:42 PM
Yeah, I think we're on the same wavelength there.