View Full Version : Red Six Initiation: Slativ vs Hysteria

11-10-13, 06:45 AM

Talen stepped out into the cold air. It was fresh, even a hint of sweetness carried along in the wind suggested they were high up. Behind him the door closed and faded into the sheer rock wall. As was the way with the Citadel, the monks stopped you leaving the room once you had entered. It didn't bother the youth, instead he looked around and took a moment to appreciate the surrounds. The monks had created a small platform about ten metres wide and carved directly into a rock face. The youth glanced upwards, the rock that formed a wall around half of the clearing tapered off until the mountain peak some distance above. There was nothing along the other side of the platform, just a sheer edge and drop. The ground was far below, Talen couldn't hazard a guess at how far. From where he was it looked like a picture someone had painted.

The youth pulled his cloak tighter around himself as the chill set in. He hoped that this fight would be enough to warm his bones. The youth had a feeling that he would have to hold back, but exactly how much he wasn't sure. There was at least one new ability that he had been working on that he wanted to try out.

Talen was far from your average person. He stood, at least at the moment, at just over six foot tall. His hair was pitch black and eternally messy. His face was lean, as indeed was his whole body. His skin pale, contrasting against his black cloths. The only colour on the boy's body came from his eyes; a light blue. He carried with him no weapons or items. Just his cloak. Eblazed on the front pocket was a red six. If the newbie proved himself, Talen would present him with one too.

11-23-13, 11:02 PM
I approached the blueish light of the portal carefully. Although I was eager to test the limits of this weak body, I had an awful experience with a portal before, namely the one that got me stuck in this pitiful state. “Well, this one seems well formed and stable,” I thought to myself as I did some final inspections.

Back a few days ago, I had for some reason decided to try and join this “Red Six” organization probably figuring that they might provide Felyn with some better food or something. Well, they wanted to fight in this citadel place to test Felyn's power. Apparently, this “citadel” place had arenas for fighting and monks that could heal almost any injuries. And so, here I was standing in front of the blue portal.

“Hmm, should I let Felyn fight or do it myself,” I thought. “Felyn knows how to move this vessel the best... On the other hand, she doesn't really know how to use my abilities... Hmm... Well, I don't like dealing with pain so probably best to let her. I'll just have to 'encourage' her to fight and let her know of what help I'll be providing.”

Letting Felyn out of the little room I locked her in, I began doing the 'enlightenment' process where I explained roughly what she needed to do and what would happen if she didn't obey. Additionally, I began charging her hands with electricity and explained that she could touch the enemy and hopefully it would stun him or her for a few seconds. “Sigh, if I could only let my real power out,” I thought to myself as the tiniest faction of my power flowed into Felyn's palms.

I could feel the wonderful feeling of Felyn's terror as she stepped into the portal. She had experienced what I could do and knew that even death was a better alternative.

We landed on a small rocky platform on the side of a cliff. It was cold especially for this skinny body. The chilling wind tore off the hood of Felyn's cloak revealing the scared, shivering girl inside.

Like Felyn, my attention was drawn to the youth standing on the other end of the rocky battleground. Compared to this body, the man towered head, shoulders and chest. He seemed calm but bored. However, there was something about this figure that gave me the chills. I could feel dark energy of some sort from his body. It almost seemed like he was not from this world like me.

Felyn's thought process was a bit different. With her upbringing, she quickly looked for exits while analyzing her opponent. Finding no escapes other than a long drop, she swiftly decided that her only option was to fight and began approaching the stranger while looking for weapons, weaknesses, and for clues on how this man would respond. She did not see any weapons, even hidden, and as for weaknesses, she concluded that the man far outclassed her in physical strength and her best chance would be a surprise attack. Also, like me, she seemed to sense something was different about this youth.

I watched as she got within a few meters of the stranger. I felt her tiny muscles tense. Suddenly, she threw herself at the stranger while drawing her small trusty dagger. Her aim was to try touch the opponent while he was probably underestimating her and then slice his left leg's muscles while he was stunned.

Sorry for taking so long to reply. Life really has been busy lately for me.