View Full Version : First Thread

11-13-13, 12:58 AM
Just got my character approved and wanted to jump into something light to get my creative juices flowing and help figure out the style I want to use. Anyone interested in a Citadel battle or a relatively quick quest? I was thinking either a battle with a constantly changing environment that's as deadly as the other player or perhaps some sort of light mystery themed quest, but I thought I'd see who's interested in a quick thread before developing ideas further.

Any takers?

Solar Haven
11-13-13, 01:07 AM
I would gladly do a battle with this character if you want me.

an ever changing environment is exactly what causes my character to flourish

11-13-13, 02:31 AM
Sounds good, I'll sleep on it and aim to get a thread up tomorrow and pm you or something. Looking forward to it!

11-13-13, 07:13 AM
A Citadel fight would be nice. :)

11-13-13, 08:20 PM
Sorry for the delay, been pretty busy. I'm gonna go ahead and say this is closed to you two - the first post is mostly written so it'll be up tomorrow!