View Full Version : The Chronicle 11/18

Max Dirks
11-18-13, 03:13 PM
November 18, 2013

Lots of news today, so read on.

General Announcements

Cell Winners

Congrats to Roht Mirage for placing first, Breaker for second, and Abomination for third!

November's Featured Region: Alerar

Alerar is at the top of the region listing for November. That means any thread started or finished there before 11/31/13 will net you an additional 20% EXP and an extra 100 GP. Let's give everyone's favorite dark elf haunt a little boost.

New Staff

There have been a number of staff changes made in the last week. Namely, Luned has been promoted to Judging Administrator. We've also added Amber Eyes as an operations moderator; Solar Haven, BlackandBlueEyes and Elthas_Belthasar as content moderators; and Lye and hoytti as judges. Be sure to congratulate them if you see them.

New Themes

Althanas is getting a makeover. We've added two new themes to be the public faces of Althanas. You can test out the Dark Fantasy theme (currently called Newthanas) here (http://www.althanas.com/world/forum.php?styleid=46) and the White Fantasy theme (currently called Lighterthanas) here (http://www.althanas.com/world/forum.php?styleid=49). Both are in BETA, so if you notice any errors please send Max Dirks a PM. The new themes were paid for from donations received from Lye, Amber Eyes, Hysteria and Luned. Be sure to thank them!


As Althanas grows, the cost of running the site has increased. As such, I've added a neat hack to the site that allows us to accept donations. You can find the donations link in the "Community" tab above. Here is a direct link to the donation page (http://www.althanas.com/world/misc.php?do=donate) and a direct link to the Donor List (http://www.althanas.com/world/misc.php?do=donlist). As a thank you from the staff, those that donate more than $10 will be added as Core Members to the site. As you know, Core Members have access to a special forum to speak directly with the staff and can have their own features and canon added to Althanas. Moderators that donate more than $10 will be given an @althanas.com email address. Anyone who donates more than $30 will get special access to the Lornius continent where all RP results in a 50% EXP bonus. Donate anything, even $1, and we'll give you a custom user title (if you don't already have one. Donations use Paypal. If you want to avoid transactions fees, you can also transfer money to Althanas directly using the email address donations@althanas.com.

New Features

Althanas Leagues

Check out our newest major feature: Althanas Leagues. In the leagues, players receive individual scores and compete against one another for incredible prizes. There are currently battle leagues and quests leagues, so all types of writers can get involved. Registration is rolling, so you can always sign up. To learn more and to register, visit the Althanas Leagues subforum (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?345-Althanas-Leagues).

Writing Spotlight

New Judge's Choice

Congratulations to Otto! He earned Judge's Choice with his recently judged thread, The Fertile Earth (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26259-JC-Nomination-The-Fertile-Earth-(solo)). As with any JC, we highly recommend you read his work to get a taste of the best of the best Althanas writing.

Featured Threads

By popular request, we feature current active or newly completed IC threads in each news post. To submit one (either your own or someone else's) for listing, PM Amber Eyes. If you're looking for new threads to participate in, check the Role-Player's Corner (http://www.althanas.com/world/forumdisplay.php?13-The-Role-Player-s-Corner) or look around for those labeled "open". If you're looking for some reading material, look no further than:

Soothing The Blood Thirsty Fires Within (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26140-Soothing-The-Blood-Thirsty-Fires-Within) by Lye and Noir., or
Protection From Thine Protectors (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26375-Protection-From-Thine-Protectors&p=219009#post219009) by Poison and Leoric.

Ongoing Announcements

Applications for Mods and Judges

We are always in need of new moderators and judges to keep the site running smoothly. If you would like to volunteer, apply here (http://www.althanas.com/world/misc.php?do=form&fid=3).

If you have something you'd like to see in a future edition of the Chronicle, please contact Amber Eyes.