View Full Version : So. Um. Hello again?

11-19-13, 03:26 PM
Uh. So. Apparently I still exist?


Max Dirks
11-19-13, 03:33 PM

11-19-13, 03:33 PM

Good lord, you're alive Cael!

We thought the children had drained your soul for recess snacks. How've you been keeping? (Duffy hither <).

11-19-13, 03:39 PM
Welcome back! : )

11-19-13, 03:40 PM



Good lord, you're alive Cael!

We thought the children had drained your soul for recess snacks. How've you been keeping? (Duffy hither <).

Busy! Day care and substituting and so m an y l es so n plans and the suchlike.

How has everybody been?

11-19-13, 03:42 PM
Currently training to be a post-compulsory education tutor (anything post secondary school). Ask me in three months, if I'm alive, I've been alright, hehe!

Lesson Plans is a swear!

11-19-13, 03:51 PM
Welcome back stranger!

Dr. Why
11-19-13, 04:07 PM
Welcome back!

11-19-13, 04:36 PM
Welcome back!

I remember you from before, but I never got the chance to write with you.

11-19-13, 06:35 PM
Welcome back. I think I've seen you before but I don't know.

Flames of Hyperion
11-19-13, 06:42 PM
*Waves happily*

11-19-13, 08:30 PM
Welcome back, random member who was on before I am! xD

So many old members coming back! I like it! If only I could talk Moonberrycat into coming back as well :(

Welcome back to the best website ever! :D

11-19-13, 08:54 PM
Welcome back, random member who was on before I am! xD

So many old members coming back! I like it! If only I could talk Moonberrycat into coming back as well :(

Welcome back to the best website ever! :D

Or Valentina Snow. T-T

Mage Hunter
11-20-13, 02:00 AM
A wild Inkfinger has appeared!

Dissinger used a pokeball!

(welcome back)

Max Dirks
11-20-13, 03:39 PM
So Sarah, last time you were here you were buckling down for exams and what not.

Are you a real teacher now? An English teacher? An English teacher who wants to force her class to join Althanas for extra credit?

If your answer to any one of those questions is yes, I'm super excited.