View Full Version : 016573- Level 50 Profile

09-08-06, 07:39 PM
I figured that title might be an attention grabber. But it is a RELEVANT attention grabber.

I remember a posting game someone had up once posted where everyone said what their top level 50 move would be for their character. Well, I'm changing it a bit.

If your character was level 50, and you could have ONE one-hit-kill ability, what would it be?

09-08-06, 07:44 PM
That's easy even if it's not overly original. Since Caerah's powers are based on life essence, it would be something like this:

Life Vaccuum: All creatures within 50(or less... no clue how powerful a 50 spell would be...) feet have all their life essence drained and is absorbed by Caerah.

Of course, since Caerah is non-violent... atleast for now... She'd never have this, or never use it if she did.

09-08-06, 07:51 PM
Symmetry Breaking: Destroys the false vacuum plunging the Universe into a new phase at light speed from the target point.

09-08-06, 07:56 PM
Swordchucks yo! - Letho spins his swordchucks so fast that it creates a tear in the time-space continuum that is actually a black hole. Fear the swordchucks! :cool:

09-08-06, 08:08 PM
Symmetry Breaking: Destroys the false vacuum plunging the Universe into a new phase at light speed from the target point.

You science bastard.

Swordchucks yo! - Letho spins his swordchucks so fast that it creates a tear in the time-space continuum that is actually a black hole. Fear the swordchucks! :cool:

You bastard bastard.

Code Grabber- Josh grabs the collar of his victim's coat, leans down next to them and whispers "Say my code name or die, bitch." And no one can say the codename. Ever. So they die, because he said they would. They made their choice.

09-08-06, 08:47 PM
Probably only one person here (Tony) will know what I'm talking about.

But I'd give Alberdyne the Omniverse like he had it in Ayenee.

End of demo.

Sighter Tnailog
09-09-06, 12:18 AM
Mine is simple.

Requiem of Redemption

All wounds -- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual -- are healed upon the singing on this song. The extreme bliss of such a holistic healing spread quickly, and one's spirit immediately leaves the mortal plane.

Cyrus the virus
09-09-06, 12:22 AM
Master of the Elements - All elements within forty miles of Luc are permanently destroyed.

Everyone should fear a level 50 Luc... A lot.

09-09-06, 01:09 AM
Physical Disruption - The magical ability to distort and destroy matter itself.

Short and oh so sweet.

09-09-06, 01:15 AM
Aura of Pride - Everyone worships Raelyse.

09-09-06, 04:47 AM
ohhh shiny powers!!!!

Chibi-fy becomes a irrisitably cute chibi version of himself. New skills immortality and the ability to pull a 1000ton hammer from nowhere to crush an opponent


Stupidly powerful anti-existance kind of strength the user is so powerful that any of his attacks holds the same destructive power as the big bang (which is equivelent to one chuck norris round house kick)

Storm Veritas
09-09-06, 06:23 AM
Death Glare - Storm looks at you with the old creepy eye, and you die and stuff.

09-09-06, 06:36 AM
The Pie's The Limit - Turn every living being in a region of choice into delicious pies. The pies can be eaten.

09-09-06, 07:48 AM
Horrifying Maw - The target's mind is immediately thrown into a horrific sea of ever-shifting, tearing corpses the likes of which only a few of the most hardcore acid trippers have ever seen. Their mind recoils in horror, and in self-defense shuts down all of the body's functions to avoid the extreme psychological torture that is now their mind.

Max Dirks
09-09-06, 09:41 AM
Dirks shoots a bullet through your character's skull and your character dies.

Pretty much just like he can do now.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
09-09-06, 09:44 AM
Spontaneous Combustion - You explode... and stuff

09-09-06, 10:12 AM
turn the foe into candy^^ yummy!

09-09-06, 11:09 AM
Sanoë throws a diamond or something into your eye, killing you instantly.

Not really. That would kind of suck.

09-09-06, 11:09 AM
The Slim Pickins Solomon dawns a cowboy hat and is dropped from a plane onto his opponent riding a nuclear bomb. All the while shouting 'YEE-HAW" and other such calls.

09-09-06, 11:58 AM
Kick your ass: Tarry kicks your ass untill you die.

09-09-06, 12:39 PM
Stability matrix - All changes, paranormal or otherwise unnatural, are nulled. Life goes on as it always has. Fireballs extinguish themselves. Meteors summoned to impact Midgar stop, and go back where they came from. Imagine Marvel's "House of M" series, but instead of nullifying mutant powers, "special abilities" are nixxed if they're not biological. Raelyse is no longer the slightest bit interesting, for example. ;)

Artifex Felicis
09-09-06, 03:36 PM
Stability matrix - All changes, paranormal or otherwise unnatural, are nulled. Life goes on as it always has. Fireballs extinguish themselves. Meteors summoned to impact Midgar stop, and go back where they came from. Imagine Marvel's "House of M" series, but instead of nullifying mutant powers, "special abilities" are nixxed if they're not biological. Raelyse is no longer the slightest bit interesting, for example. ;)

Suddenly 99% of everyone of Althanas has cuts on their body suddenly open up, many have bones suddenly split apart, and more than a fair number drop dead on the spot. Healing magic getting nixed sucks :(

For Leon though, (copying someone from sometime) Omnipotency

I'll think of a serious one later. A crapload of stuff happens over 500 levels worth of quests.

09-09-06, 04:45 PM
Master of the Elements - All elements within forty miles of Luc are permanently destroyed.

Everyone should fear a level 50 Luc... A lot.

Luc destroys all the air around himself and suffocates, indeed fear the suicide man.

09-09-06, 08:49 PM
Dark Wave- Eltarri can unleash the evil inside of her in a ripple-like tide of black magic that affects things the same way a nuclear explosion does before pulling it all back in and absorbing the life of everything it destroyed.

Cyrus the virus
09-10-06, 10:00 AM
Except that by level 50, Luc no longer has the need to breathe. Or stand. Or use wind to fly. Or really exist as a solid form.

*mysterious, ominous music*

09-10-06, 03:44 PM


*X-files theme song*

09-10-06, 04:46 PM
*Note: Nenal becomes the angel of death far far into the future.

*Description: Hovering in the air was an all black angel... no, not all black. Drenched in blood, it was pouring off his raven black wings, dripping like a leaky faucet from his fingertips. His flourescent white eyes had blood running out of them, down across his black, featureless face. Power an evil oozed out of his every pore, and the wind whispered his name... Nenal.*

Angel of Death: Nenal's final form causes instant death to any who behold this magnificent and terrible being.


09-10-06, 07:41 PM
Way to screw up. The blind are totally immune to your shoddy attack!

09-10-06, 09:01 PM
Way to screw up. The blind are totally immune to your shoddy attack!

Exactly. You can't hurt me, therefore I still own. :D

09-11-06, 01:39 PM
Grim got you there, Darkstrike. Better luck next time.

Kusanagi Spirit - Diving forward in a headlong charge, I vanish through my opponents for a mere second before appearing a few feet behind them. By the time any of them can turn their head, their bodies disappeared in an expanding cloud of pink vapor.

Don't worry, they didn't feel a thing except sheer terror.

09-11-06, 01:55 PM
Nope, I gave you an ability hahahaha

that doesn't even qualify as an attack lolz.

09-11-06, 02:39 PM
i got another one

Super XBOX attack! Kai throws the worlds largest, 50 ton games console at any potential victim

They are rendered so dumb struck that when hit, they are first pixeleted, and are eventually downgraded to 8 bit. the character must then start from lvl 0 again!!!

09-12-06, 05:21 AM
Kaiser... That is just downright nightmarish... *shudders*

09-12-06, 11:32 AM
Stabby Rip Stab Stab: Velius invokes deep seated feelings of self hatred and mutilation, causing everyone to complain about their lives when they have no real problems, wear women's pants (if male), and write crappy poetry. They will henceforth be known as emo, and Chuck will take care of business like he always does, because Chuck hates crappy poetry.

09-12-06, 07:39 PM
Exactly. You can't hurt me, therefore I still own. :D

Yeah except I can fight better while blind than you since I don't rely on metal sensing.

Seth's Level 50 Spell would have to be...

Malice - Upon saying the words, "Out of my sight" Seth unleashes his most devastating attack. Forming an orb of pure darkness, the void of all light, he tosses it at the speed of an arrow. By sheer malice alone he can erase a person from existence, making the world forget they were ever born, or existed. History will contain no record of the person, and memories are wiped as the victim is painfully erased screaming in agony.

09-12-06, 07:42 PM
That sounds like a challange Pat. You and me in the Citadel or ToW, no source of light? Just let me know.

Artifex Felicis
09-12-06, 07:55 PM
Time for a serious one after some, you know, thought.

Yarn Domination: Quite simply this is a master of all yarns down to the sub-atomic particle, as well as their manipulation and unraveling. For example, the user could unravel a sword slash coming at the user, then do so for the rest of the person attacking and destorying them.

Think re-arranging basically anything =P

09-12-06, 07:57 PM
All I'd have to do is take the lungpoppers off and keep ebony and ivory off me and it'd be unfair. Spite and Malice are stone and bone respectively. Besides, I can light up the area if I need to. (See Eight faced compass for reason why)

09-12-06, 07:59 PM
Pat, go read my ability called "Spirit sense"

09-12-06, 08:10 PM
Do you guys want your medal and cookies after, or during your argument?

Vesuvius: Harnessing his lavamancy skills, July draws power from the core of the planet and summons an eruption in a place of his choosing. It is preceeded by a powerful earthquake, before a large, fresh volcano forms, and consumes everything within it's reach in flames.

09-16-06, 03:27 PM
*Hoards the cookies*

give them there medals, but the cookies are mine alone *Grr*

Aura of bad luck: Within a 50 mile radious of the user, unexplainable things that can only be assosiated with bad luck (or insanity) randomly happen to any potential vict ... err person. The random occurances involve, Falling kitchen sinks, Flying pigs, alien abductions, dragons with a strong scottish accent, even my personal fav, SPONTAINIOUS COMBUSTION!!!! that or someone forgot how to burp.

... ya know, i actually this sort of stuff already happenes regardless of being lvl 50 or not, either way

... touch a cookie and kai will punch you untill you die, use the citadel to revive you, and then repeat the prossess until someone gives him a cookie ... never piss off a money boy

09-16-06, 03:36 PM
Momento Mori - A thought that kills. Lisean wills the target dead without so much as a word or gesture.

09-16-06, 03:43 PM
What the fuck!? - For some odd reason, Lucien has the ability to make someone's genitals take on a life of their own and speak a foreign langauge. The genitals cause their owner to go completely insane and commit suicide.

09-16-06, 03:59 PM
Clone! sorta...: Eris uses her demon powers to create a clone of the victim that is way more annoying and won't leave the victims side unless it's to ruin the victims reputation and the only way the clone can die is if the victim dies.

09-16-06, 04:14 PM
One kai is bad enough, having two around would cause the end of the world as we know it!

09-16-06, 08:28 PM
Braggity brag brag: Leopold refers to aspects of his character design that no one else knows or really cares about to show how creative he is.

JK! The actual ability is creating a glacier and dropping it on your head.

Sighter Tnailog
09-16-06, 11:18 PM
Dirks shoots a bullet through your character's skull and your character dies.

Pretty much just like he can do now.

That's the best argument against guns on Althanas that I've ever heard.

09-18-06, 08:41 AM
Ohh this sounds fun. Level 50 move one hit kill for Dakkon...

Decimate: A sudden compressiong of space bettween two plans, which follows Dakkon funneling astral energys bettween the two spaces, the sudden decompression of space creates a sudden imposive shockwave which draws all matter within its range into the void. (Cone shaped feild of effect.)

You asked >_>.

09-19-06, 01:40 PM
Meh, usual archer one hit kill... Rain of Arrows: Séreméla shoots a single arrow at her target and as the arrow moves through the air, it splits into hundreds of smaller arrows ripping her target into tiny chunks. teehee I violent

Falcon Darkflight
09-23-06, 01:33 PM
Maelstrom - Canen uses a massive sphere of Dark Matter energy to obliterate a target. The gravity disruptions in the sphere can tear cattle in two as if they were made from wet rice paper.

09-23-06, 02:02 PM
Does it tear anythingo ther than cattle, or do you kill cows exclusively?

09-23-06, 02:09 PM
Canen never did like cows ... thats why he is all angsty ... they ate his Neko plushie when he was a kid ^_^

09-24-06, 01:53 AM
I'd like to correct myself.

Perfectly Accurate Sly Striker: Allows Banda to strike every joint in the body with the weapon he has equipped. If opponent does not have bones and/or humanoid shape then Banda is allowed to strike his opponent 64 times before ending his ability. If the opponent is lvl 0-5 it is an instant kill, if the opponent is lvl 6-20 then he/she is given a few minutes to live. if the opponent is lvl 21-30 then the opponent will be allowed an hour to live. If the opponent is lvl 31-40, then they will be crippled. If opponent is 41-49 they will be moderately damaged, if opponent is lvl 50 damage will depend on character him/her self. This move can be used 10 times.

09-27-06, 01:25 AM
Pure Dumb Luck: Before the match, Sheex's foe trips on a rock and splits their own head open. Sheex then exagerates the story to epic proportions including, but not limited to, ray guns, dragons, nude women, wrathful Gods, angery mobs, deadly swordsmen, and giagantic demons.

Oh, and a cat. Gotta have a cat.

09-27-06, 01:46 AM
Gotta have a cat, huh? *splits your head open with a fork*

Panthera Cannon: Raven makes a call on his ComLink unit and the "Pride of Felasia" fires its ion cannon onto the target. The effect radius is only 20 yards across, but the crater left behind will be as deep as Haidia. Of course, Raven also has to get the hell outa the area or else he'd be caught in the blast himself.