View Full Version : Character Introductions gameshow

12-04-13, 02:52 PM
Okay, In this thread I will ask a general question about a character. I want you to answer it as if you were telling somebody about your character. I will have a new question Saturday each week (Starting this Saturday) and I will answer each question myself. You can choose to write all your alts separately using their profile.

First Question:
What is your characters favorite food?

My Answer:
Sorish doesn't really have to eat, however, when he does eat he loves grilled squid.

12-04-13, 02:55 PM
Abrinano loves all food. However, give him a plum and he will "Hate you for all eternity."

Miss Relt
12-04-13, 02:58 PM
Korra, just like Sorish, doesn't require food. However, she loves the taste of flounder.

Dead & Walking
12-04-13, 02:59 PM
Seriously, you have to ask? It's human flesh.

Vampire Of Grace
12-04-13, 03:00 PM
Believe it or not, Silvidar doesn't drink blood straight from the vein. Instead he empties a blood bag into wine.

12-04-13, 03:03 PM
Timothy loves sweets. Give him anything sweet and you will find him devouring it in seconds.

12-04-13, 03:03 PM
I... never thought of Ashla's favorite food... However, I've always seen her eating apples for some reason...
So I'd have to say she loves apples.

The Inventor
12-04-13, 03:04 PM
Just like millipedes, Invetisto loves his cabbages.

12-04-13, 03:08 PM
Jaliban loves sea corn which is a candy the coralian children bring him sometimes when they come to play.

12-04-13, 03:08 PM
Never thought about a favorite food. I suppose I would see Lye as a connoisseur of fine stews. It is the most common type of food in the colder climates of Slavar, but a fine stew with the right meat and seasonings would be ultimate. Aside from that, he seems like cajun seared meat type of guy. Anything still pink in the middle with a little char on the outsides. Something exotic too, like Ashkole Lizard flanks or a Manticore Fillet.

12-04-13, 03:09 PM
Turtle is an average tortoise who loves dandelions the best.

Silence Sei
12-04-13, 03:23 PM
Eggs in a basket.

Nough Said.

12-04-13, 03:28 PM
Date wine, poppy falafel, and Ryuu Dhaal.

12-04-13, 03:37 PM
I never looked at this kind of stuff, i'd guess Brand would like a nice juicy slab of steak. Cooked medium of course.

Fox Owen Xavier
12-04-13, 04:41 PM
Hmm, I suppose Fox would like to eat a nice lightly cooked (mostly raw) rabbit or chicken with a nice herb tea to drink.

12-04-13, 04:54 PM
Boar cooked by his own flames. Nothing like homemade.

Amber Eyes
12-04-13, 05:54 PM
Kyla is a strawberry nut. Though she has enjoyed a twice baked potato or two....:P

Enigmatic Immortal
12-04-13, 09:22 PM
There is no question. Twice Baked Potato.

12-12-13, 11:16 AM
Okay, if you haven't answered the first question and you want to then write (1) then your answer.

Question 2:
What would your character do if he found a wolf pup all alone?

My Answer:
He would probably help it search for it's mother.

12-12-13, 11:16 AM
Probably try to eat it

12-12-13, 11:17 AM
Barnabas would just ignore it and sneak away.

Miss Relt
12-12-13, 11:17 AM
Korra would pick it up and raise it.

Dead & Walking
12-12-13, 11:18 AM
Grond would turn it into a zombie

Vampire Of Grace
12-12-13, 11:18 AM
Silvidar would ignore it then fly away.

12-12-13, 11:19 AM
Timothy would search for it's mother and if he couldn't find her then would raise it himself.

The Inventor
12-12-13, 11:20 AM
Invetisto would raise it until it is an adult then skin it for it's fur.

12-12-13, 11:20 AM
Turtle would hide in his shell until it goes away.

12-12-13, 11:21 AM
(2) Most likely not give a flying f*ck, but there may be a moment to where he would bring it back to HQ to be trained for use in combat or hunting. It shall be named Mr. Bitey, or some foreign word in another language that sounds awesome. Gotta love them fantasy names.

12-12-13, 11:34 AM
1. Noir was never one to indulge in the sometimes magical flavors of food, or be picky about what it is or where it comes from. She can go weeks without eating due to her odd race. Food to her is a hindrance, something you must do to sustain a bit of life.

2. She would most likely leave it to its own device since she already has a headstrong demon familiar stalking her.


12-12-13, 11:45 AM
Ashla would most likely take it in, like with Fireleaf.

12-12-13, 11:50 AM
Wouldn't Fireleaf and the wolf fight though? I recall Fireleaf being a spunky little feline.

Fox Owen Xavier
12-12-13, 12:02 PM
Fox doesn't care too much about other races other than Foxes and Kitsunes. Although, he might see the use of having a test subject for new potions... After all, a Fox and a Wolf aren't too far apart compared to some other animals.

Sir Walter
12-12-13, 12:07 PM
Sir Walter would definitely try to take care of it and either try to get it to the point where it could survive in the wild or else someone else to adopt it. Although, animals tend not to like undead things so Sir Walter might have a problem trying to help it...

The Hollow
12-12-13, 12:10 PM
Wait for it to die, then use it as a new host body.

12-12-13, 05:27 PM
Wouldn't Fireleaf and the wolf fight though? I recall Fireleaf being a spunky little feline.

Lol! ... ... I just thought of that...

Well, if that does happen we'll just have to see. I planned at one point to give Ashla another cat along with Fireleaf, a kitten; so I do wonder where another animal would take Fireleaf too regarding his spunky-ness and his attachment to Ashla; Ashla wrote half of her personality and back story herself (I just starting writing and bam, Ashla's greatest fear suddenly appeared out of nowhere...) so that will have to write itself out too if that ever happens.

Amber Eyes
12-12-13, 11:08 PM
Kyla would bring it home and give it to Akiv as a pet :)

Silence Sei
12-12-13, 11:21 PM
Sei would make it a member of the IK, where it would go on to become the most bad ass wolf guardian ever.

12-14-13, 12:59 AM
1) I have no idea... Perhaps beef katsudon, Talen's quite fond of Akashima, and its cuisine. Nothing raw or too meaty (ie not a steak).

2) Raise it to be evil :D Probably as some point performing an induction to N'Jal to give it freaky powahs.

Invetisto would raise it until it is an adult then skin it for it's fur.

*spits out drink*

http://fb8eea8e6720e1a7cbf1-62bd5d1d72f968e074436330ad481e2a.r42.cf2.rackcdn.c om/f6b0e627139b160bffd66ef3848be2c7.jpg

Sei would make it a member of the IK, where it would go on to become the most bad ass wolf guardian ever.

Lets be fair, the phrase 'Sei would make it a member of the IK' applies to 90% of what Sei does.

Aurelianus Drak'shal
12-14-13, 06:44 AM
Aur's hasn't had sex with a wolf yet...

01-16-14, 08:54 PM
Okay, Sorry for the delay guys. Question number three is:

What is your character's favorite color? Why?

Sorish's is White. The reason for this is because it is symbolises purity.

01-16-14, 08:56 PM
Abrianano's is green because most vegetables are green.

01-16-14, 08:56 PM
Barnabas loves brown because his home world is mostly brown with a little color here and there.

Miss Relt
01-16-14, 08:57 PM
Korra's favorite color is blue because that is the color of Sorish's skin.

Random Stranger
01-16-14, 08:58 PM
The random stranger's favorite color is black because it represents obscurity.

Dead & Walking
01-16-14, 09:00 PM
Now that he's a zombie, Grond's favorite color is tan because it reminds him of human flesh. Before he turned, his favorite color was yellow because it reminded him of the sun.

Vampire Of Grace
01-16-14, 09:01 PM
Silvidar loves red because it is the color of blood.

Silence Sei
01-16-14, 09:02 PM
Orange, matches his hair.

01-16-14, 09:03 PM
Timothy's color is any form of red because it shows fierceness. It also helps that his wife is a red colorian.

The Inventor
01-16-14, 09:04 PM
Invetisto loves gold because it is the color of wealth.

01-16-14, 09:05 PM
Jaliban loves blue because it is the color of the ocean.

01-16-14, 09:07 PM
Turtle loves purple because it is the color of his favorite lettuce.

General Roy
01-16-14, 09:08 PM
Roy's favorite color is redish-orange because it is the color of his pet fox Naruto

Core Beast
01-16-14, 09:10 PM
Downfall's favorite color is silverish-blue because that is the color that is shown when he lights up his halls.

01-16-14, 09:12 PM
Bella loves all the colors on the color wheel because flowers come in every color.

01-16-14, 09:24 PM
Guess... Seriously... Starts with a "C" and ends in "son". Something about a "rim" in the middle.

01-16-14, 09:51 PM

01-16-14, 11:34 PM

01-17-14, 06:15 AM
I have this planned.

Phi's favourites:
Food is chicken
Colour is purple
Animal is fox, or perhaps goat, she is not sure
Season is autumn (fall, to you weirdos)

The whole wolf-pup thing. She'd likely actually kill it, put it out of its misery. Better be kind that submit it to a life without a mother.

Fox Owen Xavier
02-06-14, 06:03 PM
Hoytti, are you planning to introduce a new one sometime? One idea I had was what is your character's greatest fear (and why if you care to talk about it). Well, feel free to take that or post something else.

02-06-14, 11:24 PM
I like your idea Fox. Okay, Character's Greatest fear.

Sorish's Greatest fear is the loss of Korra.

02-06-14, 11:25 PM
Abrinano's greatest fear is to be stuck in a place that never even heard of food.

02-06-14, 11:27 PM
Barnabas's greatest fear is actually cat's.

Miss Relt
02-06-14, 11:28 PM
Korra's greatest fear is war. The reason is because both her parents and Sorish's parents died in one.

Random Stranger
02-06-14, 11:29 PM
Random Stranger is afraid of worms. The reason is because he was beaten up by an earthworm while trying to place it on a hook.

Dead & Walking
02-06-14, 11:30 PM
Grond's afraid of the any body of water. The reason is because he nearly drowned when he was young.

02-06-14, 11:31 PM
Timothy has a fear of centipedes.

The Inventor
02-06-14, 11:32 PM
Invetisto is afraid of Birds, The reason is because they are the natural predators of his species.

02-06-14, 11:33 PM
Jalaban is afraid of Adults. They are a lot bigger then him which makes them scary to him.

02-06-14, 11:34 PM
Turtle doesn't really fear anything anymore. But then again, if you survived 1000 years and had a hard shell would you?

General Roy
02-06-14, 11:35 PM
General Roy fear his drams. He has PTSD due to his time fighting in WWIII.

Core Beast
02-06-14, 11:38 PM
Isn't it obvious? water.

02-06-14, 11:40 PM
Bella is afraid of fire. You'll see why when we get to her first story.

02-07-14, 07:04 AM
Ashla's greatest fear is that she is completely worthless in life and that nobody cares for her.

02-07-14, 07:04 AM
Julius fears the loss of Ashla.

02-07-14, 07:05 AM
Dawn fears the loss of her MONEY!

02-07-14, 09:40 AM
Fears? Lye does not have any fears. Well, that's not entirely true. He had fears. There was a day that his biggest fear was loosing his wife, daughter, and sense of purpose, but that has already come to pass. Unbeknownst to him, he fears falling in love with someone again. He fears his own memories, and he fears having to experience that loss again.

Fortunately for him, his cold demeanor does not make him the prime example of marriage material, nor is he the lovable type. A certain someone seems to be making some attempts (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26140-Soothing-The-Blood-Thirsty-Fires-Within) despite this.

02-07-14, 09:45 AM
My loss of freedom. I fear being restrained, caged, or chained down. My life has been spent fulfilling the whims of another and now that I can live the life I've lost, I never want to know that horror again. Should it somehow happen, I will fight tooth and nail until I breath free air.

The Hollow
02-07-14, 09:50 AM
I have lost all sense of fear. I do not fear death for I am not of the living. I do not fear loss for I have nothing. I am a husk. If there is anything I fear, it is never finding my sense of purpose. I do not know why I am here or for what I am destined. I fear never finding the truth.

02-07-14, 09:53 AM
The fall of my people. We are a shadow of what we once were. Should someone ever step into the roles of the next Xem'Zund, my greatest fear will have come to pass. With the Obsidian Spire broken and the dark necromancer sealed, I am relieved. Still, the haunting possibility lingers deep in my heart.

02-07-14, 11:24 AM
To never know the truth. Of my father, of my lineage, of my destiny. I fear dying, alone and unknown, lost to history without ever finding the answers I seek.

02-07-14, 11:41 AM
I'm working on it, Siegfried. :)

Erm, uh, Madison secretly fears not having a purpose in life, although she'd never admit that to anyone, even herself.

Fox Owen Xavier
02-07-14, 01:42 PM
Although Fox will never admit it, he fears betrayal by friends. A large part of it has been through his childhood where his parents left him and he had a few cases where his friends left him or betrayed him in other ways. Additionally, in his travels, people have cheated, lied to him, and imprisoned him. Thus, Fox refuses to let people get too close to him and never fully trusts most people (He does trust his mentor or he would be dead by now but that's about it).

02-07-14, 03:51 PM
Callan's greatest fear is being powerless or helpless.

02-08-14, 05:38 AM
Noir fears freezing over again, well, she has more so accepted that it will eventually happen—but that fact is still troublesome.

02-08-14, 08:51 AM
Philomel fears... herself I guess. Mort is dead, so she doesn't fear him anymore.
That or falling in love.
Maybe falling in love. *nods* Yup she fears that.

Amber Eyes
02-08-14, 09:02 PM
Kyla is terrified of being forgotten.

02-08-14, 09:09 PM
What would a character do if they found themselves on an island with no food or water?

What kind of question is that? Sorish is a sea creature. He'd just walk into the ocean.

02-08-14, 09:12 PM
Abrinano would constantly say "I'm not hungry" as he scours the entire island for food.

02-08-14, 09:13 PM
Tourneymant would just walk across the water until he found land.

Miss Relt
02-08-14, 09:14 PM
Seriously? She would enter the seas, just like Sorish.

Amber Eyes
02-08-14, 09:14 PM
Shadow step off the island of course.

Random Stranger
02-08-14, 09:16 PM
Stranger would just summon an eagle and fly off the island.

Dead & Walking
02-08-14, 09:17 PM
Grond would just sit there and wait for the next unlucky person to get stuck there then turn them into a zombie. Eventually the island would be known as Zombie Island.

02-08-14, 09:18 PM
Timothy would just jump dimensions.

The Inventor
02-08-14, 09:19 PM
Invetisto would end up being roasted bug.

02-08-14, 09:20 PM
Jaliban would end up being fishsticks.

02-08-14, 09:21 PM
Turtle would just swim to the next island to rest, then to the next, then the next until he found a habitable island.

General Roy
02-08-14, 09:23 PM
Roy would eat fish until the next ship comes by.

Core Beast
02-08-14, 09:24 PM
Island? How did downfall even get there? His fire goes out and he is dead.

02-08-14, 09:25 PM
Just complain about the lack of flowers and then plant some with seeds she always carries with her.

02-08-14, 10:04 PM
Ashla would flip out for an entire day, then get into her survival plans...

02-08-14, 11:20 PM
Duke would just use his wings to flutter away.

Fox Owen Xavier
02-09-14, 08:26 PM
Fox might decide to actually try out some rituals he has been reading about to find out some way of escaping either through teleportation or summon something to save him.

02-09-14, 08:26 PM
Look around to see if there are any 'toys' on the island. If not, fly off to find them some other place.

Sir Walter
02-09-14, 08:31 PM
For the better or worst, Sir Walter doesn't need such things being undead. Still, he would probably try to find a way off somehow. Maybe build a boat or something since he is kind of immortal. Either that or 'kill' himself and hope he revives some place else.

02-11-14, 01:35 AM
Talen would teleport away. If he couldn't he'd probably try to make a raft. He doesn't technically need to eat, but he'd be pretty grumpy about the whole thing.

02-12-14, 04:07 PM
Brand doesnt need food. He's a massive clay statue. But, he'd probably just try to swim, and drown.

03-03-14, 12:40 PM
How's about another question Hoytti?

Might I suggest: What is your character's ideal partner, companion, lover, etc?

03-03-14, 02:11 PM
Okay, what do you think would be your character's Animal Guide?

Sorish's animal guide would be manatee.

03-03-14, 02:15 PM
Abrinano's animal guide is the ARGENTINEAN WIDE-MOUTHED FROG

03-03-14, 02:17 PM
Barnabas's animal guide is the Bangled Tiger

Miss Relt
03-03-14, 02:20 PM
Korra's animal Guide is the Sea Turtle.

Random Stranger
03-03-14, 02:35 PM
The mysterious stranger's animal guide is the Tsuchinoko

Dead & Walking
03-03-14, 02:39 PM
I'm sorry, but can a zombie have an animal guide?

03-03-14, 02:42 PM
Timothy Gold's would be a bear.

The Inventor
03-03-14, 02:45 PM
Invetisto has an otter for his Animal Guide.

03-03-14, 02:50 PM
Jaliban has an otter for his animal guide.

03-03-14, 02:51 PM
Turtle is an animal, he doesn't need an animal guide.

03-03-14, 02:53 PM
Lye's would be the raven, or dire wolf. Preferably a black one.

General Roy
03-03-14, 02:55 PM
General Roy has a fox... I even checked it online.

Core Beast
03-03-14, 02:58 PM
Downfall's animal guide would be a spider.

03-03-14, 03:01 PM
Bella's is a swan.

The Mad Scientist
03-03-14, 03:05 PM
Dr. Steam is a fox at heart.

03-03-14, 03:16 PM
Ashla's would probably be a kitten. They seem innocent and cuddley at first, but then you get to see how annoying, stubborn, and scary they can be! >_>

07-30-15, 04:54 PM
Hey everyone I got another question for you.
What is your character's greatest regret?

Sorish: My greatest regret is causing the war that killed my parents.

07-30-15, 04:55 PM
Abrinano's is that he has never actually tried his brother's food.

07-30-15, 04:56 PM
Tourneymant's greatest regret is not winning any tournament yet.