View Full Version : Laying Claim to Head Quarters

12-06-13, 12:17 AM
In a mountainous alcove of the Terrillian Ridge, located where the crest of the Scavian Deepwoods meet the Great White Expanse:

"Oye, 'ow's your end?" shouted a gruff voice to another silhouette in the distance.

"Hold on," replied an equally hoarse tone before the sound of metal against metal rang aloud. "That'd do it!"

The two stood back in the bustling courtyard of frozen wastes. Both of them gave the longhouse a final appraisal of their work, taking a moment to reflect on the myriad of similarly crafted buildings surrounding the clearing. Each building was crudely, yet robustly shaped from the local lumber of the Scavian Deepwoods to the south and quarried stone from the steeps of the nearby Terrillian Ridge. They were a perfect reflection of the ruffians, thugs, and esteemed assassins who would soon call this establishment home.

"You two!" Roared forth a voice from behind. A man of slender stature, narrow eyes, thin glasses, and elegant posture produced himself. In his hands, he held a thin board stacked with thick parchment. "How are the final touches on the Great Hall?"

The two, being rather threatening men themselves, jumped at the familiar voice before they turned about. The contrast between the two types of men as akin to snakes versus wolves. Both were sinister in their appearance, yet the translation of which was vastly different.

"Uh! That was th' last of 'em!"

"Fixed th' loose panel 'n th' southwest wing. Should be sound as a Coronian baracks."

"Good," the man scribbled some information on his papers. "Check with the crew working to craft the quarry into a training chamber." He did not look up. Instead, he carried himself off to another site. The overseer pointed a crooked stick of char and another series of shouts sounded towards a distant group of workers.

Immediately after he left, the remaining two relaxed their postures to the usual thuggish canter. They gave each other a smug look, both fetching leather pouches from their sides. An exchange of coin was made.

"This's robbery!" one spoke.

"He ne'er looks yeh in th' eyes! Pick a better bet, next time!"

The two trudged through the fine powder, trampled by repeated paths to and fro. They ventured around the recently completed great hall and into a large cavern carved from the ridge-line. Into the darkness and cacophony of sundered tools they vanished.

"Everyone! Attention!" yelled the fox-eyed character, tucking his papers under his arm. His posture righted even more than one would assume possible. Weathered people of varying sizes, attire, and race halted their current agenda. One by one, they turned to face an approaching figure. Some acted nonchalant, others attempted a formal posture. All of them recognized the importance of the athletic form emerging from the winter haze. The crimson scarf flicked with each step.

"Sir, the fortress is nearing its final renovations," reported the figure touting the stack of parchment.

Clad in furs of sewn together arctic fox, Lye Ulroke continued his gait towards the largest central building. Anxiously and with a scattered step, the reporting overseer followed.

"Is the Great Hall finished?" Lye inquired with a cold, firm voice. His eyes locked at the massive structure of his current destination.

"Yes, Sir."

"Good." He came to a stop within feet of the large wooden doors garnished with wrought iron bands and menacing spikes. "What else remains?"

The overseer adjusted his glasses in a fluid motion while the other produced the board and papers tucked beneath his arm. Several pages were flipped, a twitch of his head for every line he reviewed.

"We are adding finishing touched on the training chamber you requested. Several of the living halls still need to sealed and reinforced. The perimeter walls need additional defensive structures built and lack walkways. Preventative measures have yet to be applied by the Hands of the Mind. Hands of the Shadow report that the pathways to here are secure and thoroughly prepared to end any strangers unlucky enough to grow near. Lastly, the other constructs you desired to be completed are approximately 90% completed."

As he finished reciting his findings, the parchment was arranged neatly as before and returned underneath his arm. Again he stiffened, seeming either foolish or nervous in his overzealous attempt to display formality.

"Tell them to quicken their haste. Those showing defiance will report to the chamber to explain themselves to me. Make sure that new Ai'Brone monk we recruited is present. Is that clear?"

The overseer made an audible swallow, nodded his head, and adjusted his lenses once more with a shaking hand.

"One more thing." Lye stated, letting sinister emerald irises fall upon his company.


"The preparations in Rubble Town's Eastern District - do we have any word from them?"

The overseer held a finger up as if having a revelation and reached into his azure robes to produce a tightly coiled message. With hands shaking, either from cold or nerves, he unraveled the paper.

"Word from them came this morning. States here that construction is complete and they are to begin business in the morning. There... is also some colorful language from the triefling in regards to his... employees. Overall he seems rather enthused."


The assassin took several steps forward and placed his black leather gloves upon rustic iron handles of the completed Great Hall.

"Today, The Order of The Crimson Hands calls this place home. We will know it as The Black Mist Hollows."

As his final words escaped, he heaved his arms wide and forced open the massive doors. Without another word or a glance back to his overseer, the master assassin carried himself within the expansive confides of his new home. An eerie smile crossed his lips.

Sei, since The Order is easily one of the most active PG's with a large amount of vested interest, I am laying claim to an HQ without the need to orchestrate a Clan War. The reasons behind having a Clan War seems forced in the current state of activity. With the members I have enlisted, the only logical war would be with the IK or one of attrition with the smaller PGs. I need a greater incentive for my members and the effort they have put forth into helping me make this happen. To prove that I have a large active role, I have linked the ongoing PG threads below. All of which have been posted in within 30 days.

Pact of The Fallen (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26402-Pact-of-the-Fallen&p=219910#post219910)
Soothing the Blood-Thirsty Fires Within (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26140-Soothing-The-Blood-Thirsty-Fires-Within)
Killing on a Prayer (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26224-Killing-on-a-Prayer)
Protection from Thine Protectors (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26375-Protection-From-Thine-Protectors)
The Stepless Thief (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26374-The-Stepless-Thief%28Closed%29&highlight=The+Stepless+Theif)
Chasing Legends - Part One (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26241-Chasing-Legends-Part-One) (Which Brought Slayer of The Rot back.)
League A (Interdivision): Zack Blaze v. Lye (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26288-League-A-%28Interdivision%29-Zack-Blaze-v-Lye)
League A (Division 2): Enigmatic Immortal v. Lye (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26282-League-A-%28Division-2%29-Enigmatic-Immortal-v-Lye)

Also, I have brought in several new members and host the Death Auctions (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?26386-Death-Auctions). I have several more plans ahead; all of which will require an HQ to create a few sub forums and EXP/GP incentive to encourage activity.

If anyone has an issue with this, they may stand their ground now. If so, this will be a call to arms.

The Inventor
12-06-13, 01:00 AM
The Trading Company gives you full support as we will eventually like to build our own HQ in the outlands without war. If you are in any need of material and transportation, give us a call and we will work something out.