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View Full Version : Help with some character family ability develomnets

12-09-13, 07:53 PM
(That last word is spelled "developments" not that^!! Could a moderator please fix that?)

Okay guys, I have the perfect idea! While the Icebreaker family has all kinds of abilities I've already come up with, I still needed to find something for the Tabor family. Well I've got it!

At the age of eighteen (Julius Tabor is currently seventeen), each family member with the dominant allele receives and entire line of blood-line eye abilities. Most of these abilities affect the mind; barely any of them do anything outside of what's going on inside the head. The Tabors also control fire with telepathy (which is also within the head, see what I did there?) I still need technique suggestions and a name for this entire eye thingy though. So far, I came up with one name:
Honoodoko (Honoo is the Japanese word for "flame", "Doko" is the Japanese word for "pupil (eye)")

What do you guys think? And any technique/ power suggestions? (And before you ask, I did get a lot of this from the Uchiha clan, I'n trying not to make it a copy though, so some help on keeping this original would be awesome!!!)

Here are the abilities I've got so far:
Consume Fire (I'm so terrible at giving titles!): At the most, a Tabor member can control great lengths of fire. At the least, fire the size of a bottle.
Fire Bird: a fire bird the size of an eagle swoops down once onto the battlefield.
Fire Gout: (idea from Prophet) The Tabor family member calls fire from the earth in an eruption of lava

Eye Abilities:
Catch Fire: A Tabor member can catch fire on anything inflammable by looking at it.
Find Memories: A Tabor member can look into somebody else’s memories a save it as their own by making eye contact.
Give Memories: A Tabor member can look into somebody else’s eyes and give them a memory from their or somebody else’s mind.
Hypnotize: Title speaks for itself!
Remote Viewing: (idea from Sylvia Brewster) Where one is able to look through the eyes of another. Useful for espionage or devising a stratagem.
Black Eye Spectacular: (idea from Prophet) With a hard stare, and some concentration, the respective user of this ability can make a person go blind for at the least, a few seconds, at the most as far as a month.


Any suggestion for any abilities I could use for the Icebreakers as well would be great. They do not use eye techniques.

Sylvia Brewster
12-15-13, 07:00 AM
Just two I thought of while reading your post.

Remote Viewing - Where one is able to look through the eyes of another. Useful for espionage or devising a stratagem.

Ocular Projection - One is able to project illusions from their eye wherever their gaze lies.

I know these aren't the best but it's been a long night. X) Hope it helps.

12-15-13, 07:17 AM
Just two I thought of while reading your post.

Remote Viewing - Where one is able to look through the eyes of another. Useful for espionage or devising a stratagem.

Ocular Projection - One is able to project illusions from their eye wherever their gaze lies.

I know these aren't the best but it's been a long night. X) Hope it helps.

I like the first idea a lot! :) Thanks!

12-15-13, 07:30 AM
Fire Gout-The Tabor family member calls fire from the earth in a small eruption of lava

Tabor Family Black Eye Spectacular-With a hard stare, and some concentration, the respective user of this ability can make a person go blind for a few seconds.

12-15-13, 02:05 PM
Fire Gout-The Tabor family member calls fire from the earth in a small eruption of lava

Tabor Family Black Eye Spectacular-With a hard stare, and some concentration, the respective user of this ability can make a person go blind for a few seconds.

Second one is awesome!