View Full Version : Greetings fellow sentients

Sylvia Brewster
12-12-13, 07:18 PM
So, I've been moseying around this site as a guest for a bit now and thought I would give it a go. Definitely one of the most refined and elegant RP systems I've ever seen on here and I hope that I can help boogie it on up. I'm still waiting for approval but my character's name is Sylvia. I also go by "M", but either one is fine. :)

12-12-13, 07:35 PM
Heyo! Welcome to Althanas!! I looked at your profile, really cool character!

Sylvia Brewster
12-12-13, 07:56 PM
Much appreciated! I totally dig the amount of care and detail in your character and others I've seen on here too. I enjoy it when there's an actual modicum of standards for things like this. Anyway, thank you again!

12-12-13, 08:17 PM
Welcome aboard.

12-12-13, 08:22 PM
Much appreciated! I totally dig the amount of care and detail in your character and others I've seen on here too. I enjoy it when there's an actual modicum of standards for things like this. Anyway, thank you again!

Wait... My character has detail?? And your welcome!! :D

12-12-13, 08:29 PM
Fresh meat...

My own agenda aside, welcome! I or any of the staff here will do our best to answer all your questions and make your stay as entertaining and useful as possible. Be sure to check out the Power Groups, Judges Choices, and the two events we have running. I am one of the judges here that'll be working with you on your completed pieces, but my skill set is extensive. I'm quick to respond should you need anything.

Again, welcome!

Fox Owen Xavier
12-12-13, 08:43 PM
Hello, welcome to Althanas. I'm rather new (just a month or two ago I joined) but the site seems great. Like Lye said, feel free to ask the staff questions (they have been very helpful for me).

Hope you have a great time here,

Sylvia Brewster
12-12-13, 09:07 PM
Thanks again everybody, it's really heartening to see people so friendly on a forum like this. I hope I get a chance to write with all of you!

@Lye, I have actually been doing a little reading on the associated power groups and I must say I really enjoy the concept of the Order of the Crimson Hand. With the back story I have planned out for Sylvia, I think it would be an organization she would delve into with a smile. Are you still recruiting by any chance?

12-12-13, 09:44 PM
Absolutely, and we would be glad to have you. We are in the process of obtaining one of the Headquarters so you and I will have a chat once you are approved to get you started in the right direction! Thanks for taking the time to look the group over!