View Full Version : Eiffiona Winslet

12-14-13, 11:17 PM
{{ This profile is unfinished, since I'm posting from a tablet and it is just not working with me.... Sorry! 12-14-2013 }}

NAME: Eiffiona Winslet
AGE: Sixteen
RACE: Human (Possessed)
GENDER: Female*
HEIGHT: 5'5"*
BODY TYPE: Hourglass and fit*
HAIR: Golden blonde*
EYES: Bright blue*
SKINTONE: Caucasian tan*

* Stats change when possessed

OCCUPATION: Formerly a hunter and gatherer of her parents' woodland cottage, now on the run; ranger
ARMOR: She possesses light to medium leather armor made by her mother's excellent workmanship. She usually wears a tightly fitted leather vest, shoulder guards, bracers, and shin guards, along with a thick belt. It is simple, but well-made.
APPEARANCE: Eiffiona appears by daylight as a pretty young maiden with a bright smile and a curious outlook on her surroundings. She is of average height and has a well proportioned body, toned from an active lifestyle. Wearing usually green tightsleeves shirts and well-made, tailored leather pants and boots, she appears to be exactly what she is within her leather armor - a young ranger.
ITEMS: Other than her clothes, armor, and weapons, she carries a medium sized sack on her back that contains a worn and wellread guide to plants, a few star maps and compass, flint and matches, rope, a medicinal and herbal kit, rations of jerky and a water canteen... the usual things for a hunter to possess... As well as an ornate pendant that she has been told never to take off.

WEAPON / COMBAT SKILLS: Eiffiona is a very skilled archer, but at such a young age could not possibly be a master. Still, she shows high skill and promise. Her bow was passed down to her by her mother, who got it from her mother. Eiffiona does not realize that the bow is enchanted, nor that it is a masterwork fae weapon. The sword perpetually strapped to her hip is simply yet well-made of steel. Her father taught her what swordsmanship he knew, but as a hunter and living in an empty forest, there was little use for the skill and so Eiffiona knows basic sword techniques at best and uses it as a last effort or for intimidation. Eiffiona is also armed with a dirk at her calf, and like the bow is unaware of its enchantment or fae masterwork. Made of steel, she uses it mostlyto skin animals and pry small things out of tight places (like that strawberry seed between her teeth!).
OTHER SKILLS: Due to her early life, Eiffiona was depended upon at an early age to take part in the daily chores of the cottage. Her father taught her the hunting and ranging trade, while her mother taught her the medicinal and cloth and leather making trade. She was taught to read and right, but such skills were not necessary where she lived so the skill is rusty and unused.

HISTORY: When Eiffiona was four, her human parents packed up their belongings in the dead of night and fled into the Forbidden Forest. Her father was convinced that it was not safe for them in the ciry. They took refuge within a collection of ancient rune marked stones when morning began to show, never realizing what they would soon interrupt.

The majestic Seelie Queen of the Forest, Queen Jolena, along with her Queen's guard and Fae Mages were embroiled into a terrible battle with the corrupted spirit of her husband, Lord Poir. She and the mages were using the ancient powers of the stonehenge where the family sought sanctuary as a way to strip the Blackened Spirit from its mortal coil and trap it in a pendant.

Instead, the daughter became possessed with the corrupted King Spirit of the Forest.

Queen Jolena ordered the death of the little girl, but the mother's sacrifice of her life shocked the fae queen, who believed that mortal men were incapable of such acts of selflessness.

In an act of desperation, the father begged the Seelie to let his daughter live, promising that she could learn to control or hold back the spirit of the corrupted Seelie King.

Queen Jolena agreed to not kill the girl - yet - but at a price. The mother's blood was still warm on the stones when the Queen told the father that he must leave his daughter with the fae who could be the only ones trusted to teach the girl how to control the Beast within her. If she did not learn to control it by the time she reached her majority, the Queen would kill the girl.

With a heavy heart, the father agreed and the girl was delivered to two of the mages present who glamoured themselves into appearing as her parents. The Queen, in an act of respect, changed the mother's corpse into a beautiful, eternally blossoming tree within the center of the stonehenge.

For six years, the mages tried to help the girl control the spirit. By daylight, Eiffiona's birghtness and good heart warmed those of the fae parents, but by night, the corrupted spirit of the Forest King took over.

Because they had come to love Eiffiona as their own, and because they could not bear her tears come dawn as she remembered the horrible acts she committed by night, they used the pendant upon her, not only to decrease the spirit's powers always, but to wipe Eiffiona's memories.

Then, they ran. The Fae guards tracked them down and killed both her mother and her father.

Eiffiona does not know WHO is after her, only that she must keep moving, and Eiffiona does not know why on some gray mornings she wakes up with blood on her hands....

POSSESSED NAME: Lord Poir, King of the Forest
AGE: Three eons
RACE: Fae (subspecies; forest spirit)
HEIGHT: 7'11", not including antler height
BODY TYPE: Bipedal although capable of quad, Lord Poir has the antlers of a magestic stag, along with the ears, but has an elderwolf's facial deatures. Although slender and toned of body, he possesses a bear's rounded chest and heavy fur. His arms are hwolven like, with feathers at the upped arms and even upon his powerful shoulders. The feathers diminish as they lower to human like hands, short furred and padded like a bears. His chest narrows into a small waist, and his legs are those of a stags, cloven and slightly feathered at the back. His tail is of a wolf's although it too is slightly feathered.
HAIR: Lord Poir was once all white furred with golden antlers, feathers, and hooves. Since he has been corrupted, he is now all black.
EYES: Lord Poir once had Forest green eyes, but now they are all yellow.

Amber Eyes
12-21-13, 12:38 AM
Hi Fiona! Welcome to Althanas! Just let me know when you are finished adding info. Also, feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

Amber Eyes
01-17-14, 05:34 PM
This profile is NOT APPROVED. If you return and would like this moved back to the registration area please let a moderator know.