View Full Version : (TTC) The Mining Operation (Copper)

The Inventor
12-20-13, 04:36 PM
Invetisto walked through the mountains of Glibaron, a mountain range full of many different ores. Today he decided he would try to find copper. As he came to the entrance of a cave that his scouts told him contained copper he lit his head lamp and went inside, and indeed there was a ton of copper ore deposits sitting in front of him. He looked at the group of minors and said, "Well lets start mining." Invetisto then pulled off his mechanical hand and replaced it with a pick and opened up a storage compartment in his suit to hold all the ore.

Fox Owen Xavier
12-30-13, 01:52 PM
Fox had been quietly gathering some ingredients deep inside the mountain when he felt vibrations and a loud banging noise echoing throughout the mine shaft. “Wasn't this suppose to be an abandoned mine? And more importantly, those fools will wake up the bears at this rate!” thought Fox as he rushed to the entrance. As the kitsune got nearer, he could see lights from the lanterns and numerous miners digging away.

“Stop mining, you fools! Did you guys seriously not explore the mine? There's a whole bunch of hibernating giant bears further in. Seriously, you guys should have taken care of them before you began mining. Not to mention, there's better ore to be found deeper in, I believe.”

Catching his breath, Fox started looking around at the foolish humans. He was shocked to see they were part of the TTC guild he had just joined. Not to mention, the leader of the TTC, Invetisto, was standing there in that machine like body. “I wonder what kind of person could fit in there? And is it even a human?” thought Fox still trying to catch his breath from the sprint.

“If you really want to continue mining, I can help you remove the bears assuming you guys haven't awaken them with that racket you guys made.”

The Inventor
01-10-14, 04:20 PM
Invetisto pailed inside his armor then had his supervisors call everyone to stop. He then turned to Fox. "Please do so as quickly as possible. We need the copper as soon as possible. Bring me any cubs so we can let them grow and skin any adults." He then had everyone else leave the cave and wait for fox to finish.

Fox Owen Xavier
01-10-14, 04:29 PM
Fox sighed with relief as he saw the miners quickly put down their pickaxes and quietly leave the cave. Still breathing a bit heavy from the mad dash, Fox began thinking how best to remove the giant bears.

“Invetisto, I'm going to need some help. Those bears probably weight at least a thousand pounds and I don't have anything to cut them up. As for how to get rid of them, I can use some sleeping smoke to make sure they are completely asleep. But after that, your men will probably have to take care of the rest. Do you men have access to some masks to prevent the sleeping gas from getting into their lungs? Or do I need to give them something to keep them awake?

Also, a word of warning. Given how large those bears are, I might not be able to get them fully asleep with the supplies I have.”

The Inventor
01-10-14, 04:37 PM
Invetisto thought over the question then said, "I think you will have to give them something. I have a filter in my suit so I won't be affected, however they will. Also, here," he handed a knife to Fox, "You can use this to help us skin these bears." He also brought out some cages used for transportation. "We can put the cubs in here until we get back to base." These will be good for our first mounts. If we can train them to let anyone ride them then they will be perfect when they get older.

Fox Owen Xavier
01-10-14, 04:53 PM
“Pardon me, but I was in the middle of gathering some good mushrooms in the back of the cave when your mining operation interrupted. Would you mind if I finish off collecting them after putting the bears to sleep? I'll share some of the potions if I can make some extras,” Fox replied.

“Hmm, I guess those miners will need something to keep them awake... Since I'm not really getting paid, I rather not waste time, effort, and valuable ingredients to make a potion to do the trick. Maybe I'll just do it the cheap way with some burning hot peppers. That would work nicely although I'm not sure how popular I'll be at the end of the day,” Fox mused.

Finally, kitsune decided on the cheap approach and took out some white peppers. “Unfortunately, I'm out of potions that will keep your men away. These 'herbs' should do the trick though. Might be a bit.. 'flavorful' but I'm sure your 'tough' men can handle it,” Fox said as he made up his mind to be far away when the men chewed the peppers.

The Inventor
01-10-14, 06:04 PM
"Understood," Invetisto said then turned to the men. "Men, we are going to skin the adult bears. Fox here will put them to sleep then you will eat these herbs and go in to help me skin them okay here are the herbs and get ready." I then turned to fox and noticed that he was gone and a smoke like substance was in the air. I turned back to everyone and said "Now!" Every man bit down on the herbs and started screaming "Spicy!"

A tick mark appeared above my head. "Get to work, Skin the adults and cage the cubs, NOW!" Everyone scrambled to do as I said.

Smart thinking Fox, spice can ward off any sleep.

Fox Owen Xavier
01-10-14, 07:30 PM
Immediately after handing over the peppers, Fox ran off to go make sure the bears were sleeping. Thankfully, the kitsune had caught the miners quickly so the bears were still in hibernation. “Well, I guess I'll just use the potion to make sure,” he thought as he put a mask on. Taking a small glass tube out of his pocket, Fox popped open the seal allowing a pale white fog to fill the room.

“Well, I wish them the best of luck I suppose. They should be able to get a lot of bear meat, fur, and cubs. Not quite sure how Invetisto plans to tame them but that's his problem, not mine. Also, the ore is much better in this room so I'm sure that will make him happy.

Now, I best be off. I'm guessing those miners don't know how to be quiet, even around bears and might wake up one or two accidentally. Also, I doubt they will be too happy to see me after that spice I gave them. Although, for putting me in danger, I hope those peppers teach them a valuable lesson in scouting the mine before starting.”

Fox scampered off through the maze of tunnels to return the the treasure hoard of mushrooms.

The Inventor
02-16-14, 04:09 PM
Invetisto walked around the room that the bears were found and noticed that there was substantially more ore here then at the front of the cave. Yes, this will do nicely, he thought as he continued to mine the copper ore. His pick swung down nicely as he began to sing, his pick beat in rhythm with the song.

Here in Harlan County, the choices are few,
To keep food on the table and the babies in shoes.
You can grow marijuana way back in the pines,
Or work for the man down in the mine.

You never forget your first day in the hole
There's a pit in your stomach and your mouth's full of coal
There's no turning back once you make up your mind
As the cart rattles on down in the mine

Way down in the mine, your tears turn to mud
And you can't catch your breath for the dust in your lungs
Loading hillbilly gold where the sun never shines
Twelve hours a day, diggin' your grave
Way down in the mine

Well the old timers talk but you just don't believe
It can all go to hell at two thousand feet
Life sways in the balance of nature and time
And fate has no mercy down in the mine

The news spreads like fire and burned through those hills
Hopes were held high but five men got killed
On the wings of canaries, your soul surely flies
While your bones spend eternity down in the mine

Way down in the mine, your tears turn to mud
And you can't catch your breath for the dust in your lungs
Loading hillbilly gold where the sun never shines
Twelve hours a day, diggin' your grave
Way down in the mine

So take a flask from your crib can can and a pull of moonshine
And say a prayer for them boys down in the mine

As soon as the dong was finished, Invetisto looked at what had been gathered. There was a total of ten buckets of copper ore. This should be more then enough to for my project, he thought then looked at the rest of the spoils. Enough bear meat for thirty big steaks, five bear furs, and four bear cubs.

Not bad, now to send the cubs to tamers, the furs to one of our tanners, the meat to the butchers and ore is going to the blacksmith. Invetisto then called everyone that he was leaving and that they were setting up a permanent mine here. Everyone got to work to set up the mine while Invetisto put all the stuff in the cart then got into the front and left the cave with the spoils.

10% of gold we earn will go to The Trading Company Bank (http://www.althanas.com/world/member.php?17316-The-Trading-Company-Bank)
Also... two live bear cubs, an adult bear pelt & meat, & 5 all to the Trading company from my spoils.

Fox Owen Xavier
03-11-14, 07:46 PM
Back in the cave, Fox began unfinished job of gathering the moss and mushrooms. He carefully picked out just what he needed leaving behind extra that would be able to regrow if he ever visited the cave again. As he finished the work, echoing strikes and a song could be heard from the bear room.

“Hmm, should I just run off? Those fools seem to be all muscles and no brains,” Fox mused to himself as he heated a small pot of water. “I wonder if they even realized I used a cheap sleeping potion that probably wouldn't put a fully awake beat to sleep. Then again, those bears were sound asleep so I guess everything worked out.”

Tossing in a few mushrooms and a variety of dried powders into the pot, Fox began to stir the contents. After it took a bluish-green color, the hot watery mixture was poured into a few glass tubes. “Well, I think even the old witch would be happy with these. Main ingredient was as fresh as could be and I'm quite good at keeping a steady temperature after all that training. Guess I'll give one or two to the trading company since I did sign up for the guild. Seriously, it hasn't helped my business opportunities any like I thought but maybe things will pick up.”

Fox skillfully put corks on the top of the glass tubes and wrote out a label.

Poison Resistance Potion.
Made by Fox

Drink the potion to receive resistance to poisons. Against weaker poisons, it will probably cure them or at least reduce the effects. Medium strength poisons, it might not cure but should be able to slow down and/or reduce the effects. Strong poisons especially magical ones, this will probably not do too much other than possibly buying a bit more time to find a healer. Maximum effect should take effect almost immediately and last for up to a day.

Note: The potion does contain magic however, it also borrows from the user's magical energy to achieve its results. This means that if the user has a lot of magical power the effects might be greater than if a normal person used the potion.

HOWEVER, there is two things to watch out for. First, in any anti-magic field or ability, this potion will not work. Second, since it drains a bit of magic from the user, it might also cause the user to feel tired or not be capable of using their full magical powers.

Having enough excitement for the day, Fox quietly dropped a few labeled potions near the entrance in a noticeable spot and then scampered off before anyone saw him.

Tobias Stalt
03-26-14, 01:13 AM
Alright, here is your basic judgment, sirs. To cut down on frills, I'll omit commentary. If you'd like me to give you specifics or helpful advice, just PM me.

Story: 4

Setting: 4

Pacing: 3

Communication: 5

Action: 4

Persona: 5

Mechanics: 4

Clarity: 3

Technique: 4

Wildcard: 4 You guys clearly rushed through this. You had the opportunity to tell a story and show off your characters' skills and intentions, and further develop them; the problem is, you didn't jump at the opportunity. Make sure to write in what your character feels, what they think, and how they express themselves. Everything is an essence, and your job as a writer is to harness that essence and craft a story. You can do it.

Final Score: 40

The Inventor receives 261 Exp, 5 Gold and 3 pieces of Bronze Ore.
Fox Owen Xavier receives 293 Exp and 30 Gold.

11 Gold will be sent to The Trading Company bank. (1 from the Inventor, 10 from Fox)

To both of you: unfortunately, some requested spoils were not available for reward because you did not score high enough. Better luck next time!

Fox, since you did write out the creation of your potion, you can have knowledge of how to craft it for later use at no charge.


03-26-14, 10:26 AM
EXP & GP Added