View Full Version : Holiday Unavailability

12-21-13, 11:54 AM
Happy Holidays Althanas,

For those of you opting to read this, I will be out of town and somewhere in the woods starting December 22 (Happy Birthday on a plane...) until December 31 to visit the girlfriend's parents. During this time, my ability to connect to the cyber world will be limited as I will be out and about. That being said, the best way to contact me will be via PM. I will have to apologize to my fellow combatants since I may not be able to crank out posts until I return. I will try to do as much writing on my flights as possible so I have something to produce when I get back to the dessert.

Lastly, Happy Holidays to everyone and an awesome New Year!


12-21-13, 01:26 PM
Well, happy early birthday!

Aurelianus Drak'shal
12-21-13, 01:37 PM
No worries, cutter.

There will be a post waiting for you in Pact when you get back, and I may even get the chance to think up a few contracts for you. Enjoy your holidays, mate.

12-21-13, 02:38 PM
Have fun!!!

I'll blow up your phone with lots of text messages when I start missing you and your crazy antics. :p

01-03-14, 12:15 PM
Now that I have returned and the Holidays are over, who do I owe posts? I think I owe one to:

Zack in our Battle
Amber in our Battle
Sei in the Magus Cup

Waiting on Ciato in Pact of the Fallen
Waiting on Collab with Noir for Soothing Fires
Owe myself a Solo in Blonde Bombshell

I will admit that I am in much less of a writing mood after the mod work, but I am in a drawing mood. For those that want to tempt me with Gold or a cool character idea, post in: Lye's Art Dump (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?5588)

Thank you!

03-03-14, 12:47 PM
I have a few things I need to share:

To those I owe posts currently, I am sorry for the wait. Please bear with me as I juggle all my current projects. I will get you responses soon and plan to have a post out to everyone before Friday.

I will also be unavailable for the week of March 17th. I will be in Boston attending a convention and will be hella busy. During this time, your best bet to contact me is by PM or text (if you have it). When I return, I will play catch up and get back in the saddle.

03-03-14, 12:58 PM
You're going to be at Anime Boston?! I'm going to be there, too!!! My friends are guests and offered me one of their passes if I help out at their tables, plus I have some work in one their books. We'll be literally right in front of the entrance of Artists' Alley, next to the info desk.

03-03-14, 01:22 PM
For realsies?! I absolutely HAVE to meet you there then! We'll be there all three days! My Lady is just finishing up on her costumes. I might wear a few that I have, but nothing flashy. :p

Now I'm super stoke, Luney Tunes!

03-03-14, 01:34 PM
I'll be cosplaying as... me. Now I feel lame. ; [

03-14-14, 11:50 AM
So, as I mentioned, I am leaving for Boston on Monday next week. That being said, I will not be able to keep up on Althanas up to the point of not even being able to access it. Therefore, I understand that the threads I am in will stall, and that may mean a loss by default in both my war threads.

Enigmatic Immortal, if we can try to power through it this weekend, that would be great. As for Lady in the Ice Reaver, I think that may be a lost cause, but I will squeeze in whatever posts I can.

Requiem of Insanity
03-14-14, 01:36 PM
You mean, I can beat you because of underhanded and shady tactics! Claim my superiority because you aren't there to stop me? Mwahahahahaaha! Default wins! Yes, a true test of my writing abilities!

Ok, so seriously, let's fucking sprint to the finish line. We're almost there.

03-25-14, 10:13 AM
504 unread posts...

You bastards aren't going to make this return easy on me are you?

Fox Owen Xavier
03-25-14, 01:25 PM
Welcome back Lye. We (well, at least I) missed you. Hope you had a good break from Althanas.

03-25-14, 02:02 PM
And still no judgement?

Douche :p

(Kidding. Welcome back!)

03-25-14, 03:04 PM
Yes, the ordeal did not offer me much free time, nor was the vacation as relaxing as desired. I will have to keep stringing you along until I pop them out. I might push them onto another Judge so you don't have to wait. :/

Sorry for the epic fail. I need a vacation with just me, a room with a computer, and delivered meals.

Silence Sei
03-25-14, 03:12 PM
Murder someone, then get on Good Behavior.

Or murder several people make all but 1 look like someone else, and go Hannibal Lecter, refusing to help unless they provide you with stuff like a laptop.

Requiem of Insanity
03-25-14, 03:27 PM
Welcome back sir, glad to see you!

03-25-14, 03:59 PM
Congrats on the Auto-Win Paul! Sorry I didn't cram a few more posts in. I say we finish that fight outside of the war for story. You and I talked about how it ends, so we're all good there.

03-25-14, 04:22 PM
You should read Ozoric vs Tobias, Lye. Outstanding, even if I do say so myself!

03-25-14, 04:26 PM
I kept up on it quite a bit as you wrote. I enjoyed the tactical viewpoints. I was impressed by the dialogue and story you two cranked out with the Gisela style. Kudos, much kudos.

Requiem of Insanity
03-25-14, 05:27 PM
I can do that.